I am making a joke shit that never happened

The Man Boobz Street Team Flying Squad goes on a postering blitz!

Sorry to post so late today, but I’ve been super busy helping to coordinate the Man Boobz Street Team Flying Squad in its latest postering blitz. Here are some shots of the team at work in Cleveland, Ohio and Humpy Creek, Alaska.



And here’s the Man Boobz Misandrymobile we use to transport Street Team members to and from their targets. Don’t worry! As you can see, it’s driven by a man. (You know what they say about women drivers.)



Keep up the good work, gals!

NOTE: The Man Boobz Street Team Flying Squad is imaginary.



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Major Kong
Major Kong
12 years ago

: WWI airplanes are TEH AWESOME, except that the open cockpit and proximity to the engines means that the crew was freezing and deafened. I’d like to fly one, but I’d be glad when it was over.

WWI airplanes were rather unstable. If you were flying something even from the 1940s, if you took your hands off the controls the plane would keep going more or less in the direction it was pointed.

Try that in something like a Sopwith Camel and it would immediately depart controlled flight.

Even von Richthofen crashed 2 or 3 of them while taking off and landing.

12 years ago

fwiw what i meant was that there seems like a lot of obvious and not-so-obvious social factors that would easily explain differing levels of engagement in the political process and that’s almost certainly a better fit than ‘girls have cooties’

Yes, that. Plus, they outscored men on some questions, but on others appeared much less engaged. The question of why some politics interest men more than women or vice versa seems kind of interesting to me.

And some of the questions where they scored lower… I’m not sure that the answer marked as correct is actually correct. Obama never really came out for gay marriage… Joe Biden kinda-sorta frog-marched him out there. Is that a distinction without a difference? Maybe. Maybe not. It’s simplifying something complex. To suggest that the women who didn’t identify him as pro-gay-marriage were wrong… well.

Plus, as I think about it, the pro-life question… I need to know how many called Obama pro-life vs. how many thought that Mitt Romney isn’t, based on his flip-flopping.

Which is not to take away from the socialization point. I know people who literally say ‘just vote how your husband tells you to vote, poor dear.’ That kind of attitude is going to lead to all kinds of problems.

12 years ago

@Kendra: well, Rehnquist was chief justice for about the last decade, the longest-serving chief justice in a long, long time. But, of course, I expect everybody to know John Roberts is chief justice now, because since being chief justice his biggest accomplishment has been Citizen’s United, and I expect everybody to share my white-hot fury.

12 years ago

*last two decades, rather.

12 years ago

I’m not sure that the answer marked as correct is actually correct. Obama never really came out for gay marriage… Joe Biden kinda-sorta frog-marched him out there.

Yeah, for that one you have to go by his most recent evolution on the topic. His previous stance was that he was not in favor of gay marriage, but also against a constitutional amendment that banned it.

12 years ago

@blitzgal, That LA Times story has had me reeling. Especially in light of this r/mr thread yesterday. Worst comments have now been deleted, but yesterday some of the most upvoted comments were from guys fantasizing about locking their ex-wives/girlfriends + their new boyfriends into a house and burning it down, and then downvoting and attacking anyone who said that violence was wrong.

I saved screen caps of some of the worst ones.

12 years ago

Omitted facts:
1) He’s quite wealthy
2) She said yes

This matters, why? It doesn’t make the stunt he pulled any less coercive or full to bursting with abuser logic. Decent people want their partners to be happy. They don’t want them to “realise how empty her life would be without me and how life would have no meaning without me”

That’s from the article champ. Yeah, guy sounds like a real catch. It’s not creepy at all that he wants her to have nothing to live for without him.

12 years ago

Worst comments have now been deleted, but yesterday some of the most upvoted comments were from guys fantasizing about locking their ex-wives/girlfriends + their new boyfriends into a house and burning it down, and then downvoting and attacking anyone who said that violence was wrong.

Let’s link that every time another troll comes in here to complain about Sharon Osborne.

12 years ago

WWI airplanes were rather unstable. If you were flying something even from the 1940s, if you took your hands off the controls the plane would keep going more or less in the direction it was pointed.

Try that in something like a Sopwith Camel and it would immediately depart controlled flight.

Well, yeah, probably had something to do with the giant spinning gyroscope mounted directly in front of the Camel pilot, known as a rotary engine. Even in controlled flight, the pilot would have to fight the Camel to get it to turn left, but it would whip right round in a right-hand turn. Helicopters have counter-rotating blades or tail blades to counter their torque; rotary-engined crates didn’t, although there were some experiments with two propellors before the war.

By contrast to the Camel, the SE5a had a reputation as a very stable gun platform. It had an inline engine. Similarly, inline-engined Albatroses and Fokkers were stable, and though they couldn’t win a turning battle against Nieuports and Sopwiths, they were faster and could climb better.

I am a Nerd of Many Subjects.

12 years ago

Screen cap #1:
Screen cap #2:

I could go on…

12 years ago

And some of the questions where they scored lower… I’m not sure that the answer marked as correct is actually correct. Obama never really came out for gay marriage… Joe Biden kinda-sorta frog-marched him out there. Is that a distinction without a difference? Maybe. Maybe not. It’s simplifying something complex. To suggest that the women who didn’t identify him as pro-gay-marriage were wrong… well.

Yeah, I answered that question “Obama” and as the next question loaded in, I thought, hey wait, isn’t he in favor of separate-but-equal “civil unions?” And then I remembered that he Came To Jesus about marriage equality a few months ago, and everybody was saying, why weren’t you in favor of it years ago?

But the one I got wrong was, I thought the Rs had both branches of Congress.

12 years ago

@Kendra: well, Rehnquist was chief justice for about the last decade, the longest-serving chief justice in a long, long time. But, of course, I expect everybody to know John Roberts is chief justice now, because since being chief justice his biggest accomplishment has been Citizen’s United, and I expect everybody to share my white-hot fury.

I remember thinking at the time, wait, shouldn’t Chief Justice go to the Justice with seniority? But no, I guess the Prez can appoint any ass-kisser xie wants to, to be Chief Justice. Also, Chief Justice is a position with less authority than I thought.

But yeah, Citizens United. Fuck ’em.

12 years ago

Hamster Rule #54: when a logical conclusion is unpleasant, Occam’s Razor = “lazy reasoning.”

Tiresome troll rule #6: “Occam’s Razor” means that plurality must never be posited without necessity, unless the plurality is the plurality of ways in which women are terrible because we all know those hypergamous wenches can’t be trusted to vote, amirite?

12 years ago

Yeah, I got them all right but had the same reservations as a lot of the other commentors RE: both Romney and Obama changing positions on things.

The one I was most likely to have gotten wrong was that I knew the Rs were the majority in one but not the other Congressional groups, but couldn’t remember which one.

FTR, the only reason I know about Roberts is that I spend a ton of time on SCOTUSblog, which is a truly fascinating website, even if they tend to sometimes lapse into lawyertalk.

12 years ago

What I wonder about that test is the scores of liberals compared to conservatives compared to independents, etc. Or how college educated men compared to college educated women.

I also got 11 out of 11. Not to brag or anything, I’d imagine just about any non-troll USian regular or lurker of Manboobz would score above the average.

12 years ago

I love that the suffragettes in the first photo are pasting over an ad for some movie lauding The Crusades. And as a historical/economical side note it’s also amusing how that poster boasts “$5000 production”, no doubt very opulent back THEN…

12 years ago

I’d imagine just about any non-troll USian regular or lurker of Manboobz would score above the average.

owlslave on the other hand was flummoxed by his inability to pick ‘rothchild’ as an answer

12 years ago

Hey, where is our fuzzy mascot these days, anyway?

12 years ago

Sent, David. There are like 200 more comments since the last time I checked; I don’t have the stomach to look at any more. Something about reading that in juxtaposition with the LA Times story blitzgal posted seems to have blown one of my fuses.

12 years ago



LOL. Yeah, people are still talking about that one 9_9

12 years ago

Irrelevant facts:

Omitted facts:
1) He’s quite wealthy
2) She said yes

He’s an asshole. He’s a bigger asshole than the people (I’ve seen women do it too) who “merely” make a really over the top proposal in a public place, but he’s still an asshole.

12 years ago

Fighter planes are, at best marginally unstable. Some (the F-100) were known as ‘active flyers” because they couldn’t keep level without constant input (the B-2 and the F-117 are both so unstable that if the computers adjusting the flight fail they crash). The Brewster Buffalo (Australian “Whirraway”) was notoriously unstable, and in the US was limited to being an advanced trainer (the Aussies tried to use it as an actual fighter, it didn’t last long).

Rotary planes were dueced hard to keep steady, in part because they only had one speed for the motor, and that motor was spinning around the axle.

The B-24 had something of the same problem, in that all four of it’s motors rotated in the same direction (the other bombers all had counter-rotating engines). The P-38 was counter rotating, in the US versions, but the British versions were right-hand rotation, so that they didn’t need two supply lines to keep them running.

But things like the Fokker DVII, or the Taube, were very stable. Inline engines, not rotary. On the flip side both the Albatross and the Nieuport were infamous for losing the upper wing in a dive.

12 years ago

Whup, forgot about the whole wings fall off, all die situation.

12 years ago

He’s an asshole. He’s a bigger asshole than the people (I’ve seen women do it too) who “merely” make a really over the top proposal in a public place, but he’s still an asshole.

But you are clearly ignoring the fact that this is PROOF that EVERY SINGLE WOMAN IN THE WORLD is hypergamous. DUH!!!!
