Men’s Rights Activists, I hate to have to break the news to you, but Roosh V, the rapey pickup guru I’ve been writing about a lot lately, is very disappointed in you and your so-called activism. In a sort-of followup to a post of his from several years back with the self-explanatory title “Men’s Rights Has Become A Euphemism For Sexual Loser,” Roosh lays into the “manginas” of the Men’s Rights movement, which he says isn’t really worthy of the name.
The biggest problem with MRAs is that they are not activists. They are pamphleteers. … They believe that one-thousand of them typing away and producing ten-thousand blog posts will change society. … [But] their movement hasn’t produced any results, only little online playgrounds where sad boys can sit in the sandbox and helplessly watch girls play with the cocky boys who understand the rules of the game.
He’s just getting going:
What political or social change have the men’s rights pamphleteers brought? Say MRP in one syllable. That’s the sound they make every time they sit down and hit publish on another one of their turd rants, giddy at the prospect of changing the world when a cup of strong coffee accomplishes more change to their actual turds. … They get the occasional snarky mention from Jezebel and think they’re accomplishing something when they’re actually being used as nothing more than fodder for female bemusement or page views … Even the feminists, their supposed mortal enemy, refuse to debate them on equal footing.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they go back to mostly ignoring you, with occasional time-outs for laughter.
Our dear friend Paul Elam gets a little namecheck:
The entire men’s rights non-movement can be boiled down to one middle-aged man named Paul Elam who is carrying the weight of a thousand pamphleteers on his suffering shoulders. That’s not activism, that’s following one dude’s blog. The difference they think they’re making by cheering the public outing of false rape accusers or “male shamers” is the same difference my sister makes when she reads an article in Cosmo.
Aw. I don’t think Elam is really going to appreciate having his blog compared to Cosmo. Just keep telling yourself: Any publicity is good publicity.
But wait a minute, you might find yourself saying, isn’t Roosh just a blogger himself? What possible difference has he made for the men of the world?
Ah, but Roosh has anticipated this objection, and so sets out explicitly what makes him different, and better, than the “sad boys” of the MR(non)M: Roosh fucks ladies who aren’t fat.
As he puts it:
I take personal action and encourage other men to do the same.
At the same time I was complaining that American girls are fat, I was blasting inside Polish girls with perfect bodies. I tell men how to sleep with such women.
At the same time I was whining about divorce rape, I was dating a Ukrainian girl who treated me like a king. I tell other men where to find women like her.
In Ukraine, perhaps?
And while Roosh improves the lives of men with the power of his penis, he is also doing his part to rescue the economy from its doldrums:
At the same time I complain that the American economy is in trouble, I was completing another book I knew my readers would like so that I could increase my income.
That’s right, selling ebooks to make yourself some cash is apparently the highest form of activism.
But he’s not done:
At the same time I was ranting against the Skrillex haircut, I was banging a Lithuanian girl whose hair belonged in a Vidal Sassoon shampoo commercial. I tell men how feminine women are like.
We commend Roosh for his courage and his humility, and his humanity-bettering strategy of pressuring drunk women into bed. Soon the Skrillex haircut will be nothing more than a scary memory.
But Roosh isn’t done with the Men’s Rightsers just yet. While he sets out to better himself and his penis, Roosh complains, the Men’s Rightsers want everything handed to them on a government-issue silver platter,
hoping the government will one day serve their interests and give them things that me and my readers are achieving on their own. I don’t need the government to pass laws against alimony. I simply won’t marry in the USA. I don’t need the government to pass laws promoting fair child custody laws. I won’t impregnate an America girl. I don’t need the government to increase punishment for false rape accusers. I’ll cover my own back. I don’t need the government to ban trans fat to lower the weight of the population. I’ll go to Poland.
What a hero! He continues:
In the same breath they call me a pussy beggar, they beg the government for protection from pussy.
That line is strangely Kennedyesque in its eloquence: “Beg not for what pussy your government can protect your from … .”
Before winding up his inspiring little manifesto, Roosh manages to namecheck a certain middle-aged Men’s Rightser once again:
Instead of listening to Paul Elam tell me that men are getting fucked, I will step out of the house and find a girl who wants to get fucked by me. … [MRAs] use their illusionary movement as an excuse to sit on their ass and be a loser at life.
I guess we’ll just have to wait to see if Elam takes the bait.
NOTE: If you’re a Redditor (I won’t hold it against you), could you upvote this post here? It would be much appreciated.
LOL Scotty, was she complaining in “It’s your fault I’ve a bellyache now, human!” mode or “I liked that stuff and why aren’t you giving me the rest of it?” mode?
Definitely “I liked that stuff and why aren’t you giving me the rest of it?” mode. I had to get her off the counter 3 times so I could finish cooking, and she’s been trained not to jump on the kitchen counters for over a year. LOL
Oh yes, the old myth that says eighty percent of women are sleeping with only 20 percent of men. Since women are “hypergamous” (retch) they would rather be a part of an alpha’s harem then settle down with a beta. Meanwhile, the eighty percent of beta men can’t get laid.
This is so fucking stupid. Do they not go outside? Walk down a street and you’ll see nothing but couples. Every man I know has had at least one LTR in his life. Most are now married. Eve my friend who was a virgin until he was 23 is not happily married with a baby.
So, I guess if you can’t find a date (for whatever reason) and you like feeling sorry yourself, you would like to think that most men are in the same boat.
That should say EVEN my friend. I do not have a friend named Eve. And he is NOW happily married with a baby. I guess it’s time for bed.
My housemate’s cat loves hummus. And my dear departed kitty had a weird thing about chickpeas. Whenever you made something with chickpeas she would sit there begging for one, but if you gave it to her she’d just sniff it really intently and look confused.
I think the smell remind her of something she liked. Possibly tuna. I’ve always thought chickpeas smelled a little like tuna.
Baked potatoes.
Scotty, sounds like you’ve an Instant Kitty Spinach Addiction happening there! 😀
Baked potatoes, my favourite … if my two developed a liking for those it’d be war, war I say!
My fat cat Tommy will almost eat everything. He goes crazy for butter, cheese, ice cream. I stopped giving him nibbles because he is overweight, but he still begs. He will even try to eat the feathers that fall out of our down comforter so I have to pick them up. My other cat will only eat his food. He has no interest in people food.
I still want bacon popcorn, but I don’t have enough bacon grease saved up.
My owner will eat anything I’m eating. While I’m having dinner she sits intently next to my plate and casually stretches toward it until I turn away for one second and she has a paw draped in my food. Particular favorites are lo mein, curry, popcorn, pizza and toast.
My Magnus loved the chocolate sludge at the bottom of a mug of cocoa. He’d wait till I finished the drink and then sit dabbing his paw into the mug to get at it, a few drops at a time.
Housemate’s cat also enjoys potted plants, and bits of straw from the broom. Seriously, if you leave the broom out he’ll start chewing on it. He sometimes tries to eat pencils.
I really must learn to hit Refresh before I post …
Nepenthelaughs, your owner sounds like my Katie – she had a thing for breakfast cereal and I ended up eating bent over my bowl and with my elbow stuck out, because a delicate and subtle paw wasn’t her way. She went for the direct approach: shoving her head into the bowl. She also made like a rubber ball when turfed off the table, she’d bounce straight back up. Brat.
I had a dog who went nuts for pumpkin. I’m still not sure whether she actually liked it, but she kept zipping by and stealing pieces as I was carving. But then she wouldn’t eat them; she’d just take them under the table, chew on them, drop them, stare at them, chew them, drop them, and come back for another piece. It was pretty funny and I wish I’d had a video camera.
@fembot- it’s a common PUA/NLP tactic called “reframing.” By creating a “frame,” he is attempting to establish dominance in a situation or conversation and therefore appear to have social capital and status.
Which doesn’t really work when he’s spouting ridiculous bullshit, because it’s…ya know….ridiculous.
Wait a minute… He makes sure not to impregnate any girls? But isn’t he the one who HATES condoms? How the fuck does a man make sure he doesn’t make a baby without using a condom? *confused*
I think he just doesn’t have sex with American girls at all or at least not in the vagina.
“At the same time I was complaining that American girls are fat, I was blasting inside Polish girls with perfect bodies. I tell men how to sleep with such women.”
“Blasting”?? Is he performing laser colon polyp removal, or is it more of a Bowser’s Inside Story thing?
Well if we believe Roosh, then your stalking of Elam’s blog and reddit is even more pathetic I guess.
And so I conclude you don’t believe Roosh, but if you don’t, why are you discussing him?
Since your’re the journalist David, maybe you can help Roosh, Elam, and /r/mensrights by telling us what your research says regarding
1) overlap between pua and mr 100%? 50%? 20%?
2) size of mr community
3) websites that identify as mr websites
Thanks Dave, I’ll be looking forward to that.
That watermelon kitty could bring happiness to another, brings me happiness
Hey Dave,
I’m sure you’ve been following all this stuff with Atheism+ vs. new Atheism.
Reminds you of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb_qHP7VaZE
Kind of reminds me of this horrible split between PUA and MRA, except presumably the skeptical atheist society are mature, tolerant, grown-ups.
Here’s a fun search: http://www.google.com/search?q=dawkins+disappoint+site:freethoughtblogs.com
What’s your handle at the atheismplus.com forum? Can you guess mine?
And David owes you this because of….what?
If you want answers, look for them yourself.
Has he had a vasectomy or something?
Of course not! How emasculating!
Re Roosh getting girls pregnant.
He recently confessed to using a fake name with the girls he meets in Europe. If one does get pregnant, he will likely disappear and she will be unable to find him.