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MGTOWer: Raise girls to be farmers to keep them from becoming whores

The ideal woman?

Let’s say you’re a dude who thinks that All Women Are Like That, except possibly for two or three of them. Let’s say you think women today are the equivalent of rattlesnakes, or unexploded grenades, or hungry, hungry alligators. Let’s say that you think marrying a woman “is like playing Russian Roulette with a fucking Gatling gun and hoping that the one that might actually hit you is a blank.”  Let’s say you think that women are




almost Bi Polar like mood swings


completely self serving



hard wired for alpha cock

Let’s say you’re a dude who thinks all (or most, or even some) of these things, yet somehow you’ve ended up with a young daughter – one of these horrible , histrionic, parasitic, alpha-cock-loving, rattlesnake-grenade-alligator-gatling-gun creatures in embryo. How might you raise her so as to minimize the chances that she’ll blow dudes up and inject them with venom?

Well, worry not, gentle misogynist, for Der Igel on has an answer for you: raise her to be a farmer.

I do not have children, but if I had daughters I would take them camping and fishing, take them to a farm or slaughterhouse to see where their food comes from, punish them with the same commensurate severity as sons, and expect them to take on the same age-appropriate responsibilities as sons. In short, I would do anything to avoid the princess mentality (dolls ok, but no freaking Barbie dolls). I would not treat them like they need special protection that a boy the same age would not need.

It might be tough, though, because female humans are biologically wired to be dirty moneygrubbing whores:

However one must probably also recognize that once puberty hits, biology is going to take over, and that *in certain areas* the term AWALT [All Women Are Like That] applies. Women are always going to be more social animals, will always be resource and status oriented, will always treat sex as a means and not an end, etc.

Still, for the sake of ALL HUMANITY, in particular for all those dudes who might want to get with your daughter, you must persevere, and keep your eyes on the prize. That prize being a daughter well-equipped for agricultural work.

My goal would be to produce the mentality of some kind of educated yet hard-working modern farmer woman, rather than that of a princess-in-waiting.

Just make sure to keep her away from traveling salesmen.

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Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Liquorice is the world’s primary source of false rape accusations.

12 years ago

“She was only the farmers’ daughter, but…” what? “But…” WHAT?!

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

@ Sir Bodsworth

I know you were probably being satirical, but… I actually do that. With pizzas. Because certain pizzas are FILTHY! HEATHEN!! PIZZAS!!!

Except the worst I do is mutter “filthy heathen pizza” at people who order pineapple pizzas or non-Italian-style pizzas. I don’t try to deny them their rights or their filthy heathen pizzas.

12 years ago

Liquorice is MISANDRY!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

It’s none of Aeon’s business, but…

12 years ago

I despise lima beans. I don’t troll the internet about it every chance I get, though. Perhaps I should start?

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure it’s “She was only the farmer’s daughter, but… look! Boobs! She has boobs!”

12 years ago

*Off topic* The ad on this page for me is for NYC area couples counselling. We’re not really looking for counselling right now, but if we were, we would probably choose something with a shorter commute.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Is it just me or does the Farmer’s Daughter have really weird body proportions?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

I know you were probably being satirical, but… I actually do that. With pizzas. Because certain pizzas are FILTHY! HEATHEN!! PIZZAS!!!

What do you mean ‘certain’ pizzas? Is this more of that NAPALT nonsense?

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure the end of that sentence is “She was only the farmer’s daughter, but… she still somehow managed to start the Robot Apocolypse”.

You can see the evil in her eyes. And just look at those… “animals” around her. Clearly robot prototypes.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Her dad’s pretty spry for an old feller.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

You can tell he’s not the sort of person to ever have farmed for food or money. In addition to the sexism, there’s a lot of classism of his idea of farming and physical labor as quaint character-builders instead of necessary parts of life.

12 years ago

Robot Apocalypse, eh? I see… those tiny chicks certainly look like mini-turrets to me.

12 years ago

Licorice is disgusting and evil. I endorse the shunning of that foul concoction. Let’s start a website ranting about the evils of licorice!

Or not.

Meanwhile, I suspect it would Der Igel’s tiny little mind to discover that the majority of the world’s farmers are women. RIGHT NOW. GASP.

12 years ago

*sigh* “would blow his tiny little mind”

Verbs. That’s what’s happening.

12 years ago

She was only the farmers daughter but she knew her carrots from her carats!

Scotty Dudebro
12 years ago

OK, this makes me giggle. I was raised on a farm, with my primary parent teaching me how to care for livestock and that men don’t like opinionated women. Oddly, all the “how to shoot at animals that are attacking the chickens” over ruled the “girls can’t wear jeans, or speak over a man” and turned me into a feminist. A feminist with damn good aim and am amazing apple pie recipe.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

She was only the farmer’s daughter, but…

…she made Teflon stick to things.

12 years ago

She was only the farmer’s daughter, but she grew up to rule over an intergalactic empire, bringing peace to many planets.

12 years ago

She was only the farmer’s daughter, but she went on to become Canada’s most prolific serial killer of migratory geese.

12 years ago

She was only the farmer’s daughter, but the C1A put her on payroll because of her knowledge of mu5lims.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

She was only the farmer’s daughter, but she wanted to go to the academy once the harvest was in, but then she found a secret message hidden in an R2 unit and…

12 years ago

She was only the farmer’s daughter, but she knew how to construct the world’s hardest chairs, derailing men’s education for who knows how long.

12 years ago

She was only the farmer’s daughter, but when the evil milk machine technician started leering at her she turned him into a pretty little nanny goat.