antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery misogyny MRA oppressed men precious bodily fluids rape rape jokes reddit

Fake Spooge and Rape Jokes: A new frontier in Men’s Rights activism?

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit – you know, the old one, not its newfangled would-be replacement – the fellas are complaining about how oppressive it is for a university to put up signs suggesting that consent is good and rape is bad.

Clearly, these signs are an insult to non-rapist men, in the same way that “don’t feed the animals” signs in zoos are an insult to those of us who aren’t planning to feed the animals.

Happily, the dude calling himself anti-everyone has come up with a way to fight back against this feminazi tyranny:

Is the Poster Revolution moving to its next stage?

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2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

The Rave Police are much better (and real*).

Now I have a new idea for my Shambhala 2013 costume.

12 years ago

What the fuck are you laughing about, manfag?

Rape cultures are nothing to joke about. My fucking brother overdosed on rape cultures, because you guys keep making rape cultures happen with jokes and stuff.

Cliff Pervocracy (@pervocracy)


You sound like a champion for all men.

And, yeah, keep proving that there’s no culture of indifference toward rape, by proudly parading your indifference toward rape. It’s all totally appropriate in the alternate universe where rape never actually happens.

12 years ago

in the alternate universe where rape never actually happens.

But in MRA-land, rape never does happen. It’s always not ‘rape-rape’ because the woman could, in 99.9999999% of cases, have done something differently – not worn a skirt, worn less make up, not left the house, not had breasts*, not spoken to any men, certainly not slept with any men, not teased men with having a vagina* and not letting them use it, &c.

In the hypothetical 0.0000001% of cases where the ‘victim’ has adhered to all their contradictory and baffling ‘rules’, there’s still no *actual* rape, because there’s not an actual rapist, just a man who has clearly just been tormented by women not letting him put his penis in them for too long, or all this confusing ‘consent’ malarkey.

(*I know you don’t have to be a woman to have breasts and/or a vagina, or have breasts and/or a vagina to be a woman, but these fuckbadgers don’t.)

12 years ago

One vote for banhammer of DLZ. He can take his act elsewhere.

12 years ago

Seconding banhammer vote.

12 years ago

It’s not just that nobody ever said you have to ask before every step you take or else you’re a rapist. Nobody even said you had to verbally ask at all in order not to be a rapist. I mean, people might hold up explicit VERBAL consent as an IDEAL, but nobody ever claimed that when a man and woman enthusiastically makes out and then takes off each others clothes and have fun sexytime, the man raped the woman just because he didn’t verbally ask. NOBODY said that EVER.

12 years ago

but nobody ever claimed that when a man and woman enthusiastically makes out and then takes off each others clothes and have fun sexytime, the man raped the woman just because he didn’t verbally ask. NOBODY said that EVER.

That argument from rape apologists is just a smoke screen, anyway. Recent research on the subject is crystal clear. Men who rape tend to rape multiple people, and they are fully aware that they are raping, whether their M.O. is stranger attacks or manipulation of women they know who are under the influence. And it’s a small percentage of men who are committing most rapes. It’s just a sad illustration of rape culture that a portion of men who will never rape are still willing to defend the actions of a very small percent of men who do rape.

12 years ago

And the really stupid thing is that these people often seem desperately unhappy[…]

I have noticed that. I don’t really read a lot of MRA sites except for what David and sometimes some of the commenters link to, but the impression I got is that they’re incredibly miserable. They don’t seem to be friends with one another, they’re just there to complain and often they will attack other MRAs viciously. Sometimes they will compliment others but it seems so impersonal, like they’re afraid to form any bonds.
If anyone here reads MRA stuff on a regular basis, can they confirm or disprove this impression?

12 years ago

New rule: if you use slurs against men for not performing masculinity well enough, you are no longer allowed to claim to be an advocate for men.

Medium Dave
Medium Dave
12 years ago

Myoo, my experience of MRA’s has been that they’re intensely misanthropic as well as misogynistic… they’re aware, on some level, that “something” is preventing them from forming meaningful bonds with other people (whether it’s with women or other men). But unwilling to look in the mirror for the reason, they turn their unhappiness outward and blame it on women and “misandrist” society. (I’d be interested in hearing from former MRA-identified people about how they broke out of that mode of thinking.)

12 years ago



12 years ago

Myoo, my experience of MRA’s has been that they’re intensely misanthropic as well as misogynistic… they’re aware, on some level, that “something” is preventing them from forming meaningful bonds with other people (whether it’s with women or other men). But unwilling to look in the mirror for the reason, they turn their unhappiness outward and blame it on women and “misandrist” society. (I’d be interested in hearing from former MRA-identified people about how they broke out of that mode of thinking.)

This is why it was so frustrating dealing with Mister Al. He was offered tons of eminently sensible, practical advice, much of it from real live women with extensive experience of dealing with shy, socially awkward men who were convinced that a barely visible lazy eye made them the Elephant Man – and had he taken any of it on board, he could have completely turned his life around by now. He’d certainly be a damn sight happier today.

But because he kept drinking the MRA Kool-Aid, despite clearly being bright enough to realize what a nihilistic dead end it led to, he just ended up going round in the same futile circles and getting more and more frustrated. It’s his problem and his loss, but it’s such a waste.

If you want a meaningful relationship with another human being, whether sexual or merely social, you’re going to have to compromise, and how well these mutual compromises are negotiated and executed is the key to how successful the relationship is likely to be. If you’re in a situation where you’re genuinely concerned that you might be allowed to fondle one breast but not the other and you can’t bring yourself to discuss upfront boundaries like sensible adults, at least one of you needs to grow up before taking things any further.

12 years ago

(I’d be interested in hearing from former MRA-identified people about how they broke out of that mode of thinking.) – Medium Dave

I think aworld has told us a story about their experience along those lines before. Either aworld would, if willing, have to come give you a re-telling of it or someone else will have to find it, because I have no idea when or where it was (and I don’t remember the details).

I think there’s at least one other person around that’s had a similar experience, I don’t remember who it was though either. 🙁

/rubbish memory

12 years ago

I have noticed that. I don’t really read a lot of MRA sites except for what David and sometimes some of the commenters link to, but the impression I got is that they’re incredibly miserable. They don’t seem to be friends with one another, they’re just there to complain and often they will attack other MRAs viciously. Sometimes they will compliment others but it seems so impersonal, like they’re afraid to form any bonds.
If anyone here reads MRA stuff on a regular basis, can they confirm or disprove this impression?

I agree. They will agree with each other, but they rarely act like friends. The Spearhead comments usually involve some of their regulars insulting and arguing with each other over the most trivial things. Look at how Elam left r/men’s rights to form his own echo chamber on Reddit. That’s because most of them are jerks that want to control other people. They refuse to compromise, and they refuse to learn from others. You can’t really form much of a cooperative coalition of disagreeable, power hungry assholes. It just doesn’t work.

12 years ago

They will agree with each other, but they rarely act like friends

Apart from Steelebutt, who wants to be every misogynist’s bestest buddy 4 lyf.

I wonder if anyone has ever responded to him? Poor Steelebutt, this is probably proof of systemic misandry somehow 🙁

12 years ago

Poor Steelebutt, he tries so hard 🙁

12 years ago

I like how the last four catvatars tell a little story (in reverse order). I shall call it One Cat and Some Tuna.

First, the cat is angry and wants tuna now. Next, the cat sees tuna and becomes super excited. Next, the cat eats tuna and loves it. And lastly, the cat is done and is teh happeh.

12 years ago

“The thing is, if we’re supposedly the malfunctioning ones, then why do so many of us have a long and happy history of successful relationships, while so few of them do?”

If someone has a history of relationships that means they’ve failed in previous relationships. A successful relationship is one that hasn’t failed. Only in feminist orthadoxy could repeated failure equal success. Destroyed lives is the cornerstone of feminism.

12 years ago

Can it be tofuna? I’m a vegan cat. We mainly hunt crisps and tea with soy milk.

12 years ago

I like how the last four catvatars tell a little story (in reverse order). I shall call it One Cat and Some Tuna.

First, the cat is angry and wants tuna now. Next, the cat sees tuna and becomes super excited. Next, the cat eats tuna and loves it. And lastly, the cat is done and is teh happeh.

That’s awesome. I love it. XD

I wonder if anyone has ever responded to him? Poor Steelebutt, this is probably proof of systemic misandry somehow

Not only that, he once had an English teacher criticize his writing, AND he’s had dates that wanted him to pay for their supper. Truly, no one has known pain and suffering like Steeletroll.

12 years ago

I grew up in a fundamentalist church that basically taught me to be a MRA. I got to hear rants like NWOs allatime. (my dad started in on my yesterday about the things to love about Bain Capital, I kid you not) I grew up believing that straight white men were the most oppressed people in America.

I’d call that pretty close. I know we had a thread where Aworld and I were chatting about it. A few google searches might dredge it up.

12 years ago

Truly, no one has known pain and suffering like Steeletroll.

At least no one made him sit in a hard chair.

*crosses fingers and does the ‘I hope that embeds correctly’ dance*

12 years ago

Bumflaps, I thought I had that then. It’s supposed to start at 0:48, although from 0:30 is good.

12 years ago

Aha! I had it in my mind that you were the other person I was thinking of, Howard. But I didn’t say anything because I thought if I did and I was wrong, i’d look like a complete foooool. 😀

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