antifeminism crackpottery evo psych fairy tales hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit

Vox Day: Save the world by throwing women out of school

Women going against nature.

The dudes of the manosphere are concerned, deeply concerned, about the fate of young women today who won’t have the opportunity to marry dudes richer and better educated than they are, as they are apparently hard-wired by evolution to do. Turns out when women start investing in good educations and getting good jobs, some of them end up making more than most dudes! Clearly, this portends disaster, for these young ladies, and for civilization itself.

On his Alpha Game blog, reactionary racist doucheblogger Vox Day has a puckish solution to the Hypergamy Crisis: we should just eject a good chunk of women from our universities – as 36 of Iran’s universities have recently announced they will do, starting in the coming academic year, by making 77 different fields of study male only.

Vox explains his, er, logic:

[T]he Iranian action presents a potentially effective means of solving the hypergamy problem presently beginning to affect college-educated women in the West. Only one-third of women in college today can reasonably expect to marry a man who is as well-educated as they are. History and present marital trends indicate that most of the remaining two-thirds will not marry rather than marry down. So, by refusing to permit women to pursue higher education, Iran is ensuring that the genes of two-thirds of its most genetically gifted women will survive in its gene pool.

Well, that’s one … way of looking at it.

No doubt the Iranian approach will sound abhorrent to many men and women alike. But consider it from a macro perspective. The USA is in well along the process of removing most of its prime female genetics from its gene pool as surely as if it took those women out and shot them before they reached breeding age. Which society’s future would you bet on, the one that is systematically eliminating the genes of its best and brightest women or the one that is intent upon retaining them?

Let’s just say I’m going to bet on the one that respects and utilizes the talents of all of its people, instead of treating half the population as little more than egg repositories and baby-making machines.

This isn’t the first time dear Vox has addressed the dangers of allowing women into college. See here for some comments from him that are a good deal worse than the ones I quoted here. (TW: Violence against women.)


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12 years ago

If such a thing even actually exists.

12 years ago

Sorry if any of my posts for the next couple of hours are quirky, idiosyncratic, or otherwise out of the ordinary, for tonight, I am slightly drunk, however only slightly.

12 years ago

Shorter me:

It is so damn tragic that so many men are terrified that liking flower arranging or even getting genuinely emotionally invested in a relationship will make their dicks fall off.

So many issues in our world could be solved if these men could step away from the toxic masculinity and just let themselves become something… anything really. Perhaps most of these people would still be giant assholes trying to control everyone, but at least they’d be less haunted by it and less obsessed with punishing every woman everywhere for not fitting enough into the script to make them homosocial “winners”.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

And of course ‘going their own way’ includes a remarkably large amount of ‘whining on the internet because we keep saying we’re going our own way and the only reaction we get is “fine, bye now”‘.

Cerberus – great post. Especially the last paragraph. It put me in mind of the happiest men I know: they’re far from trapped by that sort of gender-division bullshit.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

That blog is… groovy.

12 years ago

As much as I dislike the traditional female role, it sometimes seems to me that guys have it worse, since being unmanly seems to be in some ways even less acceptable to general society than being unwomanly. I mean just the fact that the spell check accepts unmanly and rejects unwomanly.

I never got any stick for being a girl who didn’t like dolls, but boys who do? Hoo boy. The patriarchy hurts everyone and it’s so sad that some people who are hurt by it respond by trying to enforce it harder.

12 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Cerberus – ditto on your second post!

I think of my beloved, who’s taken up knitting, who sews, who’s loved cooking since he was a little kid, who does cartwheels in the park and can cope with being laughed at when he comes a cropper and lands on his arse, who went totally gaga in public over a new kitty, who can laugh and cry without giving a damn about Not Being Macho Enough. He has joy in life, he’s more alive than any MRA seems to be, and he’s not scared of women or his own emotions. He’s not scared of pinching my knitwear, either, evil wretch, but that’s another story. 😉

And these fools think that rigid patriarchal systems are the way to go? No. Thanks.

12 years ago

I’m never going to understand why these guys even care if women marry, since they don’t seem like great husband/partner/father material. I thought they were anti marriage anyway.

12 years ago

I’ll wait until I’m sober to start contributing again actually, I think that’ll be for the best. Good evening everyone, and goodnight provided I don’t find myself commenting again until the afternoon of tomorrow. At any rate, you lot are awesome, and I hope whatever occurs for you all between now and then is to your satisfaction at the very least, if not better than your minimum standards.

12 years ago

@ embyrr922- Well who is more invested in maintaining the status quo. Further, people aren’t as hard on you for doing boy stuff because boy stuff is more highly valued in our society. Girl stuff is weak and girly and inherently bad, or at least that’s the ideological control. It might seem a bit easier to be a girl trying to play with boy stuff (though I think you might have had it better than others, myself included, and toys these days are becoming increasingly gendered), but it’s only because girls aren’t demeaning themselves with boy stuff.

12 years ago

@embyrr922 As a guy, I find masculinity to be constricting more than anything. People define it mostly by what you are NOT allowed to do while still maintaining it.

I find that the MRA mode of thought is far more common among younger men. It seems that gender roles are far less fluid for them as a rule. In fact, I found gender roles enforced early in life to be far more important all the way back to kindergarten.

I am going to go do some reading on the transmission of gender, because it seems like something that doesn’t exist for kids until we strat putting them together.

12 years ago

Hey, some guy, I gave your new blog a really cool theme

We oughta wander over there and leave some really cool comments! That’ll help flesh it out a bit.

12 years ago

MRA think women are hypergamous cause by their definition all men are higher status than all women. Like timetravellinfool said. My dad frinstance reckons he is above the Queen because he’s a bloke and she isn’t.

12 years ago

@ Pam- I tried, my comment is awaiting moderation. I suspect it will be waiting for quite a bit.

12 years ago

LOL!! My comment is awaiting moderation, too!

12 years ago

Calling a man a woman is the height of insult. I always want to say that gender split seems stronger now than it was before, but t the same time it was far more tangible and life-altering in years gone by.

Still, even amongst “tolerant” folk it seems that gay men are a third gender. Men who have turned in their membership card in the masculine club. People who were ok with gay men being gay, but still reviling them or holding them apart and diminished. This is why I couldn’t stand to watch Will and Grace.

12 years ago

Ugh, Vox Day. I can’t stand Vox Day. Really, the “let’s throw women out of schools” thing seems like an almost enlightened, reasonable view, given Vox Day’s typical standards.

There are very few people I can honestly say that I hate. There are plenty of people who do and say despicable things, but for the most part I don’t truly hate them. I might hate what they’ve done or what they’ve said. I might dislike them. But for the most part I don’t really hate people.

But with Vox Day, it’s different. Vox Day is one of the few people that I truly hate. I suppose that there are some other people out there that hold opinions that are just as awful as Vox Day’s, but for the most part I don’t actively hate those people, so I suppose my hatred for Vox Day might not be all that rational. And I’m sure that hating people in general isn’t a healthy thing to do . . . but good lord, I just loathe the guy.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

@opium4themasses – “Men who have turned in their membership card in the masculine club.”

I’ve sometimes wondered if some of the hostility toward gay men had anything to do with the idea that they’re not doing their bit to control and own women. No idea if it’s any basis in reality, it’s just a random wonder.

12 years ago

I think the important point is that PEOPLE (men and women) should be able to choose the gender role in which they feel most comfortable, whether that is traditional, progressive, or something new entirely. The only person who needs to have an opinion about it is their partner. If whiny dudes on the internet don’t like it, tough shit. Enough of trying to tell people how they need to live. Mind your own business. Civilization isn’t going to collapse. It will change, and you may not like the change, but again, tough shit.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

If whiny dudes on the internet don’t like it, tough shit ur doin it rite. 😉

12 years ago

There’s definitely some hardcore backlash going on these days, though. I definitely have noticed it is waaay more acceptable to say awful things about women and do awful things to women now than it was in the 90’s. That may be what you’re picking up on, Opium. That and young men these days have a hate on for ‘political correctness’ without even having an understanding of what that term means. And, if you are wondering, there is absolutely no way any politician who was not actually suicidal, not just career-suicidal, would ever have questioned a woman’s ability to have her birth control insured, or suggested medically unnecessary ultrasounds be mandatory. And expressing emotional discord wasn’t written off as teenage angst and dismissed as weak and ’emo’- Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vedder, those guys were icons and feminists.

12 years ago


You’re not alone. IMO, the only good thing that Vox Day could possibly do for the world–besides eventually providing sustenance for carnivores and scavengers–is act as a generator once science(!) discovers a way to turn rage into electricity. Could probably power a small Midwestern city with the anger he causes.

12 years ago

You know, I am just a little tempted to wander over to The Good Men Project and post shit they don’t care about over there. Like I was kind of thinking it would be awesome to keep bees- maybe I should leave some bee-keeping articles in one of their comments section because, ya know, I like bees. But it never pays to take an active hand in karma.