a voice for men actual activism alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? domestic violence facepalm misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam rape rape jokes rapey the poster revolution has begun

The whole world is watching … A Voice for Men “activists” making asses of themselves

Well,I got carried away there. It’s not literally the whole world. Only a teensy weensy portion of it.

The fellows at A Voice for Men, you see, evidently stung by criticism that they aren’t activists, have begun engaging in real, honest-to-goodness real-world activism, by which I mean that a handful of them, some in Canada and at least one in Australia, have been putting up posters advertising the AVFM website.

In other words, their activism consists of putting up posters for a website whose only activism thus far has consisted of putting up posters for itself.

Well, eventually they’ll get the hang of it, I guess.

In any case, the A Voice for Menners have discovered something about activism: if you do things that are offensive enough, people will be offended. And so they’ve managed to offend some people in Canada and in Australia where their posters have gone up. In Australia, there have even been a couple of news articles written about them! For example, one in Melbourne’s Herald Sun says:

A MAN who is littering the city with posters promoting a website that encourages men to support rapists has declined the opportunity to explain himself.

The website, which the Herald Sun has chosen not to name, is campaigning to get men sitting on juries for rape trials to “vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true”. …

The website’s publisher, Paul Elam, told the Herald Sun he was too busy watching the movie Air Force One to be interviewed, but later said by email he stood by the campaign.

Ooh! How very, very alpha of him.

Other articles (see here and here) describe the posters as “hate posters,” because one of them seems to suggest that women provoke domestic violence against themselves. The text of the poster reads “Domestic Violence Women Are Half the Problem.”

In fact, Elam and company are trying to suggest that women instigate half of all domestic violence, and thus are “half the problem,” but they’re so wedded to the easily misunderstood “half the problem” slogan that they somehow cannot seem to get this idea across in poster form. (This idea is itself incorrect, but that’s a whole other kettle of angry dudes.) Elam and company don’t quite seem to understand that an important part of activism is actually conveying your ideas to the general public rather than simply provoking people.

You can’t buy this kind of publicity!

Well, technically, you could, but no one would, because no one would willingly pay money for a publicity campaign that makes them appear to be hateful assholes — and in fact, even a teensy bit more hateful than they actually are.

So, congratulations, I guess?

If anyone wants to help AVFM in its publicity campaign, the super-sarcastic poster below, and a number of other poorly thought out and badly designed posters, can be downloaded from AVFM here by “anyone who wants to print and distribute them.”

Note: THIS IS A REAL AVFM POSTER. I didn’t make it up. See here.

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12 years ago


Your image here was hilarious.

12 years ago

Ugh – thanks. That makes sense now.

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

Roosh shows the MRAs some tough love.

Basically a PUA is an MRA with the balls to take productive action.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

If by “productive” action, you mean “rape,” then, yes.

That sure is AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, huh?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

…Seriously, even excluding the fact that Roosh is an admitted rapist, all PUAs do is try and get laid.

If that’s “productive action” for your social movement, then I weep for the depths of your oppression.

12 years ago

Whoah AIT… that was hilarious. He told them they were ineffective pamphleteers on major men’s issues and pointed out they have started no men’s studies or laws, and blasted them for pretending they got a diaper commercial pulled and it was activism OUTSIDE the MRM…

But wait…here’s the punchline, I had to stop reading here, I was loling so much.
He goes on to make an important list of what Roosh has done in contrast to the MRM losers, and here is the first item on this itemized list, I shit you not….

“I take personal action and encourage other men to do the same.

At the same time I was complaining that American girls are fat, I was blasting inside Polish girls with perfect bodies. I tell men how to sleep with such women.”

Yes, that happened. He posted that. Hahahahah.

12 years ago

Cliff was right, kind of… he claims his action is sex, and helping men get it.

12 years ago

Activism! Or at least possibly exercise, I guess?

(For serious, they think that learning how to walk up to women and introduce themselves is activism. The greatest comedian in history couldn’t make this shit up.)

12 years ago

Basically a PUA is an MRA with the balls to take productive action.

What action? Rape?

Telling men they aren’t woth anything if they aren’t getting lots of tail? And if you have to rape to get it, well then you have to rape to get it?

Because is what your hero thinks is “productive action”

“I take personal action and encourage other men to do the same.

At the same time I was complaining that American girls are fat, I was blasting inside Polish girls with perfect bodies. I tell men how to sleep with such women.”

Striking blows for the downtrodden men of the world by having sex, and insulting women.

Some movement.

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

If by “productive” action, you mean “rape,” then, yes.

Good God… you people really do see rape in everything. Roosh is just telling MRAs to snap out of their victim mentality and approach attractive women instead of wallowing in pity blogs. Reading “RAPE!” in “get off your sofa and meet girls” is just insane.

12 years ago

She was not referring to that blog, you idiot, she’s referring to Roosh admitting he rapes.

12 years ago

Good God… you people really do see rape in everything.

See the many previous examples listed in this very thread discussing why Roosh’s brand of game tactics are rapey. We don’t see rape in everything, we see rape in rape.

12 years ago

If I saw the pear poster up somewhere, there is no way I would actually read it because it’s so wordy. I would just assume it was some kind of get rich quick scam. People probably won’t tear those down as much, just because they would look at it, think “Too long, didn’t read”, and then go on with whatever it is they’re doing. So for the MRA’s that made it, congrats on boring people so much they won’t read your poster and then tear it down.

The website’s publisher, Paul Elam, told the Herald Sun he was too busy watching the movie Air Force One to be interviewed, but later said by email he stood by the campaign.

WE MUST TAKE OUR MESSAGE TO THE STREETS!!! Oh, hold on a second. I just saw in the TV Guide that The Doctors is going to have a show about foods that make you look younger. So we’re going to have to delay taking the world by storm so that I can watch that. Tomorrow’s no good either, because I need to go to my cousin’ dance recital. Shit, this activism is HARD WORK YOU GUYS!

12 years ago

I was going to start a social justice movement, but then I remembered that I had YouTube, so I decided to go watch videos and chat on there instead.

(Actually, that appears to be a decent description of what happened, just needs more profanity.)

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Thebionicmommy – I Sharpie the word “SCAM” on posters at my school advertising “summer work for students!” and “earn cash from home!”


12 years ago

Oh – and you should know, “pear” is an anagram for “rape”. The author is satirizing the vile, misandrist, nonsensical logic behind many feminist concepts, such as “Schrodinger’s Rapist”. It is absurdist humor, requiring mental nuance I wouldn’t expect any of the disgusting individuals here to possess.

oh weird, the dude who’s dumb and bad at writing doesnt know what satire is that is a shocker

12 years ago

If I saw the pear poster on public transit I’d read it. That’s because public transit in San Francisco is full of entertainingly weird people, though, so if I knew nothing about the MRM I’d probably read it, frown in confusion, and conclude that one of the older hippies who never quite recovered from too many acid trips in the 60s had made it. If I had colored pens with me I might doodle on it. Electric Kool-Aid Misogyny Test?

12 years ago

Thebionicmommy – I Sharpie the word “SCAM” on posters at my school advertising “summer work for students!” and “earn cash from home!”

That’s a good idea. It makes me sick how people could prey on people that are struggling financially and make their situations even worse. Those con artists are about as bad as sketchy contractors who steal peoples’ insurance and FEMA money. I don’t know how they live with themselves.

12 years ago

Thebionicmommy – I Sharpie the word “SCAM” on posters at my school advertising “summer work for students!” and “earn cash from home!”

Cliff Pervocracy is good people.

12 years ago

Good God… you people really do see rape in everything. Roosh is just telling MRAs to snap out of their victim mentality and approach attractive women instead of wallowing in pity blogs. Reading “RAPE!” in “get off your sofa and meet girls” is just insane.

Um, yeah, see we didn’t read “rape” in “get off your sofa and meet girls” we read rape in “She wants you wear a condom? Just stick your uncondomed dick in her until she stops complaining”.

I’m all for telling the whiney “incels” of the MRM to stop feeling sorry for themselves and get a hobby, but that isn’t what Roosh does.

Also, nice ableism there.

12 years ago

Bugger, nija’d by everyone it seems.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Rape aside (another one of those “re-evaluate your life” phrases)… chatting up women and trying to get laid is still not exactly saving men from the pains of systemic oppression.

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

Um, yeah, see we didn’t read “rape” in “get off your sofa and meet girls” we read rape in “She wants you wear a condom? Just stick your uncondomed dick in her until she stops complaining”.

Nice strawman. Here’s the actual quote: “When gearing up for the second act of sex, just diddle her vagina with your dick and stuff it in. If she objects, get a condom and try again next time. By the fourth of fifth time, you’ll be banging raw guaranteed.”

Nope, not rape.

Also, nice ableism there.

For “get off your sofa?” Really?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago


QUOTE: Rape Game: Used for when a girl is acting either difficult or prudish. Drag her to your place and tell her you’re going to have her way with her and there’s nothing she can do about it. Throw her on the bad, rip off her clothing, and do what you promised while ignoring her fake protests. With some girls you need to simulate rape conditions to get the bang, but be careful because rape game correlates highly to unprotected sex. The last thing a girl cares about when getting fantasy raped is using a condom. Also, you might want to use a fake name and safe house when running rape game in a Western country.


anyway, seriously, even if he was only promoting consensual sex, that’s some pretty shitty “political activism”

12 years ago


Noticeably absent from that little passage are “Ask her if she wants you to keep shoving your penis at her, whether you’re using protection or not” and “If she says no to sex, even with protection, stop trying to have sex with her,”

Fucking verbal communication, how does it work?