Our dear friend Roosh, the pickup guru, has written some (self-published) books! One of them is called Day Bang. It’s an instructional manual for dudes who want to know how to convince ladies to have sex with them … in the daytime. It contains this bit of wisdom:
When it comes to how you view the girls you’re approaching, I’d be careful about having too much respect for them. While I’m not saying you should hate women, my initial impression of them is that they’re lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.
Yeah, nothing even vaguely hateful about reducing women to a body part.
I know all too well that putting them on a pedestal will make it challenging to get to sex within a short amount of time since girls can literally feel when you value their pussy. It’s a fact that nothing dries up an individual pussy more than if it suspects it’s being idolized by a man.
And nothing makes a woman’s vagina dry up and sew itself shut faster than learning that the guy macking on her is relying on a book that describes women as if they are their vaginas, and vice versa.
…I see the cleaning crew already took out two pieces of trash (pell and Om Nom Nom).
…hello, everyone, I am now a wild cat.
I love everyone’s kitties! (Mine’s based on a certain smug tabby probably snoozing in front of the heater at present.)
Not having read Roosh’s actual blog or anything about him other than here (I can’t bring myself to do so: I don’t have enough brain bleach for afterward) I did have the thought, or rather hope, that creeps like him and Roissy were just trotting out fantasies they’ve gleaned from really nasty porn. But … yeah, too much to hope, evidently. Who was it said here yesterday that one could almost wish for a real Big Brother situation where putting stuff like how-to-rape on computer would actually be found and get you prosecuted? I’d second that.
Or that their computers would just explode when they did so …
“I did have the thought, or rather hope, that creeps like him and Roissy were just trotting out fantasies they’ve gleaned from really nasty porn.”
I don’t recall any bad porn where one slips in “like a lubed eel” or any contrived equivalent…then again, I haven’t read, “50 Shades of Grey” yet.
then again, I haven’t read, “50 Shades of Grey” yet.
Why read it when you can hear it?
I thought so. ThatGirl is a shill.
There are stats on false rape accusations. They run between 2-8 percent (depending on how one reads the numbers; from reputable sources).
You are making a false claim though. False accusations are the thing to compare it too. How many people who make a knowingly false accusation that someone committed fraud go to jail.
Because that’s the offense, filing a false report.
And as far as false rape claims being the rare exception rather than the rule all I can do is point you to some real studies
Ok, Provide the studies.
Do they say that?If an allegation is not prosecuted or the defendant is found not guilty at trial then the allegation is legally false. You may want to go to law school.
Really? False is not the same as not guilty. Just ask anyone who watched the first Rodney King Trial. Ask a whole lot of people about OJ Simpson (I happen to think that, in addition to being not guilty, he couldn’t have done what the LA Cty DA said, because I’ve read the crime scene, and autopsy reports).
A false claim is different from one which fails to get a prosecution, or from which prosecution there is no conviction.
Falconer-you have that nice computer, invented by men, and simplified so that even a 3 yo can use it so go find the data yourself. It’s right out there and not hidden in some looney feminist”study”
That’s not the way the game is played. You mentioned a specific study. Unless we know what it is, you can (and will) deny the evidence, saying there is “a study” and that it trumps all other evidence. If you can’t provide the study we have to assume it’s bullshit; that you don’t think it will stand up to scrutiny (if you didn’t pull it out of a filing cabinet at Buttuck U).
But whoever you are, we already know that your ass is where you are finding these… it’s pretty easy to look around, since that’s where you’re keeping your head.
Cliff-I’msure that there are some cases of rape rape, as Whoopi would say, but they are very rare. I’m a lot older than you and I have never personally known of even one case.
Are you as old as your Uncle Monty was when the pictures were taken?
And MSN is pulling a no true scotsman,as well as getting the bannhammer of justice.
Good night all around.
I’m thinking of stills and captions I’ve seen which are – whether acted or real – about rape scenarios, where it’s all about forcing and hurting the woman, and there’s nothing remotely consensual about it (the story, I mean). Ugly stuff. It’s what comes to mind reading excerpts from Roosh et al. Their whole pleasure seems to be in causing mental distress and physical pain to women.