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MGTOWer: Raise girls to be farmers to keep them from becoming whores

The ideal woman?

Let’s say you’re a dude who thinks that All Women Are Like That, except possibly for two or three of them. Let’s say you think women today are the equivalent of rattlesnakes, or unexploded grenades, or hungry, hungry alligators. Let’s say that you think marrying a woman “is like playing Russian Roulette with a fucking Gatling gun and hoping that the one that might actually hit you is a blank.”  Let’s say you think that women are




almost Bi Polar like mood swings


completely self serving



hard wired for alpha cock

Let’s say you’re a dude who thinks all (or most, or even some) of these things, yet somehow you’ve ended up with a young daughter – one of these horrible , histrionic, parasitic, alpha-cock-loving, rattlesnake-grenade-alligator-gatling-gun creatures in embryo. How might you raise her so as to minimize the chances that she’ll blow dudes up and inject them with venom?

Well, worry not, gentle misogynist, for Der Igel on has an answer for you: raise her to be a farmer.

I do not have children, but if I had daughters I would take them camping and fishing, take them to a farm or slaughterhouse to see where their food comes from, punish them with the same commensurate severity as sons, and expect them to take on the same age-appropriate responsibilities as sons. In short, I would do anything to avoid the princess mentality (dolls ok, but no freaking Barbie dolls). I would not treat them like they need special protection that a boy the same age would not need.

It might be tough, though, because female humans are biologically wired to be dirty moneygrubbing whores:

However one must probably also recognize that once puberty hits, biology is going to take over, and that *in certain areas* the term AWALT [All Women Are Like That] applies. Women are always going to be more social animals, will always be resource and status oriented, will always treat sex as a means and not an end, etc.

Still, for the sake of ALL HUMANITY, in particular for all those dudes who might want to get with your daughter, you must persevere, and keep your eyes on the prize. That prize being a daughter well-equipped for agricultural work.

My goal would be to produce the mentality of some kind of educated yet hard-working modern farmer woman, rather than that of a princess-in-waiting.

Just make sure to keep her away from traveling salesmen.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

It still worked fine, aworld! 🙂

12 years ago

@karak, it’s insecurity and self-hate transferred to an acceptable (to the person doing the transference) target. Women are but one group that is commonly picked: their being objects of desire to many an insecure individual — yet being a living being who exists outside of that individual’s control and who has goals and wants of their own — makes them an especially attractive scapegoat.

If it wasn’t women, it’s be members of some other cultural group, or religion, or political party, or who knows what.

some guy bored with your schtick
some guy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

Hey David, have you seen this article in the Guardian?

“Is American atheism heading for a schism?”

It’s pretty interesting and the schism certainly links feminism – atheism – mens rights issues.

You need to cover this schism David. Seriously, I think you could get something into Salon or Slate or the Washington Post about it.

Is Atheism+ a religion? Is contemporary feminism a religion?

You need to be all over this Dave.

12 years ago

David doesn’t work on troll-commission, Joey.

12 years ago

Definitely our most entitled and demanding troll. Which is… saying something.

12 years ago

Is Atheism+ a religion? Is contemporary feminism a religion?

“Is skepticism that acknowledges serious human rights abuses a religion?”

No, some guy, it isn’t.

12 years ago

There’s a category of jokes. I know only a few.

She was onlyh the stableman’s daughter, but all the horsemen knew her (all the horse manure).

She was only the bootlegger’s daughter, but I loved her still.

12 years ago

Yeah, I’m sure Dave will be getting right on that, some guy.

You know the great thing about the internet? Anyone, anywhere, can start their own blog. Imagine that.

12 years ago

David, Board Stick gave you an assignment – better get on that. What kind of journalistic ethics do you have, anyway?

12 years ago

Ooh, I love Atheism+. You get a 20% discount just for signing up.

12 years ago

@some guy
Atheism+ is causing deep rifts!!!!!! OH NOOOOOOOO!!!!! It’s totally exclusive of bigots and that’s not right, bigots should be allowed to post everywhere they please and be fed peeled grapes by attractive servants while they’re at it, otherwise it’s the greatest injustice ever!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, your constant demands that David address this are ridiculous and boring. Find another hobbyhorse.

12 years ago

Does the guy who wrote the post in the original article (about raising his daughters like sons, to be farmers) realize that his child-rearing philosophy, of minimalizing different treatment based on gender, seems actually kind of in line with a lot of hardcore feminism’s ideas about how to raise daughters? (And for the record, treating children in a non-gender-specific way seems like a good idea to me, weirdly on-target for a men’s rights dude.) Anyway, that just struck me as i read it as being really ironic. If the original guy who wrote that ever figured out that he was thinking like a feminist, he’d totally shit bricks (and in case it sounds like i’m mocking feminism, i’m not. either i’m misunderstanding the post, or you’re misunderstanding me. either way, no offense meant).

12 years ago

Or another place to ride your hobbyhorse.

12 years ago

No, MKlein, you’re on the right track. There are a bunch of things about patriarchal society that are detrimental to men that MRAs blame on feminism. It’s definitely been brought up here before.

12 years ago

Yep, David can be given suggestions, not assignments. Although, is it possible to bribe you with quality liquor David for an assignment?

Scotty Dudebro
12 years ago

If David is required to only write about topics that commenters tell him to write about, this would quickly become a “look at the cute kitties” blog.

Wait, I’m tossing my vote towards the kitties!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Second vote for the kitties!

12 years ago

I actually think David is only bribable with kitties.

12 years ago

We should take up a collection to send David to a cat café. What do you think we could get from David in exchange?

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

My goal would be to produce the mentality of some kind of educated yet hard-working modern farmer woman, rather than that of a princess-in-waiting.

My question is, why does it have to be one or the other? I grew up going to natural history and science museums, doing science projects at home, going on long hikes all over the country, and volunteering at a local nature center feeding insects to the tarantulas and lizards and cleaning out the bird cages. Oh, and going fishing with my dad.
I was also in ballet, loved to do crafting projects, and spent a lot of time wearing dresses, baking, and crafting long-form dramas with my dolls. I’ve always had a balance of “masculine” and “feminine” interests, and see both as equally integral to my development as an adult and a feminist.
It frustrates and pisses me off that the MRA’s conflate a “masculine” upbringing with integrity, and then turn around and say that women can never have integrity, because biology. Fuck that shit.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

Also, I SUPER LOVE the new cat icons. Where are people finding them?

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago


12 years ago

It’s interesting to read about how others on this thread became feminists because of their upbringing as equals (really pleasant to know some parents actually do it right as well). I was brought up by a sexist control freak who, as soon as I was old enough to think for myself, made sure to instill in me the belief that I was capable of achieving precisely nothing. It has taken me many years to understand this as (at least partly) caused by sexism, and viewing women as objects, and I’m pretty sure I was a feminist before that.

It seems to me that once you recognise the damage that comes of telling half the population they are less worthy than the other, feminism is quite simply the only sensible option.

*trundles off to find cool kitty avatar*

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@feministwiep- I have a feeling that feminism is perhaps the “default state” for children, especially little girls. If they are not taught any different, why on earth would children not think that they are human beings fully capable of doing things? Of course, given that socialization into the patriarchy starts as soon as one is born, this is sort of a meaningless thought exercise :/