So I’ve been mostly avoiding writing about the whole Men’s Rights postering controversy in Vancouver, because it’s such a tempest in a teapot. The tl;dr: Some posters got torn down, and some of the people tearing them down yelled at the blabby MRA videoblogger and A Voice for Men second fiddle known as JohnTheOther.
MRAs: Given that virtually none of you have any experience as actual real world activists, you may not be aware of this, but POSTERS GET TORN DOWN. It’s annoying, and I don’t support it myself, but it happens all the time. Sometimes, you may actually run across people tearing down your posters, at which point there is usually some sort of awkward confrontation that may include yelling.
You know what you do when this happens? You put your posters up again. You know what you don’t do? Compare the experience to rape. Because, on the list of the grand injustices of the world, having posters torn down is pretty far down the list, somewhere around “stubbing your toe” and “kitten farts on you.”
That said, here are a few new “developments” in this ongoing epic.
1) Jezebel has posted a piece about the controversy. The most interesting thing about it is the following quote from, you guessed it, JohnTheOther, who apparently had this to say to someone from a local “community-driven news” website. The topic? False accusations of rape.
Maybe it’s a mistaken accusation, she doesn’t remember who she had sex with because she was drunk at the party or whatever. Some make accusations that have nothing to do with being raped; they’re angry, or they got stood up, they wanted to have sex with a guy but he said no. The fact that our society doesn’t have a balance for this is a major problem. I’m not suggesting every woman you meet is a loose cannon, but every woman you meet has the potential to be one, because for those few who are nutty, there’s no disincentive for them to go, oh, I was late for work. I know, I’ll just say I got raped.
Now, if the Men’s Rights movement were an actual civil rights movement trying to better the lives of men, this quote would be a public relations disaster. What real civil rights movement would want to have itself associated with someone who seems to think that women make up rape accusations willy nilly, when a date stands them up or when they need an excuse for being late to work?
Of course, the Men’s Rights “movement” isn’t an actual civil rights movement at all; it’s more like a collective tantrum. While MRAs are eager to “spread the word,” the more spreading they do, the more damage they do to themselves. No one is better at making MRAs look bad than MRAs themselves, which is why on this blog I spend so much of the time letting these (mostly) dudes make themselves look ridiculous with their own words. So, JtO, thanks?
2) And speaking of Mr. TheOther, we can now see video footage of the supposed dramatic confrontation that JohnTheOther had with what his AVFM boss Paul Elam called “a gang of 20-30 assholes on the street, some wielding box cutters.”
GirlWritesWhat, one of the Men’s Rights movement’s few non-dudes, has put up selections of video footage from Mr. TheOther in her video below.
As you’ll see – unless for some reason GWW has decided not to post the most incriminating parts of the video — there was no gang; it was a small group of people. No one was “wielding box cutters” in a threatening manner. The whole thing took place in broad daylight on a busy street.
Some posters were taken down. There were some raised voices. That’s it. That’s the sort of shit activists deal with every fucking day of their life.
Here’s the video:
Am I missing something here? This non-event is the alleged confrontation that AVFM has been hyperventilating about all this time? This is the evil anti-MRA harassment that Elam says “makes getting bestially raped by Richard Dawkins sound kinda funny.”
Leave it to Mr. Elam to add a rape-joke cherry to this bullshit sundae. Once again, MRAs are their own worst enemies.
> Haha, what do you want me to do, send you the entire legal
> code of the United States?
No, but if anybody has ever tried to push such laws, there should be some historical record of those attempts, the debate, the failure, and opponents triumphing. Just give me some keywords to google, like proposed bill names.
Oh wow, Pasta, you can’t even imagine your own key words for laws that don’t exist? How about pudding-orgy-platipus. That should help.
Or Ugh could just continue his smackdown….
I think BASTA is just in shock that anyone other than himself could possibly be discriminated against,
(See there, I used teh super sekret femminyst WordPress markup tags.)
Anyway, I just wanted to say this reminded me of an exchange I once had with a patron when I was on a public service desk in my library. He wanted to know the largest database he could search for resources in, so I pointed him to WorldCat, which contains nearly every published resource that has been cataloged by libraries worldwide. He puzzled on that for a bit, and then said, “Where can I find the list of everything that hasn’t been cataloged?”
I swear, that exchange broke my brain for the day.
Er, timetravellingfool, don’t tell me you’ve never heard of the Pudding-Orgy-Platypus Omnibus Relief and Reform Act of 1973?
If Wikipedia is to be trusted, it seems there is indeed a problem. Hate crimes are handled by federal law, but “petty discrimination” (to coin a term) is only banned in some states. I concede the point.
So you agree that the NCFM was endorsing taking domestic violence protections away from gay men?
I know it’s a bit late, but I have to say something about the “cop from Toronto”. That statement was fairly unknown until feminist activists complained about it and organized the SlutWalk. Statements like that often only gain media notoriety when activists complain about them and demand change.
If the MRM truly wants to address people saying things that are dismissive of the suffering of men, they have to actually do something about it.
You’d never believe what went on at the support rallies for that act.
Why do you think feminists were afraid of the police, if this was such a trivial altercation?
@idiotreview, Apparently the police did talk to them and let them go without even a warning, which JtO is all upset about.
For that matter, what evidence do you have that this was not a trivial event, as the police seem to have viewed it? Do you see any evidence to back up JtO’s claims that he was menaced by a gang of 20-30 boxcutter-wielding toughs?
You are such an idiot. Why do I bother?
Perhaps you are afflicted with siwoti syndrome?
I have a very bad case of that, Pam.
Hey, FactFinder! Designed any good games lately?
You have not explained why people who are in the right would be afraid of the police. I think that’s a reasonable question to ask.
I asked a simple, inoffensive question. I’m not sure why you’re getting so defensive over it.
No. I made a pretty nasty provocation page and got some useful info from it, but I never had any intention of making such a game. If you hope bringing up my past mistakes will anger me, you are wrong.
Lots of people who are not in the wrong fear the police. There could be a variety of reasons, including mistrust of authority figures or just plain old social indoctrination. My heart still skips a beat when I see a highway patrol car on the freeway, even when I’m not speeding.
However, they were supposedly doing the right thing at the moment, and JtO was supposedly doing something hateful and evil. If this was as black and white as the mob was trying to make it seem, then they should have been happy to let the police handle the situation. I know a lot of people have an intrinsic fear of the police, but I would be happy to see them if I knew someone had wronged me. This would also be understandable if only one began walking away, but I perceived the greater number, if not all of them leaving the scene.
Agreed, ideologuereview; it’s just another facet of their hypocrisy and general armchair “activism”.
You know what they are? Common, garden-variety thugs. Nothing more. Thugs without any leg to stand on. Listen to the leader of the mob interrupt, talk over, and talk down to JtO at every turn. He’s not interested in a conversation. He just wants to pontificate. Scum.
Did I just see that? Did Steelepole just call someone scum for pontificating rather than engaging in a conversation? Seriously?
Um, excuse me? Steele may want to work on Preggo Punch-Out with our good friend FF/IR/FullOfShit.
You charging anyone else with pontification is rich, Steele. Your bloviating could power a smallish city.
Steele hasn’t met FF yet, huh? Time for another friend making attempt! Too bad FF doesn’t stand for Friend Finder. 🙁 But seriously, you guys should hang out. Go horseback riding, or something.
I’ve always been willing to engage in a conversation in the appropriate forum. There is a time and a place for inter-Movement discussion – at AVfM and other spaces. In those places, certainly, feminist stupidity is not welcome. However, there is a time to throw the bedrock out the window and engage with the feminists and other anti-MRAs.
Not so for the leader of this mob. Even when he’s screaming in JtO’s face, destroying his property – that is, the posters – he won’t even engage in good faith. Coward.