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PUA douche Roosh V: Men’s Rights Activists “use their illusionary movement as an excuse to sit on their ass and be a loser at life.”

Roosh V, making the world a better place

Men’s Rights Activists, I hate to have to break the news to you, but Roosh V, the rapey pickup guru I’ve been writing about a lot lately, is very disappointed in you and your so-called activism. In a sort-of followup to a post of his from several years back with the self-explanatory title “Men’s Rights Has Become A Euphemism For Sexual Loser,” Roosh lays into the “manginas” of the Men’s Rights movement, which he says isn’t really worthy of the name.

The biggest problem with MRAs is that they are not activists. They are pamphleteers. … They believe that one-thousand of them typing away and producing ten-thousand blog posts will change society. … [But] their movement hasn’t produced any results, only little online playgrounds where sad boys can sit in the sandbox and helplessly watch girls play with the cocky boys who understand the rules of the game.

He’s just getting going:

What political or social change have the men’s rights pamphleteers brought? Say MRP in one syllable. That’s the sound they make every time they sit down and hit publish on another one of their turd rants, giddy at the prospect of changing the world when a cup of strong coffee accomplishes more change to their actual turds. …  They get the occasional snarky mention from Jezebel and think they’re accomplishing something when they’re actually being used as nothing more than fodder for female bemusement or page views … Even the feminists, their supposed mortal enemy, refuse to debate them on equal footing.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they go back to mostly ignoring you, with occasional time-outs for laughter.

Our dear friend Paul Elam gets a little namecheck:

The entire men’s rights non-movement can be boiled down to one middle-aged man named Paul Elam who is carrying the weight of a thousand pamphleteers on his suffering shoulders. That’s not activism, that’s following one dude’s blog. The difference they think they’re making by cheering the public outing of false rape accusers or “male shamers” is the same difference my sister makes when she reads an article in Cosmo.

Aw. I don’t think Elam is really going to appreciate having his blog compared to Cosmo. Just keep telling yourself: Any publicity is good publicity.

But wait a minute, you might find yourself saying, isn’t Roosh just a blogger himself? What possible difference has he made for the men of the world?

Ah, but Roosh has anticipated this objection, and so sets out explicitly what makes him different, and better, than the “sad boys” of the MR(non)M: Roosh fucks ladies who aren’t fat.

As he puts it:

I take personal action and encourage other men to do the same.

At the same time I was complaining that American girls are fat, I was blasting inside Polish girls with perfect bodies. I tell men how to sleep with such women.

At the same time I was whining about divorce rape, I was dating a Ukrainian girl who treated me like a king. I tell other men where to find women like her.

In Ukraine, perhaps?

And while Roosh improves the lives of men with the power of his penis, he is also doing his part to rescue the economy from its doldrums:

At the same time I complain that the American economy is in trouble, I was completing another book I knew my readers would like so that I could increase my income.

That’s right, selling ebooks to make yourself some cash is apparently the highest form of activism.

But he’s not done:

At the same time I was ranting against the Skrillex haircut, I was banging a Lithuanian girl whose hair belonged in a Vidal Sassoon shampoo commercial. I tell men how feminine women are like.

We commend Roosh for his courage and his humility, and his humanity-bettering strategy of pressuring drunk women into bed.  Soon the Skrillex haircut will be nothing more than a scary memory.

But Roosh isn’t done with the Men’s Rightsers just yet. While he sets out to better himself and his penis, Roosh complains, the Men’s Rightsers want everything handed to them on a government-issue silver platter,

hoping the government will one day serve their interests and give them things that me and my readers are achieving on their own. I don’t need the government to pass laws against alimony. I simply won’t marry in the USA. I don’t need the government to pass laws promoting fair child custody laws. I won’t impregnate an America girl. I don’t need the government to increase punishment for false rape accusers. I’ll cover my own back. I don’t need the government to ban trans fat to lower the weight of the population. I’ll go to Poland.

What a hero! He continues:

In the same breath they call me a pussy beggar, they beg the government for protection from pussy.

That line is strangely Kennedyesque in its eloquence: “Beg not for what pussy your government can protect your from … .”

Before winding up his inspiring little manifesto, Roosh manages to namecheck a certain middle-aged Men’s Rightser once again:

Instead of listening to Paul Elam tell me that men are getting fucked, I will step out of the house and find a girl who wants to get fucked by me. … [MRAs] use their illusionary movement as an excuse to sit on their ass and be a loser at life.

I guess we’ll just have to wait to see if Elam takes the bait.

NOTE: If you’re a Redditor (I won’t hold it against you), could you upvote this post here? It would be much appreciated.

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12 years ago

Roosh is a stopped clock.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Putting aside his weird PUAness and fantasies of having sex with polish women (or blowing them up w/ explosives, I can’t tell)… he’s shockingly on point about what the internet MRM does and that they DO think just following blogs or writing blog posts is changing the world and don’t realize that they’re a tiny little internet niche that nobody really cares about. (This site notwithstanding)

And the thing is, what his criticism will lead to is just going to be another round of Elam ranting about PUAs and MRAs saying “PUAs ONLY FEED THE BEAST” and he’ll be proven right (tho also about his own meaninglessness). The result of him talking about how MRAs think blog posts change the world is gonna be another round of blog posts about how PUAs are wrong and don’t change things like MRAs do. e_e Then the MRAs will dust off their hands and go “yup! handled that!”

12 years ago

I’m sure I’ll regret knowing what Roosh is talking about, but… “divorce rape”?

12 years ago

So the manosphere is going to split into one faction who brags about all the sex they have with women and one who complains about all the sex women have with the first group. I approve this schism.

12 years ago

Douche vs Douche, The Reckoning!

12 years ago

Whose going to pay for all the popcorn? We’re going to get through a lot of it between this and Elam’s little split-tantrum.

12 years ago

Is it terrible that I laughed uproariously at each of his comments?

12 years ago

At the same time I was complaining that American girls are fat, I was blasting inside Polish girls with perfect bodies. I tell men how to sleep with such women.

At the same time I was whining about divorce rape, I was dating a Ukrainian girl who treated me like a king. I tell other men where to find women like her.

That doesn’t sound like a very enjoyable sexual encounter, actually. Why don’t you try putting down the keyboard and paying attention to your partner, hmm?

12 years ago

I predict that the MRA’s will respond by whining “Shaming language! Code turquoise! Code maroon!”. The PUA’s will then respond by laughing at them.

12 years ago

… Code turquoise? Code maroon?


12 years ago

Deep rifts in the movement!

12 years ago

Do you think there are enough of them to have a blog war?

12 years ago

That doesn’t sound like a very enjoyable sexual encounter, actually. Why don’t you try putting down the keyboard and paying attention to your partner, hmm?

Why would he pay attention to something he considers effectively inanimate? I don’t make mooneyes at my dildo when I’m using it.

12 years ago

So he goes to different countries to get laid because “American women” commit the awful crime of expecting him to make an effort in the relationship. Gods, and I used to think these guys had something going, I shall stress again, I am a near dateless virgin and even I can see that both the PUA movement and the MRA movement are sad, sad people with sad, bitter lives. I actually am starting to feel sorry for people like him.

12 years ago

Well, he has correctly identified the fact that a lot of MRM whining is about the evil government/feminists/world not supplying them with hot ladies to fuck. He’s forgotten about the ownership of children and domestic violence being a legitimate means of controlling and civilizing your woman “issues”, though.

Seriously, though, MRAs and PUAs are in agreement on the idea that women are worthless fuckdolls, but that’s pretty much all that they agree on, only because PUAs don’t care about anything except getting laid and using that to prop up their fragile self esteem.

12 years ago

I second aceofseven’s prediction, though. That is exactly what seems to be happening. PUA versus MGTOW internet wars are looking to be the funniest internet wars ever.

12 years ago

OK, every time Roosh speaks about how awesome sex with Polish women is because they are so much better (i.e. more of doormats) than American women two things pop into my mind. Roosh either
a) has a time machine and travels not only to Poland, but also in time to, say, XIXth century,
b) he is talking out of his ass. Because, honestly? Polish women in big cities seem to be very, for a lack of better term, western (so, they don’t treat random douchebags like a gift from up high) to me. Although, what do I know, I have never contracted a veneral disease, so my sexual experience is clearly incomparable to that of mister Roosh.


12 years ago



Lololol I just love PUA/MRA fights. Whoever wins, humanity loses.

12 years ago

Shorter Roosh: “I don’t sit around complaining. Instead I brag about all the sex I’m pretending to have.”

12 years ago

The first two quoted paragraphs I can actually agree with. MRAs just want to whine without actually doing anything more constructive than throwing tantrums and acting like assholes on the Internet.

But seriously, the prospect of an online slap fight between Paul Elam and Doosh V has me positively giddy in anticipation of hilarity. Pass the popcorn.

Creative Writing Student

Slappity slappity slappity slap slap.

And some ‘macho’ posturing. Growling, staring, rude gestures.

If this were in real life and not on the internet, I would so put it on Youtube.

12 years ago

I had a dream with Elam in it last night. No-one in RL is going to care, so I figure I’ll share it with you guys. Maybe you’ll appreciate the silliness of it 🙂

I was escaping a gang of bad guys roaming a neighbourhood and I slipped into a house to avoid them. Turns out the house was *owned* by Mr. Elam.
The bad guys ended up coming into the house and being pretty mean & intimidating to everyone. When they left, Elam, feeling emasculated after being pushed around by the gang, decided to show his dominance over me by forcing me to eat noodles! I guess his feelings were hurt & he wanted to show that he could push someone around, too 🙂

I remember they tasted like Maggi brand beef noodles. Not bad

Cliff Pervocracy (@pervocracy)

Does this work in reverse? If a woman has sex with lots of guys, is she a feminist activist?

(Not to imply that there’s something wrong with having sex with lots of guys. That’s just good clean fun. But I don’t think a lot of women would put it on their activist resume.)

If so, does this mean that guys like Roosh inadvertently create feminists?

(probably, yes.)

12 years ago

Roosh follows this with a sad “cautionary” post about spending 38 days in Zagreb without getting laid once (and not for lack of trying). What strikes me, as I read his stories, is (1) how little sex he acually seems to have, and (2) how utterly joyless the little sex he does get seems to be. And yes, I too almost feel sorry for this guy, dragging around from one developing country to the next with nothing but his obsession driving him. And for all the stamps on his passport, what has he really seen except the insides of cheap rented rooms or discos?

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