antifeminism crackpottery evo psych fairy tales hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit

Vox Day: Save the world by throwing women out of school

Women going against nature.

The dudes of the manosphere are concerned, deeply concerned, about the fate of young women today who won’t have the opportunity to marry dudes richer and better educated than they are, as they are apparently hard-wired by evolution to do. Turns out when women start investing in good educations and getting good jobs, some of them end up making more than most dudes! Clearly, this portends disaster, for these young ladies, and for civilization itself.

On his Alpha Game blog, reactionary racist doucheblogger Vox Day has a puckish solution to the Hypergamy Crisis: we should just eject a good chunk of women from our universities – as 36 of Iran’s universities have recently announced they will do, starting in the coming academic year, by making 77 different fields of study male only.

Vox explains his, er, logic:

[T]he Iranian action presents a potentially effective means of solving the hypergamy problem presently beginning to affect college-educated women in the West. Only one-third of women in college today can reasonably expect to marry a man who is as well-educated as they are. History and present marital trends indicate that most of the remaining two-thirds will not marry rather than marry down. So, by refusing to permit women to pursue higher education, Iran is ensuring that the genes of two-thirds of its most genetically gifted women will survive in its gene pool.

Well, that’s one … way of looking at it.

No doubt the Iranian approach will sound abhorrent to many men and women alike. But consider it from a macro perspective. The USA is in well along the process of removing most of its prime female genetics from its gene pool as surely as if it took those women out and shot them before they reached breeding age. Which society’s future would you bet on, the one that is systematically eliminating the genes of its best and brightest women or the one that is intent upon retaining them?

Let’s just say I’m going to bet on the one that respects and utilizes the talents of all of its people, instead of treating half the population as little more than egg repositories and baby-making machines.

This isn’t the first time dear Vox has addressed the dangers of allowing women into college. See here for some comments from him that are a good deal worse than the ones I quoted here. (TW: Violence against women.)


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And she was terrible when she portrayed Joan Jett.

Of the people to play Joan Jett, Kristen Stewart is not on that list.

Not ever.

12 years ago

Meller: Since ithiliana seems to be away for the nonce:

“graduate student “murdered” by ex-husband”

Take post cited above. Could woman who talks like that (over the ‘net) have such an unpleasant, unfeminine, and just plain horrid personality that she could say something that MAY provoke an unpleasant response from a nearby man who may already be troubled about something else. Look at all of the cases you read about where a murder or vicious assault or rape was committed by a man whose entire life was coming apart, and the very person—his wife–whom he was relying upon to keep what was left of his sanity was turning on him…

Did graduate student take her “how to handle men” or something like that from YOU?

I was explaining that a man who loved his nearest and dearest would do anything to avoid the spousal abuse so often cited on feminuttery websites and blogs like this, because it wouldn’t get him what he wanted! I would rather be kind, gentle, and loving to a woman than beat,rape, or kill her, and so would most men, for obvious reasons!

You don’t love women; you love the idea of slaves and property.

12 years ago

I’ve seen three people reading 50 Shades of Grey on the subway… all middle aged men.

12 years ago

Amusing cultural comment on the pervasiveness of Twilight – check out this eBay listing. See the title? BELLA SWAN TWILIGHT is listed before the name of the actual brand, and they’re selling it for $60-100 more than other vendors are selling the exact same shirt for. Just because “Bella” wore it. That’s why I think that feminists should in fact critique these books – their cultural influence is extremely pervasive, and the message they’re sending about relationships is extremely anti-feminist. I’m not going to stop critiquing them just because there are some sexist dudes who dislike them because they hate the thought of women having sexual feelings at all.

12 years ago

Actually BELLA SWAN BREAKING DAWN, but still, same argument applies. This shit is everywhere, and there are teenage girls right now soaking up the message that if a man stalks you it means it’s true love.

12 years ago


I can’t help but feel that there’s a sort of underlying misogyny that leads to 50 Shades becoming something so widely ridiculed and despised while most people don’t really seem to care about all of the other badly written and misogynistic stuff out there.

I agree that some people critisize fifty shades because they think the idea of middle-aged women masturbating or being interested in sex is ridiculous.
However, a super-duper mega-popular phenomenon of a book will obviously draw much more criticism than a less popular book, or movie, or what-have-you. That’s just natural. So one simple reason fifty shades gets ridiculed more than equally bad books that sell less, is simply that it’s SO POPULAR. And if more feministis are concerned with critisizing fifty shades than critisizing some equally bad and misogynistic book directed at men, it may be because most female feminists have probably gotten in touch with Fifty Shades one way or another (through friends, advertisements sent to their inboxes and stuff like that) but may simply not know about misogynistic shit primarily directed at men.

Although, come to think of it, I do see feminists doing a lot of critique of sexism in super hero comics (a medium I consume a lot), and that’s a primarily male-oriented medium. But you probably have to be into super heroes in the first place in order to stumble on feminists writing on the subject.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

For the zillionth time, most men CAN deal with over-educated, “independent” pushy and opinionated modern women like you manboobzettes. We just don’t want to! Many, even most of us have seen what happens when we try, and we seek out better alternatives at every hand. There is even a growing number of men “going their own way”, there are men who are interested–if they can afford them–in women brought up in less overtly femininst environments, and while feminism is a worldwide disease, still stink less than modern American, Australian, or Western European women. There are even men exploring more exotic channels of “liberation” from womenbeinghateful.

We are NOT afraid of any of you. Just disgusted! We CAN deal with you, we just have better things to do, even grooming and interacting with dolls or pets…Heck, even suffering from an abscessed tooth or bout with ptomaine food poisoninwould be more fun than beng married to any of you modern women!

12 years ago

Meller: Since ithiliana seems to be away for the nonce:

“graduate student “murdered” by ex-husband”

“Take post cited above. Could woman who talks like that (over the ‘net) have such an unpleasant, unfeminine, and just plain horrid personality that she could say something that MAY provoke an unpleasant response from a nearby man who may already be troubled about something else. Look at all of the cases you read about where a murder or vicious assault or rape was committed by a man whose entire life was coming apart, and the very person—his wife–whom he was relying upon to keep what was left of his sanity was turning on him…

Did graduate student take her “how to handle men” or something like that from YOU?

I was explaining that a man who loved his nearest and dearest would do anything to avoid the spousal abuse so often cited on feminuttery websites and blogs like this, because it wouldn’t get him what he wanted! I would rather be kind, gentle, and loving to a woman than beat,rape, or kill her, and so would most men, for obvious reasons!”

You don’t love women; you love the idea of slaves and property.

12 years ago

Copied and pasted from an earlier poster. Just one of the many examples of why Meller is evil and stupid and alone.

12 years ago


We are NOT afraid of any of you. Just disgusted!

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

12 years ago


If you’re so keen on Going Your Own Way why don’t you, y’know, do it? Here isn’t exactly a great place to be rid of those icky educated women with fully articulated joints and real hai (that grows!). Really. It’s okay. No one here will try to stop you.

Or is this like mime, where you don’t go away until someone pays you?

12 years ago

And now, the anti-Meller. Via Jennifer Armintrout’s mocking of 50 Shades, I came across this gem (which nicely illustrates how you can be both sex-positive and BSDM-positive, and entirely in favor of female masturbation, and still think those books are harmful tripe).

12 years ago

@Bostonian and Pecunium: Quick drive-by thanks for administering the DKM smack down!


I’m swamped with school opening, and our chaos factor has increased by major numbers (including administrators being fired and removed and all sorts of weird shit coming to light), plus a whole lot of students in writing intensive classes (fun but exhausting), so I’m just managing to snatch a quick reading bit or two in morning and evening.

Plus, writing grants. And an essay that is due soon and OMG I’m not done.

*YAWNS* Here’s hoping things calm down soon.


12 years ago
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cassandra, that takedown of Fifty Shades of Sludge was a hoot! 😀

12 years ago

Meller: We are NOT afraid of any of you. Just disgusted! We CAN deal with you,

Of course you aren’t. I’ve seen you describe what you think is the way to deal with “uppity women”. “Loving correction”, and if that doesn’t work, well the nasty little harpy had it coming; and she secretly wanted to be beaten.

It’s best that you aren’t partnered, though my sense of anthropomorphism makes me feel a bit sorry for your dolls, they deserve better.

12 years ago

I like how the solution is to kick women out of schools instead of making sure more men have the opportunity to go.

12 years ago

Well of course the solution must be to kick women out of schools, cuz then opportunity will be based on meritocracy, like it was in the “good ole days” when half the population was excluded from attaining higher education, etc., because of their lack of having a penis.

12 years ago

I still want to design a MRA poster on the theme “More Women Should Die in Shipwrecks.” They really want to punish women more than they want to help men.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Good thing that articles like this exist. Mr. Futrelle (and pussy”males” like him) can blog with sites like manboobz (aka “womenbeinghateful”) about real men, and the women who love us, showing everyone just how wretched all of you over-educated, pushy, opinionated, and just plain stinking that you feminists and modern women actually are. Modern women can be encouraged to post here to their heart’s content about how miserable men are, and how any appreciation of SOFGs (Sweet, Old-fashioned Girls) is hopelessly reactionary and outdated, and the future really belongs to harpies like womenbeinghateful here!

12 years ago

That would be accurate but for the fact that those women who love you are dolls.

12 years ago

Meller, I love how you fools alternately pretend that this blog is either all bitter, lonely women or bitter, lonely men.

I’m guessing that it’s so you don’t have to think about the fact that most of us get along just fine with the other genders, have lots of fantastic sex, and are perfectly happy with our allegedly wretched existence.

We’re ‘modern’ because this is our time, asshole. Your values aren’t ‘old-fashioned’, they’re decrepit. Enjoy your extinction.

12 years ago

Meller, I don’t know which of your dolls you’ve tasked with editing your posts, but she’s obviously gone on strike.

The Shelf is the symbol of the doll’s oppression! Off! The! Shelf! Off! The! Shelf!

12 years ago

@Inurashii 😀 i’m imagining tiny T-rex fists of impotent rage shaking at the meteor in the sky 😀

12 years ago

Meller: Good thing that articles like this exist. Mr. Futrelle (and pussy”males” like him) can blog with sites like manboobz (aka “womenbeinghateful”) about real men, and the women who love us

How many is that?