antifeminism hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men penises reddit vaginas

How to Get Downvoted on the Men’s Rights Subreddit, Sandra Fluke edition

If you ever have the desire to get yourself downvoted on the Men’s Rights subreddit, here’s one sure-fire strategy: Write a sensible comment suggesting that birth control benefits people with penises as much as people with vaginas.

Here are the two top replies to this comment:

I was going to point out some of the ironies inherent in Men’s Rightsers getting mad about women getting “free” birth control, but I suspect you can figure those out on your own.

This is why the so-called Men’s Rights movement is not so much a rights movement as a take-away-other-people’s-rights movement.

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Scotty Dudebro
12 years ago

For those who don’t know what I mean, this.

12 years ago

Board Troll is crushing on David!

All the drive by OMG journalistic responsibility, all the “do what I say,” and now he admits it: he’s trying to have an ADULT conversation with David.

Hey, Board Stiff: do you notice how seldom David talks to you?

Don’t you think you ought to up your game is you want an adult conversation, because, chortle, what you are putting out here is juvenile and (yes, I’ll go there) boring trolling.

Creative Writing Student

It’s like a dude at a customer service desk yelling “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! DO AS I SAY!!!”

1. No, they don’t know who you are
2. They probably don’t care either
3. You don’t employ them, the shop does
4. In this case, SGBWYS is complaining to the owner in the presence of other customers, and everyone thinks he’s a time-wasting idiot and really wants to engage in their weekly shopping for quality misogyny-mocking.
5. Legally, you don’t get to demand anything from shop owners, but you can politely request.
6. The same rule applies here. Also, it gets you listened to.
7. I should not make metaphors at 3:30 am

12 years ago

I wonder if I’m in the minority who loves hormonal birth control–I’ve been mostly on it since 7th grade, and I’m a senior in college now (and still a virgin). In my case, the most side effects I’ve ever had were sore boobs, and even that was mostly when I started. The best part is that I don’t have hell cramps when on b/c, and can prevent/time my periods for when it is most convenient for me. I have heard horror stories about the other kinds of b/c, even though I love the idea of that implant.

12 years ago

Also, since I’m not having sex, I don’t worry too much about skipping pills or taking them at strange times. If I were to have sex, I’d “double up” with condoms for STDs and because I don’t really trust my pill taking. Also, I’d look into something that I didn’t have to take everyday that might actually work as birth control and not just hell-cramp prevention.

12 years ago

I actually pretty much ignore your gossipy complaining natterings and try to have an adult conversation with David.

Would that be before or after the fart jokes?

12 years ago

@Polliwog- I had the Mirena IUD in for over two years (before getting it removed to complete our family with my current pregnancy). It worked great, my periods pretty much went away, and other than the fact that I got kind of paranoid about that fact, it was AMAZING. I’m one of those people who has PCOS, so I normally have KILLER cycles, and the hormonal birth control pill (which I took for years) eventually led to me developing high blood pressure (which went away when I went off the pills). So now I can’t take it anymore.

The only bad part about the IUD is that the “strings” that hang down into the vagina from the cervix (you have to check them to make sure the IUD is in place like once a month) can sometimes poke a man in the penis during sex. The strings, by the way, are more of the consistency of fishing wire than actual strings, so it can really hurt if it pokes him right in the urethral opening (ouch). I ended up getting my strings cut super short because of this problem, which made it hard for them to remove the IUD later on (I had to have a slight anesthetic injected in my cervix so that the OB could get the strings properly for removal).

The Mirena IUD works for 5 years straight, so it’s a good birth control option if you can do it. My husband is planning on getting a vasectomy after our second child is born, and I want to get the IUD again because it helped manage my PCOS symptoms better. I just hope the strings don’t become a problem again.

12 years ago

Complaining that dudes don’t get have all the wonderful birth control options that women have takes MRA ignorance and whining to a whole new level.

12 years ago

As someone who has worked as a newspaper reporter for 12 years, one of bored guy’s comments really stood out to me:
” I know if I were a reporter I would be so happy to see my posts abused in this way.”
Oh fella, you really have no fucking clue, do you? Declaring equality as a good thing, then having a bunch of anonymous gits scream and holler and berate you can really fuck with your head.
P.S., negative attention is only cool if you’re an attention whore. Got that? We’re not obsessed with you, fella. If a mosquito keeps buzzing around your head, you swat at it. You’re a mosquito, pal. We acknowledged your posts…..but you’re too dumb to recognize when people are swatting you away.
We get it, though; you’re a groupie addicted to all the negative attention. Now piss off.

12 years ago

Dear MRAs,

If you want to bring RISUG to the US finally (India’s had this for years; US drug companies are not generally interested in a 100% effective procedure you only perform once every ten years since they can’t make money off it), this is one thing, possibly the only thing, I will ever agree with you on.

Unfortunately, we all know you won’t actually do anything productive to make this happen.

12 years ago

Some guy said:

What I find hilarious is how rarely I post

12 years ago

… wow, that’s a new and exciting way to fuck up blockquotes. Let’s try that again.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@CWS – “really wants to engage in their weekly shopping for quality misogyny-mocking” – weekly? You can hold out that long? Strewth, I’ve been on the site daily since I discovered it! 😀

@wordsp1nner – I was on the Pill for twenty-odd years, not for the birth control side of it but to control my periods. Only went off it when I started getting thrush-like symptoms; for most of those years it was fine, though one sort was ridiculously expensive ($35 a month in the 1990s was a lot to pay). Now I’m just hoping menopause settles down and I can avoid HRT!

12 years ago

The IUD I had was a Paraguard. I couldn’t handle the hormonal forms of birth control so I was able to get one even though I have no children. It did cause very long and painful periods, and the first few months I bled constantly.


Thank you for your support. We have not done IVF yet. I just finished all of my testing and there is no problem on my end. The husband needs to get a sperm analysis but he keeps procrastinating.

12 years ago

Some Dude: What I find hilarious is how rarely I post and

Ah… the varpole Challenge:

some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:03 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:21 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:25 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:26 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:32 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:35 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:39 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:40 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:45 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:49 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 5:50 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 7:59 pm
some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 8:35 pm
Some guy bored with your schtick | September 6, 2012 at 8:57 pm

14 posts in three hours (using the time of the quoted comment at the top of this comment as the cutoff), 11 of them in less than 50 minutes. Total word count (excluding quotations) 768.

Yeah, you aren’t at all active.

I actually pretty much ignore your gossipy complaining natterings and try to have an adult conversation with David. You’re welcome to join in.

If this is your idea of adult conversation (i.e. hectoring him to write about what you want him to write about, rather than mocking misogyny), I’m glad I don’t know you in elsewhere. Then again, you seem oblivious to how much of your commentary is things like these:

David, your mom have any more home video, because that one was just terrific.

Also that gif was pretty funny. You were a naughty little boy and I am glad your mom had out her super 8

So very adult.

There are also these little attempts at wit.

Especially when wearing bow ties and fezzes.

Hey, thebionicmommy , BlackBloc and me are all hanging out in the new thread. Come on over!

This chat room is awfully empty. Is it because blitzgal farted?

eyes glazing over in here, may have to go back to work now.

Those weren’t to Dave, so you were paying attention to the “nattering” of others. Most of your writing, actually, isn’t directed at Dave, so a bit of self-examination might be in order; on the subjects of what you say, to whom you say it, and the nature of its content.

12 years ago

Some Guy is lost in his own private Idaho.

12 years ago

I’ve not used Hormonal BC myself, but my partners have used it.

One of them and I used pretty much every available method (save norplant, and the pill, because she was afraid she’d forget).

IUD (Mirena) She loves it. No periods, but hella cramps when she got it in. There was some time when a pubic hair had gotten tied into a not with the ‘string’. That was a bit uncomfortable for me, sometimes. Got it snipped and back to not noticing it.

Nuva Ring. Probably best, after the IUD.

Patch. Horrible. Adhesive caused all sorts of problems. Also has the disadvantage of random bits of being noticed,and the creepy comments that engendered.

Depo. She gained weight. Not all that happy with it, though the once every three months was nice.

Diaphragm. Mixed. A nuisance to put in and the spermacide tastes nasty.

Condoms, the usual sorts of complaints.

My partners who have used the pill have had mixed opinions, but generally favorable; or they’d have switched to something else (and some did, usually diaphragms).

12 years ago

Chavelah’s post was wa-a-a-a-ay too logical for /mensrights.

12 years ago

I mean, look at how they latched onto the word “celibate” like it was the only thing Chavelah said. You don’t have to be a shrink to figure this out.

Creative Writing Student

@Kitteh’s Unpaid Help

No, I’m a many-times-daily checker too, just ‘weekly’ sounded more in line with real-life shopping habits (excluding myself and bookstores).

12 years ago

I usually have Manboobz open all the time. I have no life. 🙁

/full disclosure

It’s mostly because I have my browser open all the time anyway (not that i’m at the computer all the time though, because work and such), so an extra tab isn’t going to explodify anything. And I just can’t stay away.

12 years ago

Wait, feminists are trying to ban peeing while standing in Sweden? O_o

12 years ago

I had to look it up. A motion was put forward at the county level asking male representatives in the Sormland County Council to sit down when they pee, so they won’t piss all over the floor. Certainly widespread misandry, that one.

Funny thing is, the OP seems to think that this is a #firstworldproblem on American feminist’s radars. Nope, this story is known by the MRA crowd because they troll the web specifically looking for shit like this to have their little temper tantrums about. Of course, this same dude thinks that birth control is a #firstworldproblem, so I’m not going to take much of anything he has to say all that seriously.

Also, the pee bill was written by a man.

12 years ago

Furthermore, there was going to be no banning of anything — the dude who wrote the bill suggested that people who insist on standing would be given a toilet specifically dedicated to pee standing.