antifeminism misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

“You can’t have social equality for women without sexual equality for men,” and other completely baffling Men’s Rights slogans.

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a bunch of the locals are doing a little brainstorming, hoping to come up with a pithy slogan or two for posters that will allow them to better sell their alleged movement to the misandrist masses.

The results so far are, well, intriguing. The front-runner, so far, is this highly upvoted one from deluks917, though as you can see it has received some criticism:

Chernab0g’s contribution is short and to the point:

This one from unexpecteditem is a bit perplexing:

And this one from The_Real_Johnny_Utah is, if anything, even more unexpected than the one from unexpecteditem:

SuicideBanana seems to have a little trouble with his pith. Also, “huh?” Cthulufunk tries his best to play the race card, but unfortunately does not seem to be playing with a full deck:

Neofool’s slogan seems a bit defensive:

Oddly, none of them mentioned the “wicked new slogan” that Counter-Feminist Philosopher King Fidelbogen unveiled earlier this year: “Feminism spreads lies like a fly spreads germs.”

It’s frankly quite bizarre that MRAs haven’t SWARMED (get it? get it?) around this slogan yet. Not only is it clearly the greatest slogan since “The Best Part of Waking Up is Folgers in Your Cup,” but it also comes with a little graphic (see here on the right) that someone made for Mr. Bogen.

And no, despite its endearing amateurness it wasn’t put together as a joke by anyone here.

As wonderful as all these slogans are I think we can do a better job than the Reddit MRAs; after all, most of us know a lot more about the MRA than do most MRAs themselves. So have at it!

Oh, and speaking of posters, these have been going up recently in Vancouver. The r/MRer’s aren’t happy about it.

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12 years ago


The website you are currently posting on is dedicated to mocking a movement of rape apologists.

Among many apologies they use to excuse their support of rapists, one of the more common is “sex is a vital human need and men are miserable if they don’t get it when, how, and with who they want.”

12 years ago

What the fuck is this about rape apologists? They should definitely kill themselves; the world would be a better place without them.

I don’t personally agree with this. I think they should stop being rape apologists. The world would be a better place if they were not rape apologists.

diogenes the cynic
diogenes the cynic
12 years ago

Lets say Maslow had zero support for his model.

Would you argue that, except for outliers, people don’t need human contact? We’re social animals.

Hormones, or not, natural sex is the preferred way of getting off for the majority of humanity.

12 years ago

@Ugh – it’s possible that he’s using the more common definition of “apologist” and saying that anyone who apologizes for raping should kill themselves.

12 years ago

Lets say Maslow had zero support for his model.

Yes, let’s say it, because it is factual.

Would you argue that, except for outliers, people don’t need human contact? We’re social animals.

Sure wouldn’t, and haven’t. I would say that people need human contact. Hell, I’ll even say that most people are happier with some form of sexual expression. However, that does not mean that partnered sex is neccessary to be happy. A does not follow B.

Hormones, or not, natural sex is the preferred way of getting off for the majority of humanity.

Meat is the preferred way of getting calories for the majority of humanity. Doesn’t mean you can’t be happy eating rice and beans.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

The website you are currently posting on is dedicated to mocking a movement of rape apologists.

Among many apologies they use to excuse their support of rapists, one of the more common is “sex is a vital human need and men are miserable if they don’t get it when, how, and with who they want.”

Oh really? And all this time, I thought this website was dedicated to discussing Mickey and the Beanstalk slashfic.

Rape apologists can say that all they want, it’s not a valid argument for the ‘right’ to rape. Frankly I’m worried that you think it is, that if X is true, then rape is okay.

12 years ago

Also, this is kind of a tangent from the OP. Your argument was that prostitution should be decriminalized. This would be agood part of a slogan for many feminist groups. However, as I said above, MRAs are much more concerned with legalizing rape.

For example, Paul Elam has argued that people should push for jury nullification and a full pardon in all rape trials, whether or not it is clear that the defendant is guilty. He has made no such claim for prostitution/soliciting/bawdy house charges.

12 years ago

You can have human contact without sex.
You can have sex without human contact.
You can have physical contact without sex.
You can have sex without physical contact.
You can have sex and be happy.
You can not have sex and be happy.
You can have sex and be unhappy.
You can not have sex and be unhappy.

This has been “Extremely Obvious Notions About Human Existence That Should Be Obvious to Anyone”

12 years ago

Rape apologists can say that all they want, it’s not a valid argument for the ‘right’ to rape. Frankly I’m worried that you think it is, that if X is true, then rape is okay.

I don’t. give me a fucking break with that bullshit. However, a lot of people do. I mean, it’s an idea so clearly and demonstrably wrong that you had to invent a hypothetical disability in a world without sex toys or workers just to have it make the slightest bit of sense. So I don’t really see a reason why you would go through this ableist bullshit and logical contortions if you didn’t WANT it to be true.

12 years ago

Actually, FWIW, growing up in MRA Candyland, I was taught that rape is a basic male need, and therefore should be legalized. “Just like a lion cannot be blamed for attacking and killing a baby zebra, in the same way, a man should not be blamed for attacking and sometimes killing girls – it’s a basic part of the male biology.”

12 years ago

Also lol at diogenes on “natural sex.”

Clue to the clueless: “natural sex” is anything that stimulates you in a way you find sexual. Because your body and its sexual response are “natural.”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hey Grumbles, you know what? If I had disabilities that included loss of my hands, I wouldn’t actually give a damn about whether I had sex again. I’d be far more distressed by loss of the ability to do my artwork or to write my books.

Where the hell are you going with all this crap anyway? You and Diogenes seem to be changing the subject from sex not being a physical requirement, like food or air, and thus people not dying from its lack (which was the original point) to some ridiculous claims about it being an “emotional need”. Sorry, that still amounts to “I want sex” or “I’m lonely” and they are also not life-or-death situations.

12 years ago


That’s terrible, I’m sorry.

12 years ago

Thanks, Ugh. And then my father would wonder why I wouldn’t trust anyone male. Logic is not really their strong suit.

(Once I got out of there, and met my now best friend, who’s male and TOTALLY not evil, I figured out that the whole lion/biology/necessity thing isn’t true. But it is a VERY common rationalization that they use.)

12 years ago

That’s good!

12 years ago

Sorry, I’m bad at this and didn’t really know what to say.

12 years ago

Oh, Ugh, it was much appreciated!!! Thank you!!!! 🙂

12 years ago

@diogenes the cynic

So are you saying that women should be forced to have sex with men so they won’t die?

Or is this egalitarian body slavery? Are women allowed to force men to have sex with them too? If a gay man fancies you, is he allowed to force you to have sex with you even if you’re not attracted to him? After all, HE MIGHT DIE if his cock isn’t pleased, right?

And infertile women. Are they allowed to force other women to carry surrogate pregnancies because they WANT to have children?

Should a man with kidney failure be allowed to take one of yours?

I guess you have to get to a point where you have to draw the line- is allowing people to violate other people’s bodies (and have their bodies violated) simply because SOMEONE WANTS TO USE THEM, an OK thing? If so, what does that say about the rights of a person to their own body? Why should your own wishes about your own body not be respected just because SOMEONE ELSE WANTS TO USE IT?

As someone who was held hostage in an abusive relationship by an asshat who threatened to kill himself unless I did this or that humiliating or painful sex thing, I am not fucking amused.

12 years ago

PS Grumbles: Stop shitting all over the awesomeness that is Perry Bible Fellowship.

12 years ago

What humans PREFER doesn’t mean shit. You aren’t entitled to sex because you think you need it. If you can’t find a partner, visit a sex worker. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that, as long as he/she is a consenting adult. If you think random women in your life should be giving you sex just because you need it, you have serious issues.

12 years ago

PPS: There are lots of sex toys and sex aids that can induce masturbation and sexual pleasure that do not require the use of the hands. In fact, there are sexual aids for people with all sorts of incredibly limiting physical disabilities that can be used without a partner. And there are many awesome people out there who are in relationships with awesome people who have limiting physical disabilities and who have mutually pleasurable sex relationships.

Being a misogynist abusive troll is more likely to leave you alone and without the comfort of anything but your own hand (which would be unmanly and pathetic to said misogynist who refers to women as “cumdumpsters”, amirite?). I think that’s the thing- most of these MRA types SAY that they can’t consider masturbation as “adequate” because what they want isn’t sexual pleasure or release. What they want to do is to HUMILIATE and HURT and USE WOMEN’S BODIES as a measure of their “superiority” over said women. You don’t want a sex partner, MRA scum, you want sexualized abuse objects.

12 years ago

Hey, Ugh, you know what’s awesome about your username? How it makes everyone sound like they’re constantly disgusted by everything you say, even though they aren’t.

As in “Ugh, that’s an interesting point” or “Ugh, those kittens are adorable.”

diogenes the cynic
diogenes the cynic
12 years ago


My srsly was not directed at you. It was about the comment on control.


I think legalization is better than decriminalization.

@Ugh, again

Can you think of a better word choice?

@The Kittehs

I’m not interested in defending a position I don’t hold.


I can’t even imagine how you read that into what I wrote. Please tell me you’re joking.

12 years ago


That was my comment, and I stand by it. Why else do you think MRAs are more concerned with legalizing rape than legalizing prostitution?

“Partnered sex.” See, because, unlike “natural sex,” it is actually an accurate description of what you’re talking about.

You are defending a movement of rape apologists and spouting their obviously false talking points. I don’t think it’s unreasonable of Dualityheart to assume you agree with them on other things.

12 years ago


Truly, I have done my duty by making every thread I’m on more difficult to parse!