a voice for men antifeminism cock blockade creepy evil women internal debate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam PUA rapey rhymes with roosh sex vaginas

Gold-digging c**ts and over-inflated pussy: An A Voice for Menner “refutes” Roosh

Paul Elam has so far refrained from responding to the halfway-on-the-mark, halfway-completely-ridiculous criticism of the Men’s Rights movement leveled by rapey PUA douchenozzle Roosh that we discussed yesterday. Not even that bit comparing the very serious dudes reading A Voice for Men to silly ladies reading Cosmo was enough to provoke the oh-so-easily provoked Elam. Either he’s gotten very Zen about criticism from PUAs, or he’s spent the last several days punching pillows and muttering under his breath about evil “pussy beggars.”

But some of Elam’s acolytes took it upon themselves to respond for him. My favorite comment is this bait-and-switcher from MrStodern, which starts off with a vaguely reasonable observation before descending into misogynist nonsense.

Apparently feminists love pickup artists, and the only legitimate reason for dudes to have sex with women is to teach them a lesson. Who knew?

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12 years ago

david arent you worried that with every post you do on this you increase the chance that alek novy will show up to bore us with a billion words about puas vs mras?

because i am terrified of that

12 years ago

How about a compromise? They are both losers for basically the reason the other group said. PUAs because they define their self worth by how much sex they can have and MRAs because they sit around whining about problems, but don’t want to do anything about them. They are just upset that they aren’t allowed to compete in the oppression olympics.

12 years ago

“…by rejecting them wholesale”

Um, maybe it’s just me, but that doesn’t sound like much of a threat. Would any of the vagina-bearers here like to weigh in on how utterly horrible it would be to have MRAs not want anything to do with you?

12 years ago

Who is Alek Novy?

12 years ago

I think Jack’s “rebuttal” to Roosh was also hilarious. He said

I’ve just read the article. Amazingly that PUA turned expat pussy hunter gloats about getting laid in places such as Poland or Croatia. Now these two countries may be far better than the US or the UK, but they still fare poorly compared to genuine pussy havens. A seazoned whore-monger in a genuine pussy haven can get laid by girls of a much better quality and age span (not to mention the beaches and the snorkeling) than in frost-ridden Poland or Croatia. Was the PUA who wrote the article unable to afford the long-haul flight or is he only a naive beginner when it comes to travelling for sex? In both cases, there’s nothing to brag about. Hundreds of thousands (millions?) of Western men travel for sex and don’t brag about it.

My favorite parts were him saying “pussy havens” and “seasoned whore mongers”. What kind of new and exciting jargon can the MRM come up with next?

12 years ago

Um, maybe it’s just me, but that doesn’t sound like much of a threat. Would any of the vagina-bearers here like to weigh in on how utterly horrible it would be to have MRAs not want anything to do with you?

I can’t speak for every lady, but I know I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.

12 years ago

Who is Alek Novy?

He is a super boring MRA that always pops up in discussions over PUA’s vs. MRA’s. He is adamant that PUA’s are not part of the MRM, because he thinks they’re con artists. (to be fair, he’s right about them being con artists)

Scotty Dudebro
12 years ago

Um, maybe it’s just me, but that doesn’t sound like much of a threat. Would any of the vagina-bearers here like to weigh in on how utterly horrible it would be to have MRAs not want anything to do with you?

This vagina-bearer is still crossing her fingers and praying that they’ll just GTOW and get it over with. They keep promising, I keep hoping.

12 years ago


Got it, well, here’s hoping he doesn’t show up this time.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Which is right in line with what feminists want men everywhere to do.

Feminists want men to use women as interchangeable sex objects to feed their own egos? Okay, now I have literally heard everything.

Scotty Dudebro
12 years ago

Feminists want men to use women as interchangeable sex objects to feed their own egos? Okay, now I have literally heard everything.

I think that’s supposed to be in line with the “feminists are ugly and can’t get laid” trope. So we want men who are fucking everything, because that’s the only way we’ll get sex. Except, the PUAs specifically say they refuse to have sex with feminists, or any woman that isn’t Victoria’s Secret model perfect. So, I don’t know.

12 years ago

It’s weird that he doesn’t understand the link between feminism and the “sexually free spirits” that he endorses

12 years ago

Which is right in line with what feminists want stallions everywhere to do.


12 years ago

When Elam finally explodes into life on this subject, I hope it’s hilarious.

12 years ago

I dunno if I can save up enough bacon grease fast enough, I might just have to save the bacon popcorn for next time.

12 years ago

…am I the only one reading this in Orson Welles’ voice due to that icon he’s posting with? Because Unicron as an MRA is the funniest shit ever.

He only eats planets because those robot bitches won’t sleep with him.

12 years ago

When Elam finally explodes into life on this subject, I hope it’s hilarious.

Me too. I think it would be hard for Elam to try to act all nonchalant about Roosh’s post. I mean, look how mad he got about getting downvotes on Reddit. He can’t handle criticism at all without throwing a huge tantrum.

12 years ago
12 years ago

Ok, I’ve gotta.
“Seasoned Whore Mongers” is the name of my The Decemberists cover band. Still working on “Pussy Sex Haven.”

12 years ago

Oh, got it! “Pussy Sex Haven” is the name of my TaTu cover band. There, now I can sleep tonight.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Non-eloquent misogynistic egotistical dudes on the internet won’t have sex with me? This is The. Worst. Possible. Thing!

… Yeah, right. *sound of vibrator*

12 years ago

Mall Ninja’s junk is a meme.

Why is Mall Ninja’s junk a meme?

Stupid Internets.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

This vagina-bearer is still crossing her fingers and praying that they’ll just GTOW and get it over with. They keep promising, I keep hoping.

Why would you set yourself up for that kind of disappointment?

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