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MRA futurist: “We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.”

Unlike women, men never urinate outside. Except for this one dude.

Our dear friend over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog is worried about filthy sluts. And when he says filthy, he means filthy: these are gals, he tells us, who quite literally “piss and take dumps everywhere but a toilet.”

To see examples of this new breed of sluts, he tells us, we need look no further than reality TV or any woman’s dorm:

There have been plenty of examples from Snooki of MTV’s Jersey Shore pissing outside like a pet to college chicks taking dumps in showers

He’s also discovered evidence of this new filthy slut epidemic on the reality show Bad Girls Club Mexico, on which, much to his surprise, he recently witnessed one of the aforementioned “bad girls” acting in a manner that was, as they say in Newspeak, doubleplusungood. In one scene, he reports

one of the bad girls really has to piss.  She’s in a limo with the other bad girls so she finds a bucket, pulls down her skirt, and pisses into the bucket.  Later, when she exits the limo, she gives the piss filled bucket to some guy to deal with.

That last part is a very apt metaphor for how men have to clean up after women.  Whether its men building plumbing systems to efficiently deal with waste, or having to deal with a bucket of women’s piss, it’s all the same.

Uh, have you ever visited a nursing home? Nearly 90 percent of direct-care workers, many of whom literally spend their days dealing with piss and shit, are women. Most of them earn less than $20,000 a year; many personal care aides earn only about half that.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude upon this little fantasy of his with some actual, you know, facts. He continues:

Here we have another example of how a toilet is becoming a completely foreign object to women.  Eventually, women will have no idea what a toilet is.  We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.  Women litter will be next to kitty litter in the grocery store.

Sorry, dude. The only ladies in my life who need a litter box are these gals here:

In a previous post on the epidemic of filthy sluttiness, Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-feminist Tech worried about encountering some of these dirty women himself:

In the future, this is going to be something I’m going to have to watch with my women.  I naturally assumed that any woman I get now or in the future would know how to wash themselves since they are presumably functioning adults.  This is no longer an assumption I can make.  As soon as this starts being a problem, I’m heading back to being celibate.  I’m not a cleanliness freak by a long shot, but this is seriously disgusting, and I don’t want to know what organisms are growing on these filthy sluts.  I knew there would get to a point where I would be heading back to celibacy, but I didn’t think it would have to do with women having a lack of hygiene.

Happily, though, the (alleged) increasingly disgusting behavior of today’s women will have one very salutary side-effect: it will help to further the anti-feminist tech revolution.

This will add another reason for guys to use alternatives to women such as porn now and VR sex in the future.  All of those “virtual women” know how to wash themselves.  If things are going the way of women getting increasingly filthy, then it’s another reason that virtual women will be superior to real women.

Clean? Maybe. Safe? Never. Just wait until you go to the bathroom one morning and find a red ring of death on your penis.

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12 years ago

In case anyone’s interested, here’s a link to causes of infection:

Nowhere on here does it really say anything about hygiene.

My dad got a really REALLY bad UTI when I was in college, my sister called me right before one of my finals that he had been admitted to the hospital – his symptoms were so bad they thought it might be more serious. But nope, it was just a really bad UTI. Don’t know how much truth there is in it, but the doc did say that my dad’s idea of “hydrating” being “drinking a big glass of coke” was probably not helping anything. Ever since we’ll alternate between making him drink iced tea or lemonade, since he straight up refuses to drink water.

12 years ago

I had a UTI which I thought would go away if I drank cranberry juice. Yeah, kidney infection. The Dr diagnosed me by tapping on my back – my knees buckled as he did it hurt so bad.

But living in the student slums in a university town I wish they’d install litter boxes. Might stop the drunk guys from pissing on my fence every friday and saturday nights.

12 years ago

Of course, women invented the concept of upperdecking after all. (sarcasm)

12 years ago

I don’t take antibiotics. I had a bladder infection last year and I just rode it out with cranberry juice and it cleared up in about four days. I think they are woefully misused and should be reserved for emergencies. Too many idiots take antibiotics when they have a cold. Do you not understand the difference between bacteria and viruses?

12 years ago


I don’t mean to make light of your pain, either. Obviously you were very ill and you needed antibiotics. I’m just very lucky that I have a strong immune system.

12 years ago

The real culprit when it comes to antibiotic over use and misuse is non-therapeutic use in livestock. Some 75% of all antibiotics used in any given year are fed to livestock either to blanket prevent infections or to increase their growth rate. It is so bad, that researchers recently discovered a wetland marsh by San Diego, CA that is teeming with runoff antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

The best thing we can all do to help fight the complete loss useful and effective antibiotics is to agitate for legislation against the use of non-theraputic antibiotics in livestock.

And, UTIs/kidney infections REALLY suck.

12 years ago

I wouldn’t say ’emergencies’ for when to use antibiotics – I’d say ‘circumstances where they’ll help.’

So, y’know, not colds. 🙂

12 years ago

I have always had to pee all the time, which makes me kinda lucky in the UTI department since I pretty much pee frequently enough that I have no problems. I had a yeast infection once or twice, but after I stopped using condoms and got my Diva Cup for periods, I have not suffered from one since.

The suckiest thing about this second pregnancy is the stress incontinence. I dread sneezing. And yes, I do kegals. It just isn’t as string down there with all the pregnancy hormones. Boo.

12 years ago

@Fembot – my very first UTI, I made the mistake of waiting to go to the Doctor for one day – 24 hours. Finally went to the urgent care on day two with a kidney so infected and swollen the doctor could clearly see it through my back. I just happened to catch a really virulent strain of bacteria. Three different antibiotics later – and a week of vicodin to deal with the pain – and I was healed.

To put it in perspective, I’ve had three kids with no pain meds or epidural, but a kidney infection had me hitting the narcs.

12 years ago

Seriously, have these MRAs ever MET a real woman? All of their examples are people from TV. I can give you a hundred anecdotal examples of real life guys peeing in bushes, on fence posts, out windows, in bottles (and a hundred more from the one year I worked at a gas station and had to clean the men’s room *shudder*). I’ve never, in real life, known a woman to defecate in public.

It kind of makes me think that watching TV is the most social activity this guy does.

12 years ago

Also, it’s not overuse of antibiotics that’s the problem. After all, who cares if a virus becomes penicillin resistant? The real problem is people who take them until symptoms disappear, but not until the actual disease is killed, so it just comes back stronger and more resistant.

12 years ago

Gawd I never knew a UTI could be so dangerous. I’m sorry you had to go through that. 🙁

12 years ago

Silly stupid girls. Your diseases, sicknesses, overweight, starvation, malnutrition, ADHD, ect, have nothing to do with antibiotics and such.

Codex Alimentarius.

The big O signed it into law in 2010. He’s a puppet, and you are all useful idiots.

12 years ago

“These are the same guys who think that all women should be kept barefoot and pregnant, right?”

No MRA worth their salt wants women to conduct a mass exodus from the workforce and just crank out babies. That would be a return to the traditionalist ways, and a traditionalist society is no less sexist towards men than today’s society is. It is not our goal to have men go back to being the only ones making any money.

12 years ago

I’ve never, in real life, known a woman to defecate in public.

I don’t think it would be impossible but I feel like pooping without the help of the toilet seat would be really hard. I mean, I know early humans managed it, but I don’t want to have to. I’m not sure I have the quads to keep myself balanced that long.

12 years ago

In France, there are public toilets that require you to do just that.

(In a private cubicle – I mean the squatting.)

12 years ago

I don’t even like to poop when my husband’s home.

12 years ago


The residence I’m moving to has private bathrooms for every room, larger rooms than average, nicer hallways, nicer everything really. Better wi-fi and whatnot. It also has a reputation for being the LGBT house, but from what I’ve seen of it it seems more like a general “freaks, geeks, and other assorted weirdos” dorm. Either way, I should fit in wonderfully.

12 years ago

Also, it’s not overuse of antibiotics that’s the problem. After all, who cares if a virus becomes penicillin resistant?

If I understand this correctly the virus won’t become penicillin resistant. Penciliin doesn’t affect viruses full stop. The bacteria that live in your gut naturally, however, will become resistant. Unfortunately they can pass that resistance on to harmful bacteria (yes, even across species, bugs are clever things) which is all kinds of no good.

12 years ago

NWO, a word of advice. When Alex Jones starts making sense to you, it’s time to switch the station.

12 years ago

So illness and suchlike started in 2010?

Wow. I’m amazed we all hallucinated all that stuff before then.

12 years ago

Re: squat toilets, some people find that squatting helps them, um, evacuate better. I guess I’m just comfortable with the idea, because I work in the woods where there are no toilets, and sometimes one needs to poop, and it can’t wait for four hours.

Confidential to MRAs: yes, i just admitted to pooping in a not-bathroom, like a disgusting woman. Don’t you fret; a woman pooping in the woods is just like a man pooping in the woods. You just have to do it out of the way, and bury it, like a civilized person.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

For people who don’t want to watch Owly’s ridonkulous video:

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

What the fuck is Princess NWOslave on about again?

Why does he think orgasms are part of the legislation process???