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Ann Barnhardt, contemporary anti-suffragette: “As soon as the 19th amendment was passed, men were effectively castrated, and in many, many cases disenfranchised by their wives.”

Birth of a suffragette

As election day draws ever nearer – at least for those of us here in the States – I thought I’d devote a couple of posts to some of those who think that half of us should be prevented from casting our votes this November. I think you can probably guess which half.

The strangest thing to me about those who still think that Women’s Suffrage was a bad idea – aside from the fact that they exist at all – is that some of them are women.

Consider the strange case of Ann Barnhardt.

A right-wing blogger and the  founder of a now-shuttered commodities brokerage, Barnhardt has very strong opinions about a lot of things, including Presidential politics, and is not shy about sharing them. Indeed, when she went all Galt and shut down Barnhardt Capital Management last year, she declared:

I will not, under any circumstance, consider reforming and re-opening Barnhardt Capital Management, or any other iteration of a brokerage business, until Barack Obama has been removed from office AND the government of the United States has been sufficiently reformed and repopulated so as to engender my total and complete confidence in the government, its adherence to and enforcement of the rule of law, and in its competent and just regulatory oversight of any commodities markets that may reform.

(For the rest of her explanation, see here.)

Despite her strong political convictions, Barnhardt also believes, apparently with equal conviction, that she should not be able to express her opinions through the ballot box.

In a couple of posts she calls “Permanently Disqualified From Everything,” she presents her case against Women’s Suffrage.

Do you know when things really started to go – literally – to hell in this country? When women were given the right to vote seperate and apart from their husbands. What a flipping disaster. This is when the war against marriage and the family began in earnest – and it has taken less than 100 years for both institutions to be almost completely destroyed. And it all started with the damn suffrage.

Just a quick note: When most people say “literally” they don’t literally mean “literally.” When Barnhardt uses the word, she means it. She thinks Suffrage is literally pushing our country closer to H-E-doublehockeysticks. You know, THE Hell, with the heat and the fire and the brimstone and Satan and all of that. More on this in a moment.

In the meantime, she explains just what is so awful about women having the right to vote:

Here’s the deal. Up until women’s suffrage, a man was the head of his marriage and his household, and his vote represented not just himself but his entire family, including his wife and his children. When men voted, they were conscious of the fact that they were voting not just for themselves and their own personal interests, but they were also charged with the responsibility of discerning and making the ultimate decision about what was in the best interests of their entire family. Wow. Isn’t that nuts? Men being . . . responsible?

Boy, life must have been idyllic back when women couldn’t vote and men were proper patriarchs.

As soon as the 19th amendment was passed, men were effectively castrated, and in many, many cases disenfranchised by their wives.

Hey, at least she didn’t say “literally castrated.”

No longer was the man the head of the household. No longer was he responsible for his wife. Now the wife was a “co-husband” at best, or a flat-out adversary at worst. The notion of a man making the final decision about what was best for his wife and family per his God-given vocation as husband and father was now over. Now all he was good for was bringing home the bacon – but even that wouldn’t last.

None for me, thanks!

If men can’t lord it over women, they have no value except as providers of money?

Oh, but she’s just getting started with the God stuff. See who makes an appearance in this next bit. Could it be … Satan?

Women are made with a healthy, innate desire to be provided for and protected. …

Satan has used this healthy feminine dynamic, perverted by suffrage, to systematically replace men with the government as the providers in society.

Apparently Barnhardt thinks that she’s the only woman who works.

A woman no longer has any need of a man. Marriage no longer serves any practical purpose. A woman can whore around and have as many fatherless children as she pleases, and Pimp Daddy Government will always be there to provide.

… a tiny amount of money to keep the kids from literally going hungry.

Men have learned well from this, too. Men can also slut it up to their heart’s content knowing that the government will take care of their “women” and raise their children for them.

You know, it’s entirely possible for men, women and others to “slut it up” without any babies being produced at all. (Email me for details.)

I believe that the 19th amendment actually DISenfranchised more people than it enfranchised. Many, many married couples quickly found themselves voting against one another. The man would tend to vote for the more conservative platform, and the woman would vote for the more socialist platform. When this happened, the effective result was the nullification of BOTH individuals’ votes.

Disagreement is not the same as disenfranchisement. Using Barnhardt’s logic, you could argue that in most elections the overwhelming majority of votes “cancel each other out,” and thus are “nullified” in this fashion. Indeed, following the logic to its natural conclusion, the only elections in which most votes “count” would be elections in totalitarian countries in which the dude in charge gets 99% of the vote. Most of us are glad when our vote cancels out the vote of someone whose views we abhor.

What this did was massively reduce the voting influence of the married household, and magnify the voting influence of the unmarried – and the unmarried tend to be younger, and thus more stupid, and thus vote for big government. It was all part of the plan, kids. All part of the plan.

“The plan?” How can a conspiracy theory that makes no damn sense in the first place have been someone’s devious plan nearly a century ago?

I would give up my vote in a HEARTBEAT if it meant that right-ordered marriage, family and sexuality was restored to our culture. I would rather that my little female namesakes grow up in a world where they did not have the right to vote, but were treated with dignity and respect, were addressed as “ma’am”, had doors held for them, and wherein men stood up when they entered the room. … Oh, HELL yes. I’ll give up my vote in exchange for that any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Why wouldn’t you?

Because that’s a ridiculous imaginary choice? I too would happily give up my vote if the world were suddenly transformed to match my political and social fantasies. Heck, I would give up all my future wages if someone gave me a bazillion dollars right now. I’d give up my 14-year-old TV for a gigantic new flatscreen HDTV.

But that’s not how the world works. So I’m hanging on to my vote for now, and would encourage everyone else to hang on to theirs as well. Except maybe Ann Barnhardt, who doesn’t seem to appreciate hers.

For no good reason, here’s a great old song by Paul McCartney that mentions suffragettes (though, frankly, the lyrics don’t make much sense at all).

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12 years ago

How long has NWO sounded like such a parody of himself? Is it possible he wandered off a while ago and someone started posting has him for lulz?

12 years ago

Oh, and since I have to log off for a few hours, let me go ahead and cite the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution which explicitly bans slavery/ownership of another human being. So, saying that it’s ok for a man to require a woman to carry to term because that’s what he wants is currently unconstitutional in the United States. Other countries have their own anti-slavery laws.

12 years ago

*prays that Zombie Lenin rises from his mausoleum and menaces NWOslave for that particular insult*

And I’m hoping he’ll be joined by a zombie Sojourner Truth for his “no women have ever been enslaved” crack.

12 years ago

That bit about the Bolshevik Revolution is great! Is NWO finally returning to form?

We all know that the Bolshevik Revolution was actually a reprisal for baby carriages being pushed down steps.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I think we need cuteness. This is a video of a retired military dog encountering a kitten for the first time (by which I think they mean he’s never seen any kittens before). Intrigued/baffled dog, fearless kitty!

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

*prays that Zombie Lenin rises from his mausoleum and menaces NWOslave for that particular insult*

And I’m hoping he’ll be joined by a zombie Sojourner Truth for his “no women have ever been enslaved” crack.

I will confess I did not read that far into his bizarre word-vomit.

Although I think that we could find at least one relevant offended historical figure for just about everything NWO has said, which brings up the amusing mental image of him being chased by a celebrity undead horde. I doubt they’d be baying for brains though.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“I doubt they’d be baying for brains though”


If zombies had to rely on MRAs’ brains for sustenance, it’d give a whole new meaning to ‘zombie apocalypse’ – it’d be more in the realm of ‘zombie famine’.

12 years ago

How to end the zombie apocalypse: trick them into going to MRA Island. Steal the boat.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

“Brains!” *indicating Redditors*
“Brains!” “Braaaaaaaains!” “Braaaaaaaaains!” *happy zombies*
*arrive at Redditor settlement*
*rantings from redditors*
“… no brains…” *very sad zombies*

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I love zombies, they’re so cute. 😀

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I like Reg Shoe, the zombie activist and policeman of Ankh-Morpork. 🙂

12 years ago

What do military dogs do?

12 years ago

The Kittehs’ unpaid help: I have 14 seasons (and the reports of each dig) which I torrented. I am making my partners watch them (and we’ve gotten a few more hooked on the way).

One of the coolest things I got to do while on an exchange with the Territorial Army was to hold an enlistment schilling which had belonged to one of the British soldiers at Culloden. It wasn’t more than a couple of hours out of the ground.

I probably looked just like Phil.

12 years ago

And I’m hoping he’ll be joined by a zombie Sojourner Truth for his “no women have ever been enslaved” crack.

NWO has previously told us that Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” speech is just some pampered woman whining because men didn’t open carriage doors for her, and he’s suffered far worse than her because sometimes he has to stand on the bus.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

OMG Pecunium, that would have been amazing!

I’ve been to Culloden. Didn’t have time to take it in, unfortunately (day tour, rush rush rush).

I think my ‘archaeological moment’ would have been at the Mary Rose exhibit in Portsmouth. Not holding anything, of course, but just seeing a sailor’s sewing workbasket. It had odds and ends of ribbon, needles, thread, all the things one would expect in a sewing basket. What got me was that a couple of the fancy ribbons were identical to ones I had at home, and how close it made me feel to the unknown sailor who used it – they must have sorted through it looking for bits just as I did with my sewing things.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Shaenon – Sojourner Truth “pampered”???

Wow. Just wow. That’s bizarre even for Owly.

I suppose he thought the six-year-old kids down mines were getting a healthy day’s exercise and being paid for it, too.

12 years ago

In fact, this may be a good time to review world history on NWO’s amazing planet.


Ancient Greece, Rome, Persia, and China under the Ming Dynasty were extremely progressive, feminist societies. That’s why they collapsed.

In ancient Greece, it was considered acceptable for women to molest little girls.

In ancient China, elite women castrated young boys, while giggling, to turn them into their playtoys. These women lived in harems but were actually in charge.

Before modern feminism, rape was a rare occurrence and almost unheard-of.

The Americas were discovered by Queen Isabella, who ordered every man in Europe to sail westward to get exotic jewels, perfumes and silks for her. It was a stroke of luck that Columbus found land before the male population of Europe perished in a watery grave.

The genocide of Native Americans was perpetrated solely by women.

The Declaration of Independence declared America’s independence from international bankers. It was repealed by Woodrow Wilson.

All beatings and murders of African-American slaves were committed by women.

The only problem faced by female African-American slaves was that no one helped them into carriages. Therefore, a white man who has to stand on a bus has suffered worse than Sojourner Truth.

Lynchings in the American South consisted of women accusing men of rape because they were man-hating feminists. In cases where a man was lynched on an accusation from another man, the lynchings were justified.

The Russian Revolution had nothing to do with any economic inequalities or human rights abuses. It was organized by the international Jewish banking conspiracy to destroy Russia.

Women sank the Lusitania as part of a feminist plot to get the U.S. involved in WWI so that men could die needlessly, because women just enjoy watching men die.

The Cambodian genocide: planned and executed entirely by women.

The CIA imported feminism from the Soviet Union by publishing Ms. magazine and Miss Mag and channeling funds to a woman named Gloria Steinen.

No woman has ever been enslaved or exploited.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

he’s suffered far worse than her because sometimes he has to stand on the bus.

Was he being rhetorical or does he honestly believe that standing on public transport is a form of oppression?

12 years ago

Ruby: I am lifting my shunning of you just long enough to tell you how I feel about you, and why.

I’ve read every word you’ve written here (save the past week, I’m not caught up from my trip to the WorldCon in Chicago).

I don’t hate you. That would require emotional involvement, and you aren’t worth that. I loathe you. I despise you. I also loathe and despise theives, rapists, torturers and the slime molds that grow in my toilet. You chuckle at people being raped. You pretend they deserve it. You turn them into objects, a cautionary tale… “don’t break the law or you’ll get raped”.

You are doing the same things that the OP here is doing; saying that a class of people are “ruining things” and deserve to be stripped of rights. You are no better than the people who chased Blaghag from her blog.

You are as relevant to me as the puke on the sidewalk in front of the bars in SoHo. The sign of someone who didn’t know when to stop, and chose to overindulge (they chose booze, you are tanked up on scorn, hate and self-righteousness).

So, no I don’t hate you any more than I hate them. I have more pity for them, because a short-lived lapse of judgement can (and does) happen to us all.

But you revel in yours, and abused us for saying that laughing at rape victims was shitty and vile. You don’t have the excuse of being drunk; you are making a stink while stone cold sober, and with all the reason you can bring to bear.

I shall now go back to not responding to anything you say.

12 years ago

Military dogs sniff out bombs, booby-traps and things like “spider holes” (which are small concealment pits to let 1-2 enemy troops pop up and ambush a patrol).

12 years ago

I had a woman creep on me this weekend. I was in formal dress (white tie, with kilt and sporran) and she looked me up and down and said, “You look Goood!” in that way which implied I was a treat to be eaten, and my feelings weren’t important.

I am so glad this doesn’t happen to me often (I can’t really think of a time it has happened when I wasn’t in some form of fancy dress).

The funny thing is, had she not used that tone of voice, I’d not have been bothered. She wasn’t physically unattractive, but that sense of my being just a plaything… ewww.

12 years ago

NWO, Amused is actually Russian. You might want to shut the fuck and learn something.

12 years ago

Shut the fuck? Yeah, it’ll do. It’s only NWO.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I think what happens with NWOslave and knowledge is about 1% actually gets in. However, these facts are free from context and meaning – for example, he knows that the Russian Revolutions occurred, but not why, by whom, and possibly even when they happened. This is then mixed up with his own limited experiences, bizarre worldview, and paranoid conjecture, hence creating whatever it is he spews all over here.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Pecunium – ewww indeed! How NOT to tell someone they look good. Or are well-dressed. Or anything at all.

I’ve mentioned to Mr Unpaid Help that he’d look wonderful in a kilt. He says it ain’t happening. Oh well, one for the ‘just a fantasy’ collection. 😉