So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit – you know, the old one, not its newfangled would-be replacement – the fellas are complaining about how oppressive it is for a university to put up signs suggesting that consent is good and rape is bad.
Clearly, these signs are an insult to non-rapist men, in the same way that “don’t feed the animals” signs in zoos are an insult to those of us who aren’t planning to feed the animals.
Happily, the dude calling himself anti-everyone has come up with a way to fight back against this feminazi tyranny:
Is the Poster Revolution moving to its next stage?
Nanasha – GAHHH! You’d think that during a process explicitly designed to punish them for being sex offenders, they’d reign it in a little. Sorry you have to run that gauntlet.
Sometimes I wonder if MRAs think there is any such thing as rape – they seem under the impression that women don’t actually have the right to say no. Or at least, they want the word, the concept to disappear: not the act, oh no. Raping women is exactly what they want to do. Any social interaction at all means the woman KNOWS the man wants sex with her and if she doesn’t want it, she shouldn’t say anything to a man ever. At the same time, of course, that makes her a frigid bitch who’s also asking for it, just because. And it doesn’t matter whether she wants it or not, her opinions don’t count, she exists to be fucked if he wants to … and if she’s some other man’s property, she’s there to be blamed if some other man uses her. Total cognitive-dissonance-mess? Absolutely, they seem to have all these contradictory notions, just like the women shouldn’t be depriving men of paid employment/ women shouldn’t be leeching off men’s work thing.
I wish they would take their sexbots and GTOW to some island. Their absence would be society’s gain.
anti-everyone sounds like an anti-social creep.
Some baby-themed brain bleach for Nanasha — sorry you have to deal with that!
@Cliff- the worst thing is that it only used to be on Tuesdays but now they do it on Thursdays as well. And apparently, a couple if years ago, one of them went into the women’s bathroom and attempted to assault someone who was already in there using a stall. Unluckily for him, she was one of the female sheriffs and she used her training to subdue him, breaking his fingers in the process.
So yeah….I often feel like a “perfect target” because of my super huge awkward pregnantness.
A kitten vid everyone’s probably seen lots of times … but worth repeating:
@Cliff: my reaction too!
I just can’t with this today.
hellkell, I hope this makes it better:
Hey David, is fake spooge any more ludicrous than Code Pink’s Read My Lips Vagina outfits?
Is his spooge and sharpie any different from a Banksy, or from feminist placarding?
Whatevs d00d.
Some guy, this is not your A-game.
The problem isn’t that it’s a crotch function. The problem is that they’re suggesting making a rape joke about an anti-rape poster.
…The other problem is they’re surprisingly unclear on what semen looks like.
Thanks, Cloudiah. Work has exploded on me in an even worse way than usual for this time of year, and I’m sure I’ll want to start drinking at my desk to keep my sanity until the end of next month. Did I mention salespeople are evil incarnate?
Actually spooge is probably more interesting than Banksy, but YMMV, and not the point, some guy.
A: Code Pink isn’t vandalizing anything
B: Feminist placarding isn’t vandalizing anything
C: While Banksy is vandalizing he’s doing it with some artistic integrity. I don’t actually agree with artists committing vandalism but it’s an interesting topic of debate, whether artistic merit outweighs the illegality of the work.
None of this is present in their juvenile reaction to these posters. It’s vandalism with no purpose other than to be an asshole with the sense of humor of a 12yo.
Some Guy’s ‘A-Game’ is defending abusers, so I think we should be glad.
On topic, what in the everliving hell.
Well, let’s see. Banksy creates art that is funny, thought-provoking, and doesn’t use the subject of rape as a punchline. You’re right, some guy, there’s no difference at all.
Some guy who is boring as shit –
Y’know, when I’m bored with things I stop reading them.
That was easy.
Also, if consent being sexy makes you feel like a rapist…you might be a rapist.
@hellkell: I’m sorry. That video Kitteh Servant posted? I have those for anyone who wants one, hot and fresh like out of the dryer.
Very high probability, I’d say. And seriously, even if he’s not … WTF sort of person thinks that? What sort of consent is he thinking of – what sort of consent has he experienced? “Oh, God, all right, get it OVER with and get away from me and stop whining” which is less consent than giving in to pressure in my book, or “Yes yes YES I’m ripping your/my/our clothes off this instant feller!” consent? I mean for pity’s sake … doesn’t he talk to his girlfriend at all?
One has to wonder. If he’s having consensual sex with his girlfriend, then he should know how sexy consent is, and the posters should be a non-issue. If he’s not having sex with his girlfriend, well shit, that’s nobody else’s problem but theirs and they should talk about that. Unless neither of them want to, but that just makes the posters a non-issue again. If for some reason all consensual sex he has seems to suck, again, he and his girlfriend should talk about that.
Rape jokes on an anti-rape poster. Classy