are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery misogyny narcissism oppressed white men rape jokes

The Diceman Goeth

It’s Friday, and I’m feeling lazy. So, apropos of nothing, here’s a video from a couple years ago, featuring a somewhat down-on-his luck Andrew Dice Clay trying to promote some sort of comeback on CNN, and getting booted after he indignantly drops a barrage of f-bombs in response to a less-than-adulatory question.

In case anyone here is too young to remember “The Diceman” in his glory years, this is what got him famous: mixing “Mother Goose” rhymes with rape jokes:

And here he is at the height of his fame, basking in adulation and clearly thinking his life would remain like this forever:

In the end, Andrew Dice Clay’s cultural legacy may be reduced to the sample of him saying “Ohh!” that was used to such memorable effect in this still-played song by one-hit-wonders EMF.

The creepy thing about watching these videos is that, if you ignore the hair, Andrew Dice Clay looks astonishingly like a skeevier, muscle-bound version of Jon Stewart.

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12 years ago

These trolls suck ass. Dirty goat ass.

12 years ago

Or maybe I don’t like to waste any part of my weekend reading the inane musings of rape-goggled aspies.

“I always make sure to catch up during the week, though, because just ignoring websites I don’t like is totally out of the question! Arglebargle I’m an ableist douchecanoe!”

12 years ago

And it took him an hour to come up with “rape-goggled aspies.”

12 years ago

I’m curious what the hell he means by “rape-goggled” anyway. I’m assuming it’s a variation of “you feminazis see rape everywhere!” but that’s a really awkward way of putting it (not to mention, a really good way of revealing that you are a rape apologist asshole).

12 years ago

Truthie has previously gone on record as being amazed that us hysterical feminists would think that engaging in a sex act for which your partner has previously and explicitly denied consent is rape, so yeah, he’s pretty proud of his rape apologism.

12 years ago

I love the term douchecanoe, even if I don’t understand it. Some things just fit.

12 years ago

As a feminist, as a survivor, I’m absolutely horrified at the utter dismissal of rape apology that went on in this thread. Yes, Marcotte just said it was 100-1000 times more likely that someone made up being raped with the intent of raping their partner in the future.

“Statistically speaking, abuse is exponentially more likely than that level of sleepwalking. I’d give him more benefit of the doubt if he wasn’t making her feel bad for responding enthusiastically to a man who—may I remind you—woke her up in the middle of the night for sex. If a woman was like, “Hell yeah, fuck me!” like this guy basically was, and then said she was violated later, she would also be a jerk pulling a head trip. The demand that he read his mind and somehow know that he wanted the opposite of what he claimed in the moment is pretty classic gas lighting.

Like I said, it’s possible. But the combination of both the oddness of the incident and his blaming her for taking enthusiastic consent as enthusiastic consent suggests that the likelier explanation is he woke her up for sex, she went with it, and he decided to concoct a strange story that conveniently means she feels guilty and will likely be afraid to set boundaries with him in the future, out of guilt. Statistically speaking, about 100 to 1,000 times more likely, I’d say.”

When I was assaulted there were about 200 witnesses. I told my assaulter to stop into a live microphone… it was the witnesses’ silence and derision I remember much more than the person who decided to grope my breasts as a form of amusement… that’s the wound that festers, and the wound that will fester if the movement ignores this sort of douchery.