antifeminism disgusting women evil women girl germs MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men sexy robot ladies urinals

MRA futurist: “We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.”

Unlike women, men never urinate outside. Except for this one dude.

Our dear friend over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog is worried about filthy sluts. And when he says filthy, he means filthy: these are gals, he tells us, who quite literally “piss and take dumps everywhere but a toilet.”

To see examples of this new breed of sluts, he tells us, we need look no further than reality TV or any woman’s dorm:

There have been plenty of examples from Snooki of MTV’s Jersey Shore pissing outside like a pet to college chicks taking dumps in showers

He’s also discovered evidence of this new filthy slut epidemic on the reality show Bad Girls Club Mexico, on which, much to his surprise, he recently witnessed one of the aforementioned “bad girls” acting in a manner that was, as they say in Newspeak, doubleplusungood. In one scene, he reports

one of the bad girls really has to piss.  She’s in a limo with the other bad girls so she finds a bucket, pulls down her skirt, and pisses into the bucket.  Later, when she exits the limo, she gives the piss filled bucket to some guy to deal with.

That last part is a very apt metaphor for how men have to clean up after women.  Whether its men building plumbing systems to efficiently deal with waste, or having to deal with a bucket of women’s piss, it’s all the same.

Uh, have you ever visited a nursing home? Nearly 90 percent of direct-care workers, many of whom literally spend their days dealing with piss and shit, are women. Most of them earn less than $20,000 a year; many personal care aides earn only about half that.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude upon this little fantasy of his with some actual, you know, facts. He continues:

Here we have another example of how a toilet is becoming a completely foreign object to women.  Eventually, women will have no idea what a toilet is.  We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.  Women litter will be next to kitty litter in the grocery store.

Sorry, dude. The only ladies in my life who need a litter box are these gals here:

In a previous post on the epidemic of filthy sluttiness, Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-feminist Tech worried about encountering some of these dirty women himself:

In the future, this is going to be something I’m going to have to watch with my women.  I naturally assumed that any woman I get now or in the future would know how to wash themselves since they are presumably functioning adults.  This is no longer an assumption I can make.  As soon as this starts being a problem, I’m heading back to being celibate.  I’m not a cleanliness freak by a long shot, but this is seriously disgusting, and I don’t want to know what organisms are growing on these filthy sluts.  I knew there would get to a point where I would be heading back to celibacy, but I didn’t think it would have to do with women having a lack of hygiene.

Happily, though, the (alleged) increasingly disgusting behavior of today’s women will have one very salutary side-effect: it will help to further the anti-feminist tech revolution.

This will add another reason for guys to use alternatives to women such as porn now and VR sex in the future.  All of those “virtual women” know how to wash themselves.  If things are going the way of women getting increasingly filthy, then it’s another reason that virtual women will be superior to real women.

Clean? Maybe. Safe? Never. Just wait until you go to the bathroom one morning and find a red ring of death on your penis.

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12 years ago

Speaking of college dorms, I opted to switch to one of the nicer dorms with bigger rooms, individual wifi, and private bathrooms.

12 years ago

And don’t even get me started on the new mom fad to do “elimination communication” with your newborn infant and forgo diapers altogether and simply learn when you need to run your infant to the toilet so they can go.

NO!! Just no!! That stuff explodes out of them. Sometimes the diapers aren’t even enough to stop it. No.

12 years ago

It turns out that Snooki has a urinary tract infection. She says it’s because of all the sex she’s having, yet most people have sex without ever having a UTI. Clearly, it has to do with her lack of hygiene.

Haha. Ha, hahaha, ha ha ha hahahahahahahaha. Ha!

Creative Writing Student

To be fair, I didn’t know where UTIs came from either, but I thought it had something to do with wiping back to front…

Also that apparently they are unpleasant and can be cured with cranberry juice.

[/not a doctor]

12 years ago

I assume this guy has never worked a job where he had to clean both bathrooms.

12 years ago

If it really were commonplace for women to piss and shit everywhere in public spaces, people would be completely used to that sight and nobody would bother making a thing of it in a reality show.

I’ve never had a UTI… I’ve never thought about it before, but is that like winning the lottery or something?

12 years ago

Creative Writing Student: don’t forget the other inhabitants of the British countryside: biting insects, stoats, weasels, badgers and, occasionally, adders!


12 years ago

aworldanonymous–Good. I hope that one works out. I lived in an all-female dorm my freshman year, and it was really quiet (all the parties were in the frats or co-ed dorms) and all the other residents were friendly. Also, the bathrooms were generally clean, except when the toilets overflowed (which probably has more to do with old plumbing than our sanitary habits, except inasmuch as we liked using toilet paper.) Pro-tip: if you are able-bodied and/or don’t mind using an elevator, top floor rooms are the best, since you don’t hear people stomping above you and the ceiling of your bathroom isn’t going to leak if the floor above you overflows theirs.

12 years ago

There’s lots of different ways that you can reduce your likelihood of getting UTIs, like wiping front to back, peeing after sex, drinking cranberry juice/taking cranberry pills, drinking lots of water, not holding in urine, etc. But some people with vaginas are still very prone to them, no matter how careful they are. (Some people with penises are too, but it’s rarer, because the urinary tract is so much longer).

12 years ago

Bear steals Pope Hat, craps in forest!

Is it a bear in an ill-fitting hat?

12 years ago

I should have said “vulvas”, really, since it’s not like the vagina is where the UTI happens o_O

Creative Writing Student

There’s one in a POPE HAT!

*explodes with delight*

12 years ago

Basically, women are more susceptible to them because our urethra is shorter and closer to the anus, and we have cause in the normal course of living to have various items put up into that area which increases our exposure to germs (diaphrams, tampons, penises, etc). That’s pretty much all there is to it. You get germs up in there and it can cause an infection. You can be infected anywhere from the kidneys to the bladder to the urethra itself. And yes, cranberry juice can work, but definitely go to a doctor if symptoms do not go away. It can also be a pain to actually find pure cranberry juice; it’s so often mixed with other juices.

12 years ago

He mentioned something about having to reconsider celibacy because of the dirty girl problem…Yeah sure. It’s got nothing to do with your blog, personality or misogyny.Ohhhh, the dames must be beating each other just to get near you.

Dumpster Jedi
Dumpster Jedi
12 years ago

This man exists in a world where trucker bombs don’t exist, I take it. Lucky bastard. — Or is that perfectly normal and a sign of things being the way they should, like guys peeing in the alley when they can’t find a toilet, or dudes crapping in the showers and urinals in the man-dorms.

12 years ago

I’ve never had a UTI… I’ve never thought about it before, but is that like winning the lottery or something?

I don’t think it’s quite that rare, but when I got my first one ever at age 29, my doctor commented that I’d been unusually lucky to avoid them up till then, so they’re definitely a very common experience for female-bodied people.

12 years ago

I had two UTI’s in quick succession last year, the first ones I’d had and have thankfully not had any since.

I discovered literally THE BEST THING EVER which is to add a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to a big glass of water and drink it. Pretty much stops the pain and near enough saved my sanity when I couldn’t get to a Doctor for a couple of days to get anti-biotics.

It tastes vile bit it works like magic, srzly.

12 years ago

I’ve had two. Uncomfortable, feels like you gotta pee all the time. Cranberry juice worked for me, thankfully.

12 years ago

Well, I have a mental illness, a skin problem and loose joints, so God probably made my urinary tract incredibly resistant to bacteria to somehow make up for the rest of the shit. 😛

12 years ago

Well, I get UTIs relatively often and UTI-like pain all the flippin’ time, because of pelvic floor problems. It used to be a pretty significant factor in my life, since it’s hard to go to work or class if you can’t move out of bed. But! This is a thing!

It does a good number on the pain, good enough that I can actually make it to the doctor’s office to get antibiotics (if I’m actually sick) or go about my day-to-day life (if my body’s just being a jerk).

12 years ago

I discovered literally THE BEST THING EVER which is to add a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to a big glass of water and drink it. Pretty much stops the pain and near enough saved my sanity when I couldn’t get to a Doctor for a couple of days to get anti-biotics.

I thought I was getting a UTI and I tried this. It worked perfectly. I don’t understand why at all; I thought you were supposed to drink acidic stuff to raise the pH of your body and kill the bacteria.

12 years ago

By MRA logic, this is obviously a female cheetah.

12 years ago

Historophilia and katz, geniuses, thank you – I’ll try that next time.

Also – ladies, carry umbrellas! Automatic weeing screen.

12 years ago

@Katz (I don’t know how to block quotes, I’z a noob 🙁

It works because it makes your urine less acidic and that means it’s less irritating to the infected tissues of the urethra.

It doesn’t cure the infection but it deals with the pain long enough for it to clear up on it’s own.

12 years ago

I want to warn everyone to always take UTI symptoms seriously and get treatment early. Right after having my second child, I got one but ignored it, because I was busy with the new baby and didn’t want to pay a $40 copay for a dr. visit. Then I woke up in the middle of the night with 104 degree fever and throwing up. I went to the hospital the next day and it was a kidney infection and I had to get IV antibiotics and couldn’t do anything for a week. I refused to stay in the hospital because it would be hard with breastfeeding, so my mom stayed with me for a week to take care of the kids so I could get better.

tldr: Kidney infections are hell, so get bladder infections treated early to avoid that. Be aware of UTI symptoms in the postpartum period, too.