men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rhymes with roosh sex vaginas

Roosh the PUA dude: Women are “lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.”

Some holes are treacherous.

Our dear friend Roosh, the pickup guru, has written some (self-published) books! One of them is called Day Bang. It’s an instructional manual for dudes who want to know how to convince ladies to have sex with them … in the daytime. It contains this bit of wisdom:

When it comes to how you view the girls you’re approaching, I’d be careful about having too much respect for them. While I’m not saying you should hate women, my initial impression of them is that they’re lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.

Yeah, nothing even vaguely hateful about reducing women to a body part.

I know all too well that putting them on a pedestal will make it challenging to get to sex within a short amount of time since girls can literally feel when you value their pussy. It’s a fact that nothing dries up an individual pussy more than if it suspects it’s being idolized by a man.

And nothing makes a woman’s vagina dry up and sew itself shut faster than learning that the guy macking on her is relying on a book that describes women as if they are their vaginas, and vice versa.

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12 years ago

sunshinemary: Perhaps, before you pontificate you might familiarise yourself with his work.

He complained that Iceland was boring, because he didn’t have to manipulate women to get them to sleep with him. He has no real belief that women are allowed to have boundaries, and thinks their only purpose is to give him a warm place into which he can masturbate.

He boasts that he tricks them into not using condoms.

The evidence of his writing is that he has perpetrated rapes. Not, of course, that Todd Akin, or Paul Ryan, or Rick Santorum would call them rapes. but rapes nonetheless.

12 years ago

feministgamer: Someone please enlighten Mary…

I don’t think it’s possible.

12 years ago

Whole posts have been written on the subject:
“I find the only word that means no is ‘stop.’”

“I pretended I don’t hear her the first time she told me to drill slower or not to go so deep.”

Not that she’ll listen, but in case anyone else needs a reminder.

12 years ago


Rape Game: Used for when a filly is acting either difficult or prudish. Drag her to your place and tell her you’re going to have her way with her and there’s nothing she can do about it. Throw her on the bad, rip off her clothing, and do what you promised while ignoring her fake protests. With some fillies you need to simulate rape conditions to get the bang, but be careful because rape game correlates highly to unprotected sex. The last thing a filly cares about when getting fantasy raped is using a condom. Also, you might want to use a fake name and safe house when running rape game in a Western country.

There’s all the proof I needed that Roosh is a rapist. I really want to see this bastard behind bars, just knowing he’s out there on the prowl in mainstream society makes me fear for every single one of my female friends.

12 years ago

sunshinemary: Why do you want to defend Roosh? Is it just an excuse to do some backhanded slut-shaming?

Here, in case you don’t want to bother your pretty little head, are some of the extracts of his “game”

Rape Game: Used for when a girl is acting either difficult or prudish. Drag her to your place and tell her you’re going to have her way with her and there’s nothing she can do about it. Throw her on the bad, rip off her clothing, and do what you promised while ignoring her fake protests. With some girls you need to simulate rape conditions to get the bang, but be careful because rape game correlates highly to unprotected sex. The last thing a girl cares about when getting fantasy raped is using a condom. Also, you might want to use a fake name and safe house when running rape game in a Western country.

That’s the shit you are giving your smarmy “benefit of the doubt” to.

12 years ago

sunshinemary, I think it’s because he appears to think of women and girls as only holes for men to enjoy. Think about that. If a person isn’t even acknowledged to be a person, only a hole whose purpose is for men’s enjoyment, how much respect can he possibly have for a woman? How much respect does he most likely have for any of her desires or wishes, including her desire not to have sex with him?

I don’t know if he rapes, I have no proof he does. He comes across as so incredibly disrespectful and creepy, I wouldn’t ever want to have any contact with him. I know that my criteria for wanting to make love with a man aren’t the standard for all heterosexual or bisexual women, but when someone appears to be as creepy as he is, it’s hard to believe he has many women chomping at the bit to have sex with him.

12 years ago

And note… “Difficult or prudish”.

That would be a woman who is saying, “no, I am not interesting in fucking you”. A “Good Girl” The sort you approve of.

How about this one: Caveman Game (a.k.a. Brazilian Game): You grab a girl in the club, pull her close to you, and have a very basic conversation for one minute (if that) before you try to kiss her. Ignore her inevitable resistance by holding her body and head in place. Even if she keeps her lips completely closed while you kiss, try to open them with your tongue.

I’m sure he’d never dream of following it with the Rape Game if she was being so “Prudish” as to deny him the chance to stick his tongue in her mouth.

Sleazy Game: You’re always pining to get back into her place or yours, because once isolated in a bedroom you know that sex has a very good chance of occurring. In fact most of your game revolves around making this happen. For example, a couple times I purposefully missed the last subway train home to ask the girl to crash on her couch, knowing she wouldn’t refuse. And then I bang. It pays to be sleazy.

Yep… wiling partners, all the way.

12 years ago

I still fail to see why people defend this kind of stuff. It’s just plain wrong.

12 years ago

worldanonymous: Some do it to keep women, “in their place”. If they don’t wait for marriage then they “deserve” this sort of treatment.

Look at mary, who implied it can’t be rape, no matter how Roush talks about it since the women must all be willing.

12 years ago

Sleazy Game: You’re always pining to get back into her place or yours, because once isolated in a bedroom you know that sex has a very good chance of occurring. In fact most of your game revolves around making this happen. For example, a couple times I purposefully missed the last subway train home to ask the girl to crash on her couch, knowing she wouldn’t refuse. And then I bang. It pays to be sleazy.

Games like this are another reason why PUAs like to hit on women as young as possible. I probably would have fallen for this when I was 17 or 18, but by the time I was 20, nope!

12 years ago

Oh, Sunshine, please take your benefit of the doubt for poor, put-upon, rapey fucking Roosh, roll it into a tight ball, and stick it up your ass.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Well, we knew he was a lyingfuckwitloser, so no surprises there.

12 years ago

Clairedammit: I probably would have fallen for some of that in my early 20s, but reading that at 40, all I can think is “I’d punch a guy who did that to me.”

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Re “Sleazy Game”: That actually makes me feel bad about the times when a guy’s slept over because he got snowed in or whatever, and we had sex because it was fun and we were both horny. I don’t like to think that was just some damn game he was playing and that he thought I was stupid for going along with it.


12 years ago

Cliff: It’s not.

12 years ago

Re: Rape Game: … Yeah, what Cliff said.

1. Assume consent.
2. Ah, she’s acting as if she doesn’t want to fuck me – clearly she fantasises about being raped!
3. Fake-rape her. This is distinguishable from rape, because she wants it.

12 years ago
12 years ago

The “rape game” is definitely on my list of “worst things I’ve ever read, ever.”

12 years ago

Hey, I just asked a question! I am not defending this guy. Don’t think that because I am a pro-patriarchal Christian that I have much in the way of common ground with PUAs. But if a woman consents to sleep with a misogynist, it’s her right to do so. Also, if she agrees to act out a rape fantasy scenario with him, that is their business alone. On the other hand, if he truly is taking women without their consent, then that would be rape. The quote above, if that is what he wrote, is disturbing. I agree with you on that.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

“Also, if she AGREES to act out a rape fantasy scenario with him, that is their business alone.”

I totally agree. And it’s incredibly clear that he doesn’t give a shit if a “hole” agrees, or even fully understand that agreeing is a thing a woman can do or not do.

12 years ago

Sunshine, Roosh isn’t really down with the whole “asking for consent” thing, so her agreeing to anything in a clear cut manner when dealing with him is suspect at best.

12 years ago

Yeah, I have no problem with acting out rape fantasies if everyone involved is consenting fully.

“Used for when a girl is acting either difficult or prudish. Drag her to your place and tell her you’re going to have her way with her and there’s nothing she can do about it. Throw her on the bad, rip off her clothing, and do what you promised while ignoring her fake protests.”

Nothing there suggests she’s said she wants this.

12 years ago


Problem is though, he just assumes that they’re consenting, that all women always want sex all the time, everywhere. This is a horrible horrible man.

12 years ago

It’s funny how the only time Little Miss Sunshine ever approves of women having women having the right to act independently is when they’re choosing to get “pretend raped.”

12 years ago

@SunshineMary, it’s incredibly disturbing to me who you decide to give the benefit of the doubt to, and who you decide to judge from day 0. I honestly feel really bad for you and I hope you’re just a troll instead of a brainwashed person for your sake, because the way you put your faith in people who write out loud up front that they seriously RAPE PEOPLE is really really sad to me, especially if you are doing it in your outside-the-internet life.