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Immodesty Blaze: Values Voters vs. Hot Pants

The so-called manosphere may be a tiny (if noisy) corner of the internet, but here’s yet another reminder that many of its, er, “values” are shared by people other than angry Spearhead commenters and NWOslave. Some of these people even have access to real power. At the Values Voters conference this week, at which Republican VP contender Paul Ryan gave a talk, a group called Modesty Matters distributed flyers whose text reads as if it had been cribbed from posts on The Thinking Housewife or the CoAlpha Brotherhood forum.

As reports:

Modesty Matters criticized women for dressing “immodestly” at church, and blamed women for causing men to stare lustfully at them.

Women must “embrace MODESTY in dress and behavior,” one of the handouts read. Women dressed immodestly in church are “an insult to a holy God,” another said.

Some other choice bits highlighted by ThinkProgress:

From the “Modesty: It’s nothing to be ashamed of” pamphlet: “Since men are particularly visual, immodesty in church can trigger lustful thoughts.”

 “My men’s bible study group talks frequently about controlling our lust, thoughts, and eyes. Yes the problem and responsibility are ours, but is it really reasonable for the women of the church to make it THIS difficult for us?”

From the “True Woman Manifesto”: “All women, whether married of single, are to model femininity in their various relationships, by exhibiting a distinctive modesty, responsiveness, and gentleness of spirit.”

Frankly, I don’t think women are completely responsible for all of this terrible immodesty.

Obviously, James Brown deserves part of the blame as well. Here’s footage of him lobbying congress on the controversial “hot pants” issue:

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12 years ago

Iteration five billion of women are responsible for what men do to them.
I can’t believe I still have to protest this shit.

12 years ago

And this is why religion is female dominated……err…

12 years ago

Further evidence that Christianity is anti-male. All of these whores showing off their bodies and then NOT putting out for these poor celibate males. It’s a real travesty.

That was sarcasm if any of you are new and don’t know me yet.

12 years ago

I’d cheer for James Brown, but he had a history of waffling on important issues:,625/

12 years ago

“My men’s bible study group talks frequently about controlling our lust, thoughts, and eyes. Yes the problem and responsibility are ours, but is it really reasonable for the women of the church to make it THIS difficult for us?”


12 years ago

What the heck do they mean by “responsiveness”?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Modesty? Well, I don’t wear anything that reveals more than my arms, but my lower garments are bifurcated… gasp! I am highlighting my special vaginal area of lust!

Responsiveness? Oh yeah. I’m hypersensitive so I respond to everything. Although not always appropriately. 😛

Gentleness of spirit? Well I am like a very snarky Fluttershy.

I guess I’m not a good modest Christian woman then. Especially as I am a lifelong Atheist from three generations of Atheists. That and the whole swearing, lustful stuff.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


The ability to react to external stimuli.

Alternately, the ability to enjoy a really good loud orgasm.

[/totally not what they mean]

12 years ago


Pretty sure by “responsive” they mean “always putting everyone else’s needs first.”

12 years ago

Leely–you are probably correctly. I think that is actually one of the most toxic messages that the culture at large and particularly conservative subcultures send. You don’t matter, and your whole life should be about other people.

It relates to why I really disapprove of the large families of the Quiverfull families–I’ve never heard of one that didn’t operate by forcing the oldest daughters to do almost all of the parenting, since the mother, who actually chose* to have that many kids, is often caring for the youngest/sick from repeated childbirths. I generally support women’s rights to have as many kids as they want, but I don’t think it is right to force your children to parent your children.

*For for various values of “chose”, but many of the women in the Quiverfull movement weren’t raised there but ended up there due to some choice of their own. Whether or not they can get out, and what about the second-gen women/women in similar cultures is another matter entirely.

12 years ago

Hey MRA dudes? Next time you whine about misandry, check shit like this first. These organizations (run by men, dig) think less of men than any feminist ever could.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


Yeah, but the MRAs (or at least the examples I’ve seen) seem to be of the “Rapist and Proud” mindset. This stuff just lets them get away with it. They don’t give a crap about anything actually causing harm to men unless they can “no u” people with it.

12 years ago

CWS: Yeah, I know, and it’s depressing as hell.

12 years ago

Dudes, I am attracted to lots and lots of people, like, every day. You know what I do? I don’t stare at them like a creep. Tadaaaaaaaaa.

12 years ago

Viscaria–I know. It isn’t that hard.

I mentioned on another thread (I think…) that I actually do not experience high levels of harassment, but today some man I passed on the street decided that my polite nod wasn’t aknowledgment enough and started ranting at me. I didn’t know what he said because I had my headphones in and just turned the music up. Luckily, he seemed to like ranting while walking away from me.

12 years ago


Most days, I’m at a university in one of the hotter part of the world where hundredsof young women, often dressed revealingly, can be found at any time of day or night. I haven’t raped anyone once. Where’s my medal?

12 years ago

LOL @ Lowquacks

We’re out of medals, but I can give you a really big cookie 🙂

12 years ago


Unfortunately a strong visceral reaction to the word “cookie” is the one part of my previous Anglo-snob prescriptivism of about two years ago that I can’t dislodge 🙁

I’ve given up on capitals and conventional syntax and not mixing types of slang and generally type like a 14-year-old after too much red cordial in most non-formal settings and I can hear or use nonstandard terms or constructions or accents or anything without batting an eye and grammar gestapo annoy me now, but no, “cookie” still sets me on edge and I have no idea why.

12 years ago

You missed a golden opportunity to subtitle this post “Immodest Blazers”.

12 years ago

Well, we could say biscuit instead, but not only would that be confusing to Americans, it amps up the condescending dog-treat associations.

12 years ago

I love cookies. *Wishes she had some Oreos*

12 years ago

I’m starting to debate whether I should get drunk with everyone next friday, considering I have my vodka and whisky now. I suppose it might be wise to try it before getting upset at people over it.

12 years ago


See, there’s another point for “biscuit” in these things. Weren’t you raised fairly trans-continentally, or was that someone else? Any particular dialect that feels “right” to you?

12 years ago

“Immodest Blazers”

Artist’s impression.

12 years ago

British dialect feels “right” to me, since none of the other countries I was raised in were English speaking. The first time I was presented with a warm fluffy pastry that sort of resembled a scone, to be eaten with savory food, and it was referred to as a “biscuit” I was so confused.

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