alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males bad boys beta males evo psych fairy tales heartiste MGTOW misogyny PUA worst writing in the history of the universe

Yo, dudes: Alpha males are a myth, according to actual experts on wolves

Manosphere misogynists like to tell themselves fairy tales about women. Their favorite such tale, repeated endlessly, is one called “The Cock Carousel” – sometimes referred to in expanded form as the “Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel” or the “Bad Boy Cock Carousel.” (Hence that Rooster-riding gal you see in this blog’s header about half the time.)

Despite the different names, the story is always, monotonously, the same: In their late teens and twenties, when they’re at the height of their sexual appeal, women (or at least the overwhelming majority of them) have sex in rapid succession with an assortment of charismatic but unreliable alpha males and “bad boys” who make their vaginas (or just ‘ginas) tingle. Then, sometime in their mid-to-late twenties, these women “hit the wall,” with their so-called sexual market value (or SMV) dropping faster than Facebook’s stock price. As Roissy/Heartiste puts it, in his typically overheated prose:

So sad, so tragic, the inevitable slide into sexual worthlessness that accompanies women, the withering tick tock of the cosmic clock stripping their beauty in flayed bits of soulletting mignons like psychological ling chi. A sadistic thief in the night etching, billowing, draping and sagging a new affront to her most preciously guarded asset.

While many women try to pretend they’ve still “got it,” even at the ripe old age of thirty, they inevitably have to either get off or get thrown off the “cock carousel.” At this point the more savvy women glom onto some convenient “beta male” who, while somewhat lacking in sexual appeal, will at least be a good husband and provider for them – and in many cases the children they’ve had with alpha male seed. Those women who don’t accept the new reality are destined to end up alone and childless, surrounded by cats.

To borrow the phrase South Park used in its episodes about Scientology and Mormonism, this is what manosphere men actually believe. Not only that, but they claim that this fairy tale is based on real science.

So who are these mysterious alpha males that get the women so excited? As one guide to pickup artist (PUA) lingo puts it:

In animal hierarchies, the Alpha Male is the most dominant, and typically the physically strongest member of the group. For example, in wolf packs, the “alpha wolf” is the strongest member of the pack, and is the leader of the group. This position of leadership is often achieved by killing or defeating the previous Alpha Male in combat. Alpha wolves have first access to food as well as mating privileges with the females of the pack.

Social status among human social groups is less rigidly defined than in the animal kingdom, but there are some recognizable parallels. Although people don’t often engage in physical violence to achieve dominance, there are still recognizable leaders in different fields who have wide access to material resources and women.

Because the qualities of the Alpha Male (such as social dominance and leadership) are attractive to women, many PUAs have adopted these ideals as models of emulation. In fact, the term “alpha” has come be shorthand for the qualities of an attractive man, and it is a common refrain among PUAs to be “more alpha” or to “out alpha” competitors.

There’s a certain logic to all this. But unfortunately for the PUAs and other manospherians the notion of the Alpha male is based on bad science. The notion of Alpha dominance, as the definition above notes, came originally from studies of wolf packs. Even if we assume that wolf behavior is somehow a good model upon which to base our understanding of human romance  – as manosphere men and evolutionary psychologists tend to do – the science behind the Alpha male wolf has now come completely undone, with many of those who promulgated the theory in the first place decades ago now explicitly repudiating it.

The problem, you see, is that the studies underlying the notion of the alpha male wolf, who aggressively asserts his dominance over beta males in order to rule the pack, were all based on observations of wolves in captivity. In the real world, wolf packs don’t work that way at all. Most wolf packs are basically wolf families, with a breeding pair and their pups. When male pups reach adulthood, they don’t fight their fathers for dominance — they go out and start their own families.

As noted wolf behavior expert L. David Mech, one of those who helped to establish and popularize the notion of the alpha wolf in the first place, explains on his website:

The concept of the alpha wolf is well ingrained in the popular wolf literature at least partly because of my book “The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species,” written in 1968, published in 1970, republished in paperback in 1981, and currently still in print, despite my numerous pleas to the publisher to stop publishing it. Although most of the book’s info is still accurate, much is outdated. We have learned more about wolves in the last 40 years then in all of previous history.

One of the outdated pieces of information is the concept of the alpha wolf. “Alpha” implies competing with others and becoming top dog by winning a contest or battle. However, most wolves who lead packs achieved their position simply by mating and producing pups, which then became their pack. In other words they are merely breeders, or parents, and that’s all we call them today, the “breeding male,” “breeding female,” or “male parent,” “female parent,” or the “adult male” or “adult female.” In the rare packs that include more than one breeding animal, the “dominant breeder” can be called that, and any breeding daughter can be called a “subordinate breeder.”

So the dominant male wolves – those whom manosphere dudes would still call the alphas – achieve this position not by being sexy badasses but simply by siring and taking responsibility for pups. To use the terminology in the manner of manosphere dudes, alphas become alphas by acting like betas. That’s right: alphas are betas. (For more of the details, see this paper by Mech; it’s in pdf form.)

Also, they’re wolves and not humans, but that’s a whole other kettle of anthropomorphized fish.

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12 years ago

So when the PUA kids get here and start whining, what do?

I plan on feeding them to the failwolf.

12 years ago

Wait, how do bonobos work?

Bonobos are THE SHIT! They are like, the hippies of the animal world, all free love, all the time, baby!

The bonobo is popularly known for its high levels of sexual behavior. Sex functions in conflict appeasement, affection, social status, excitement, and stress reduction. It occurs in virtually all partner combinations and in a variety of positions. This is a factor in the lower levels of aggression seen in the bonobo when compared to the common chimpanzee and other apes. Bonobos are perceived to be matriarchal; females tend to collectively dominate males by forming alliances and use sexuality to control males. A male’s rank in the social hierarchy is often determined by his mother’s rank.

12 years ago

Feminists really are like young-earth creationists, desperately seeking the slightest countercurrent to unpleasant reality.

Um… are you sure that you end up on the side of this metaphor that you think you end up on?

(hint: no)

12 years ago

Sexual intercourse plays a major role in bonobo society observed in captivity, being used as what some scientists perceive as a greeting, a means of forming social bonds, a means of conflict resolution, and postconflict reconciliation. Bonobos are the only nonhuman animal to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex (although a pair of western gorillas has been photographed performing face-to-face genital sex,) tongue kissing, and oral sex. In scientific literature, the female–female behavior of touching genitals together is often referred to as GG rubbing or genital–genital rubbing. The sexual activity happens within the immediate community and sometimes outside of it. Bonobos do not form permanent monogamous sexual relationships with individual partners. They also do not seem to discriminate in their sexual behavior by sex or age, with the possible exception of abstaining from sexual intercourse between mothers and their adult sons. When bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and encouraging peaceful feeding.

12 years ago

I plan on feeding them to the failwolf.

Just don’t feed that thing after midnight…

12 years ago

Blargh, failfox. Tried to search “Alpha” in quickmeme to summon the failwolf pack and got 6 pages full of PUA misogyny memes instead.

Any chance of sharing the base image, David?

12 years ago

@ An inconvenient truth- you did hear the bit where he made note the scientists who wrote that ‘mountain of evidence’ have refuted their own theory? Based on evidence?

12 years ago

That’s why the concept of penis envy is secondary and to most women, laughable.

The allegations contained in your comment are denied, and strict proof is demanded.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

I should amend that–it doesn’t work as a ‘horror’ style name.

On the other hand, “Friendzone; the bar where you can hang out with men and women alike and there’s no flirting allowed” would be kinda nice.

Well. Kinda nice for some of us.

12 years ago

I just watched a Nature of Things on animal behaviour, in which they talked about the differences between how gorillas and bonobos behave with strangers. Bonobos are awesome.

Bonobo A: Howdy, stranger, let’s fuck!

Bonobo B: Well, I’m the same gender as you, but sure!

Bonobo A: Also, would you like some of my food? It’s yummy.

Bonobo B: 🙂

12 years ago

Hi Falconer

Not an allegation – as no blame is implied. Proof would lie with women’s testimony – are you will to listen to that?

12 years ago

Will should read willing.

12 years ago

I blogged about the alpha male wolf myth a long time ago, but in relation to the teachings of Cesar Millan (who also happens to be a sexist asshat). I didn’t even think to apply it to PUA and other dudes who use the terms “beta” and “alpha” all the fucking time. Well done.

An inconvenient Truth
An inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

If you don’t like patriarchy, you might want to consider supporting feminist organizations?

Why wouldn’t I like the social order that has ensured our survival for millenia?

I had friends in college who were into PUA. It made me feel bad because I felt that I wasn’t cool or masculine enough to be into their games. Then I realized they were complete tools and my life has been much better for it.

Your initial assessment was the correct one.

12 years ago

The bonobo is popularly known for its high levels of sexual behavior. Sex functions in conflict appeasement, affection, social status, excitement, and stress reduction. It occurs in virtually all partner combinations and in a variety of positions. This is a factor in the lower levels of aggression seen in the bonobo when compared to the common chimpanzee and other apes. Bonobos are perceived to be matriarchal; females tend to collectively dominate males by forming alliances and use sexuality to control males. A male’s rank in the social hierarchy is often determined by his mother’s rank.

Ok, so what I gather from this, is that bonobos are a polyamorous matriarchy, and it’s awesome. Somehow I think the MRAs are gonna whine about it anyway.

12 years ago

“If you don’t like patriarchy, you might want to consider supporting feminist organizations?”

“Why wouldn’t I like the social order that has ensured our survival for millenia?”

….go read a history book and come back when your understanding of history isn’t so full of absolutely incorrect shit.

12 years ago

“Why wouldn’t I like the social order that has ensured our survival for millenia?”

As if you need to violently oppress women to “survive”. Bullshit. Are you racist, too?

12 years ago

Hmm. Okay. But I’ve read studies that suggest you can tell a persons rank in the social heirarchy by measuring the amount of stress horomones produced. The higher the stress, the higher the stress related horomones.

Personally, stress horomones might be interesting to look at in terms of work organizations, but I’m not sure it would play out the same in terms of overall living.

And what do all these manly men do when its carefully explained that even the most feminine of women have T?

12 years ago

Sexual intercourse plays a major role in bonobo society observed in captivity, being used as what some scientists perceive as a greeting, a means of forming social bonds, a means of conflict resolution, and postconflict reconciliation. Bonobos are the only nonhuman animal to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex (although a pair of western gorillas has been photographed performing face-to-face genital sex,) tongue kissing, and oral sex. In scientific literature, the female–female behavior of touching genitals together is often referred to as GG rubbing or genital–genital rubbing. The sexual activity happens within the immediate community and sometimes outside of it. Bonobos do not form permanent monogamous sexual relationships with individual partners. They also do not seem to discriminate in their sexual behavior by sex or age, with the possible exception of abstaining from sexual intercourse between mothers and their adult sons. When bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and encouraging peaceful feeding.

And from this, I gather that bonobos worship Slaanesh.

12 years ago


Shorter inconvenient truth: i am so too, cool!

12 years ago

Why wouldn’t I like the social order that has ensured our survival for millenia?

I think we were confused because of your constant whining about said social order…

12 years ago

Oh hey hey, Truthy, are you a libertarian? We can introduce you to a few friends if you are, but don’t try to spew that shit around here.

12 years ago

Why wouldn’t I like the social order that has ensured our survival for millenia?

Haha yes all long-lasting social structures are inherently awesome for everyone.


For real, can you think of a single reason why patriarchy is a good idea but rule by the incarnate falcon lord is not?

I’m sticking with my assessment. I mean, you’re into PUA, and you’re being a tool right now, right?

12 years ago

Y’know, it’s really bumming me out that Al Gore turned out to be a PUA.

(this is a joke–Mister Poe won’t get me with his silly laws!)

12 years ago

Also, truther, I don’t have a girlfriend because I have social anxiety issues, however on the other hand I know I could prove myself to be attractive easily in the same circles as PUA guys because of my Super Sexy French Language Skills ™. I don’t though, because I need it for all of the practical applications it has in Canada, and because I’m not an emotionally manipulative shithead who thinks the way to get a girl interested in me is to get her drunk and fuck with her self-esteem.

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