ladies against women misogyny sexual assault victim blaming

Arizona Judge to sexual abuse victim: “I hope you look at what you’ve been through and try to take something positive out of it. …You learned a lesson about friendship and you learned a lesson about vulnerability.”

Judge Hatch

In keeping with the “women who hate women” theme we sort of had going last week, let’s take a quick look at Arizona Judge Jacqueline Hatch. Judge Hatch, you see, presided over a recent case involving a Flagstaff, Arizona police officer who was found guilty of sexually abusing a woman in a bar. According to the Arizona Daily Sun,

Prosecutors contended that he drank eight beers and then drove himself to the Green Room, where he flashed his badge in an attempt to get into a concert for free. While inside, he walked up behind the victim, who was a friend of a friend, put his hand up her skirt and then ran his fingers across her genitals.

When bouncers threw him out, Evans told them he was a cop and they would be arrested.

The cop faced up to two years in jail for his assault. But Hatch apparently felt the officer, who’d lost his job and served four whole days in jail, had already been punished enough for his crime, and let him off with two years of probation.

She also gave the victim a patronizing little lecture. Again, according to the Daily Sun,

Bad things can happen in bars, Hatch told the victim, adding that other people might be more intoxicated than she was.

“If you wouldn’t have been there that night, none of this would have happened to you,” Hatch said.

Hatch told the victim and the defendant that no one would be happy with the sentence she gave, but that finding an appropriate sentence was her duty.

 “I hope you look at what you’ve been through and try to take something positive out of it,” Hatch said to the victim in court. “You learned a lesson about friendship and you learned a lesson about vulnerability.”

Hatch said that the victim was not to blame in the case, but that all women must be vigilant against becoming victims.

 “When you blame others, you give up your power to change,” Hatch said that her mother used to say.

Hatch has now offered a half-assed apology for her remarks, saying, in part:

As a Coconino County Superior Court judge, it is my responsibility to ensure that all victims and defendants are treated fairly and in a respectful manner in the courtroom. It’s a responsibility I take very seriously. I also believe victims should not be blamed for coming forward to report crimes.

In a recent case, my in-court comments to the victim at sentencing did not further these important tenets. My comments were poorly communicated and for that, I am truly sorry if they caused the victim further distress.

No, you communicated pretty clearly. The problem is what you communicated.

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12 years ago

Lovely, I have to go to classes and miss a pellsplosion, I have a sad now.

12 years ago

There’s noch things a rape in Nature. It’s simply mating and the male determines when the female is nubile and ripe.

Are you fucking kidding me? Rape is such a large factor in the lives of some species of duck that the females have evolved a vagina (actually a cloaca) that corkscrews and has dead ends to avoid being fertilized by her rapists.

And males choose the female? Not in most species. Have you ever seen a bird of paradise? Or a fucking peacock? Or the mating rituals of cheetahs?

mature orgasms are all vaginal

Its called a dildo, asshat. -_-

12 years ago

Pell, seriously, get a life. You’ve been banned multiple times. You read like you get let out of your cage, glom on to the computer, and come HERE of all places.

12 years ago

wow that went from zero to shitty in three point five 😀

i’m new enough that i’ve never seen a pell-tdown before. equal parts pathetic and hilarious.

12 years ago

Its called a dildo, asshat. -_-

Indeed. But if we cut right to the heart of the matter, mature orgasms are not even a thing.

But that’s really the essence of Pell, isn’t it? Attacking people he doesn’t like using ridiculous bullshit he himself made up.

12 years ago

Hah, thanks peoples. I only threw it together in like a minute, as you can tell by the terrible sentence structure. 😛

12 years ago

I had to go back and read Pell’s descent. I thought “wait…didn’t that guy say something rather innocuous on the previous page? What changed?”


It’s like he turned into the Acme douche coyote: one minute floating along on nothing and the next falling straight down into frothing -isms.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I propose we send him down the river in the douche canoe.

Also, I sincerely hope this Pell creature lives in the middle of nowhere and all the women – sorry, feeeeeeeemales – he knows are in fact cardboard cut-outs of famous film stars.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

But that’s really the essence of Pell, isn’t it? Attacking people he doesn’t like using ridiculous bullshit he himself made up.

I believe the whole ‘clitoral orgasms are immature’ bullshit is actually ridiculous bullshit that Freud made up.

12 years ago

His name this time cracked me up. Oh, yeah, I totally believe a lawyer who’s been dead for 15 years is dropping by.

12 years ago

I believe the whole ‘clitoral orgasms are immature’ bullshit is actually ridiculous bullshit that Freud made up.

He probably figured if he couldn’t find it, it didn’t matter.

12 years ago

BlackBloc: Yeah. If I remember correctly, we do have Freud to blame for that malarkey.

12 years ago

@Cliff: Yeah, it’s important not to start victim-blaming people for “looking vulnerable”, obviously.

Interesting though how poster after poster has some anecdote that supports the hypothesis…

@Gelar. Maybe, the article I linked to didn’t mention this. However, in my link there is a hijab-wearing woman who theorises that creeps actually prefer to harass veiled rather than non-veiled women, thinking veiled women will be more likely to feel ashamed and not report the incident to the police.

@Pell: Exactly! You know me as well as I know myself. I’m a lesbian, and therefore I refer to every one who dare speak to me as a creep. When saying I used to be a creep magnet, I mean nothing more than that mean spoke to me from time to time. As all lesbians, I hate that! (Going to work is a real pain since there are men all over the place speaking and speaking, and being married to a man who fills up the entire house with his words time to time is even worse…)

12 years ago

How do you guys recognize the trolls so fast?! Do they use specific phrases? I know Pell has been here many, many times.

12 years ago

I believe the whole ‘clitoral orgasms are immature’ bullshit is actually ridiculous bullshit that Freud made up.

My mistake.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I think they all have tics. They keep going on the same crap every time they turn up. I knew this was definatley Pell when he started talking about all the women he knew who hadn’t been raped, although there are probably some other tics I missed beforehand.

12 years ago

BTW, a lot of guys (only Pell in this thread, but I’ve seen it a lot at other places) seem to seriously believe that “creep” just means “somebody who flirted with me and who I wasn’t interested in”. It’s NOT. Somebody is a creep when zie doesn’t respect boundaries. You can flirt with people and still do that.

Like fifteen years ago I was walking down the street when some random guy went “excuse me?”. I said “What?”. He said “I don’t normally do this, but when I saw you I thought you were so beautiful, so I just had to ask you… would you have lunch with me?”. I said “No thanks” and we went our separate ways.

Okay, that’s a bit odd. And very forward. But he wasn’t sneaking up on me trying to touch me or anything, he kept a perfectly normal speaking distance, gave a compliment and popped his question. And you know… that’s NOT creepy. I mean, I strongly suspect the “I don’t normally do this” was complete bullshit, he probably tried the same thing on every girl he thought looked attractive (and probably got lucky EVENTUALLY…), but it wasn’t a creepy thing to do.

Men sneaking up on you, much closer than normal speaking distance, starting to touch you, when you keep backing off they keep going after, refusing to understand hints, even refusing to understand straight-out “no:s” – THAT’S creepy.

12 years ago

Yep, the whole immature orgasm thing is Freud’s. He believed that as girls grow up, they needed to forget the clitoris altogether and focus on vaginal orgasms. Here:

Mary Ellman, in “Thinking About Women,” summed it up this way:

Everything in Freud’s patronizing and fearful attitude toward women follows from their lack of a penis, but it is only in his essay The Psychology of Women that Freud makes explicit… the deprecations of women which are implicit in his work. He then prescribes for them the abandonment of the life of the mind, which will interfere with their sexual function. When the psycho-analyzed patient is male, the analyst sets himself the task of developing the man’s capacities; but with women patients, the job is to resign them to the limits of their sexuality. As Mr. Rieff puts it: For Freud, “Analysis cannot encourage in women new energies for success and achievement, but only teach them the lesson of rational resignation.”

12 years ago

Freud also got a lot of his “research” from women who were institutionalized for “hysteria.”

Cliff Pervocracy (@pervocracy)

Dvärghundspossen – I think the reason creeps think “creep”=”unattractive flirter” is that their idea of how human interaction works is so warped that they assume all guys come on to women by cornering them and heavy-breathing on them, and if the guy is attractive the woman responds with “What a sexy, manly advance! I want to be your girlfriend now!” They have no idea how normal dating works.

Either that, or they’re just trying to convince women that the only way to avoid “creep-shaming” them is to sleep with them.

12 years ago

So women shouldn’t go to bars? Really?! Unbelievable.

12 years ago

Dvarghundspossen – exactly! An older guy (probably 3 or 4 times my age at the time) passed me on the street one day and said, “You’re beautiful!” That was it. He didn’t stop to talk or ask anything of me, just gave me this nice compliment. It was lovely and I remember it to this day, 40 years later. Kind of sad that something so simple was so memorable, but it was one of the few non-threatening or non-ugly things strange men said to me when I was 15.

12 years ago

How do you guys recognize the trolls so fast?! Do they use specific phrases? I know Pell has been here many, many times.

I think they all have tics. They keep going on the same crap every time they turn up. I knew this was definatley Pell when he started talking about all the women he knew who hadn’t been raped, although there are probably some other tics I missed beforehand.

He also does not know how to quote, he constantly talks about how women/we are mentally ill, he has weird spelling/punctuation, he attempts to sound reasonable but soon melts into insults loving to talk about how we are ugly/fat/lesbians, and he makes up ridiculous stories about how amazing he is. Also he has mentioned the immature orgasms before.

He has other weird tics too which I am sure I am forgetting.

12 years ago

Go to school pell! Don’t forget your homework!

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

I could conceive that *some* women would possibly give second chances to someone they already had a strong interest in if that person blundered in their initial approach. Of course the MRAs and Nice Guys take this small kernel of truth and expand it to fit their ridiculous worldview that ‘a creep is just someone who approaches a woman that doesn’t find hiim attractive’.

For instance, there’s no reason to think a woman would only be more forgiving of someone because he was *physically* attractive. My lover is a writer and had a massive crush on another writer because of his writing and let him do jerk moves a few more times than she might have if there hadn’t been a strong interest *which was totally unrelated to physical attraction*. But in the end, she didn’t stick around *because* he was a jerk, but *in spite* of him being a jerk, and barring maybe a few people with complex issues, I’m pretty sure that’s the general way women (in fact, people in general) react.