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MGTOWer: Raise girls to be farmers to keep them from becoming whores

The ideal woman?

Let’s say you’re a dude who thinks that All Women Are Like That, except possibly for two or three of them. Let’s say you think women today are the equivalent of rattlesnakes, or unexploded grenades, or hungry, hungry alligators. Let’s say that you think marrying a woman “is like playing Russian Roulette with a fucking Gatling gun and hoping that the one that might actually hit you is a blank.”  Let’s say you think that women are




almost Bi Polar like mood swings


completely self serving



hard wired for alpha cock

Let’s say you’re a dude who thinks all (or most, or even some) of these things, yet somehow you’ve ended up with a young daughter – one of these horrible , histrionic, parasitic, alpha-cock-loving, rattlesnake-grenade-alligator-gatling-gun creatures in embryo. How might you raise her so as to minimize the chances that she’ll blow dudes up and inject them with venom?

Well, worry not, gentle misogynist, for Der Igel on has an answer for you: raise her to be a farmer.

I do not have children, but if I had daughters I would take them camping and fishing, take them to a farm or slaughterhouse to see where their food comes from, punish them with the same commensurate severity as sons, and expect them to take on the same age-appropriate responsibilities as sons. In short, I would do anything to avoid the princess mentality (dolls ok, but no freaking Barbie dolls). I would not treat them like they need special protection that a boy the same age would not need.

It might be tough, though, because female humans are biologically wired to be dirty moneygrubbing whores:

However one must probably also recognize that once puberty hits, biology is going to take over, and that *in certain areas* the term AWALT [All Women Are Like That] applies. Women are always going to be more social animals, will always be resource and status oriented, will always treat sex as a means and not an end, etc.

Still, for the sake of ALL HUMANITY, in particular for all those dudes who might want to get with your daughter, you must persevere, and keep your eyes on the prize. That prize being a daughter well-equipped for agricultural work.

My goal would be to produce the mentality of some kind of educated yet hard-working modern farmer woman, rather than that of a princess-in-waiting.

Just make sure to keep her away from traveling salesmen.

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12 years ago

And what’s worse, the actual Hobbit is only going to be one of the movies. The other two are going to be shit they made up that isn’t in any of the books at all.

in theory i don’t have a problem with this. i think some of it was inevitable anyway, because yes it’s not going to be a problem for hardcore lotr fans that gandalf’s presence isn’t particularly well explained, but casual film goers probably need a little more context, so you put in the meeting of the white council and then you have to wrap that up, so you include the storming of dol guldur as well. and for that matter id love to see some of the other stuff that’s happening off screen. i mean just because tolkien didnt write it all out doesnt mean there isnt a ton that we knows happens canonically and it doesnt bother me to include that stuff.

12 years ago

I’m not really a big fan of Tolkien to begin with, so I was less incensed by the dwarf-tossing. What Peter Jackson often does is get a little self-indulgent. He lingers, and abandons pacing for the sheer enjoyment of his favorite parts.

When it works, it works very well, and I skate breezily along on the ice behind King Kong, sighing in wonder.

When it does not work, then the giant insects just keep on coming and I writhe and shiver and wonder how the hell I’m going to survive this movie.

So, to take a movie that can be quite adequately done in two hours, and stretch it out to… nine hours, roughly? Oh, yes, I’m scared.

12 years ago

okay i lost the end of my comment, but to continue, i reality i realize that yes, the shit jackson chooses to add is mostly going to be dross.

12 years ago

Speaking of Hobbit/LOTR, this is pretty adorable. Someone already bought his fiery balrog.

12 years ago

The other movie that has me worried is Man of Steel. Zach Snyder…? Um. Yeah.

We worry because we care.

12 years ago

3 movies, mostly composed of stuff that isn’t even in the books? Oh dear. I hope it’s not going to be a repeat of the never-ending, time-to-go-to-the-bathroom Helms Deep experience.

12 years ago

It’s not that I have an inherent objection to fleshing out the parts of the story that we don’t actually see (like the other wizards in Gandalf’s order), but Jackson is not the person to do it.

12 years ago


Okay, I can see that, especially now that it’s not two in the morning, here. On reflection: I guess they are both saying the same thing, just attributing different motivations towards women. Also, while the one guy seems to think women are biologically wired to be whores (note: I’m not in any way intending to slur actual sex workers; I’m trying to understand the writer’s mindset), the patriarchal group I grew up in denied women had any sex drive at all–like you said, it was a love drive. But I think this guy would say that any talk of how women don’t want sex, they want love (which is just as much patriarchal bullshit as girls don’t want sex, they want shiny things) would be considered feminazi crap, because obviously women aren’t capable of those higher emotions. Two really harmful messages about female sexuality (that, once again, completely leave out lesbians), but they don’t mesh at all. I’m realizing this is a common attitude with MRAs of the non-religious variety, though (been spending some time in the manboobz archive)…I just had never encountered that type of MRA before.

12 years ago


okay then were on the same page

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I didn’t watch any of the LoTR films. I’ve read the books so many times and I have my own clear visuals of the major characters (Faramir looks strangely similar to my beloved) and I didn’t like the way they looked in the films at all. (The Vulcan ears on the elves was one of many competing deal-breakers; so was the way Elrond looked.) But nothing I heard about it made me want to see it, nothing at all.

And three books from The Hobbit, or mostly not-The Hobbit? Blech. I’m not wild about that book at all but oy, that sucks.

Doctor Who, now … I may watch the new series (Amy’s final) when it starts on Saturday. Not wild about this Doctor, I liked Tennant much better, and Amy annoys the crap out of me. I don’t much like the way they’ve taken River, when I think back to what she was like in Silence in the Library.

Hey, anyone here know Foyle’s War? I’m rewatching it and it was fun seeing David Tennant and Sophia Myles (Mme de Pompadour in Girl in the Fireplace) in the same episode – alas, their characters never met. 🙂

12 years ago

Re: Hobbit film. Disc: I love the Jackson films with a nearly unholy passion, and taught myself film studies so I could write papers about them, and adaptation issues. I saw FoTR 45 times before it left the theatres (could only get to TT 33 times, and RoTK 18–was getting busier with teaching and writing about Tolkien then).

That said, I fell in love with Hobbit trailer, and am already working on a paper on the film, that has several tentative titles (or, it might be, several papers):

TWO HOBBITS (there was the first hobbit from September 21, 1937 up to when FoTR was released and the RETCONNING began; then there was the SECOND Hobbit).

“Little did we know: Tolkien Great Retconner or Greatest Retconner!”

Here’s a link to my dreamwidth link where I babble about what in the appendices seems to be making it into the film:

Tolkien never even planned to publish THE HOBBIT (one of his women students, gave it to another woman who worked at a publisher).

That said, he never intended to write a sequel; when the publisher demanded more about HOBBITS (popular demand), he tried to give them some version of the SILMARILLION materials (which he could never organize enough to publish himself). The reader at Unwin and Alleyn said, um, interesting, but no thanks!

He then started to write “more about hobbits”–it took from 1938 to the fifties (FOTR published in I think 55) to write it–and in the midst of one of the most fascinating processes (manuscript excerpts published and commented on by Christopher in the 14 volume HISTORY OF MIDDLE-EARTH), he retconned Gollum, the Ring, and Chapter 5 “Riddles in the Dark.” He sent the revised chapter to his publisher, and the printed it (I’m hazy on whether he wanted that, or it was a coincidence).

He wanted to include the SILMARILLION with LOTR (but not only did his British publisher turn him down, his letter to an American publisher wasn’t read, or not in time). The Appendices in LOTR were the unhappy compromise.

So, yes, THE HOBBIT as a stand alone tale is in one genre.

But THE HOBBIT as part of the larger Legendarium which in some ways we still don’t all have (since the family and estate still have original stuff to publish) is different–and I think that like inserting the direct narrative of Gandalf and Saruman’s conflict into LOTR instead of just having Gandalf tell the story at the Council of Elrond (40 pages, brilliant stuff, but a 40 page long committee meeting), we’ll see the White Council (at Rivendell); we’ll see more about the Elves in Mirkwood and whether or not the’re with the Rivendell Elves (lots of conflict in history of interactions between different Elves–I am DUBIOUS about the Elf Captain of the Guard who is there for possibly romantic interest with Kili or Fili, possibly for dwarf humor, sigh). We’ll see, I think, Gandalf at Dol Guldur and in Moria — and his meeting with Thorin’s father where he got the map.

*wibbles happily*

I am hoping, strongly hoping, that with the focus on the Dwarves that it will be showing a lot more of their history and culture and not having the comic interest of Gimli (which, I kind of understand, but let’s just say it’s not my favorite part of the film).

12 years ago

And by papers you mean blogging?

12 years ago

I can’t watch the latest Doctor Who. Matt Smith looks so much like one of my exes, I keep expecting him to be an asshole all over the place.

12 years ago

^Oh dear.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I find Matt Smith to be very endearing, but I guess memories and all that.

I clicked on the link about “gatling guns” whilst on my phone. I didn’t realise it was to their actual forum and they tried to sell me their app.
I want to dunk my phone in a bucket of boiling water now… get the icky off…

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

I’m a kitty!

I just wanted to say that, even though I am so late to the party that any spark of coolness I might have possessed can never be redeemed. 🙂

12 years ago

TWO HOBBITS (there was the first hobbit from September 21, 1937 up to when FoTR was released and the RETCONNING began; then there was the SECOND Hobbit).

“Little did we know: Tolkien Great Retconner or Greatest Retconner!”

i was introduced to the hobbit through my dad’s 50s era paperback when tolkien still had the references to gnomes in there, a thing that puzzled me for a long time

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’m a kitty!

I just wanted to say that, even though I am so late to the party that any spark of coolness I might have possessed can never be redeemed.

Being a kitty is ALWAYS cool. There is no uncoolness about kittiness evah. And time only matters to kitties when it’s preceded by words like dinner- or nap-.

12 years ago

By papers Ithilana means papers, like the one she published in Picturing Tolkien.

12 years ago

If anybody asks I’m not sat in front of the computer when I should be making like an oversized dwarf from the iron hills and working in the forge. However if we are on the subject of LoTR films I loved the attention to detail in the design of the props. Particularly the wrought iron work and wood carving, I believe that a lot of it was the real thing, that is actual forged metal, not resin or plastic. Very much what I love to do when the chance comes up (people who will pay for such fancies are few and far between).
Having said that I loved the books and the lack of Tom Bombadil in the films soured it a bit for me.

12 years ago

Naq jura qvq gurl yrnea gb ghea uhznaf vagb Qnyrxf naljnl?

Qniebf jnf qbvat vg jnnnnl onpx va Eriryngvba bs gur Qnyrxf.

To be honest I am much more worried about Moffat’s apparently impending embrace of the Quiverfull movement.

Say what? Fb abj n jbzna orvat hcfrg gung fur pna’g unir xvqf naq yrggvat ure cnegare tb orpnhfr fur guvaxf ur’yy or unccvre jvgu fbzrbar jub pna, vf rdhny be nccebnpuvat n zbirzrag gung vf nyzbfg yvgrenyyl onersbbg naq certanag?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Is there some trick to posting in ROT13? Every time I make a post, wordpress eats it

12 years ago

I would have liked Tom Bombadil too, but he’d be awfully hard to get right and I’d rather they not do him than do him badly.

I do know that Beorn will be in The Hobbit – it looked doubtful for a while and I was getting worried, but the part has been cast.

12 years ago

@Sharculese: Gnomes in the hobbit? I don’t even think my folks’ ancient copy mentioned those. I have grown intrigued. What were the gnomes doing?

12 years ago

Is there some trick to posting in ROT13? Every time I make a post, wordpress eats it

Hmmm… looks like you’re flipping your wand wrong at the end of the incantation.

(Seriously, I just copy and paste, no code needed! It’s not like blockquotes.)