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MRA futurist: “We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.”

Unlike women, men never urinate outside. Except for this one dude.

Our dear friend over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog is worried about filthy sluts. And when he says filthy, he means filthy: these are gals, he tells us, who quite literally “piss and take dumps everywhere but a toilet.”

To see examples of this new breed of sluts, he tells us, we need look no further than reality TV or any woman’s dorm:

There have been plenty of examples from Snooki of MTV’s Jersey Shore pissing outside like a pet to college chicks taking dumps in showers

He’s also discovered evidence of this new filthy slut epidemic on the reality show Bad Girls Club Mexico, on which, much to his surprise, he recently witnessed one of the aforementioned “bad girls” acting in a manner that was, as they say in Newspeak, doubleplusungood. In one scene, he reports

one of the bad girls really has to piss.  She’s in a limo with the other bad girls so she finds a bucket, pulls down her skirt, and pisses into the bucket.  Later, when she exits the limo, she gives the piss filled bucket to some guy to deal with.

That last part is a very apt metaphor for how men have to clean up after women.  Whether its men building plumbing systems to efficiently deal with waste, or having to deal with a bucket of women’s piss, it’s all the same.

Uh, have you ever visited a nursing home? Nearly 90 percent of direct-care workers, many of whom literally spend their days dealing with piss and shit, are women. Most of them earn less than $20,000 a year; many personal care aides earn only about half that.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude upon this little fantasy of his with some actual, you know, facts. He continues:

Here we have another example of how a toilet is becoming a completely foreign object to women.  Eventually, women will have no idea what a toilet is.  We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.  Women litter will be next to kitty litter in the grocery store.

Sorry, dude. The only ladies in my life who need a litter box are these gals here:

In a previous post on the epidemic of filthy sluttiness, Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-feminist Tech worried about encountering some of these dirty women himself:

In the future, this is going to be something I’m going to have to watch with my women.  I naturally assumed that any woman I get now or in the future would know how to wash themselves since they are presumably functioning adults.  This is no longer an assumption I can make.  As soon as this starts being a problem, I’m heading back to being celibate.  I’m not a cleanliness freak by a long shot, but this is seriously disgusting, and I don’t want to know what organisms are growing on these filthy sluts.  I knew there would get to a point where I would be heading back to celibacy, but I didn’t think it would have to do with women having a lack of hygiene.

Happily, though, the (alleged) increasingly disgusting behavior of today’s women will have one very salutary side-effect: it will help to further the anti-feminist tech revolution.

This will add another reason for guys to use alternatives to women such as porn now and VR sex in the future.  All of those “virtual women” know how to wash themselves.  If things are going the way of women getting increasingly filthy, then it’s another reason that virtual women will be superior to real women.

Clean? Maybe. Safe? Never. Just wait until you go to the bathroom one morning and find a red ring of death on your penis.

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12 years ago

hahaha interesting first choices!

None of the three have ever politically agitated for any rights.

Paul Elam has gone on record syaing that he thinks juries should pardon rapists, even if there’s no doubt that they’re guilty. In essence, he wants rape to be de facto legal. So there’s women’s bodily autonomy rights out the window.

Girlwriteswhat has said she agrees with other MRAs who say that domestic violence is sometimes neccessary to discipline women, so there’s domestic violence protections.

Angry Harry has advocated for violence against public officials because one public official refused to grant custody of two daughters to an admitted child abuser. So there’s bodily autonomy out the window again.

I’m sure there are more examples, and I’m probably getting ninja’d on this as I type.

12 years ago

Uh oh, Mr. Stodern, you gotta name one now 😀 NAME NAMES!

12 years ago


He for real went with Paul Elam, Girlwriteswhat, and Angry Harry.

12 years ago

It’s pretty funny how many MRAs think that the regulars on a blog *about* misogyny will somehow not know about all the misogynistic shit they say.

12 years ago


You managed to ninja me–I didn’t remember what Angry Harry had said. I still think MRAs don’t/can’t actually read for comprehension–they never seem to be able to on Manboobz, and it would explain why they don’t break out into fights over seemingly irreconcilable differences like whether or not women should work or whether dv is no biggie or THE WORST THING EVER but only happens to men.

Oh, and they don’t seem to understand logic either.

12 years ago

@Mr Stodern

Whatever you are smoking, please share.

12 years ago

“Oh, I know what your all’s agenda is. You want women to make money, but also not work outside the home because that’s taking jobs from men.”

Wrong. What we don’t want is jobs being handed to women simply to meet a quota.

“You want fathers to own their children like property, but mothers have to raise the children with no help at all from fathers.”

Both parents should have rights to their children. And any father who doesn’t help raise his kids, probably didn’t want them in the first place. It should be his right to opt out. Women have the right to do that already. It’s called abortion.

“Women can’t have birth control, but they also shouldn’t trap men into fatherhood.”


12 years ago

Angry Harry at one point suggested that men should farm women like cattle.

12 years ago

Wrong. What we don’t want is jobs being handed to women simply to meet a quota.

As I said in the comment above, one of your examples of real MRAs is upset that women have more rights than livestock, so I think we can infer they’re not too pleased about women having the right to earn an income.

12 years ago

You people are very good at misinterpreting things. Taken it to the level of an art form, you have.

12 years ago

Please provide an alternative explanation to the phrase “men should farm women like cattle.”
Or to “Domestic violence is necessary.”
Or to “Pardon rapists even if they’re guilty.”

12 years ago

@Mr Stodern

That’s rich coming from someone who is very good at misinterpreting REALITY. You are just too silly to bother with.

12 years ago

“Directly paraphrasing MRAs” now equals “misinterpreting things.”

Team, don’t you know we shouldn’t actually read the words they write to learn about their opinions? The written word is misandry!

12 years ago

Ugh ZOMFG i just saw that!!!! “/

12 years ago

Girl Writes What. Paul Elam. Angry Harry.

This thread is bringing the giggles!

Both parents should have rights to their children.

Even abusive ones? I would personally go for any parents, anyway, not both parents, but thats neither here nor there I suppose.

And any father who doesn’t help raise his kids, probably didn’t want them in the first place. It should be his right to opt out. Women have the right to do that already. It’s called abortion.

Noooooope. Abortion is the right to choose not to have another organism use your body. You already do have that right; it’s what keeps you from involuntary organ donation.

12 years ago

@MrStodern, would you be good enough to clarify Paul Elam’s call to never render a guilty verdict to a man accused of rape, even if convinced that said man is guilty?

Thank you in advance.


12 years ago

My theory is that this guy is desperately trying to talk himself into not being attracted to women any more by trying to make women seem as icky and dangerous as possible. It’s like Reefer Madness for misogynists.

12 years ago

Also, how is saying the men should farm women not misogyny?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

You people are very good at misinterpreting things. Taken it to the level of an art form, you have.

Taken syntactical patterns from Yoda, you have.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

And that’s not to mention the MRAs who think women aren’t human and have no actual inner life. Seriously, read their words. You don’t even have to trawl the Net, you can just look back through all David’s posts where he links to them. It’s not difficult.

You’re either deluding yourself about the MRM or lying outright.

12 years ago

I suppose this isn’t misogynistic at all either.

12 years ago

Paul Elam? The guy who advocated setting aside October for “Bash a Violent Bitch Month” and then clarified what he meant by who counted as a “violent bitch” as follows:

In that light, every one of those women at Jezebel and millions of others across the western world are as deserving of a righteous ass kicking as any human being can be. But it isn’t worth the time behind bars or the abuse of anger management training that men must endure if they are uppity enough to defend themselves from female attackers.

So Paul Elam thinks that “every one of those women at Jezebel and millions of others across the western world” deserve for men

to beat the living shit out of them. I don’t mean subdue them, or deliver an open handed pop on the face to get them to settle down. I mean literally to grab them by the hair and smack their face against the wall till the smugness of beating on someone because you know they won’t fight back drains from their nose with a few million red corpuscles.

And then make them clean up the mess.

This is your hero? This is the stand you choose to fight for?

Dude. Look at your life. Seriously. You need to re-think your choices.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I really wonder if Elam would have committed murder by now if he thought he could get away with it. He’s got that level of hatred festering in him.

12 years ago

Didn’t this very same conversation occur recently? Or all of the “you’re interpreting words with clear meanings wrong” trolls tag-teaming Manboobz this week?

12 years ago

Being an MRA isn’t about taking rights away, it’s about giving certain rights to men, rights we should already have.

The MRM is basically the Straight White Dude Whiner’s Local 247, you already have all the rights, you exquisite dipshit.

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