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MRA futurist: “We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.”

Unlike women, men never urinate outside. Except for this one dude.

Our dear friend over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog is worried about filthy sluts. And when he says filthy, he means filthy: these are gals, he tells us, who quite literally “piss and take dumps everywhere but a toilet.”

To see examples of this new breed of sluts, he tells us, we need look no further than reality TV or any woman’s dorm:

There have been plenty of examples from Snooki of MTV’s Jersey Shore pissing outside like a pet to college chicks taking dumps in showers

He’s also discovered evidence of this new filthy slut epidemic on the reality show Bad Girls Club Mexico, on which, much to his surprise, he recently witnessed one of the aforementioned “bad girls” acting in a manner that was, as they say in Newspeak, doubleplusungood. In one scene, he reports

one of the bad girls really has to piss.  She’s in a limo with the other bad girls so she finds a bucket, pulls down her skirt, and pisses into the bucket.  Later, when she exits the limo, she gives the piss filled bucket to some guy to deal with.

That last part is a very apt metaphor for how men have to clean up after women.  Whether its men building plumbing systems to efficiently deal with waste, or having to deal with a bucket of women’s piss, it’s all the same.

Uh, have you ever visited a nursing home? Nearly 90 percent of direct-care workers, many of whom literally spend their days dealing with piss and shit, are women. Most of them earn less than $20,000 a year; many personal care aides earn only about half that.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude upon this little fantasy of his with some actual, you know, facts. He continues:

Here we have another example of how a toilet is becoming a completely foreign object to women.  Eventually, women will have no idea what a toilet is.  We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.  Women litter will be next to kitty litter in the grocery store.

Sorry, dude. The only ladies in my life who need a litter box are these gals here:

In a previous post on the epidemic of filthy sluttiness, Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-feminist Tech worried about encountering some of these dirty women himself:

In the future, this is going to be something I’m going to have to watch with my women.  I naturally assumed that any woman I get now or in the future would know how to wash themselves since they are presumably functioning adults.  This is no longer an assumption I can make.  As soon as this starts being a problem, I’m heading back to being celibate.  I’m not a cleanliness freak by a long shot, but this is seriously disgusting, and I don’t want to know what organisms are growing on these filthy sluts.  I knew there would get to a point where I would be heading back to celibacy, but I didn’t think it would have to do with women having a lack of hygiene.

Happily, though, the (alleged) increasingly disgusting behavior of today’s women will have one very salutary side-effect: it will help to further the anti-feminist tech revolution.

This will add another reason for guys to use alternatives to women such as porn now and VR sex in the future.  All of those “virtual women” know how to wash themselves.  If things are going the way of women getting increasingly filthy, then it’s another reason that virtual women will be superior to real women.

Clean? Maybe. Safe? Never. Just wait until you go to the bathroom one morning and find a red ring of death on your penis.

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12 years ago

Poo and infections.. Oh the things we have conversations about. 😀

(And by we, I mean everyone else. I went off and played Guild Wars 2 because I had nothing sensible to add to the conversation 😛 ).

12 years ago

NWO… Way more boys than girls have ADHD. What on earth are you on about?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


“Sensible” in the context of poop-related conversations may be “interesting historical facts about excrement and sewage.”

FOR EXAMPLE: Did you know that Henry VIII had a padded close-stool to go toilet in?

12 years ago


Everywhere I’ve been in Asia (Tibet, Nepal, the ass end of South Korea) the squat toilets were much easier to use than the “Western-style” ones because, for the most part, the “toilet seat” concept didn’t migrate along with the “sitting” concept. So if you use a Western toilet, you end up balancing either on the bare rim or something that could, in theory, be called a seat if it were more than an inch wide. Whereas with the squats, you just kinda hang out and only engage your quads when getting up. Plus, the Western toilets in public places invariable have footprints on them, from users who didn’t exactly get it.

The exception, of course, is the swanky parts of Korea, where the toilets will heat, dry, fluff, wash, and generally do things to your bits. Take care; the pictograms on the buttons are not intuitive and some of the things they do are… surprising.

12 years ago

NWO does love him some conspiracies–the nuttier the better.

12 years ago

It is not our goal to have men go back to being the only ones making any money.

Might want to mention that to the vast number of MRAs who constantly bemoan the fact that women are not economically dependent on men any more.

12 years ago
Reply to  princessbonbon

“Might want to mention that to the vast number of MRAs who constantly bemoan the fact that women are not economically dependent on men any more.”

Vast number? In the words of the greatest movie villain of all time: You exaggerate.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Amazing. In fifty years I’ve never seen women taking a leak or a crap in the street. In fact I’ve never seen a woman doing it at all. Sure, seen plenty of dirty public toilets, but more of the “what’s so difficult about flushing after you’ve used it?” or “brought little boy to use loo, didn’t wipe up after he sprayed all over the seat” varieties.

I have, however, seen quite a few men pissing on the street. There was the bloke who walked into the sideway of the house when I was little, and got screamed at by my parents for using it as a toilet.

There was the suit taking a leak up against a tree in the residential street where he parked his car, a few years back (my street, I knew he didn’t live there). Granted he was apologetic, but WTF didn’t he use the loos at the station before he did the five-minute walk from there anyway?

There was the daddy encouraging his little kid to take a dump in the gutter right outside a public toilet.

And that’s before we get to the endless news items about football ‘stars’ and their ilk, like Brendan Fevola notably pissing on a restaurant window.

Of course most men don’t do this sort of thing. But I repeat: all the instances of public pissing and crapping I know of and/or have witnessed were done by men, not women.

12 years ago

With the MRSA, the urgent care doctor did an incision and drainage on the abscess without any numbing cream or pain meds.

Holy fuck, are you kidding me? That’s ridiculous. I’ve had a couple of abcesses (I get skin infections all the time) and just getting the lanocain injected hurt like hell. I can’t imagine dealing with that without the painkillers! Ugh. I’m so sorry he did that to you.

12 years ago

Slavey, I’ve been obese since 1970-something. How did a law signed by anyone in 2010 cause that?

Or I could just naturally be fat, thanks to the Eastern European genes that evolved to survive some of the nastiest winters on the continent.

Occam’s Razor. You may wanna Google it.

12 years ago

That would be a return to the traditionalist ways, and a traditionalist society is no less sexist towards men than today’s society is. It is not our goal to have men go back to being the only ones making any money.

It’s true that traditionalist ways are sexist towards men. It’s also true that the entire MR movement is about returning to those traditionalist ways.

Can you give one example of an MRA writer who does not want a repeal of:
domestic violence protections and/or
women’s employment rights and/or
women’s bodily autonomy rights and/or
women’s voting rights and/or
women’s property rights?

Hmm, wanting to repeal the rights and protections women have gained over the last century. Sounds like a return to traditionalist ways to me!

12 years ago

@Mr Stodern

I’ve heard MRAs say women should not be allowed to work or vote. Others have said that women should pay their own way and not expect a nickel from any man. While contradictory, neither argument is controversial among MRAs. The truth is you are willing to argue for both sides of the issue, provided the end result makes women look bad and makes women suffer. Comments like this one from Daryl X, posted and upvoted on The Spearhead, are not atypical.

Actually men are much better at deciding what’s fair than women. Men are fundamental to civilization and women are not. Men possess a much stronger intellect which women do not. Women are herd animals and men are not. Men built civilization and women did not. Men are not as prone to violent behavior as women. Men are more patient than women. Men are more thoughtful than women. Men are less manipulative than women. Men are more independent than women. All these qualities and many more make men much better stewards of women than women do of men. Simply put, women should not be allowed to vote, have jobs or own property. They will be more free that way and so will men. Women are simply self destructive. Giving them stewardship over men and civilization is nothing but a catastrophe.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

FOR EXAMPLE: Did you know that Henry VIII had a padded close-stool to go toilet in?

Yup, padded and decorative close-stools were very much the go for royalty and the upper classes. Louis XIII’s governess Mme de Montglat had one covered in red serge. Using them was very public for French kings, at least – one of many serious drawbacks to the job for anyone who actually wanted a bit of privacy in his life. For those who didn’t care, it was just another opportunity to sit down and talk to someone. Ideas about privacy were barely getting started in the seventeenth century, and the desire to be alone was frowned upon; Louis XIV’s tutor (I think it was him) wrote a treatise which included recommending to his mother that the boy never be left alone, because it might produce the sort of desire for privacy and wish to be on his own sometimes that was greatly criticised in his father.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I did hear a university in the UK had to put up signs in its toilets advising students not to do that.

Also, my friend went to Japan once. She came back with a lot of stories, some souvenirs, and seriously missing the heated padded loo seats.

12 years ago
Reply to  Ugh

“Can you give one example of an MRA writer who does not want a repeal of:
domestic violence protections and/or
women’s employment rights and/or
women’s bodily autonomy rights and/or
women’s voting rights and/or
women’s property rights?”

Most MRA writers fit that description. By definition, you cannot be an MRA if you desire for women to not be able to vote, or work, or have their own residence, or have control over their own fertility,.etc. etc. Being an MRA isn’t about taking rights away, it’s about giving certain rights to men, rights we should already have.

People have given you a lot of very bad ideas about the MRM. That, or you just totally misinterpret everything we say.

12 years ago

“Being an MRA isn’t about taking rights away, it’s about giving certain rights to men, rights we should already have.”

And I have some beach front property to sell you…

12 years ago

Most MRA writers fit that description.

Then it should be pretty easy to name one.

Being an MRA isn’t about taking rights away, it’s about giving certain rights to men, rights we should already have.

I’m going to bet that not only will it be impossible for you to name a single MRA writer who has not actively stated he wants to take rights away from women, I’ll bet also that it’s pretty much impossible to find one MRA who has politically agitated for any rights whatsoever.

12 years ago

“I’ve heard MRAs say women should not be allowed to work or vote.”

Then they do not live up to what the MRM is all about. Their desires would fuck everything up worse than they are now.

Daryl X’s feeling that women are essentially incompetent in all things, and inessential to civilization, is utter nonsense.

12 years ago

Most MRA writers fit that description. By definition, you cannot be an MRA if you desire for women to not be able to vote, or work, or have their own residence, or have control over their own fertility,.etc. etc. Being an MRA isn’t about taking rights away, it’s about giving certain rights to men, rights we should already have.

HAHAHAHAHA. The more I read MRAs talk about other MRAs–and not to other MRAs, see lack of troll-troll interactions–the more I realize that you aren’t a movement at all, because you don’t actually read each other to learn anything but to get confirmation that women suck, since you all don’t agree on anything and don’t seem to be interested in debating amongst yourselves. (Unlike feminists, whose internal fights are legendary.)

Of course, you could just like gaslighting us and telling us that we didn’t really read all those horrible comments David posts. It is hard to be sure.

12 years ago

@Mr Stodern

Believing what you do, why the hell would you even WANT to call yourself a MRA? Open your eyes and do a little exploration. The Spearhead and AVfM are positively brimming with misogynistic bile comparable to Daryl’s choice words. Stop trying to apologize for the MRM. They are not moderates. They have been taken over by the lunatic fringe. Your denial of this fact only speaks to your lack of research or blind fanaticism.

12 years ago

Daryl X’s feeling that women are essentially incompetent in all things, and inessential to civilization, is utter nonsense.

Yes, yes it it. However, it is nonsense that gets consistently upvoted on a major MRA blog. See what that says about your movement?

12 years ago

“I’m going to bet that not only will it be impossible for you to name a single MRA writer who has not actively stated he wants to take rights away from women, I’ll bet also that it’s pretty much impossible to find one MRA who has politically agitated for any rights whatsoever.”

Girl Writes What. Paul Elam. Angry Harry.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Mr Stodern’s doing the “no true Scotsman” bit, it seems.

Tell me, what do you think of a man who says that, essentially, rape should be legal? Is that one of those special rights you think men should have?

Because that is what Paul Elam wants. He thinks men should always vote ‘not guilty’ in rape trials, even when it is clear the defendant is guilty.

12 years ago

Holy fuck, are you kidding me? That’s ridiculous. I’ve had a couple of abcesses (I get skin infections all the time) and just getting the lanocain injected hurt like hell. I can’t imagine dealing with that without the painkillers! Ugh. I’m so sorry he did that to you.

I know, he was awful. I was thinking “Get that scalpel away from me. I’ll take my chances with the MRSA”. Not only that, I had to pay $150 copay there because it was an urgent care clinic. At least he prescribed the right drug to get me better.

And Slavey, Obama had nothing to do with my MRSA infection that happened in 2008. What a bunch of nonsense.

No MRA worth their salt wants women to conduct a mass exodus from the workforce and just crank out babies. That would be a return to the traditionalist ways, and a traditionalist society is no less sexist towards men than today’s society is. It is not our goal to have men go back to being the only ones making any money.

Oh, I know what your all’s agenda is. You want women to make money, but also not work outside the home because that’s taking jobs from men. You want fathers to own their children like property, but mothers have to raise the children with no help at all from fathers. Women can’t have birth control, but they also shouldn’t trap men into fatherhood. Whatever the issue is, women are bad and should have no rights.

12 years ago

@Fembot: I am a frequent visitor of AVfM. I am well aware of what my actually movement stands for, and it isn’t misogyny.

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