men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rhymes with roosh sex vaginas

Roosh the PUA dude: Women are “lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.”

Some holes are treacherous.

Our dear friend Roosh, the pickup guru, has written some (self-published) books! One of them is called Day Bang. It’s an instructional manual for dudes who want to know how to convince ladies to have sex with them … in the daytime. It contains this bit of wisdom:

When it comes to how you view the girls you’re approaching, I’d be careful about having too much respect for them. While I’m not saying you should hate women, my initial impression of them is that they’re lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.

Yeah, nothing even vaguely hateful about reducing women to a body part.

I know all too well that putting them on a pedestal will make it challenging to get to sex within a short amount of time since girls can literally feel when you value their pussy. It’s a fact that nothing dries up an individual pussy more than if it suspects it’s being idolized by a man.

And nothing makes a woman’s vagina dry up and sew itself shut faster than learning that the guy macking on her is relying on a book that describes women as if they are their vaginas, and vice versa.

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12 years ago

I just found the perfect link for sunshinemary.

12 years ago

I wrote: “If sunshinemary represented all Christians…”

Pam wrote: “She doesn’t.”

I know. The thing is, I’m a Christian (Episcopalian), but I guess I keep quiet about it, not because I’m ashamed of being one, it’s just that whenever I am open about it, I wonder if people look at me and think to themselves, “If she’s a Christian, I don’t want to be one.” I think of all the things I’ve done and left undone and wish I were a better Christian and person.

Then I see someone like sunshinemary who is so hateful and smug, and I just wonder if she ever thinks about how bad a witness she is for her faith. I have not seen a single thing about her that, if I weren’t already a Christian, would attract me to it. On the contrary, I would be repulsed. So, that’s what I meant.

12 years ago

Sorry, Wisteria, I certainly did not intend to imply that you weren’t a Christian (and even if you were not self-professed Christian, I most certainly wouldn’t look down my nose at you for it). The thought that went through my mind when you wrote “If sunshinemary represented all Christians…”, was quite similar to your “I have not seen a single thing about her that, if I weren’t already a Christian, would attract me to it. On the contrary, I would be repulsed.”

Then I see someone like sunshinemary who is so hateful and smug, and I just wonder if she ever thinks about how bad a witness she is for her faith.

When I see someone like self-righteousmary, it puts me in mind of the Pharisees, not of Christ.

12 years ago

The more I find out about Roosh, the more I have to agree with the “this guy’s some sort of parody or satire, right? right?” stance, for the sake of my own emotional health. The lines about “pizza game” in his “16 Different Types of Game” post sound sarcastic, don’t they? But if he were self-aware, surely there’d be some sort of disclaimer somewhere. The mind boggles.

12 years ago


Arrived via the alpha wolves rebuttal, having derived considerable amusement from John Scalzi’s demolition of VD et al on that; always good to find a new blog so this is to cheer you on.

Just one point; does the definition of the word ‘fact’ have some specialist meaning to roosh unavailable in dictionaries owned by the rest of us?

12 years ago

@ Pam

Yep, that’s exactly what Mary and her friends remind me of. Bunch of Pharisees – Jesus would not have approved of them at all.

I was an atheist long before I encountered online keyboard warrior fundies, but if I had still been a Christian they might well have been the final nail in that coffin. They’re not exactly helping with the recruiting effort.

12 years ago

It’s times like this that I honestly wish there was an actively smiting God around. Because there is no way to really root out these rapist fuckwads.

I know it sounds all Big Brother and shit, but I’m kind of looking forward to the future when we all have computer Google glasses that record every single interaction with others that we encounter. Because it’s really only possible to see this shit in action, to see it’s not just a woman being slutty or “regretting it afterwards”- that rape culture is real, that rape is a CONSCIOUS effort by a rapist, not just a “confusion” or “misunderstanding” on the part of the victim.

When a rapist cannot hide in plain sight, we will see less rape.

12 years ago

I was walking home, and looking forward to seeing the comments here (and on my post about<a href = the Mess in NYC on Friday Morning) and thought that Mary was like the Pharisees of the Gospels (not to be confused with the actual Pharisaic party, to which he was much more in concert, but that’s a massive digression).

And I was reminded of the comment he made when his disciples were being chastised for what they were eating.

“It not what a man put’s into his mouth which makes him unclean, but rather what comes out of it”.

12 years ago

Did anyone else notice “ThatGirl” post a quote without actually putting anything in quotation marks or blockquote?

12 years ago

Yes, I noticed. Since it wasn’t worth much I ignored it.

12 years ago

Doesn’t pell or somebody do that? My brain jumped to troll.

12 years ago

If its’s a troll, they aren’t doing anything much beneath the bridge.

12 years ago

@ CassandraSays and pecunium

I guess I wasn’t too far off the mark with my assessment of self-righteousmary et al (inc. her husband, who goes by the handle “holyhandgrenadeofantioch” ….. read some of his comments, and he seems like a real piece of work). They seem to be more concerned with pulling bits and pieces out of Paul’s letters (and out of context, to boot!), in order to beat women into submission, than they are with reflecting upon what Christ actually said and did.

12 years ago


I think the issue is that the rate of false sexual assault charges is about the same as false fraud, assault, and theft charges.

You have any data on that? And people who are caught in any sort of fraud are sent to jail or have to make restitution and pay a fine. How many false rape accusers, a much more serious offence than putting in a false insurance claim, go to jail?

And as far as false rape claims being the rare exception rather than the rule all I can do is point you to some real studies. When the Air Force investigated rape claims they found that 60% had no merit.In England 88% of rape allegations are dismissed by prosecutors as having no merit.Of the remaining 12% that go to trial half are lost. That means that a grand total of 6% were rapes(maybe)

12 years ago

inc. her husband, who goes by the handle “holyhandgrenadeofantioch” ….. read some of his comments, and he seems like a real piece of work


Hands up everyone who has no sense of humor!

12 years ago

And as far as false rape claims being the rare exception rather than the rule all I can do is point you to some real studies. When the Air Force investigated rape claims they found that 60% had no merit.In England 88% of rape allegations are dismissed by prosecutors as having no merit.Of the remaining 12% that go to trial half are lost. That means that a grand total of 6% were rapes(maybe)

Okay, so where are these studies? You said that you would point us to studies, but all you’ve done is throw percentages at us.

I mean, I could talk about studies that found in the rabbit population of England, 45% are smeerps, of that 45%, 70% are snared for the stew pot, and 20% of those smeerps stewed are stewed with rutabaga and parsnips, while the remainder are broiled with potatoes and honey. But it wouldn’t mean a thing if I didn’t back it up with links (hint: There are none, this is all rhetorical).

12 years ago

What’s an Ableist?

Is that that weird cult that worships Able as the first martyr?

12 years ago


12 years ago

Of course the False Rape Society says that any complaint which isn’t prosecuted, or which doesn’t secure a conviction is false.

Do they say that?If an allegation is not prosecuted or the defendant is found not guilty at trial then the allegation is legally false. You may want to go to law school.

12 years ago

*double facepaw*

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Some reasons that rape accusations were found to have “no merit”:
1) The victim was in a relationship with the rapist, or had previously had consensual sex.
2) The victim was not visibly injured.
3) The victim had been drinking.
4) The victim decided not to press charges (perhaps because of all the people asking if they were in a relationship with their rapist and if they’d been drinking).
5) The rapist was a stranger, the victim was injured and sober and wanted to press charges, but there was insufficient evidence to prove the rape had occurred.

But no, I’m sure these were just evil females false-rape-accusing innocent choirboys for shits and giggles, because that’s how you pass a Saturday night when you’re a woman and there’s nothing good on TV, right?

…Oh, and maybe a guy had sex with you without asking, but it couldn’t be RAPE rape because he’s a nice guy.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Falconer-you have that nice computer, invented by men, and simplified so that even a 3 yo can use it so go find the data yourself. It’s right out there and not hidden in some looney feminist”study”

12 years ago

you have that nice computer, invented by men


Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago