a voice for men antifeminism awesome incoherent rage misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men the poster revolution has begun

Man Boobzers Join the Poster Revolution Against Misandry and Mean Ladies!

One of Cliff Pervocracy’s outstanding contributions.

As I noted in my last post, the gang over at A Voice for Men have launched a veritable POSTER REVOLUTION against the evil gynocracy, by which I mean a couple of dudes have designed some posters and a couple other dudes have put some of them up.

Much like the web site they represent, these posters are dumb and ugly and incoherently angry. Feeling generous, some Man Boobzers have designed some more posters for them to use, trying their best to capture the unique qualities that make A Voice for Men posters so, well, special. Cloudiah has collected them together on her hilarious blog Artistry For Feminism. And Kittens. Check them out!

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12 years ago

Thank you for including me, Cloudiah. I am honored. 🙂

LOL. This has to become a real thing.

12 years ago

Beautiful. You guys rock 🙂

12 years ago

Well, good luck to you all. You’re going to need it from the sound of things.

12 years ago

Well, good luck to you all. You’re going to need it from the sound of things.


I think we’ll be just fine.

12 years ago

I like this one already.

12 years ago

Wut is going on even…This is like concern trolling x10

12 years ago

Just to ease Pellpookah’s anxiety I am totally going to start a serious anti-MRM blog tomorrow. It will be moderated by my cat.*

*Please note that moderation will consist mostly of whiny requests for laser toy playtime.

12 years ago

I had to laugh at the anecdote about the R*n P**l supporter. Genius move, that.

At least the MRM know to put actual links on their posters. 😛

12 years ago

The Hilary Clinton one is hilarious. So many exclamation marks. XD

12 years ago

This thread has a high troll-hilarity to amount-of-comment ratio. Nice.

12 years ago

Asking gay people to help overthrow feminism is pretty funny. “Just don’t gay up the place.” LOL

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago


1) We don’t consider Manboobz a serious social movement that requires outreach; it’s just a mockery website, not like The Face of Feminism

2) Those posters are not a serious promotional effort

3) Those posters aren’t going to be printed out or posted anywhere

4) When I tell people in the real world about Manboobz, I always have to explain what a MRA is, because they’ve never heard the term before.

12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy, regarding #4: right??? I wonder if Pookie makes the next logical step in hir head: a site mocking something is going to get more traffic the more people know about the thing being mocked. Otherwise, no one gets the joke and then you have to explaaaiiiin the premise and it’s like then the joke isn’t funny anymore…basically this site is kind of like, jokes for the balcony.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

…I wonder if, since opposition to feminism is the defining characteristic of MRAs, p00kie thinks opposition to MRAs is the most important part of feminism? That would make Manboobz a very important site indeed, and under-promotion of Manboobz really would signify a failure of feminism.

Fortunately that is EXTREMELY Not How It Works.

12 years ago

Oh p00’pell, why’d you have to turn a perfectly cromulent concern troll into one of your Alpha Man delusions. Next you’ll be an astronaut geneticist with a ton of MRA brosephs…

12 years ago

Pookah, that’s funny because guys I know are deriving tons of self esteem from the MRM the more they look into them, and laugh their asses off, and then get concerned and pissed off… and then start laughing again.

I can think of four guys quickly without even trying, in my own life that have realized how not mentally diseased they are by comparison.. A couple of my male friends love that I go to manboobz, and when I’m feeling down, I’ve had two of them say “HEY what’s on manboobZ, you should go check that out!”

We’re all quite happy with it.

12 years ago

I have never posted before cause I’m not half-way as clever as to come up with the brilliant things you do (seriously, that Orlando Bloom poster is incredibly hilarious in its deliberate badness), but even I know that those posters are supposed to be mockery and not actual activism.

Not that it is too hard to figure it out, since all it took was to actually read the post (the first sentence of it anyway) and then click on that link and… well, read that.
I didn’t realize that this was such a hard feat for college professors, but apparently it is.

12 years ago

I want to know where this school is that has lots of dudes deciding to write about the MRM is praiseworthy tomes.

12 years ago

I kind of hope some of those posters do get printed out and posted. Someone should film people’s reactions.

12 years ago

Also, I’ve had over 1000 views since yesterday. Previous 2-day high? 47. It must be all that traffic from AVfM. 😉

12 years ago

Is p00kah negging us? Zie’s all like, youse guys are waaaaaay behind these fringe sites where straight, cis white men go to complain about teh bit chuz, and we’re supposed to be like, OH PLEASE TELL US HOW TO SUCK YOUR DICK INCREASE OUR TRAFFIC.

Oh, I know, we’ve got a troll who works in SEO, let’s ask him!

But seriously, what the fuck? p00kah was a weird experience.

12 years ago

Bravo, Cloudiah! I’m getting a huge kick out the posters over at your site. Congrats to everyone who did all those.

12 years ago

P00kah is one of the best examples excruciating ignorance of the concern trolls that show up on feminist blogs that I have ever seen, and I have seen more than my share.
1, you made a mistake
2, I hope you don’t mind criticism
3, I’m just trying to help
4, you are doing it wrong
5, if you won’t take my advice you will lose
6, flounce

If the concern troll is dedicated we may see
7, return to set the record straight
8, repeat flounce
rinse and repeat

12 years ago

The posters are excellent!

12 years ago

@Pecunium, sadly, I think they probably are a lot more common than folks might think – heck, at a lot of colleges there’s still a lot of the victim-blamey “anti-rape” type of presentation given – I know I remember mine pretty well, and it wasn’t THAT long ago. It’s not too out there for dudes to have opinions that are along MRA lines when you have politicians saying stuff that isn’t too far from their “activism” and “rape prevention” folks basically feeding into the rape apologia the MRM espouses. Granted, I went to a predominantly conservative private Christian college, but I know even at larger, secular more traditionally “liberal” universities like the one at which I currently work, even when we’ve got brilliant, wonderful folks working to give students a better understanding of what rape is and how to prevent it (via calling out a culture that encourages rape or brushes it off as nothing, rather than giving out reasons to blame the victims) we’ll still have student’s who’ll say in the face of damning statistics “are you sure those are accurate? Hmm. Are you saying all men are rapists?”

It’s unlikely these guys are getting their opinions from MRAs considering there are plenty more Reprehensible Akins both in the government and in plenty of other high profile private sector positions and it seems like MRM sites are sorta the Isla de Muerta of the internet – ya gotta be digging REAL deep to find that shit. I don’t see the way conversation about gender issues can be so far skewed as indicative of any gains the MRM has made, rather, it’s just indicative of a whole culture of victim blaming we still need to dismantle.

That said, whining that mockery of these dudes just isn’t doing enough to dismantle their movement is hardly constructive either. I don’t see pookah rushing off to create “better”* posters that will drive traffic to David’s site.

*Not sure really how you could make those posters better, I’m still giggling about the last one.