a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? bad boys grandiosity kitties masculinity misogyny MRA music video

More manly man-rock from the men of A Voice for Men!

The manly men at A Voice for Men do love their manly music! You may recall the asskickingly asskicking asskickery of “Go My Own Way,” the A Voice for Men anthem, as performed by Jade Michael and the Fuck Their Shit Up Singers Crew. And the “red pill honesty” of Slumberwall’s emo-folk (but totally not wussy) meditation“The Hatred of Women.”

Now, in a post with the dopily macho title “The weekend’s here. Swagger, brothers. Swagger,” AVFM contributor Skeptic presents a new video from his band Dark Star Disco.

No, it doesn’t quite match the terrible grandeur of either of the earlier MRA anthems. The music is utterly unexceptional testosterone-heavy rock-tronica that sounds like it just escaped from the nineties. And it’s 15 minutes long. But Skeptic is quite proud of it, nonetheless. As he describes it, in phrases as clichéd as the song itself:

We are sonically in your face – wall of sound — chainsaw wailing guitar, piercing electro synth and pounding rock rhythms.

Skeptic contributes the guitar – sorry, the “chainsaw wailing guitar” – to the sound. He apparently prefers guitars to women, as they don’t talk back:

I strut on guitar and love it. Nowhere do I feel more alive. Swagger.

I’ve been playing guitar for many years – self-taught. Swagger.

My guitars have helped me cathart during times of feminist insanity more times than I can recall. I truly don’t know how I would have made it this far without playing guitar. For my guitar doesn’t make maddening “man up” BS demands and treat me with misandry as a disposable utility.

The video, even less original, consists of pilfered stock footage of an assortment of putatively manly things, starting with, yes, a missile. (Oh, hello, Dr. Freud1) Let’s let Skeptic describe his creation:

It’s chock full of images men can relate to – a guided missile, eagle and cheetah hunting, jet aircraft and a high powered motorcycle at full throttle, runway dance swagger, military teamwork and bravery, high tech playfulness, raw wilderness, cutting edge scientific research, urban spaces constructed and running at full tilt and moving at a blistering pace into a future city of lights. It’s what men do. It’s cram packed with stuff feminists shit their pants over – unapologetic swaggering masculinity.

I dig it. It’s ballsy.

Just so you know, the “runway dance swagger” in question refers not to a fashion model shaking his or her stuff in a runway show, but to some dude doing a little victory dance on an runway for, like , airplanes.

Of course, Skeptic is making some assumptions here. We don’t actually know the gender of all those flying the planes (or driving the cars, or riding the motorcycle like an asshole) in the video. For the sake of argument, let’s just assume they are all male.

But the cheetah? Either Skeptic thinks all cheetahs are boy cheetahs, or he thinks that girl cheetahs sit on their fat asses eating cheetah bon bons and living off of Cheetalimony. In fact, of course, both male and female cheetahs hunt for their food. That ballsy swaggering masculine cheetah in his video may well be a gal.

If there are any stray misogynists reading this post who are unwilling to accept that female cheetahs can hunt, skip ahead to 1:30 in the video below to see one cheetah mom chase down a gazelle just like the cheetah in Skeptic’s video.

Here, a female cheetah faces down three hyenas to protect her cubs.

In other words, female cheetahs are badasses. So are male cheetahs.

Skeptic is just a plain old jackass.

If any of you actually listened to Dark Star Disco’s little masterpiece, or any of the other songs I linked to above, and need to clear your ears of all that manly man stuff, might I suggest “Crochet,” by Kathleen Hanna’s side project Julie Ruin?

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12 years ago

wall of sound

nothing says manly and in your face quite like a technique pioneered by a dude who’s greatest achievements involved working with girl groups

although since phil spector killed a lady i guess that makes him an mra hero

12 years ago

this reminds me of the kind of awful butt rock shit you had to deal with in racing games back before the producers could afford songs that anyone actually liked

like it would fit right in on like one of the early need for speeds, which actually is probably what they were going for

12 years ago

ok nvm i got to the part where the keyboards kick in that is fucking awful

12 years ago

The eagle could also be either male or female. Male and female bald eagles are almost identical; females tend to be larger, and it’s possible to figure out which member of a couple is which by their nesting behavior, but that’s about it.

The first five minutes of the video are excellent, and Flight Deck Dance Guy is my instant new boyfriend, but the ten minutes of stock traffic footage kind of lost me on the whole adrenaline-pumping front, chainsaw guitar notwithstanding. Awesome cheetah, though.

12 years ago

Sorry for the name change, which is mainly for esse of kitty avatarness. Anyway…

‘Cathart’? Lol

12 years ago

Interesting how both “raw wilderness” and “urban spaces” are, apparantly, masculine. What does that leave? The ISS?

Creative Writing Student

Interesting how both “raw wilderness” and “urban spaces” are, apparantly, masculine. What does that leave? The ISS?

Suburbia? With the white picket fences and shit. 50s nuclear family happiness. All that. Ugh.

Which is why when I build them in the Sims I stick them in the middle of club districts, love hotels, and tacky kareoke bars, and then populate them with Romance and Pleasure sims. The bright pastels all blend into each other eventually. 😛

12 years ago

According to Wikipedia, one researcher found that only 41% of male cheetahs hunted alone, while all the females did. Therefore, assuming equal numbers of male and female cheetahs, the probability that a single cheetah is male is .41/(1.41) or .29. So there is slightly less than a 1 in 3 chance that is a male cheetah.

12 years ago

Shitty wannabe Eurotechno garbage. At almost 12 minutes long, they’re proving yet again that MRAs have no self-editing capability. I got about halfway and had to stop.

The video was part National Geographic special and part Top Gun. Not good.

Creative Writing Student

I haven’t listened. I have a limited capacity for terrible annoying music, and this year One Direction and Katy Perry were enough.

(My old housemate. Lovely person, abominable musical tastes.)

12 years ago

If he tries to associate any more random images with his own version of manly manliness then surely the entire world will be about him and ……..

12 years ago

[blockquote]Suburbia? With the white picket fences and shit. 50s nuclear family happiness. All that. Ugh.[/blockquote]

Hmm… that makes some sense. Don’t these guys idolise… pretty much exactly that, though? “50s happiness” usually implies “patriarch man who is the undisputed emperor over his family, homemaker wife who is a complete doormat, obedient children” and all that.

I guess [i]half[/i]-tamed wilderness would be left, but I’m [i]pretty[/i] sure the AVfM people think the first three generations of settlers have to be all-male.

12 years ago

… oops. I’m still trying to get used to the markup syntax, sorry.

12 years ago

By feminist insanity I’m guessing he means Mum telling him to get a job every time she comes round collect his dirty laundry. I’ve know quite a few male semi-pro musicians over the years.

Creative Writing Student


It’s the side-arrow one. The rest is correct. 😀

And yeah, that’s why I like to fill them with Sims who have lots of woohoo and parties with bubble hookahs. 😛

12 years ago

The gap between Dark Star Disco’s (good god!) boring synth pop accompanied by trying-way-too-hard images and Stephen’s manliest mannishness that ever manned a man description of such is astonishing. I lolled.

12 years ago

I decided I would listen to that for as long as it took me to solve the Saturday crossword. I beat my previous record, solving it in under 5 minutes SO I COULD TURN THAT INSIPID NOODLING OFF.

12 years ago

Oh joy, macho idiot rock!

12 years ago

Don’t mind me, just trying out my new avatar.

12 years ago

“We are sonically in your face – wall of sound — chainsaw wailing guitar, piercing electro synth and pounding rock rhythms.” –

-said every pimply, hygenically challenged suburban teen who ever formed a band in the backyard, ever.

As far as “Wall Of Sound” goes in the non-Specter sense, experimental sound artist Rudolf had a funny quote about the lazy over-usage of it in more experimental (and industrial) genres, something about “boys with their toys” or the “feedback fraternity”. I know that’s not what they’re going for here, it just made me think of it. I think they’re going more for that Marine recruitment video aesthetic, really, but Kid Rock wasn’t available that day.

12 years ago

What I learned from watching the video:

Eagles grab fish with their claws. That’s pretty cool.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

See here’s the thing. Except for the military stuff, I am interested in all of the things in that video. Also, sparkle ponies and ballerinas.

I am always amused (and by amused, I mean it makes we want to cry) by guys who think they can defeat teh evul feminists with images of traditionally manly shit. Many of us feminists are also INTO the traditionally manly shit. That’s part of what feminism’s all about; having the freedom for people of all genders to espouse a broad range of behaviors and interests without shame.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@myoo- your avatar is FABULOUS.

12 years ago

I’ll just listen to the Skyrim OST and call it a day.

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