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Gold-digging c**ts and over-inflated pussy: An A Voice for Menner “refutes” Roosh

Paul Elam has so far refrained from responding to the halfway-on-the-mark, halfway-completely-ridiculous criticism of the Men’s Rights movement leveled by rapey PUA douchenozzle Roosh that we discussed yesterday. Not even that bit comparing the very serious dudes reading A Voice for Men to silly ladies reading Cosmo was enough to provoke the oh-so-easily provoked Elam. Either he’s gotten very Zen about criticism from PUAs, or he’s spent the last several days punching pillows and muttering under his breath about evil “pussy beggars.”

But some of Elam’s acolytes took it upon themselves to respond for him. My favorite comment is this bait-and-switcher from MrStodern, which starts off with a vaguely reasonable observation before descending into misogynist nonsense.

Apparently feminists love pickup artists, and the only legitimate reason for dudes to have sex with women is to teach them a lesson. Who knew?

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12 years ago


12 years ago

I think that’s supposed to be in line with the “feminists are ugly and can’t get laid” trope. So we want men who are fucking everything, because that’s the only way we’ll get sex.

But I thought feminists were all hairy man-hating lesbians!

Semi-Funny Story: My brother’s fiance–who I can’t stand, btw, but I was trying to make nice with–was complaining that a super-conservative friend was basically accusing her of seducing my brother and leading him astray. It was the whole “women are the sexual gatekeepers” thing with a dash of “men are slobbering sexual beasts” and BF was just shocked that such thinking existed. I tried to bond–and introduce her to Feminism 101–by talking about the cultural memes that inspire such thinking, discussed how that led to rape culture, and I mentioned, offhand, that “I don’t know why people say feminists hate men. I think that people who believe men can’t control themselves are the real man-haters.”

BF: “But…you hate men.”

Me: “What? Are you nuts? I love guys! I love my brothers! I love my dad! Some of my best friends have been guys!”

Her: “But, like, you’re a lesbian, aren’t you?” (Sadly, I think she was entirely serious.)

Me: *blink*

Her: “You don’t even shave your legs!”

Me: *tears hair out* (Not leg hair. Some things are sacred.)

Sucks, though. If all feminists were man-hating lesbians, it would really increase my chances of getting a date sometime before the end of the universe. (Well. The man-hating would probably get annoying after a while, but on the plus side, more lesbians, so. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.)

12 years ago

Women are lesbians because they hate men, not because they’re attracted to women. This has been today’s dispatch from Planet Stupid.

some guy bored with your schtick
some guy bored with your schtick
12 years ago


Forest for the trees.

While you pick on some random comment in a thread, why don’t you address what that thread was about?

It was about the egregious, and unconstitutional behavior of a prosecutor, Mary Kellett who has been rebuked by the Maine Supreme Court and the Maine Bar for her actions maliciously and knowingly abusing her authority and violating the constitution when prosecuting sexual assault cases, many of which were based on dubious allegations and lacking probable cause.

Surely David, as a progressive you must see the importance of sanctioning Kellett.

I am surprised that as a journalist you forego reporting on that story to tell us instead about how some guy in a comment was being a jerk.

Here is one take on it:

And here another

For years, persons in Ellsworth, Maine have been saying Assistant District Attorney Mary Kellett has been prosecuting sexual assault cases based on dubious allegations that lack probable cause. One attorney described Kellett’s actions in one case as “the most egregious abuse of prosecutorial discretion” that he had witnessed in 30 years of legal practice.

In the process, many men have suffered harm to their reputations, their careers, and their lives.

Then in September 2010 the Maine Supreme Judicial Court rebuked ADA Kellett for misconduct in prosecuting a rape claim filed by Ligia Filler against her husband Vladek. The Court held that Kellett “improperly encouraged the jury to use the absence of evidence regarding the marriage ending and a child custody dispute — evidence that had been excluded based on the State’s objection — as a reason to reject [Vladek] Filler’s defense.”

“Mr. Filler was denied due process, and a fair opportunity to have the State’s burden of proof properly evaluated, based upon complete facts, and without the prosecution’s misinformation.” — Daniel A. Pileggi, Attorney for Vladek Filler

Despite the Supreme Court’s decision, Kellett persevered in her pattern of unethical conduct. On March 29, 2011 Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) filed a Grievance Complaint with the Board of Overseers of the Bar (BOB), demanding the disbarment of Mary N. Kellett “in order to assure the safety and tranquility of the citzens of Maine.”

Over the following months, the Bar of Overseers of the Bar conducted its investigation. On April 6, 2012, the BOB issued an 18-page Disciplinary Petition concluding that ADA Mary Kellett “has acted in a manner unworthy of an attorney” for violating nine rules governing the conduct of attorneys. The Petition recommended that “she should receive such appropriate disciplinary action as is provided for by the Maine Bar Rules.”

some guy bored with your schtick
some guy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

David, of what value is it to spend your time searching comments to find and mock misandry, if it allows you to miss reporting on the truly significant stories??

12 years ago

some guy, David’s not here to report on anything. He’s here to mock misogyny. Seriously, dude. Start your own blog. Here, we have only pie. And kitties.

12 years ago

@CassandraSays Ruby sometimes has good points but her other reprehensible views tend to outweigh them.

some guy bored with your schtick
some guy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

David, of what value is it to spend your time searching comments to find and mock misandry, if it allows you to miss reporting on the truly significant stories??

Your schtick is boring. And it’s a loss for all of us.

schtick 141 up, 18 down
Yiddish slang meaning “gimmick” that has come to mean “someone’s signature behavior.

schtick 54 up, 22 down
presentation or sales pitch, from yiddish slang, implying phoniness or slickness, lack of substance with focus on style.

schtick 40 up, 20 down
a routine. This could refer to a number of different things, but generally refers
to a type of comic routine.

12 years ago

One time I was watching this movie and I was really bored so I kept watching it over and over for days and days because that’s how humans behave

12 years ago

I find cricket really boring and that’s why I play it every…wait.

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure AVFM’s vendetta against Mary Kellett is not actually the most significant story of our age. Nor is it one I am interested in.

Hope that helps!

And have a nice day!

some guy bored with your schtick
some guy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

Well, it is true, I do think systemic, repeated, prosecutorial abuse against citizens of our country outweighs some guy’s rantings, and does far worse in real life to real people than a few lines of text left on a blog.

I am somewhat surprised you would prioritize a story of a blog comment over that of a abusive prosecutor.

I am curious, where did you get your journalist degree from? They must have an interesting program there.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

‘Over-inflated pussy’ conjures an image in my head that they most likely didn’t intend.

12 years ago

Just now read the full title of the post. “Over-inflated pussy” sounds like a medical condition, or possibly a tacky balloon that might feature as a decoration at a bachelor party.

12 years ago

Board Stick, you know this isn’t David’s job, right?

12 years ago

What’s a “journalist degree”? Certainly it’s possible to get a journalism degree, but I’m not sure what a “journalist degree” would be.

I wonder if bored guy refers to med school as “doctor school”.

12 years ago

Your schtick is boring. And it’s a loss for all of us.

If its so boring why don’t you leave already?

12 years ago

Hey everybody, when did “journalist” start meaning “person who does whatever Bored Guy says?” I missed it. Was it the same time “bored” started meaning “mesmerized?”

12 years ago

Your schtick is boring. And it’s a loss for all of us.

you should probably stop posting here obsessively, then, kiddo

12 years ago

Well, it is true, I do think systemic, repeated, prosecutorial abuse against citizens of our country outweighs some guy’s rantings, and does far worse in real life to real people than a few lines of text left on a blog.

I am somewhat surprised you would prioritize a story of a blog comment over that of a abusive prosecutor.

I am curious, where did you get your journalist degree from? They must have an interesting program there.

Why are you so concerned about his job? He does not run this site for a living. He doesn’t need to make serious reports about things that don’t relate to the blog. Didn’t you read the subtitle of the site (Misogyny. I mock it.)? Why would he write a report on corrupt politicians when thats not the point of the blog.

If you are so concerned why not make your own blog?

Scotty Dudebro
12 years ago

This one time, I found a blog that talked about knitting. Every day, post after post about wool vs synthetic, which companies made the best yarn, what types of needles to use. It was so boring. So I decided to comment every day telling them how bored I was and how they should be talking about issues I care about, like origami.

Oh wait, I didn’t because I’m not an idiot like bored guy!

12 years ago

I am curious, where did you get your journalist degree from? They must have an interesting program there.

first you tell us where you got your degree is passive aggression from

12 years ago

Perhaps it’s the lack of a “journalist degree” that’s preventing Some guy… from starting his own fucking blog where he can talk about whatever the fuck he wants.