antifeminism crackpottery evo psych fairy tales hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit

Vox Day: Save the world by throwing women out of school

Women going against nature.

The dudes of the manosphere are concerned, deeply concerned, about the fate of young women today who won’t have the opportunity to marry dudes richer and better educated than they are, as they are apparently hard-wired by evolution to do. Turns out when women start investing in good educations and getting good jobs, some of them end up making more than most dudes! Clearly, this portends disaster, for these young ladies, and for civilization itself.

On his Alpha Game blog, reactionary racist doucheblogger Vox Day has a puckish solution to the Hypergamy Crisis: we should just eject a good chunk of women from our universities – as 36 of Iran’s universities have recently announced they will do, starting in the coming academic year, by making 77 different fields of study male only.

Vox explains his, er, logic:

[T]he Iranian action presents a potentially effective means of solving the hypergamy problem presently beginning to affect college-educated women in the West. Only one-third of women in college today can reasonably expect to marry a man who is as well-educated as they are. History and present marital trends indicate that most of the remaining two-thirds will not marry rather than marry down. So, by refusing to permit women to pursue higher education, Iran is ensuring that the genes of two-thirds of its most genetically gifted women will survive in its gene pool.

Well, that’s one … way of looking at it.

No doubt the Iranian approach will sound abhorrent to many men and women alike. But consider it from a macro perspective. The USA is in well along the process of removing most of its prime female genetics from its gene pool as surely as if it took those women out and shot them before they reached breeding age. Which society’s future would you bet on, the one that is systematically eliminating the genes of its best and brightest women or the one that is intent upon retaining them?

Let’s just say I’m going to bet on the one that respects and utilizes the talents of all of its people, instead of treating half the population as little more than egg repositories and baby-making machines.

This isn’t the first time dear Vox has addressed the dangers of allowing women into college. See here for some comments from him that are a good deal worse than the ones I quoted here. (TW: Violence against women.)


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12 years ago

Seriously, everyone should read the Jennifer Armintrout chapter-by-chapter recaps. It eases the pain so much. And then creates a new pain, because apparently there are people who actually like this crap. Not teenagers either, adult women. How depressing.

Reviews are still hilarious, though.

When I read the third book in the Twilight series (I thought the first two were actually not all that bad… I recognize that this is an unpopular opinion, and many of my readers want me to lash out against all things Twilight with the fury of a thousand newborn stars), I said to myself, “There will never be another writer as bad as Stephenie Meyer. It won’t happen.” I feel almost responsible for 50 Shades, like I damned us all to the existence of this book by thinking that. I looked the universe in the face and, laughing, dared it to do its worst. And this is what we have. A twenty-one year old heroine who has never been attracted to any man, simply because he didn’t treat her badly enough, whose sexual awakening comes from nearly being run down by a bike messenger.

12 years ago


I agree very much with her. The Twilight series had its own problems and was poorly written, but it was mindless fluff when I felt like it and I enjoyed it for that reason. Fifty Shades of Wrong is just…fucking…I-I-there aren’t words for how much I hate it.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

A large–VERY large–percentage of what passes for women’s education (or their upmarket, fancy “careers” is empty and vapid posturing; silly and phoney competitiveness of the ten-year-old’s “anything you can do, i can do better” type. Cute enough, I suppose, when one observes it in little girls, who are usually only doing it to please teacher or mommy anyway, but absurd when this competitiveness andvalry emerges in adult females.

Society could only prosper when the vast majority of girls and women were educated APPROPRIATELY. They could be educated to bring joy, beauty, and love into their families, their communities, and, eventually, into the larger world. Men, could be apprenticed, educated, or trained in the various problem-solving and life, work, and prosperity enhancing disciplines that make for success in the larger world. If women suceed in inspiring their menfolk to be more creative and enterprising, so much the better!

Giving women the same “education” as men has turned out to be a bloody mess for everyone. It has far too often pseudo-masculinized women, polluting both families and workplaces with the worst traits of men, and no bravery, intellect, or honesty by way of compensation. Too many “men” have, for our part, become almost pseudo feminine, with kvetching, envy, and just plain bitchiness (I’m not talking about only homos here), and been distracted away from our time honored role as leaders, protectors, and problem-solvers of the family, polity, and race. Nobody has benefited but a criminal New World Order elite on one hand, and a pack of embittered, hopeless, and worthless slobs with nothing but a begging bowl in one hand, and a clenched fist in the other! Civilization, which benefits both men and women (especially the fair sex) both lose, and the up-and-coming generation loses most of all!

12 years ago

I’m not interested in reading it, but there’s only one reason I can think of for smiling at a book like that:

12 years ago

hey Mellertoad, my, mom, my friends who are female nurses, engineers, librarians, science and math teachers and me(well actually I am SAH at the moment but graduated college) would all like to say bite my shiny metallic ass.

Women do just fine when they are educated and working with men, most women DON’T want to be your idealized stepford wife…Why should women be miserable all becaus emen like you can’t handle a strong intelligent woman.

12 years ago

How perfect that Meller turned up right when we were talked about crapfic inspired by a book about a creepy vampire stalker from ye olde days.

12 years ago

yeah really…what do you want to bet that Meller actually thinks that Christian Grey was a GREAT character! How dare those evil feminazis disparage a creepy stalker! He was a real man! *puke*

12 years ago

Oh Gawd more gloom and doom from Meller. Why does it always seem like the end of the world when women become educated and independent? The more options a woman has, the less chance she will settle for a creep like you. At least the good is that dolls don’t have standards.

12 years ago

Dkm’s syllabus on how to properly educate a woman:

How to fart rainbows and lilacs 101
How to beam sunshine and startlight despite personal misery
Hanging on every word he says without noticably drooling 102
Using cotton balls and rubbing alcohol for a perfect complexion.

12 years ago

Cassandra, it seems you summoned him.

The question is: will he stick around if Amys not here?

12 years ago

silly and phoney competitiveness of the ten-year-old’s “anything you can do, i can do better” type.

I suppose that when “anything I can do, they can do better” is true, women’s education must be a terrifying thought.

12 years ago

Of course the up and coming generation are suffering – Meller stole their dolls, the evil bastard.

12 years ago

Yeah but porceline dolls are totally out. My daughter assures me that fur real friends are all the rage.

12 years ago

I must have a 6th sense for this sort of thing.

My friend was telling me about 50 Shades and how great it was. I asked what it was about and she gave me a brief synopsis.

“That sounds like Twilight,” I said.

Of course, I went home and did a little research and found out it is Twilight. Ugh. That this friend likes it is unsurprising (pretty much uninterested in anything not having to do with sex), but then she kept telling me I should read it. Noooo thank you.

RE: Gender silos

A few questions:

What gets stored in gender silos? Gender?? Gametes? Barbie dolls and GI Joes?

And most importantly, how many people are killed every year playing around gender silos?


12 years ago

Kitty video break!

Here’s a cat that loves his person but hates glasses:

12 years ago

I…refreshed the page and found a DKM wall of text. Ima go back to the Fifty Shades chapters recaps now. Those are funny.

12 years ago

KITTY!!! 😀 *dies of a thousand squees*

12 years ago

OMG! Alex! You’re not supposed to forget about breathing while sqeeing!
*starts pumping air into Alex with a small hand bellow*

12 years ago


Too many “men” have, for our part, become almost pseudo feminine, with kvetching, envy, and just plain bitchiness (I’m not talking about only homos here), and been distracted away from our time honored role as leaders, protectors, and problem-solvers of the family, polity, and race.

No Meller, that’s on you. This fantasy you have that you would be a great person if only women were treated as slaves is just that, a fantasy. If for some horrible reason your sick fantasy came to pass, you would still not be a great person. At most you’d be just as mediocre as you are now but women would pretend to like you because their safety depended on it. But in all likelihood you’d just continue alone with your dolls because even the other slavers would be disgusted by you. You are nothing.

12 years ago

@pillowinhell, I don’t know why, but I am in tears right now and laughing very hard.

12 years ago


Hey, that’s a Ukranian woman, what’s she doing with cats? Isn’t she supposed to be, like, throwing herself at the feet of American men or something? THE INTERNET LIED TO ME.

12 years ago


Whoops! Did I leave the bellow connected to the nitrous oxide again?

Dang. I hate it when that happens.

12 years ago


She must not be a real Ukranian woman then.
But seriously, cat videos are the universal language of the internet.

12 years ago

My bank account is still suffering from American Girl Dolls.

12 years ago

Too many “men” have, for our part, become almost pseudo feminine, with kvetching, envy, and just plain bitchiness (I’m not talking about only homos here), and been distracted away from our time honored role as leaders, protectors, and problem-solvers of the family, polity, and race.

You are obviously confused, Meller. There is this book that has been banging around for a few thousand years and the men described in it are kvetching, envying, being just as pissy, doing an incredibly crappy job as leaders, protectors, and problem solvers.
So you see, men have always behaved like people, and so have women.

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