antifeminism antifeminst women evil women harassment ladies against women manginas MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit sexual harassment

Complementarian Loner: “Due to their lame, banal talking, [women] show they are only good for sex.” So online sexual harassment of women is just peachy!

Women: Always up to no good!

Complementarian Loners, a relationship blog of sorts run by two kinky but reactionary Catholics (and which I’ve written about before), describes itself as “primarily a blog of ideas.” The main idea seems to be that women are awful, worthless creatures. Surprisingly, it is CL, the female half of the blogging team, who is often the most vociferous on this point.

In a post unironically titled “Tits or GTFO (a.k.a. How Women Ruin Everything),” CL defends the regular harassment women face when entering – sorry, “invading” – “male spaces” online. As she writes:

Too many women will waltz in and expect to engage everyone, with no sense that perhaps they should just hang back once they’ve had their say if they even have it. They talk and talk and talk, derailing conversations, going off-topic usually to talk about themselves, until all that’s left is a room full of clucking hens and all the smart guys eventually get fed up and leave.

They want to be considered equals yet prove they do not deserve it both by showing that what they really want is to be up on that pedestal and that they are incapable of rational thought.

I have to confess that I have never actually seen this happening in any “male space” online, though I’ve seen numerous female spaces invaded and overrun by blabby mansplainy guys, often of the MRA persuasion. That’s certainly happened often enough on Reddit, where virtually every woman-centric subreddit from TwoXChromosome to Feminism has been rendered almost useless for discussion, a process depicted symbolically in the gif below.

Meanwhile, over at the “male spaces,” women are all too often shut down and/or run off by obnoxious dudes calling them bitches and worse and demanding nude pictures. CL, for her part, finds this all rather wonderful, and suggests puckishly that Complementarian Loners might well adopt a similar “policy” to deal with gals who won’t stop disagreeing with her shut up.

There’s a reason the only people we have banned on this blog are women and a couple of manginas. These people don’t know when to shut up and have no sense that they’re wearing out the welcome mat – also known as being entitled. …  I’ve lost whatever patience I had for it and I don’t like to see insightful comments lost in the kerfuffle of women clamouring for validation.

So, perhaps a new policy for women should be, since they refuse to apologise or drop anything, tits or GTFO.

Sure, that might be seen as demeaning. But these women are asking for it through their behavior:

If a woman is making no sense and adding nothing to the discussion, while making it all about her, defending other women, being a special snowflake and NOT wanting to learn anything, she is a liability and worthless in that forum, so she has reduced her worth to only sexual. Therefore, she should just be sexual and show her tits to show she has something to offer.

Really? Because I’ve run across a lot of awful guys online who continually say things that make no sense, and I’ve never once thought that this “reduces their worth to only sexual.” I think it just means they are incoherent assholes with terrible, terrible ideas.

But no, in CL’s mind, women bring this sexual harassment onto themselves. Not only that, but the harassment is good for them:

Men do not do this to women; women do it to themselves. Due [to] their lame, banal talking, they show they are only good for sex. Showing her tits is a humbling and reminds her of her worth. With any hope, it makes her think and realise that in order to be more than a sexual object, she must STFU or prove herself able to be rational.

CL, your argument here isn’t exactly, you know, rational to begin with; you’re essentially demanding that the women you disagree with transform themselves into people who are irrational in the same way that you are.

I am embarrassed for my sex. It makes me cringe to see how they ruin everything once they get their claws in, and how little they really seem to care for men and male spaces. We all want our own spaces free of drama. Perhaps they don’t realise that it is they who create all the drama, but apparently this is what women seem to want.

Yeah, it’s not like angry dudes online are ever known to conjure drama out of thin air (*cough*avoiceformen*cough*).

Of course,  when those poor MRAs start having fits over nothing, we need to remember that the poor babies have been treated so badly by the ladies of the world:

Women need to understand that MRAs and MGTOWs are disgruntled, angry, and frustrated with good reason … These are men who have loved, and their anger is proportional to the love of which they are capable.

Well, that’s your theory. My theory is that, by and large, they’re a bunch of entitled assholes.

In the end, CL brings it all back to one famous naughty lady and her love of apples:

If only women would stop this fight. If only women would submit to male leadership and stop this urge to control everything. Alas, it seems unlikely that most will ever be able to see, but it is sad how bad things have gotten, how cursed the world is, by dint of the daughters of Eve and our disobedience.

That’s right: Because Eve bit an apple, it’s fine to sexually harass women online when you don’t like what they say.

Of course, CL is perfectly fine with offline harassment as well. In the comments, she laments that fact that dudes can’t call a woman a “whore” in a bar these days without that woman getting mad, and suggests that women working in male arenas – sorry, women “playing at being construction workers or what have you” – just learn to appreciate this sort of “jocular speech” from the fellows.

Blessed are the sexual harassers, because women talk too much.

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12 years ago

CL, sounds truly brain-washed.

She, like her pal Laura Grace Robins of the Unmasking Feminism blog (previously ‘Full of Grace Seasoned with Salt’), denigrate and cast aspersions on, y’know, “those other women” (i.e.,women who aren’t in complete concordance with them on the righteousness of male dominance and male supremacy) because they want to be seen as “those very rare jewels”, especially when the impending manosphere apocalypse occurs. They do believe that there will be an MRA apocalypse of sorts, which is bound to occur in the very near future, and when the dust has settled, there will be scant few women who will have been allowed to survive virtually unscathed ….. they want to ensure that they are one of those scant few women.

12 years ago

Yeah, and it’s pathetic, Pam. ‘Cause you know, when the shitlords take over, they will be all so kind to those Special Girls. Bucking to be Smurfette…pffft. But they’re not doing their job well enough; they’re being opinionated and outspoken. If they want cookies from the shitlords, they’re going to have to learn to keep their mouth shut — and show their tits, or whatever.

12 years ago

Yeah, and it’s pathetic, Pam.

Yeah, it really is.

If they want cookies from the shitlords, they’re going to have to learn to keep their mouth shut

Well, except for when their “Master” wants them to keep their mouth open, *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*

every once in a while, I respond to a female misogynist online (like in political or geeky sites), then they go, “See, women fight with each other all the time…see, I was right.”

And if you always agreed with the other female responders, then they’d go “See, women really do have a hive mind and herd mentality….see, I was right.”

12 years ago


12 years ago


Yep, that’s about all you can do about it sometimes, ‘cuz it’s a “heads, I win … tails, you lose” situation.

12 years ago

A lot of misogyny in this comment. Women that disagree with feminists must be self-hating, in fact they are not even women and should get a sex change because they so clearly want to be men.

No, some loser. Arguing that women should not talk and should just show their breasts because that is the only thing that makes them valuable is not “disagreeing with feminism.” It is misogyny and hypocrisy and she deserves to be mocked for it. In addition, I stand by my assertion that CL and women like her are self-hating and want to be men. CL herself stated that she is embarrassed for her sex, which by extension means that she is embarrassed to be a woman. In such a case, it is not unreasonable to posit that she would be happier with a sex change.

Matthew Cline
Matthew Cline
12 years ago

Was 9/11 an inside job and the buildings were brought down by explosives or did planes bring them down.

Ooh, ooh, ooh! What about chemtrails and the moon landing? Were the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Japanese tsunami caused by the government? Inquiring minds want to know!

12 years ago

ugh, some guy is suuuuuper boring. why was stonecipher banned, he seemed to be shaping up to be entertaining, what with the poop stories and the hellfire and damnation stuff.

12 years ago

Stonecipher was banned because he is a returning troll who really should not be here. It’s a shame too, because the kid has a distinctive (that’s why we can bust his socks) voice and is a decent writer, too bad he can’t channel that in a more productive fashion.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ heidihi – he was a returning troll, who was long ago banned.

12 years ago

Minor correction, BlackBloc:

The fire from the crash melted the steel enough that the building lost structural integrity.

Steel almost never melts in a building fire and there was no evidence it melted at the WTC. But that doesn’t matter because steel starts to lose strength rapidly as the temperature gets above 1000F and even ordinary house fires can produce heat above 1800F.

Your actual point was, of course, completely accurate.

12 years ago

I can’t believe how much hostility towards women – and, by default, men – there is on Complementarian Loners. Anyone who thinks that women are only good for sex is essentially a sociopath. It makes me feel physically ill reading this garbage – how anyone can have such an ugly view of humanity is really disturbing on so many levels. But it’s like a train wreck – so difficult to look away.

Here is what I think about this couple – CL in particular:
CL comes across as the girl who was always INSANELY jealous of the popular girls in high school, and so has internalized this hatred of confident women who can effortlessly get attention from others, particularly men. I think that she knows that her super-submissive lifestyle sucks because in some of her posts she seems really defensive of the way she lives. Like another poster said, she’s using the MRA platform to say that she’s not like those “other women” and to satisfy her need for attention. Her misogyny is just further reinforced by her husband, who seems to be holding her emotionally hostage. Doesn’t he refer to his first wife as “Bat shit Crazy”? Her husband’s animosity towards his first wife almost sounds as if he still has feelings for her, but at the same time he is a domineering jerk who wants his needs catered to, hence the remarriage. If CL wants to hold onto her marriage – and not be like the dreaded, first wife/harpy – she has to behave in the exact opposite way (more submissive) and please her husband in every way possible. This involves suppressing her own feelings and opinions and agreeing with him on everything – but it’s all good, because she already hates smart, opinionated, (and most likely prettier) women who were “attention whores” in high school. It works out well for the husband because he can smugly kick back and never have any of his douchyness challenged. And then the vicious cycle of hating on women continues. If it wasn’t so obvious that they are really awful people, I might feel sorry for them.

Anyway, sorry for the psychobabble bullshit, but from a brief foray into the terrible jungle that is their blog, this is how I see their relationship.

12 years ago

nwoslave | September 6, 2012 at 3:42 pm

Here’s a little OT for the collective genius to debate. Was 9/11 an inside job and the buildings were brought down by explosives or did planes bring them down. I suggest you do a little research. Or will you just cluck what the state told you?

It’s a Kafka Trap: If you say the planes did it you are a gullible fool, if you say it was an inside job you are NWO.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Even if I were to show how air-drafting in a constrained space makes it possible to increase temperature, and give the strain-loads on the structural steel in the exterior support cage of the WTC, and then the zipper effect of the overburden dropping when the stressed girders started to soften… I’d just be a gullible victim, not someone who did the research and saw that the most simple explanation also fit the facts.

Not least of which is that the entire conspiracy has managed to remain completely secret, even with all the second order effects. One has to accept that, of the several hundred people required to make such a plot work (not less than, and more on the order of thousands; because setting the charges would have taken months, for a hundred people, maybe years, then the people who flew the planes, and/or the people who doctored the news feeds, and, and, and) not one of them had regrets. 3,000+ dead people, in the event, and then the dead in Iraq, and the losses of civil liberties, and not one of them has said squat.

And the people who were investigating it… all of them have been silent about the evidence of nitrate based explosives (no way to not have those, if it wasn’t the result of the fuel-based fire).

And he says we are gullible.

12 years ago

*Oh! When I refer to “prettier” women that CL might have issues with, I’m not saying that beautiful women are necessarily better than an average women. But since a lot of MRA rants are about how women are only valuable for how attractive they are (justified by a bunch of evolutionary psychology bs) I think that women like CL would judge themselves by this standard. And subsequently, people who judge themselves solely on physical beauty tend to be jealous of those who are more beautiful. (I know because I’ve been there, unfortunately.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Oh, Stonecipher was a returntroll and has been banned? Good. That slab about ‘recreational shitting’ wasn’t so much TMI as bizarre-creepy. I mean, yeah, toilet jokes, but rabbiting on at that length? Riiight …

12 years ago

I was gonna say, Atheismplus is SUPPOSED to be about creating a more welcoming, feminist and woman* friendly space for atheists, isn’t it? So by definition it’s not “invading” any other space since it’s creating a new one.

So, news flash, bored stick is wrong again. And doesn’t seem to know WordPress offers free blogs where he could write to his heart’s content! Except of course, if he did that, nobody would read it and he’d have nobody to feel superior to, hence he continues to bore us.

12 years ago

I know that we have progressed from talking about birth but I think this new and interesting research is utterly fascinating.

12 years ago

It is misogyny and hypocrisy and she deserves to be mocked for it. In addition, I stand by my assertion that CL and women like her are self-hating and want to be men. CL herself stated that she is embarrassed for her sex, which by extension means that she is embarrassed to be a woman. In such a case, it is not unreasonable to posit that she would be happier with a sex change.

This actually does seem like a pretty problematic comment. There’s absolutely no evidence that I can see that CL wishes she were a man, or would be happier living as a man; there’s a lot of evidence that she hates women, sure, but that doesn’t actually imply self-hatred. People are really good at special pleading, and it’s not at all implausible that she might hold the belief “All women are terrible” without ever applying it to herself.

So, yeah, saying stuff like “she would be happier with a sex change” seems like a pretty huge assumption, dismissive at the very least and bordering on transphobia. Mock her for her misogyny; don’t make unwarranted assertions about her gender identity.

Mind, some guy is still a lying sack of shit and the fact that I think he kinda sorta had a point this one time in now way excuses his incredibly tedious conduct.

12 years ago

I wonder if Smurfette is just acting out her humiliation fetish.

12 years ago

@Linds. Thanks! Maybe I read sloppily, because I just saw some people writing that the teachings their church gave them were “Lilith-free”, and I was like “well, that’s not surprising”. I missed out that there was a Jewish person in the discussion.

12 years ago

Btw, regarding Cain’s wife, I was told that Adam and Eve simply went on to have various children, and eventually Cain met up with and married his sister. But because Adam and Eve had been freshly created by God they were genetically pure in a way that people today aren’t, and therefore their kids could inbreed without any bad health consequences.

Yeah, it’s a pretty icky explanation.

12 years ago

This actually does seem like a pretty problematic comment.

Meh. I still stand by it.

12 years ago

Oh great, another women-hating woman. She’s an embarrassment to the female gender.

12 years ago

NWO, what I want to know is: do the Lizard People have Super Dogs? And we’re they involved in the Rothschild’s takeover of Russia? I think once we answer these burning questions, the solution to the mystery of 9/11 will be self evident.

12 years ago

Conspiracies happen, but they are usually along the lines of “let’s sell arms to country x and use the money to fund right wing guerrillas in country y.” Even then, no one seems able to keep a secret about it.

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