a voice for men antifeminism FemRAs irony alert MRA paranoia reddit special snowflaking straw feminists

MRA: “In case no feminists show up for the debate, ask a few MRA’s to … present the feminist’s point of view. Let’s not turn this … into a MRA circlejerk.”

You remember that big MRA-vs-feminists debate in Vancouver we were talking about the other day? The one later this month? In the car dealership? About whether or not feminism has “gone to too  far?” Oh, and which doesn’t, so far, seem to involve any actual feminists?

In case no feminists decide to show up to a debate organized and moderated by MRAs, promoted only on MRA websites, and taking place in a car dealership run by an MRA, one Reddit MRA has a suggestion:



Yep, he really did just suggest that MRAs debate themselves, and then, with no sense of irony, say  “Let’s not turn this debate into a MRA circlejerk.”

It’s hard to imagine a more perfect encapsulation of the Men’s Rights movement than this. MRAs are always eager to debate the imaginary feminists that live only in their own heads. Straw feminists are really the only feminists they know.

You might also enjoy TyphonBlue’s heroic special-snowflaking in the Reddit thread.

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12 years ago

Sharon, why on earth should I or anyone with a survival instinct want to show up to a privately-owned enclosed space to debate anything with a crowd of hostile people who think it’s perfectly okay to hold me hostage, rape, and kill me if I don’t do exactly what they want? That’s not what sane people call an incentive.

12 years ago


“Stalk, harrass and threaten”

Such as a large group with box cutters?

So, essentially, when MRA’s leave angry facebook messages, its “stalking and harassment.”

When femz come at you with blades, its… what? All in good fun? Maybe Dave can answer that.

Dave doesn’t need to. JtO has video of the encounter… it never happened. He lied about it.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

“box cutter” (a name we don’t use over here),

Me too. Took me ages to realise they were just what we call Stanley knives.

12 years ago

FeMRAs. The ‘Uncle Toms’ of female history

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

The interesting bit is where MRA’s posted the video, knew that the boxcutters were for the burpose of cutting down the posters, and still considered this to be a threat to their person, comparable to actual threats and stalking. Kind of gives you insight to how they compare themselves to actual disadvantaged groups.

12 years ago

A box cutter is just a stanley knife?

That shit ain’t dangerous! I was using those in Design and Technology lessons at the age of about 7!

12 years ago

Ok then, guys. Assuming that mens rightsers are complete bumbling bigots. Why, then, are feminists so afraid to engage them in front of the public?

Maybe–and I’m just spitballin’ here–maybe it has something to with the intense hatred of women on display and the way MRAs all too frequently fantasize about killing women.

12 years ago

If you’ve read Plato’s Republic (it’s not just the Republic that’s written as a dialogue between different views btw, all Plato’s books are), you know that he (through Socrates) argues that all jobs should be open for women as well as men.

But only as second-place helpmeets to men in those jobs. A philosopher-king needs a philosopher-queen, not a washerwoman, as his proper (and subservient) companion.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I for one approve of “assaulting” people by serving them tasty hot dinners.

The only way that John the Other could have been assaulted in this case is if he considers his terrible hate-filled posters to be an extension of himself. This would not be implausible given the behaviour of some MRAs…

12 years ago

The only way that John the Other could have been assaulted in this case is if he considers his terrible hate-filled posters to be an extension of himself

Next up, MRA poster tattoos.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I am not cutting those down. Even if it weren’t morally wrong, I’d have to touch those people… eww.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Historophilia – I’m pretty sure that’s what they are, and the glimpse of the one I got from the video certainly looked like a Stanley knife.

12 years ago

Would the MRAs proposing the feminist find it difficult not to project imputations of malice?

12 years ago

*Would the MRAs proposing the feminist viewpoint find it difficult not to project imputations of malice?

12 years ago

So very many clever excuses here, for bring unwilling to engage in a genuine debate! I’m duly impressed. Mr. Futrelle, how about you? Surely an articulate feminist such as yourself would make quite a success of it. You’re not a woman, so you wouldn’t feel intimidated by those hostile men. You’re the perfect spokesman for female feminists, who appear to be succumbing to a collective fit of the vapors at the prospect openly and honestly challenging MRAs.

12 years ago

Hm, I am not sure ‘genuine and rational fear for my safety’ really qualifies as a clever excuse. A sound reason, definitely, but clever? Maybe if you arranged it in limerick form or something-
There once was a Vancouverite lady
Who showed up for some dudebra’s debatey.
They hissed and they booed
They told her to get nude
and followed her home, um, on a spadey?

Oh, sorry to hear the dudebrah manager that was going to run the debate got fired from his job? Possibly for using company property to post hateful stuff about his ex-wife? Or maybe inviting a bunch of dudebra’s to come say hateful stuff about women i.e. customers on company property? I dunno, but I’m sure you can find an equally safe space to hold this totally worthwhile debate at.

12 years ago

Oh, I also like the new topic to be debated :“Is feminism a hate movement?”. A little turn-about on those meanies at the SPLC. Alternatively, you might have debated : At what point did women’s liberation irretrievably screw up the world. Some might say when Men let women take jobs. Others might say when they gave women the vote. Still others, when Men taught women to read. So much more room for debate in that topic!

12 years ago

So very many clever excuses here, for bring unwilling to engage in a genuine debate!

“You want to go to Vancouver? Vancouver? You have to work! Do you even have the money?”

“It’s just something I have to do.”


“Someone on the internet implied I should.”

12 years ago

So let me get this straight… you think its logical to assume that, because feminists rather tear down MRA posters and heckle MRA speakers, then to loose to the MRA in a debate, some how this means the MRA faces a phantom enemy, and not that feminist fear loosing for have nothing in their arsenal to debate with? R U fucking kidding me, please get your unintelligent ass of the internet. Then you actually try to draw the false conclusion that because MRA’ posted the debate challenge on MRA website, and feminist failed to do so on their website, that this is how evidence to a conspiracy of men and not of the ignorance and negligence of feminists? Lol MRA’s post on MRA website and that surprises you? lol an how does feminism failure to recognize the debate on their websites have anything to do with the MRA? Don’t apply as a detective any time soon!

12 years ago

Let me get this straight, MRA’s post on MRA websites, and feminists ignore the debate… some how that speaks as evidence against the MRA to you? I want some of what you’re smoking! MRA’ show up at a debate, and feminists don’t, and that shows that the MRA face a phantom enemy? RU suggesting feminists dont exist? lol Have you ever even herd of the concept called “logic?” Feminist have made it to most MRA assemblies at universities to heckle at them, and have managed to tear down enough MRA posters to get them selves caught in the act, the evidence being a police report. Feminist have written irrational articles offering 0 credible logic, and an overwhelming load of hate talk, and false accusations. Yet some how the a rational debate is something they fail to show up for… how do you fail to see that for anything other then the pathetic cowardice it is?

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