Over on Married Man Sex Life, doucheblogger Athol Kay has provided the ladies with a helpful checklist of the things they need to do, or to be, or to do be do be do, to become the ultimate “red pill” girlfriend or wife. But the women he describes sound a lot less like Trinity from The Matrix than the robotified housewives from The Stepford Wives.
Mr. Kay’s list of demands is too long to quote in its entirety, but here are a few of the choicer items:
(4) Understands that there is a sexual marketplace, and that women have an earlier peak of sexual desirability than men do.
Presumably if she forgets this, her manospherian swain will happily neg her back to a properly less-positive assessment of her rapidly decaying beauty as a woman over the age of 14.
(13) Understands that divorce sucks and is more akin to getting treatment for cancer than having cosmetic surgery.
I sort of agree with this one, actually: for women married to Athol Kay’s followers, getting divorced would be a lot like removing a malignant tumor.
(14) Likes men in a general sense for who they are and what they do, rather than detesting all men in general and making an exception for the tiny few in her nuclear family.
(Huh. Project much?)
(15) Understands the risks both men and women take in having serious relationships, and is willing to negotiate ways to verify trustworthiness in each other. Sees doing this as evidence of true commitment rather than an insulting invasion of privacy.
I have no fucking idea what he’s talking about here. Lie detector tests? Waterboarding?
(20) Doesn’t keep the Red Pill a secret from those that need it.
That’s what we need, more women lecturing women on how terrible they are.
I’ve saved the best for last:
(3) Understands that what she does with her vagina always has some sort of consequence.
Seriously. Please think twice before tattooing Homer Simpson on you hoo-hah! (This has actually been done. You’ll have to look up the pictures yourself.)
In the comments, BlackCat adds a 21st item to the list:
(21) Understands that current society/public opinion, the vast majority of churches, and almost all laws, courts and government agencies dealing with families are all biased heavily against men, and that until the incentives and disincentives return to a more balanced state, men are completely justified in being gun-shy and avoiding commitment and other entanglements as much as possible.
Corollary to (21): Appreciates the men, especially informed (red pill) men, who are willing to take the chance at a relationship despite the above, and goes out of her way to prevent them from being taken advantage of, and to publicly denounce those who do take advantage of them.
So come on, gals, start lining up for your chance to jump through endless hoops for the chance to get with a dude who thinks he’s doing you a gigantic favor by even considering dating you in the first place!
While we’re at it, here’s my favorite scene from The Stepford Wives (the original 1975 version, of course), in which [SPOILER ALERT] Joanna, the new gal in Stepford, discovers that her friend Bobbie is no longer the free-spirited Women’s Libber she thought she knew.
@Ugh, precisely. I also imagine such instructions to go like this:
Wife: I have a problem and am unhappy because *reasons* we should discuss.
Husband: There is no problem and SHUT UP. Also, you might want to lose some weight and cook more roasts, because I have a fan club and the president (who is younger and prettier than you) is currently ahead of you by 50 points easy.
“My mood d20 rolled a 6, and your Charisma modifier is only +4. You have failed to beat my THAC0 so your request to have me spend less time on internet hate sites is denied.”
What could go wrong?
Chapter 8 of Part Two – The Male Action Plan (MAP) in Kay’s book (available on Amazon!) entitled ““Instigate, Isolate, Escalate”. I’ll bet there’s no abuser logic in that chapter, nosiree
“clear instructions”
Tosca- I think a lot of the MRM stuff is based around the idea that attraction should be entirely logical, a system they could “play” by following “clear instructions”, rather than the wonderfully, gloriously unpredictable thing it really is. The MRAs would love a world in which their actions have predictable consequences- where buying a woman dinner guarantees sex, where fat women are unfailingly “grateful” for any attention they give to them, where women aren’t allowed to have any personal preferences or sexual desires and just “gratefully” accept any propositions from any men, where a man with a big house and a Ferrari would never have to ask “what’s he got that I haven’t?” when a woman prefers his poorer friend, because that would never happen.
Just like the PUAs have devised various tried-and-tested strategies, a world in which sexual attraction is logical appeals to the MRA because it would give them a chance to figure out “the system” and work out how to score 100% of the time. They also like the idea of one acceptable type of sexuality- namely a dominant man in a relationship with a submissive hot younger woman. This would make things even simpler for them, with just one set of “clear instructions” required for this one type of relationship. Of course it would leave no room for for men with any other tastes- men into older women, men who enjoy being submissive, gay men etc- but it would make life easier for the MRAs so we should just forget everyone else.
Fortunately for the rest of us, love works in mysterious ways and there is a delightfully broad spectrum of attraction and sexual preferences out there. While the MRAs keep striving to make their sex lives more predictable and vanilla the rest of us can just go about enjoying everything else this life has to offer us.
I think it’s actually even more awful than that. Most of these guys want a total system to control every interatcition they will have with women, including their partners. If they just wanted to score they would join a swinger’s club. I think it’s not really about “scoring” so much as it is about control.
Shorter me: the goal of power is power. the manipulation, abuser logic, and rape advocacy is a feature of PUA to its adherents, not a bug.
@Stepford Knife, I’ve heard that referred to the “vending machine” mentality. Punch in the right code/put in the right coin, get a woman!
@Pam, that is some scary shit right there! I’m going to give my sweetie extra hugs tonight because I am SO GLAD he’d think that shit’s scary, too. He does not operate with the “vending machine” mentality, either, and it’s awesome.
Tosca- I’ve heard it put thus, from the feminist perspective: “Women are not vending machines men can put coins into until sex comes out”.
Chapter 15 “Ovulation Game.”
My book of ways not to appeal to women: keep a secret Excel spreadsheet of their periods.”
Keep an excel sheet of their periods? Why? I mean, if she’s your wife the evidence of her being on the rag is right there. Also, how will this help if her periods aren’t reular?
Says who?
..your Charisma modifier is only +4 – Ugh
The “only” in this sentence made me go o.O, because +4 is huge. But i’m a 3.5 fan, and I don’t know how modifiers worked in the days of THAC0. 😛
/nerd mode
Real men own women with controlled, regular menses, not slutty, unpredictable menses. Tru facts!
In theory it could help if they are trying to conceive but dude, there is an app for that and I really do not see why it would be necessary to know the cycle outside the effort to have baby.
My guess is its so the unmarried ones know when to hit up their second choices and so the married ones can be sure to rub in how bitchy and emotional their wives are. Enough women have mild pMS that you could start claiming that they are taking things too personally and thus undermine their confidence.
Didn’t work very well for Abed.
No shit!! And there’s more!! I just finished perusing portions of the book preview at Amazon
Ah, but that is explained, in part, in chapter 1.11, Concealed Ovulation. Some choice snippets:
“For the majority of the month, husbands could probably completely ignore wives. As in, not even live with them. As in, “I’m hanging with my buddies at the bar for three and a half weeks, text me if your ass starts turning red.” ”
“The other reason ovulation is concealed is so she can cheat.”
“The link between ovulation and cheating is highly significant […] It’s when a woman is most likely to cheat on a partner, she is most likely to orgasm and in plain simple terms when she likes sex the roughest.”
And then go buy some softer toilet paper.
If my spouse did that, yeah I WOULD divorce him because then what is the point of being married?
Lack of biological knowledge check.
Women do not have “hidden” ovulation so they can cheat. It has probably an evolutionary purpose and that purpose is not to have dillweeds in 2012 thinking his wife is cheating on him because he has no idea when an egg is released from her ovary.
Citation needed. Like stat.
@Shade: Charisma scores in the days of THAC0 applied to a reaction modifier (this is where the jokes about the DM rolling to see how people react to you come from), and +4 was a 16 or a 17, I think. So, +4 was still pretty big.
He’s got THAC0 completely wrong. But that’s ruining the joke.
He used the phrase “laid like tile…”
Oh lord.
“She cheated on me? What could I have done? We just spoke three weeks ago! I just texted her to see if she was ovulating!”
*Oops, sorry about the OOC moment; “what did I do” just slipped in there somehow.
So really its about increasing your surveillance on a person you already don’t trust in addition to knowing the magic week to completely disappear and avoid her.
Yeah, it’s abuser apologia extraordinaire. I’m not a controlling, manipulative asshat because I enjoy hating on and mistrusting women, it’s their biology that’s making me do it!!
Falconer: Ah okey, thanks. Normally the most I know of THAC0 is “that thing back in the day where everything was backwards for some weird reason”. 😀