a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? dozens of upvotes grandiosity homophobia incoherent rage melodrama MRA narcissism paul elam rape jokes reddit the poster revolution has begun

Splitsville! Paul Elam starts a rival Men’s Rights subreddit, where he can ban people

It was, perhaps, inevitable, and now it has come to pass: obviously fed up with Men’s Rights Redditors questioning his wisdom (and his tactics, and his general narcissistic assholery) on a fairly regular basis, A Voice for Men Supreme Leader Paul Elam has started up his own Men’s Rights subredditr/mensrightsactivists –in which he can summarily ban all ”armchair activists” and “white knights” and “people who disagree with him.” Yep, that’s right: he’s made like a Trotskyist banana, and split.

Elam has long had a fairly strained relationship with Reddit MRAs. If you search through his comment history on Reddit, you can see evidence of numerous meltdowns on his part, which occur fairly regularly whenever anyone challenges him on pretty much anything, even when they are otherwise sympathetic to his views. On his own blog, he responds to such criticism by quickly banning the critics; on Reddit, he has tended to respond with schoolyard insults, digs at the masculinity of his critics, long recitations of his many fine accomplishments as a dedicated armchair activist, and the occasional rape joke.

Clearly the final straw for Elam was the reception given to a post of his on the poster controversy I wrote about here.  Some samples from the discussion. Builtbro offers a substantive critique of Elam’s badly worded posters:

HolyCounsel is a bit more blunt:

And then there’s this edifying exchange:

The massive numbers of upvotes for Elam’s critics and downvotes for his, er, rebuttals seem to be at least partially the result of an invasion from r/SubredditDrama. Still, Elam seems to take each and every downvote personally, so the 238 net downvotes on his “Kleenex” comment must have stung.

In his new subreddit, threads like these clearly won’t be allowed to happen. As Elam explains in his less-than-welcoming “Welcome” message to new visitors:

While dissenters and the blue pill public will be welcome to post links and comment, trolls and other annoyances will be summarily booted with pleasure. This is an MRA dominated zone.

A couple of things to consider: Dissent, especially that which serves to further the improvement of the men’s movement, is welcome and appreciated. But if you want to post here, as a supposed MRA, telling others what is wrong with their work, you better have some MRA credentials.

Inactive, armchair quarterbacks, are not allowed here, unless their posts reflect genuine concern for improving and supporting the MRM and respect for those actually doing the work. If you want to ask questions so that you can learn, that is fine. But if you want to question, just so you can tear down, and you are not an MRA, then it will be adios for you. I’d sooner give a feminist the floor than a back seat driver.

R/mensrightsactivists: Come for the Elam-approved opinions, stay for the bans! Indeed, Elam devotes as much space in his “welcome” message to explaining whom he’ll ban as he does to actually spelling out what the subreddit will ostensibly do differently than good old r/mensrights.

Of course, this is not the first time that some angry MRA or two has decided to start another Men’s Rights subreddit designed to appeal to more, well, belligerent  MRAs. Reddit already boasts an assortment of such subreddits, all of them fairly sparsely populated, including Rights4Men, Male Studies, and FeMRAs, a more obnoxious alternative to the already sparsely populated LadyMRAs. There’s even another subreddit devoted to MRA activism; it goes by the name of, well, MRAactivism. (There may be several more, but I can’t remember what they’re called.)

The Men’s Rights subreddit has nearly 45,000 subscribers; Elam’s new subreddit currently has 49, which is no doubt why he continues to post links to his blog in the original Men’s Rights subreddit. Whether Elam’s new subreddit succeeds and splits the MRM in two, or dies an inglorious death, one thing is sure: there will be plenty of new material for me here at Man Boobz.

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Cliff Pervocracy (@pervocracy)

Don’t you get your semiotics in my gigantic ego and dictionary trolling!


12 years ago


… I’m imagining a guinea pig going through the motions of your comment right now. My inner daww is squeeing so hard.

12 years ago

Cats…cats as far as the eye can see…

12 years ago

Hey, I’ve got a dog!

12 years ago

Well, I might’ve bothered to make one myself, but I just happened to be reading Fullmetal Alchemist at the local library earlier.

12 years ago

I think aidrocsid is the closest the MRM is to having these moderates the trolls keep harping on about…

12 years ago

Does anyone else hope this infighting becomes a trend? I still think its funny that /no/ that kind of behavior is RARE in aspies /no/

12 years ago

I no can be kitty. Cannot achieve gmail sign-in to change gravatar. 🙁

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)


12 years ago

…Katz…you know about icycalm, too?

Watch out, soon he will have a loooooooooooong thread on his (now locked and behind a paywall) forum where he lists EVERY WEBSITE/COMMENT/POST THAT LINKS TO HIM (no, seriously, that is exactly what he does) and go arglebargle on them behind closed doors while his followers kiss his ass.

Also, his fans have been known to go after people saying bad things about icycalm and their “philosophy”, too. Say, that behavior sounds a little familiar…*looks at the recent troll shitlording*

Nah, can’t be. Too much of a coincidence.

12 years ago

Sooner or later, I’ll have to change my av to something else. This whole “cat” thing is becoming too mainstream. /avatar hipster

12 years ago

The part of Alex Kierkegaard that you really have to check out is how women are dumb bitches.

12 years ago

Heh, I’m sure Elam RAGED that those crafty feminists got ahold of this subreddit first:

12 years ago

Azumanga Daioh was one of the first anime I bought (none of the channels I can access have anime, *sob*) and Kamineko is basically how cats treat me. Also chihuahuas*.

There is some anime available on the Internet for free and legally. Now a lot of it is only available in North America but if you don’t live there, there are still some options.
I personally go to Crunchyroll, it has a bunch of good anime that’s available outside North America.

12 years ago

Oh, god, that essay by Alex Kierkegaard (oh, by the way, Soren called: He wants his last name back)…yeah, I have long put the guy off beforehand, but that essay is just awful.

12 years ago


So apparently now women are to blame for men and boys lack of sucess because hookup culture.

Can someone please, for the love of all that’s unholy, explain how a boys relative ease in getting laid is detrimental to having ambition or working hard towards a career or other life goals?

12 years ago

@katz, That’s terrible!
@xardoz, That’s fantastic!
@red_locker, I love your kitty, even though, you know, it’s not cool anymore.

12 years ago


Hello Friend Troubleshooter, it is quite a wonderful day is it not?

12 years ago

The question “Can games be art?” is nonsensical, and therefore any answer one might come up with for it will also be nonsensical. Put another way: the question is not a question and the answer is not an answer. It’s kind of like asking if the “sky” can be “sad”. When you ask such a “question” you are using language in an improper way, and the only solution to the “problem” posed by the “question” is for you to simply STOP ASKING IT.


No no no no NO. “Art” as a category is not contradictory with the category of “games” in the way that “sad” is to “sky.” “Art” is not simply a word of praise for things… there is such a thing as bad art! You don’t get to assume this in order to rewrite the question as “Can games be good?” Those are two different questions entirely!!!

(A closer approximation could be something that is done for its form rather than its function, in which case the debate over games being art is more understandable. A game’s function is entertainment, after all.)

Today “serious” game writing is all about little kids desperate to have their little hobbies validated by their moms and dads in order to feel good about wasting so much time on them, instead of going out in the world and doing, you know, something useful.

Oh yes, Valve and Bethesda are just little kids trying to find validation rather than people trying to make cool things. What universe does this guy live in anyway?

I feel like every criticism I come up with is just taking potshots at an easy target, and I have to re-read to make sure there isn’t actually some deeper meaning behind his writing. But no, it’s shallow masked behind convoluted sentence structure and furious epithets… *sigh*

I have a bizarre disire to sit down and talk to this guy now… I’m being drawn in by the terrible.

12 years ago

omg am I kitty???

12 years ago


I couldn’t read that, it’s a pet peeve of mine when someone uses a Nietzsche quote massively out of context, and the first two sentences of that article infuriated me beyond measure.

12 years ago

Kirby, how the hell can you read that shit?

Seriously, I have sat down with many a dry, boring and antique book and been able to read them.

This guy is going for a style contemporary with sir arthur conan doyles (which I happen to like) and failing miserably. More words do not equal better!! Especially when y eyes start glazing midway through the sentence and I have to read it again to remember what he’s going on about.

Did he flunk out of Eng Lit 101 and this is his revenge?

12 years ago

This is the last Nietzsche interpretation you will ever need:

12 years ago

Yeah, icycalm seems like he just doesn’t understand abstract concepts, period, and seems to have never realized that if a concept doesn’t make sense to him, it might just be complex or subtle, rather than automatically wrong.

12 years ago


He goes after people who link to him? You don’t say…

This guy is narcissistic, overly verbose, banal, and just plain wrong. ^_^


At the first line. Cringing already. Trainwreck. Watching. Can’t look away.

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