a voice for men antifeminism awesome incoherent rage misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men the poster revolution has begun

Man Boobzers Join the Poster Revolution Against Misandry and Mean Ladies!

One of Cliff Pervocracy’s outstanding contributions.

As I noted in my last post, the gang over at A Voice for Men have launched a veritable POSTER REVOLUTION against the evil gynocracy, by which I mean a couple of dudes have designed some posters and a couple other dudes have put some of them up.

Much like the web site they represent, these posters are dumb and ugly and incoherently angry. Feeling generous, some Man Boobzers have designed some more posters for them to use, trying their best to capture the unique qualities that make A Voice for Men posters so, well, special. Cloudiah has collected them together on her hilarious blog Artistry For Feminism. And Kittens. Check them out!

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12 years ago

I’ve hit the big time! đŸ˜‰

12 years ago

Those are effing hilarious. The Orlando Bloom was is my favorite. Enter caption 3 here. LOL!!!! đŸ˜€

12 years ago

fembot, I added your meme! Hilarious.

12 years ago

No, no, no. The posters here drive traffic to *their* site. Drive traffic to *manboobz*. Change the urls on the posters and make the messages clearly pro-feminist. You’re shooting yourselves in the feet for crying out loud.

12 years ago

Au contraire, A Voice For Men is the MRM’s best advertisement. Unfortunately for them.

12 years ago

@speedlines, pfft, okay, as you were. I still say you’re drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die, though. Good luck.

12 years ago

All the URLs point to except for one that points to the Pervocracy blog. ???

12 years ago

@cloudiah: I saw a few that refer to “”, and no one will understand those without much contextual assistance imho. A few refer to ‘a voice for men’; one tells people to google a voice for men, (!!!!!!!!!!). Look at the one with the happy-faced Sharon Osborne; that one could’ve come from Paul Elam himself.

Didn’t see *one* that had a manboobz url or even an effective and catchy message that would A) drive traffic to manboobz, or B) clearly destroy the message of Not one.

I hope you don’t mind constructive criticism, because I’m really not trying to throw a wet blanket on your efforts. I just looked at the website ratings for manboobz and compared them to top MRM sites and found manboobz to be falling behind. Fix this.

12 years ago

p00kah, I’m pretty sure these posters aren’t going to be, uh, printed out and plastered up around town. In fact… is anyone who doesn’t already know they’re satire going to see them? Considering the context they appear in on cloudiah’s blog, and all.

12 years ago

Well, I can’t fix anything on the Man Boobz site, but I think David is doing a fine job with that. Since only a very few people visit my blog, I really doubt I am to blame IF is falling behind MRM sites on clicks.

On my blog, at least with the last post, the links that count (i.e. that are embedded in the blog, that Google can “see”) are to or to the Pervocracy blog. The “links” on the posters are not links that any browser can interpret, since they are hidden within .jpg or .gif files. That is, no one can click on them so search engines don’t count them. All of the clickable links on that post are to pro-feminist sites.

And yeah, the Sharon Osbourne one is so completely ridiculous that if you think it could have come from Paul Elam himself… Well, I’m not really sure where you are coming from.

12 years ago

Ah, got it. Complaining and patting yourselves on the backs isn’t going to cut it for too much longer imho. Guys I know are quickly adopting MRM and PUA attitudes and positions, and also in lieu of the web traffic stats, it seems to me that you’re quickly losing your ideological propriety.

LOL, this reminds me of the conventional heterosexual relationship psychobabble which says that women just want their feelings to be validated and men err when actually trying to fix the problems…

Oh well, cheers to tragic comedies!

12 years ago

So, it’s Pell time already?

12 years ago

That was the weirdest concern troll I’ve ever seen.

12 years ago

They forgot to mention that Cloudiah hasn’t even registered the domain name for Such a grievous oversight should not be ignored.

12 years ago

I’ve been busy. I will have to register tomorrow.

12 years ago

@speedlines: I work at a college and grade a lot of papers. It used to be the guy who said stuff about men’s rights was the lone right wing weirdo everyone shot incredulous glances at. More and more, I’m seeing papers that echo MRM positions and attitudes. More and more, the guys who talk about misandry are getting thoughtful and approving nods. If you think I’m a “troll”, you better pull your head out of wherever you have it stuffed and wake up.

12 years ago

p00kah, I’m pretty sure you are making that up.

12 years ago

Oh no, a few college students are spouting incredibly stupid ideas, this is clearly the sign of an ideological revolution and not at all just what happens at every college in the world.

(Also, I’m pretty sure the fact that MRM sites get more traffic than a single site mocking those sites doesn’t actually mean they’re gaining influence. They’d have to be overtaking prominent feminist blogs for that to be even remotely credible.)

12 years ago

Yes, it is indeed Pell time.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

Lurkers agree with me by email guyz.

12 years ago

@cloudiah: Well, I’d like to believe a lot of things too. I’ll see what I can do to help your cause, but I’m disappointed by what I’ve seen here. Perhaps the student who referred me here might have the time and knowledge to start a real anti-MRM site, because I sure don’t.

12 years ago

@p00kah, you should definitely start your own blog. I’d love to mock it.

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