I suspect “anger ghastly” is just autocorrect being silly (it’d be easy to write “has” as “ghas” on a qwerty keyboard), but I am fascinated by the notion that people are sexually submissive because we’re just so angry. (Or are we angry because we’re submissive? It’s not clear, but that may make even less sense!) Please, Liam, come enlighten me as to my own sexual tastes. I can’t wait.
12 years ago
If you were going to invent a stereotype about feminists and kink wouldn’t it make more sense to assume we’re all into super-cruel and very heavily gendered fem-dom? I guess that stereotype does come with very sexy outfits, though, and the idea of sexy feminists breaks the brains of misogynists.
12 years ago
@Polliwog – Oh, I suspect you’re right. Which is actually a bit disappointing, as I had my hopes up for a whole Addams Family slant to his argument about feminists and MRAs.
12 years ago
Dear Liam,
Sincerely, everyone ever
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago
@Polliwog – true about the autocorrect. At least it’s good for a laugh. My favourite ever was the name of a Spanish workmate of mine being turned into “Dingo Payola.” Needless to say he got stuck with that nickname for a while … 🙂
12 years ago
The MRAs would not think Tarzan worthy of being called a man, funnily enough. notwithstanding the total dominance over all wildlife he had achieved within his territory.
He was the sub in his relationship with Jane after all.
Kaluza Klein
12 years ago
Longtime lurker, first time commenter.
I’m a pro-domme with a lot of humiliation clients, and I often play a “bratty princess”-type character who is eerily similar to what MRAs think women are like. Many men fantasize about entitled, bitchy, gold-digging wallet-draining alpha-fucking cuckoldresses. The more I read about the MRM the more similarities I see.
I can’t help but wonder if some of that’s because their entire exposure to women is watching Humiliation POV clips and talking to financial dommes on Niteflirt.
(Fairly obvious, but: if you’re going to google any of that, be aware the results will be NSFW.)
12 years ago
I did sometimes wonder if that was what was going on with a former troll who was prone to outbursts about how entitled princesses would spit on him if he dared to touch their robes.
Katz, I am remind of one of my favorite portmanteaus of all time: procrasturbating.
12 years ago
Every time I read these things, I wonder why people actually still use autocorrect. It’s obviously evil. 😛
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago
Procrasturbating! ROFL!
Hmmm, why am I now thinking of our general manager’s approach to work …
Grey Wolf
12 years ago
This reminds me of a book I’m reading, actually. It’s called “The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction” by Justine Larbalestier. It goes back pretty far, like to when the 19th amendment was a new thing. There’s a lot of discussion about stories that reflect the angst that accompanied the rise of feminism, as well as those that were pro-feminism (at least for their time). Matriarchal societies (portrayed both negatively and positively) were a popular subject.
If you’re into sci-fi and/or how literature reflects society, it’s worth a look. You could also google “James Triptree, Jr.” who was a very interesting author.
I suspect “anger ghastly” is just autocorrect being silly (it’d be easy to write “has” as “ghas” on a qwerty keyboard), but I am fascinated by the notion that people are sexually submissive because we’re just so angry. (Or are we angry because we’re submissive? It’s not clear, but that may make even less sense!) Please, Liam, come enlighten me as to my own sexual tastes. I can’t wait.
If you were going to invent a stereotype about feminists and kink wouldn’t it make more sense to assume we’re all into super-cruel and very heavily gendered fem-dom? I guess that stereotype does come with very sexy outfits, though, and the idea of sexy feminists breaks the brains of misogynists.
@Polliwog – Oh, I suspect you’re right. Which is actually a bit disappointing, as I had my hopes up for a whole Addams Family slant to his argument about feminists and MRAs.
Dear Liam,
Sincerely, everyone ever
@Polliwog – true about the autocorrect. At least it’s good for a laugh. My favourite ever was the name of a Spanish workmate of mine being turned into “Dingo Payola.” Needless to say he got stuck with that nickname for a while … 🙂
The MRAs would not think Tarzan worthy of being called a man, funnily enough. notwithstanding the total dominance over all wildlife he had achieved within his territory.
He was the sub in his relationship with Jane after all.
Longtime lurker, first time commenter.
I’m a pro-domme with a lot of humiliation clients, and I often play a “bratty princess”-type character who is eerily similar to what MRAs think women are like. Many men fantasize about entitled, bitchy, gold-digging wallet-draining alpha-fucking cuckoldresses. The more I read about the MRM the more similarities I see.
I can’t help but wonder if some of that’s because their entire exposure to women is watching Humiliation POV clips and talking to financial dommes on Niteflirt.
(Fairly obvious, but: if you’re going to google any of that, be aware the results will be NSFW.)
I did sometimes wonder if that was what was going on with a former troll who was prone to outbursts about how entitled princesses would spit on him if he dared to touch their robes.
Well, the autocorrect could have been worse…
Bwahahahah katz, that’s perfect!
Speaking of Tarzan, this is totally my favourite cartoon about him (prays for Ceiling Cat of html’s intercession):
Worst autocorrect ever (NSFW): http://cdn.damnyouautocorrect.com/images/surprise-mom.jpg
Katz, I am remind of one of my favorite portmanteaus of all time: procrasturbating.
Every time I read these things, I wonder why people actually still use autocorrect. It’s obviously evil. 😛
Procrasturbating! ROFL!
Hmmm, why am I now thinking of our general manager’s approach to work …
This reminds me of a book I’m reading, actually. It’s called “The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction” by Justine Larbalestier. It goes back pretty far, like to when the 19th amendment was a new thing. There’s a lot of discussion about stories that reflect the angst that accompanied the rise of feminism, as well as those that were pro-feminism (at least for their time). Matriarchal societies (portrayed both negatively and positively) were a popular subject.
If you’re into sci-fi and/or how literature reflects society, it’s worth a look. You could also google “James Triptree, Jr.” who was a very interesting author.