antifeminism hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men penises reddit vaginas

How to Get Downvoted on the Men’s Rights Subreddit, Sandra Fluke edition

If you ever have the desire to get yourself downvoted on the Men’s Rights subreddit, here’s one sure-fire strategy: Write a sensible comment suggesting that birth control benefits people with penises as much as people with vaginas.

Here are the two top replies to this comment:

I was going to point out some of the ironies inherent in Men’s Rightsers getting mad about women getting “free” birth control, but I suspect you can figure those out on your own.

This is why the so-called Men’s Rights movement is not so much a rights movement as a take-away-other-people’s-rights movement.

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12 years ago

Women voting really irks you, huh bud?

12 years ago

Board Stick doesn’t understand the difference between a blog and a newspaper.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

It is amusing to watch your commenters here fulminate over horrible MRA downvotes and then turn around and rationalize SRS downvote brigades.

Downvotes: The Evilest, or The Evilest Thing Ever? Tune in at eleven to find out!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Also, Some Schtick? You’re literally the only person in this thread fulminating over votes on reddit. At all.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ some guy – if you don’t want people on this site wasting their time, perhaps you should stop repeating the same talking points? Just a thought.

12 years ago

Let’s just ignore Bored Stick.

Oh, god, hormonal birth control. Cannot do it at all, and I thought the Mirena was going to kill me.

12 years ago

It is amusing to watch your commenters here fulminate over horrible MRA downvotes and then turn around and rationalize SRS downvote brigades. I know if I were a reporter I would be so happy to see my posts abused in this way.

I’m not sure anyone other than you is obsessing about downvotes in the first place, but even if we were doing exactly as you say…how would this be inconsistent? Are you somehow under the impression that we are just deeply opposed to the entire concept of downvotes, and that the subject matter being downvoted is totally irrelevant? Because…um…we’re not? Perhaps I am misunderstanding what “SRS downvote brigades” entail, but from what I’ve seen of SRS, their raison d’etre appears to be calling out morons, bigots, and just plain horrible people on reddit, so I’m presuming that said “downvote brigades” are people downvoting stuff that’s moronic, bigoted, or just plain horrible. Assuming this is accurate, “People look bad when they downvote sensible things, and do not look bad when they downvote douchebaggery” seems like a pretty damn simple concept to grasp, even for someone as, well, pretty damn simple as you.

12 years ago

OMG Fembot the HSG is the WORST. WORST. EVAR.

I did IVF last month and the 2 day recovery from the retrieval was not worse than the 1 minute of pain from the HSG. And yeah, the merriment me and my husband share about how long we used birth control pointlessly, the times we didn’t just have sex because there was no condom available 😀 sounds like you can perhaps relate?

If you want to swap war stories i’m around 🙂 best of luck to you and i hope your hard work and suffering pays off. 🙂

12 years ago

I would love if men had to be the ones to take on all the risks for birth control- the increase of DVT (life threatening blood clots), the hypertension risk, the hair growth, the splotchy discolored skin, and the plethora of other hormonal problems. Oh, and remembering to take the pill at the same time each day, not being able to using other medications which could interfere in its effectiveness.

Please, do come up with a male birth control pill. I want men to have the “joy” of having to take control of their reproductive capacities as much as any woman.

12 years ago

Hormonal birth control makes me completely lose my sex drive. So I guess it works really well? Just not the way I wanted it to.

some guy bored with your schtick
some guy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

“Women voting really irks you, huh bud?”

I assume it would be misogyny if I point out how often you intentionally twist words, is that right?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

My dad always used to say ‘when you’re bored, you’re boring’. Guess he was right.

He also gave some good advice for how to deal with boredom – ‘go and play outside’.

12 years ago

Also, add me to the list of people who would gladly offer men all my apparently oh-so-great birth control options, since so far the choices I’ve tried are:

– Hormonal birth control that made my boobs swell up enormously and become so tender that I could not function. For example, just trying to walk slowly up or down a flight of stairs, while manually holding them in place to minimize jiggle as much as humanly possible, would literally have me in tears from the pain. (Having people stare at me like I was some self-groping weeping pervert when I had to do this in public was an extra-fun perk!)

– Hormonal birth control that did that, PLUS make me incredibly cranky all the time.

– Hormonal birth control that did both of those, PLUS give me the worst cramps of my life.

– Hormonal birth control that did all of the above (although it at least improved the crankiness somewhat), PLUS made me gain 20 pounds.

– Condoms, which, at their worst, make sex feel very, very slightly less awesome, but still awesome, and also protect against many STDs.

Have your pick, dudes! I’m sure you won’t end up going with the obviously inferior option that’s currently available to you, with amazing choices like the others!

(OT a bit: I have been wondering lately about the non-hormonal copper IUD – has anyone here tried one? Are they worth looking into? I’m happy to keep using condoms, but I’d really like to have a backup method just to be sure, and it’s pretty clear by now that hormonal BC isn’t going to work for me.)

12 years ago

I assume it would be misogyny if I point out how often you intentionally twist words, is that right?

Depends, I guess.

Is it misandry if we point out how often you: move goal posts, misunderstand and/or misinterpret the words in the OP and subsequent comments, fail to the address the salient rebuttals of your whiny ass titty-baby bullshit, go on and on -and endlessly on- about how David won’t write about what you want him to write about, refuse to start your own blog where you can talk about whatever the fuck you want, insist that you’re completely bored while visiting and posting on this blog every day, and bore the ever loving shit out of all us while contributing nothing of intellectual or entertainment value to the discussions?

How’s the work going?

feminizm rulez bro!
feminizm rulez bro!
12 years ago

god, manboobz is so pathetic.

12 years ago

@Polliwog, just data from a friend, she had an IUD and ended up with PID. She had it for a while, the only side effect being painful sex, and only realized because the painful sex continued despite her …uh….having said sex with… a smaller gentleman? So, she’s now trying a diaphram but apparently nowhere convenient sells spermicide (we just went on a drunken spermicide hunt the other day after some margaritas, it was great for us but probably scary for the pharmacy workers when i went up and was like “DO YOU HAVE SPERMACIDE?” (i feel like my drunk voice is really loud for whatever reason.) Anyway, long story short, i’m sure it’s not _common_ but PID can be a thing, no matter what, so, you know, take care, be well, good luck if you do try an IUD 🙂

12 years ago

Quite a few of my friends really like their IUDs but they’re all married women who’ve had one child. I’ve had the same issues with hormonal birth control that some others have listed: mood swings, sore boobs, complete lack of sex-drive. I’m all about combining barrier methods now.

And I’m lucky; my man is as pro-condoms as I am.

12 years ago

(OT a bit: I have been wondering lately about the non-hormonal copper IUD – has anyone here tried one? Are they worth looking into? I’m happy to keep using condoms, but I’d really like to have a backup method just to be sure, and it’s pretty clear by now that hormonal BC isn’t going to work for me.)

I had one once and I hated it. It made my periods last a lot longer, much heavier, and much more painful. I did great on the pill, because it made my periods lighter and prevents acne. I also liked the diaphragm, for when I was breastfeeding and didn’t want any hormonal contraception. It’s even better now, though, not using anything since my husband’s vasectomy.

@Some bored guy,

I’m not on reddit, so I don’t care about downvote brigades. I also don’t care about thumbs ups/downs on yahoo. But I do still want to share this meme with you

some guy bored with your schtick
some guy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

*Is it misandry if we point out how often you: move goal posts, misunderstand and/or misinterpret the words in the OP and subsequent comments, fail to the address the salient rebuttals of your whiny ass titty-baby bullshit, go on and on -and endlessly on- about how David won’t write about what you want him to write about, refuse to start your own blog where you can talk about whatever the fuck you want, insist that you’re completely bored while visiting and posting on this blog every day, and bore the ever loving shit out of all us while contributing nothing of intellectual or entertainment value to the discussions?*

Doesn’t matter if it’s misandry or not because you’ll call it that, just as David considers downvoting comments at reddit to be misogyny.

What I find hilarious is how rarely I post and how you all are apparently obsessed with me. It’s really somewhat creepy and threatening. I worry when you will try to dox me and complain to my supervisor or write letters to people in my neighborhood and community.

I actually pretty much ignore your gossipy complaining natterings and try to have an adult conversation with David. You’re welcome to join in.

12 years ago

Is it misandry to suggest that SGBWYS is an egotistical asshat? Or how about terminally ignorant when he construes derision and mockery to be threats?

12 years ago


(just in case)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

David considers downvoting comments at reddit to be misogyny.

You might want to work on your reading comprehension.

What I find hilarious is how rarely I post and how you all are apparently obsessed with me.

How strange that these people would respond to someone they disagree with! The rest of the internet never does that.

I worry when you will try to dox me and complain to my supervisor or write letters to people in my neighborhood and community.

So in addition to terrible reading comprehension, you have delusions of persecution.

I actually pretty much ignore your gossipy complaining natterings and try to have an adult conversation with David.

Hahahaha, is that what you thought you were doing?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Oh, little troll, how funny you are.

12 years ago

Is Bored Stick Varpole again? He’s the only one who’s ever been paranoid about doxxing, as if he’s worth the time that would take.

What would we tell you supervisor? That you’re dull as dishwater? They probably already know that.

Scotty Dudebro
12 years ago

Sometimes, I dream about the end of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, when they get money and spend it going door to door beating up people who wrote things about them on the internet. Except, in my dream I’m a ninja that prints pages of the shitlord comments these guys makes, wallpapers their rooms with them, and leave them tied up and gagged to be discovered. I imagine them explaining to reporters/journalists how they were persecuted for calling random women sluts, whores, etc…

Sadly, I can but dream.