men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rhymes with roosh sex vaginas

Roosh the PUA dude: Women are “lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.”

Some holes are treacherous.

Our dear friend Roosh, the pickup guru, has written some (self-published) books! One of them is called Day Bang. It’s an instructional manual for dudes who want to know how to convince ladies to have sex with them … in the daytime. It contains this bit of wisdom:

When it comes to how you view the girls you’re approaching, I’d be careful about having too much respect for them. While I’m not saying you should hate women, my initial impression of them is that they’re lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.

Yeah, nothing even vaguely hateful about reducing women to a body part.

I know all too well that putting them on a pedestal will make it challenging to get to sex within a short amount of time since girls can literally feel when you value their pussy. It’s a fact that nothing dries up an individual pussy more than if it suspects it’s being idolized by a man.

And nothing makes a woman’s vagina dry up and sew itself shut faster than learning that the guy macking on her is relying on a book that describes women as if they are their vaginas, and vice versa.

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12 years ago

I will say this though, it doesn’t hurt to be polite when you meet a woman for the first time or you go up and chat with her at a dive bar or a swanky night club(LOLz! My favorite hangouts), but there’s a fine line between being a gentleman and being a doormat! People are suspicious when somebody they don’t know comes up and start being all nice to them….It makes them suspicious that this stranger wants something from them. If a woman sense this, she will not have any respect for you. Showing irreverence for her at the start is the best way to go; but ya don’t have to be an asshole about it! HTH

12 years ago

ZAO/MSN, put a cork in it. Isn’t it past your bedtime?

12 years ago

there’s a fine line between being a gentleman and being a doormat

if you define “being a gentleman” as “treating her she’s a person” then NOPE NOT A FINE LINE it’s pretty much the width of an interstate highway

12 years ago

Of course women are suspicious that you want something, because you do. If you think you aren’t obvious, think again.

12 years ago

OK I found this Roosh guy. I always confuse him with the Rosey guy and some other one in the floppy hat. He did say real rape but then at the end weasels our and makes it sound like it was really all a game.

Rape Game: Used for when a girl is acting either difficult or prudish. Drag her to your place and tell her you’re going to have her way with her and there’s nothing she can do about it. Throw her on the bad, rip off her clothing, and do what you promised while ignoring her fake protests. With some girls you need to simulate rape conditions to get the bang, but be careful because rape game correlates highly to unprotected sex. The last thing a girl cares about when getting fantasy raped is using a condom. Also, you might want to use a fake name and safe house when running rape game in a Western country

12 years ago


Is it 1999 on the internet tonight?

12 years ago

you might want to use a fake name and safe house


12 years ago

I can’t even remember what the hell HTH means.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

If sex is something you want “from” a woman, instead of “to do with” a woman, then I hope she does figure that out, and fast.

12 years ago

ZAO, kindly read the rape game segment of this before defending your PUA bullshit:

12 years ago

pecunium wrote: “Why do you want to believe someone who advocates raping women doesn’t believe in raping women?”

Because she’s a rape apologist herself. If you have a strong stomach, read that disgusting post on her blog (or her husband’s blog, not sure who actually owns it). There’s even a prayer, part of which I quote here: “We ask that a truthful definition of rape would be preserved in the church; we ask that you would protect and comfort victims who have truly been sexually assaulted.”

I guess that would be the eight-year-old virgin on her way to First Communion with blood on her white dress to prove she was an actual virgin.

If sunshinemary represented all Christians, I would be an apostate.

12 years ago


1)I aint MSN. I’m ZAO, capisc?

2)It’s 8:40 PM PST, so I’m just gettin up! 🙂

12 years ago


Most people have no problem differentiating between a friendly, respectful person, and an obsequious, buttkissing doormat. The only options for men out there aren’t “buttkissing beta” or “asshole alpha.” There is actually a wide range of socially appropriate behaviors a young man could demonstrate when talking to a woman.

12 years ago
Reply to  sabresguy5

Sunshinemary, so you want someone to link to quotes that show Roosh supports rape, but you don’t want links to Manboobz where it was previously covered and you want links to Roosh’s site, because you don’t care to read it for some reason. (Both have been provided.) What would you consider valid evidence other than hearsay from your readers?

12 years ago

There is actually a wide range of socially appropriate behaviors a young man could demonstrate when talking to a woman.

I’m not giving a formula, I’m just expounding on what worked for me. If you’re goal is to hook up, then it’s bit trickier than just being friendly and respectful.

That’s why back when I was single, as in, when I met my gf for the very first time I did not shower with her compliments. Complimenting someone you don’t really know, especially when you’re trying to woo them, certainly does give off that creepy desperate vibe. You figure out what to do when you’re actually there, but it’s not unwise to remind yourself of what not to do.

12 years ago

Complimenting someone you don’t really know, especially when you’re trying to woo them, certainly does give off that creepy desperate vibe.

This is true. People can often tell when you are being sincere or not. But it is possible to be friendly without complimenting a person. I guess I just take social graces for granted, since it has never been a challenge for me.

12 years ago

It’s funny how it never occurs to some people that there are options other than “shower with compliments” and “playfully insult”. It must suck to have social skills that limited.

12 years ago

I’m not giving a formula, I’m just expounding on what worked for me. If you’re goal is to hook up, then it’s bit trickier than just being friendly and respectful.

Friendly and respectful always worked for me. Somewhere in there someone “made a move” (usually something on the order of, “would you like to go someplace more private”, but it was the friendly and respectful that got me to that point.

12 years ago

Wisteria: Yeah, I know she’s a rape apologist. The way she asked the question gave the game away. By spending time with Roosh they were, “consenting”.

Her ilk are part of my disaffection from being an active catholic. My baseline theology is shaped by doctrine, but between Ex cathedra and people like Mary Sunshine, the US Church is hard to tolerate.

When I need ritual I attend a High Church Anglican Parish, or an Orthodox one. For community I attend Quaker meetings, or spend time with Jewish friends.

12 years ago

That Roosh guy is dead inside. I feel sorry for him.

12 years ago

And this isn’t rape, I’m sure. She had wine., after all.

Bronx DA decides to defer charges

Of course the Bronx drops 25 percent of cases, and won’t open a rape case if the victim waits more than 24 hours to report it.

12 years ago

Yeah, sunshinemary is so worried about rape victims that the latest post her blog is about how drunk people can’t get raped

Or how about women claiming to be raped in order to get attention…. that’s a real dandy of a theory she’s got goin’ on:

“Why do women want to claim that they were raped after having sex? The reasons are many and varied, and you can read more about this at the Community of the Wrongly Accused, but I think it is often an attention-getting ploy. No matter how often Hanna Rosin writes articles stating that men are no longer necessary, the truth of the matter will not change – women want men’s attention. We are highly motivated to seek it out; getting it seriously reinforces whatever behavior led to the attention. If women get attention from men for claiming they were raped, and if other women notice this, there will be an increase in women saying they were raped. There is an excellent article on this dynamic at UMan entitled Drama and Male Heroism”

Yes, Self-righteousmary, you are absolutely radiant with Christlikeness.

12 years ago

If sunshinemary represented all Christians…

She doesn’t.

12 years ago

For some reason the phrase “Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy” popped into my head when I read the snippet Pam posted.

Oh here is why.

12 years ago

If women get attention from men for claiming they were raped, and if other women notice this, there will be an increase in women saying they were raped.

Yes, because being asked what you were wearing, what you were drinking, if you really secretly meant yes when you said no, if you fought back, if you were “rape-raped,” if you brought it upon yourself in one of a million ways you could have been less than a “perfect” victim…That’s some fucking awesome attention, Mary. Sign me up for some of that shit.

This “attention” is EXACTLY WHY so many women DON’T report being raped. You’ve got it one hundred percent backwards.

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