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Immodesty Blaze: Values Voters vs. Hot Pants

The so-called manosphere may be a tiny (if noisy) corner of the internet, but here’s yet another reminder that many of its, er, “values” are shared by people other than angry Spearhead commenters and NWOslave. Some of these people even have access to real power. At the Values Voters conference this week, at which Republican VP contender Paul Ryan gave a talk, a group called Modesty Matters distributed flyers whose text reads as if it had been cribbed from posts on The Thinking Housewife or the CoAlpha Brotherhood forum.

As reports:

Modesty Matters criticized women for dressing “immodestly” at church, and blamed women for causing men to stare lustfully at them.

Women must “embrace MODESTY in dress and behavior,” one of the handouts read. Women dressed immodestly in church are “an insult to a holy God,” another said.

Some other choice bits highlighted by ThinkProgress:

From the “Modesty: It’s nothing to be ashamed of” pamphlet: “Since men are particularly visual, immodesty in church can trigger lustful thoughts.”

 “My men’s bible study group talks frequently about controlling our lust, thoughts, and eyes. Yes the problem and responsibility are ours, but is it really reasonable for the women of the church to make it THIS difficult for us?”

From the “True Woman Manifesto”: “All women, whether married of single, are to model femininity in their various relationships, by exhibiting a distinctive modesty, responsiveness, and gentleness of spirit.”

Frankly, I don’t think women are completely responsible for all of this terrible immodesty.

Obviously, James Brown deserves part of the blame as well. Here’s footage of him lobbying congress on the controversial “hot pants” issue:

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12 years ago

Totally random, but did everyone know that there is a creature called the pyjama shark?

Even better: Striped pyjama squid

12 years ago

I think the Pfeffer’s flamboyant cuttlefish is a pretty good name as well; it makes me imagine the cuttlefish mincing around on its little tentacles.

12 years ago

Perhaps they can just lower their eyes and spend it looking at the ground, just like they tell modest women to do to prevent wicked thoughts or inapproprite attachments.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@pillowinhell- But bumping into buildings or pedestrians is MISANDRY!

12 years ago

No, its not misandry, just mock worthy if you can’t navigate without bumping into something so large as a building.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Oooh, jeans! I like the pull-on ones with higher waists. I’m shortish-waisted (hard to avoid when your’e 5′ 4″) but also have a droopy belly thanks to liver disease. These jeans – not expensive ones – keep things sort of smoothed out without putting pressure on. I’m right there with you on that one, Katelisa, I hate pressure on my stomach. Don’t like low-rise jeans, though, they’re not comfortable for me. I don’t like a gap between top and jeans, and the stomach bulging over the waistband is a REALLY bad look!

12 years ago

Different strokes! I’m just over 5ft2, and I can’t stand waistbands on pants that sit above hip level. I have a special grudge against elasticated waistbands, and find jeans-type waistbands far more comfortable.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I’m iffy about elasticated waistbands – the ones on the jeans I’ve found are among the few I do like. Most elastic-waist skirts aren’t comfortable on me, that’s for sure. It might be because that elastic is fairly narrow and usually set fairly tight. The bands in these jeans are much wider, like 3cm, so they don’t cut in. My sister told me the trick with ’em, too: they’re not stitched in, so cut the inside waist, pull the elastic out and apply safety-pins to adjust. (Especially handy when the elastic starts to sag.)

Different strokes works well: in the event we’re ever in the same store looking at jeans, we won’t be trying to get the same pair! 😀

12 years ago

My husband came up with this really smart idea for men who feel tempted by women who are immodestly dressed, or not wearing niqabs, or just oozing out female pheromones in general (like that Egyptian sexual harasser who claimed that even women in niqabs have themselves to blame when sexually harassed, since they’re sending out horny vibes that attract men).

He’s gonna invent a helmet called “the modesty helmet”. It will look something like the helmet of Judge Dredd. There will be a computer inside the helmet with advanced artificial intelligence. The AI is constantly analysing the air around the helmet wearer, and if female pheromones drift by there’s a respiratory mask immediately shoved in front of the wearers face. The mask filters out all pheromones from the wearer’s breathing air. The AI is also constantly analysing every shape the wearer sees in front of him. If the shape of a female body appears in his field of vision, the visor immediately goes opaque, protecting the wearer from the tempting sights.

His slogan is gonna be: Modesty helmets – protecting men since 2012!

Neat idea, huh?

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