men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rhymes with roosh sex vaginas

Roosh the PUA dude: Women are “lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.”

Some holes are treacherous.

Our dear friend Roosh, the pickup guru, has written some (self-published) books! One of them is called Day Bang. It’s an instructional manual for dudes who want to know how to convince ladies to have sex with them … in the daytime. It contains this bit of wisdom:

When it comes to how you view the girls you’re approaching, I’d be careful about having too much respect for them. While I’m not saying you should hate women, my initial impression of them is that they’re lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.

Yeah, nothing even vaguely hateful about reducing women to a body part.

I know all too well that putting them on a pedestal will make it challenging to get to sex within a short amount of time since girls can literally feel when you value their pussy. It’s a fact that nothing dries up an individual pussy more than if it suspects it’s being idolized by a man.

And nothing makes a woman’s vagina dry up and sew itself shut faster than learning that the guy macking on her is relying on a book that describes women as if they are their vaginas, and vice versa.

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12 years ago

Of course the False Rape Society says that any complaint which isn’t prosecuted, or which doesn’t secure a conviction is false.

And there are lots of people like Mary, who will say, “You can’t rape a slut (oops, drunk woman)” and so help them with their lies.

12 years ago

But hell, why get our panties all in a twist over the topic of rape, since, according to Paul Ryan, rape is pretty much just another method of conception

12 years ago

…I thought rape was a method of contraception! I’m so confused.

12 years ago

Is it 1999 on the internet tonight?

Well I’m partying like it is 🙂

12 years ago

MSN we all know you are zao give it up. XD

12 years ago

And this isn’t rape, I’m sure. She had wine., after all.

Bronx DA decides to defer charges

Of course the Bronx drops 25 percent of cases, and won’t open a rape case if the victim waits more than 24 hours to report it.

It’s hard to tell what’s happening because these articles never have much detail. The 25% applies to all cases not rape and so does the 24 hours. It means that the person who made the complaint for some reason just won’t cooperate and talk to the DA. If there’s no evidence and a person won’t pursue it there’s nothing the DA can do to force them and can’t waste time with frivolous cases.Anyway these cops get away with murder so I’m not surprised. And since I don’t know what questions the detectives asked him I don’t know if he admitted to anything which means it’s just a he said/she said case and the DA won’t be able to get a conviction. The girl may be over the age of consent but the drinking age is 18 so giving her alcohol is a violation. But as I said, cops are smart enough to never answer questions so he likely didn’t admit to anything.Most convictions are based on confessions or admissions not great police investigations.

12 years ago

It’s funny how it never occurs to some people that there are options other than “shower with compliments” and “playfully insult”. It must suck to have social skills that limited.

That’s very ableist of you. Mocking people because they struggle with something that for you is second nature. Social skills can be LEARNED. Radical concept, huh….

It cracks me up how you whine about the “misogyny” of PUAs when in fact, you really wish these guys would not have the option of acquiring the social skills to get laid. Sux2beU

12 years ago

Hi, Om Nom! Still dreaming of a robot future?

12 years ago

Acting like a sleazy asshole until you either get laid by dumb luck or rape someone ain’t what I call “social skills”, Noms.

12 years ago

@Cliff: “Re “Sleazy Game”: That actually makes me feel bad about the times when a guy’s slept over because he got snowed in or whatever, and we had sex because it was fun and we were both horny. I don’t like to think that was just some damn game he was playing and that he thought I was stupid for going along with it.”

Well… Normal people don’t think like Roissy. They just don’t. Even if a guy purposefully misses the last subway train just so he’d have an excuse for saying he wants to stay over, hoping all along to get sex, it doesn’t mean he thinks your stupid or think of what he’s doing as “haha, I’m manipulating her”. Maybe he just thinks it’s embarrassing to ask straight-out “could we go over to your place and have sex?”. Easier to “miss” the subway train and ask to sleep over and hope for the best.

I remember when I was twenty, and this guy (whom I knew, and who was really hot) asked me if he could crash at my place after a pub night (I lived really close by) because he didn’t want to bike back home on the other side of the city in a blizzard and -5 F. I said okay, and sex followed. Eventually, as we lay talking, it turned out that he thought “Can I crash at your place, I don’t wanna bike home in -5 F and a blizzard” was a completely obvious pick-up line, that I had immediately recognized as such and then just played along. I was like “Er no… I mean I wanted to have sex with you and all, but I also thought you were being completely honest about not biking in that weather”. He’s like “What do you mean? I always bike everywhere! This is nothing!”.
Anyway… point being that guys can use various pick-up lines and excuses for coming over just because it’s easier than asking straight-out about sex, without thinking about it as manipulation, because he assumes the girl totally gets it. It’s not really a problem either if we’re talking about a decent guy who respects consent. The worst-case scenario with a descent guy doing this is that he ends up just sleeping on a couch somewhere not getting any action.

12 years ago

>That’s very ableist of you. Mocking people because they struggle with something that for you is second nature. Social skills can be LEARNED. Radical concept, huh….

Look, as long as you’re not Kaspar Hauser, you can’t claim that you did not get the chance to aquire the social skills required to talk with women over the course of your life. Seriously.

12 years ago

ZAO: That’s very ableist of you. Mocking people because they struggle with something that for you is second nature. Social skills can be LEARNED. Radical concept, huh….

Why should we assume you (who are new here, right?) have trouble with social skills?

Perhaps you aren’t as new as you claim?

12 years ago

Shit, Zao, I’m a cognitive learner of social skills, and also wound up with some environmental delays due to being the losiest loser who ever losered in secondary school, and I have a fairly nuanced, non-binary approach to social interaction.

12 years ago

Dammit, why not just think about what it would be like to be on the receiving end? A shower of compliments on someone you just meant sounds like you want something, whether it’s their money, their vote, or their crotch. An unprovoked insult sounds like the same thing, except you mean to bully your way into getting it.

12 years ago

you really wish these guys would not have the option of acquiring the social skills to get laid.

“You really wish these guys would not have the option of raping women and treating them like shit.”


12 years ago

Just met. Dammit, I’ve been proofing a 350- page galley. Well, back to rowing same.

12 years ago

My observation is that rape victims get attention, all right…of the kind they fervently wish to avoid. Most of those who come forward do so with their hearts in their teeth, because they have been urged to on the grounds that it’s their civic duty to keep the perp from nailing another victim. And in most cases, a lot of good it does. I’d say ten percent reporting is high.

There are occasional false reports. Usually, they are by unscrupulous family members in custody battles, and believe me, a fair percent are against women (“She used a bottle”) (“She held Muffy down while her boyfriend did it”)

12 years ago

This is not to deny that there are really some women that sick.

12 years ago


I think the issue is that the rate of false sexual assault charges is about the same as false fraud, assault, and theft charges.

Yet for some reason there aren’t tens of thousands of people waiting to jump into every interent discussion of fraud to talk about how VERY IMPORTANT it is that everyone acknowledge false fraud charges.

12 years ago

That’s very ableist of you. Mocking people because they struggle with something that for you is second nature. Social skills can be LEARNED. Radical concept, huh….

Aww, lil troll thinks if he can use our own words against us that’ll totally show those stupid people on the internet. If only he actually understood what he was saying.

12 years ago

I think the issue is that the rate of false sexual assault charges is about the same as false fraud, assault, and theft charges.

Indeed, I have known people who concealed property that they had insured (eg., stereo and other electronic equipment, jewellery, etc.), and jimmied their own doorlocks or busted a window or two, etc., and then reported theft of said items in order to put in a claim and hopefully collect on the insurance. Shall we do away with coverage for theft in any/all insurance policies because there are some people who will falsely report a theft? If someone honestly has been robbed, but the perpetrator(s) is not caught/convicted, do we conclude then that that person was lying about having been robbed, and do we extend that to all cases of robbery where no perpetrator is caught/convicted?

12 years ago

That’s very ableist of you. Mocking ponies because they struggle with something that for you is second nature. Social skills can be LEARNED. Radical concept, huh….

Of course social skills can be learned, I had to learn social skills. Hell, I still don’t quite have it. Though “social skills” doesn’t necessarily mean PUA, I honestly just went with the whole “don’t be mean” from kindergarten, and it’s worked well for me so far.

12 years ago

Isn’t this the same guy who had a so-called illegitimate daughter with a woman, and serenaded said daughter with his guitar? I wonder how disappointed he’d be if one of his disciples, just a young man now, were to grow up and treat his daughter like a lubricated hole meant for his pleasure.

12 years ago

Okay selfrighteous Mary, so I guess you would have zero problem with women like me saying I was sexually assaulted right? You have zero problem with a woman grinding her stilletto into the foot ofa guy who just tried to to stick his tongue down her throat?

I’m pretty sure that it wouldn’t be considered prudish by Roosh, but it would back him up a bit.

I wasn’t even here for this conversation, but Lord the things I’m tying to restrain myself from wishing on you Mary.

12 years ago

Phil, *IF* Roosh had any problem with the way his daughter was treated, it would be with her since it would make her “another diry slut”.

Also, if she’s illegitimate, its because he doesn’t care enough about her to say that she’s his daughter. That should tell you something right there.

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