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MRA futurist: “We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.”

Unlike women, men never urinate outside. Except for this one dude.

Our dear friend over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog is worried about filthy sluts. And when he says filthy, he means filthy: these are gals, he tells us, who quite literally “piss and take dumps everywhere but a toilet.”

To see examples of this new breed of sluts, he tells us, we need look no further than reality TV or any woman’s dorm:

There have been plenty of examples from Snooki of MTV’s Jersey Shore pissing outside like a pet to college chicks taking dumps in showers

He’s also discovered evidence of this new filthy slut epidemic on the reality show Bad Girls Club Mexico, on which, much to his surprise, he recently witnessed one of the aforementioned “bad girls” acting in a manner that was, as they say in Newspeak, doubleplusungood. In one scene, he reports

one of the bad girls really has to piss.  She’s in a limo with the other bad girls so she finds a bucket, pulls down her skirt, and pisses into the bucket.  Later, when she exits the limo, she gives the piss filled bucket to some guy to deal with.

That last part is a very apt metaphor for how men have to clean up after women.  Whether its men building plumbing systems to efficiently deal with waste, or having to deal with a bucket of women’s piss, it’s all the same.

Uh, have you ever visited a nursing home? Nearly 90 percent of direct-care workers, many of whom literally spend their days dealing with piss and shit, are women. Most of them earn less than $20,000 a year; many personal care aides earn only about half that.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude upon this little fantasy of his with some actual, you know, facts. He continues:

Here we have another example of how a toilet is becoming a completely foreign object to women.  Eventually, women will have no idea what a toilet is.  We’re going to need litter boxes for women in the future.  Women litter will be next to kitty litter in the grocery store.

Sorry, dude. The only ladies in my life who need a litter box are these gals here:

In a previous post on the epidemic of filthy sluttiness, Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-feminist Tech worried about encountering some of these dirty women himself:

In the future, this is going to be something I’m going to have to watch with my women.  I naturally assumed that any woman I get now or in the future would know how to wash themselves since they are presumably functioning adults.  This is no longer an assumption I can make.  As soon as this starts being a problem, I’m heading back to being celibate.  I’m not a cleanliness freak by a long shot, but this is seriously disgusting, and I don’t want to know what organisms are growing on these filthy sluts.  I knew there would get to a point where I would be heading back to celibacy, but I didn’t think it would have to do with women having a lack of hygiene.

Happily, though, the (alleged) increasingly disgusting behavior of today’s women will have one very salutary side-effect: it will help to further the anti-feminist tech revolution.

This will add another reason for guys to use alternatives to women such as porn now and VR sex in the future.  All of those “virtual women” know how to wash themselves.  If things are going the way of women getting increasingly filthy, then it’s another reason that virtual women will be superior to real women.

Clean? Maybe. Safe? Never. Just wait until you go to the bathroom one morning and find a red ring of death on your penis.

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12 years ago

I went for a job last year which I really wanted and which was a very stereotypically female role – PA to the head of a university department. I was pipped to the post (and I really was pipped – I was the reserve candidate in case the first said no) by a young white male candidate, and the only reason I know that is because one of my friends worked in the department and had given me lots of advice beforehand, including tipping me off about any internal competition – which included this particular guy. She confirmed later that he had got the post. There is absolutely no way they would have told me he’d got the job as, just like the US, in the UK that would break all sorts of laws and regulations.

Did I whine and cry about it? No. Being an internal candidate, provided you’re good at your job, puts you at a significant advantage over everyone else. And by the sounds of this guy, he was really good. An internal candidate is also the safe option in this economic climate, rather than hiring an unknown external person. It’s got to the point where my heart sinks when I hear I’m up against an internal, in fact, cos I know my chances therefore significantly diminish.

I think it’s telling that NWO was the internal candidate for the job he always whines about not getting at his work though. Doesn’t surprise me – if his personality is anything like what he posts online, he’d make an absolutely awful manager, let alone co-worker.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Ponkz, not to mention that out here, at least, a job may be advertised because there’s a requirement for the company/department to do so, even though they have an internal candidate they want to fill it.

Yes, it’s very telling that people who know Owly don’t want to hire him.

Though I have this wonderful image of a hiring manager who’s been exposed to his cretinous bigotry just telling him “you’re a white straight Christian male, dude, of course the feminiazi conspiracy wouldn’t let us hire you” just to mess with his mind. It’d be the sort of thing I’d enjoy doing, though as far as ‘messing with his mind’ goes it’d be a bit late to the party.

12 years ago

On the forum, I told the story of how I was denied healthcare because I was a man. Apparently, only Obamacares about women’s health. He knows where his bread is buttered so he and the rest of the m’ginas in government pander to women with freebies.

12 years ago

Is it just me, or does anyone else here find it hard to believe that any professional would ever tell someone “yeah sorry, you didn’t get the gig because we had to hire a way less qualified chick. Quotas man.”

The key word in your question is “professional”. It was uncommon, but not unheard of, for misogynist white supremacists to say just exactly that to white male job applicants during the seventies. They also told black people and women that the only reason they were getting the job, or the promotion, was because the boss was making them hire, or promote, a woman or a black person because of affirmative action. The story has, of course, grown in the telling, and now applies to every white male anywhere who ever was turned down for a job.
One of my coworkers scored in the top three of her class at the academy, and I didn’t do too badly either, and yet, and yet, the Captain confided to us that we were both affirmative action hires.

12 years ago

One of my coworkers scored in the top three of her class at the academy, and I didn’t do too badly either, and yet, and yet, the Captain confided to us that we were both affirmative action hires.

Is it weird that when I read “Captain”, I immediately wondered if you were a pirate and that you were referring to some sort of Pirate Academy? Because that would be awesome.

12 years ago

Well it appears the comment section on the article about the 73 year old woman is being fairly well monitored.

… With the exception of some asshole complaining that she isn’t sympathetic enough because in another article she had some pretty choice revenge fantasies she’s so PISSED.

I mean, how dare a woman be angry after being brutalized and raped?

12 years ago

There’s a pirate acadamy?! Where do I sign up?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I thought Star Trek captain. Or maybe Captain Awkward.

12 years ago

They can always be combined! Awkward Space Pirates.

12 years ago

I thought Star Trek captain.

Starfleet Academy! Totally wanted to go there before I found out about Hogwarts.

@thebewilderness, yeah, I see your point. I shouldn’t be surprised there are still super duper unprofessional people out there, hell, I got hung up on by one of them a few weeks ago, a dude who worked for the city yelled at me and then hung up on me and refused to answer any subsequent phone calls from me until I called his supervisor to find out what was going on since he hadn’t told me, which was all I’d wanted and had politely asked for to begin with, FFS.

12 years ago

I just want to say that the romantic artistry of both lowquacks and katz has been immortalized on my silly and parasitic blog.

David is going to ban me for spamming one of these days. Ha.

12 years ago

Did someone say Space Pirates?

12 years ago

Uhura was in the top of her class at Starfleet Academy…

12 years ago

Cloudiah: High five! BTW, I submitted my Paul Ryan story to Hail to the Slash. I’m a bit afraid to read the other stuff on there…

M Dubz
12 years ago

Awkward pirates from outer space, ask, and ye shall receive!

12 years ago

On the forum, I told the story of how I was denied healthcare because I was a man. Apparently, only Obamacares about women’s health. He knows where his bread is buttered so he and the rest of the m’ginas in government pander to women with freebies.

Whatever, Buttman.

12 years ago

Cloudiah: High five! BTW, I submitted my Paul Ryan story to Hail to the Slash. I’m a bit afraid to read the other stuff on there…

Heh, I was literally just popping over here to suggest you do that. Good to see someone else is a Curmudgeon reader. 🙂

12 years ago

I think I’m gonna run a traveller campaign dedicated to lesbian space pirates now.

12 years ago

I so would have gone to a Pirate Academy instead if there had been one on offer.
Some few years later the Captain was offered early retirement, or else, while I became an instructor at that very same academy.

12 years ago

@aworld: I’m running a Star*Drive game using d20 Modern and d20 Future, and all the cheap Alternity supplements available from Amazon. Seriously, like a 64 to 128 page perfect-bound book for $5 if you don’t mind that it’s secondhand. (And considering how irrationally upset I get when I bash in the corner of one of my hardback gaming books, Been Through The Wars is probably a good look for the sake of my nerves.)

It’s pretty fun except I got a player who doesn’t always engage, tends to be unwilling to risk her character on dungeon crawls (I don’t care if it looks like a spaceship, you don’t know what’s on it, there’s an element of risk, and the order you explore the rooms in is open-ended — it’s a dungeon crawl with a plot), and I’m not even sure of what her character can do.

12 years ago

@Hellkell: I love your phrase; you exquisite dipshit. and want to steal it and pet it and use it all over!

12 years ago

Ithiliana, please feel free to give it a good home. 😉

12 years ago

Shade: I’m surprised Owly hasn’t taken that film as an opportunity to go on an OMG JEEWWZZZZ rant (because apparently Jews were involved in the funding/making of it, which sounds like perfect Owlybait).

No, they didn’t. It seems there was a lot of false flagging, meant to make it more offensive. It also seems likely there was no real film, and that the bits which are most offensive were dubbed in.>About that movie

12 years ago

I want shared custody of

exquisite dipshit

12 years ago

Late to this party, but it needs to be shared. Not that Slavey will ever believe that such leftie, girlie shit as interpersonal interactions could matter.

I was once the note-taker for a termination hearing. The company fired a very skilled, very experienced, very capable man. Everyone agreed that he was brilliant, and respected his abilities tremendously. But. He was such a raging asshole that his supervisor *actually kept a log* of the time he spent dealing with the asshole, and smoothing everyone else’s ruffled feathers. It was over 50% of his office hours.

What I’m hearing from HR types most these days is “We can teach you skills. We can’t teach you attitude.” I’ve sat in interviews with arrogant, entitled assholes (of any sex), who have impressive resumes, and do not get hired. Because they’re arrogant, entitled assholes, who may as well be carrying big signs that say, “If you hire me, you will spend the rest of your career regretting it. I will be in your office every second day, and when I’m not, my co-workers will be in there complaining about me.”