a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? dozens of upvotes grandiosity homophobia incoherent rage melodrama MRA narcissism paul elam rape jokes reddit the poster revolution has begun

Splitsville! Paul Elam starts a rival Men’s Rights subreddit, where he can ban people

It was, perhaps, inevitable, and now it has come to pass: obviously fed up with Men’s Rights Redditors questioning his wisdom (and his tactics, and his general narcissistic assholery) on a fairly regular basis, A Voice for Men Supreme Leader Paul Elam has started up his own Men’s Rights subredditr/mensrightsactivists –in which he can summarily ban all ”armchair activists” and “white knights” and “people who disagree with him.” Yep, that’s right: he’s made like a Trotskyist banana, and split.

Elam has long had a fairly strained relationship with Reddit MRAs. If you search through his comment history on Reddit, you can see evidence of numerous meltdowns on his part, which occur fairly regularly whenever anyone challenges him on pretty much anything, even when they are otherwise sympathetic to his views. On his own blog, he responds to such criticism by quickly banning the critics; on Reddit, he has tended to respond with schoolyard insults, digs at the masculinity of his critics, long recitations of his many fine accomplishments as a dedicated armchair activist, and the occasional rape joke.

Clearly the final straw for Elam was the reception given to a post of his on the poster controversy I wrote about here.  Some samples from the discussion. Builtbro offers a substantive critique of Elam’s badly worded posters:

HolyCounsel is a bit more blunt:

And then there’s this edifying exchange:

The massive numbers of upvotes for Elam’s critics and downvotes for his, er, rebuttals seem to be at least partially the result of an invasion from r/SubredditDrama. Still, Elam seems to take each and every downvote personally, so the 238 net downvotes on his “Kleenex” comment must have stung.

In his new subreddit, threads like these clearly won’t be allowed to happen. As Elam explains in his less-than-welcoming “Welcome” message to new visitors:

While dissenters and the blue pill public will be welcome to post links and comment, trolls and other annoyances will be summarily booted with pleasure. This is an MRA dominated zone.

A couple of things to consider: Dissent, especially that which serves to further the improvement of the men’s movement, is welcome and appreciated. But if you want to post here, as a supposed MRA, telling others what is wrong with their work, you better have some MRA credentials.

Inactive, armchair quarterbacks, are not allowed here, unless their posts reflect genuine concern for improving and supporting the MRM and respect for those actually doing the work. If you want to ask questions so that you can learn, that is fine. But if you want to question, just so you can tear down, and you are not an MRA, then it will be adios for you. I’d sooner give a feminist the floor than a back seat driver.

R/mensrightsactivists: Come for the Elam-approved opinions, stay for the bans! Indeed, Elam devotes as much space in his “welcome” message to explaining whom he’ll ban as he does to actually spelling out what the subreddit will ostensibly do differently than good old r/mensrights.

Of course, this is not the first time that some angry MRA or two has decided to start another Men’s Rights subreddit designed to appeal to more, well, belligerent  MRAs. Reddit already boasts an assortment of such subreddits, all of them fairly sparsely populated, including Rights4Men, Male Studies, and FeMRAs, a more obnoxious alternative to the already sparsely populated LadyMRAs. There’s even another subreddit devoted to MRA activism; it goes by the name of, well, MRAactivism. (There may be several more, but I can’t remember what they’re called.)

The Men’s Rights subreddit has nearly 45,000 subscribers; Elam’s new subreddit currently has 49, which is no doubt why he continues to post links to his blog in the original Men’s Rights subreddit. Whether Elam’s new subreddit succeeds and splits the MRM in two, or dies an inglorious death, one thing is sure: there will be plenty of new material for me here at Man Boobz.

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12 years ago

…BACON POPCORN….!??!?!?!?

12 years ago

Kitties! I wanna be a kitty toooooo!

12 years ago

Everybody’s a kitty…

Welp, “When in Rome…”

12 years ago

I was already logged in and had to go to My Account > Manage Gravatars, to have this hopefully work.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

This is hilarious! “I botched an interview, so now I’m king MRA!”

I don’t quite know what critical mass of people are required before a movement can start fissure but keep going regardless, but the MRM is nowhere near that point.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Oh, wait, I’m behind in the thread. I mean kitties!

12 years ago

Re: Fred Phelps

(details are lacking, this story happened some years ago – but! the point still stands)

A friend of mine had someone from her small town killed in active duty and the WBC showed up to do their hateful thing.

The town – firefighters, civil servants of various other stripes, local teens and (?) some bike gang who (?recall is bad) goes around doing counter protests to WBC showed up and sang hymns and songs of community and loving etc.

Phelps et al left after half an hour, and no lawsuit was to be found.

(I used to have links, but time and the intertubes have swallowed them. It was in Nebraska :/)

12 years ago

Nate Phelps, one of Fred Phelp’s kids who escaped the cult, has done a number of interviews and talks frequently about growing up in the WBC. Fred Phelps is a true believer. Honestly his picketing activity isn’t even the worst of the horrible things he’s done compared to how he treated his children.

12 years ago

aworldanonymous, I like your anarckitty’s colour scheme.

12 years ago

I know it seems extra creepy, but I think they go after funerals because they know the peeps just got the insurance money so if they can get a family member to swing on them caching.

Also, too, and besides, this is just too precious:

It all comes down — to make a long story short, and to anticipate our conclusion, which is not fully elaborated in these essays, and with good reason (since it lies beyond the domain of game theory, cutting across all disciplines, to finally end up as the ultimate question of philosophy proper) — to the debacle of meaning.

12 years ago


I was hoping someone would get that.

Also @Syrah

Yes, bacon popcorn.

12 years ago

Did it work? Am I a kitty yet?

12 years ago


Yes, you are a kitty.

12 years ago


That… that link is tortuous. “… pseudo-academics (which is merely that of undeducated existentialists-)”

This guy gives armchair philosophers sitting in ivory towers contemplating their navels a bad name… How could you possibly be so pompous over a topic so banal? Yes. Meaning is subjective, not objective. It’s already been thought out, dude.

12 years ago

Trying kitty test of my own. Hope it works.

12 years ago

oh poo… didn’t close the italics…

12 years ago

Eh, I’ll give it a few minutes.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Kamineko? Creative Writing Student and Amnesia maintain good taste in avatars.

I am disappointed in the rest of you. *Srsnods*

12 years ago

Amnesia, I like Al’s kitty!

12 years ago

I am disappointed in the rest of you. *Srsnods*


12 years ago

Rutee’s anti-kitteh! Isn’t that … dissent? :O

12 years ago

Hey, our kitties are lovingly handcrafted!

12 years ago

Azumanga Daioh was one of the first anime I bought (none of the channels I can access have anime, *sob*) and Kamineko is basically how cats treat me. Also chihuahuas*.

I think I’m most like Osaka, though. She’s delightfully morbid. And Sakaki is adorable. 😀

*They also hump me at the same time as biting me…

12 years ago

OK, testing . . .

12 years ago

Gah… Meaning is not something that one creates alone. If that were the case, then nobody could communicate because nobody could understand what the other person means. There needs to be some sort of common language in the medium for something to be meaningful, one which is created over time by many different people.

“Searching for meaning” therefore becomes a process of recognizing that common language in a piece of art as well as departures from that language. And this guy accuses people who do so of not thinking deeply enough… O_O

This is fascinatingly infuriating.