alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males bad boys beta males evo psych fairy tales heartiste MGTOW misogyny PUA worst writing in the history of the universe

Yo, dudes: Alpha males are a myth, according to actual experts on wolves

Manosphere misogynists like to tell themselves fairy tales about women. Their favorite such tale, repeated endlessly, is one called “The Cock Carousel” – sometimes referred to in expanded form as the “Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel” or the “Bad Boy Cock Carousel.” (Hence that Rooster-riding gal you see in this blog’s header about half the time.)

Despite the different names, the story is always, monotonously, the same: In their late teens and twenties, when they’re at the height of their sexual appeal, women (or at least the overwhelming majority of them) have sex in rapid succession with an assortment of charismatic but unreliable alpha males and “bad boys” who make their vaginas (or just ‘ginas) tingle. Then, sometime in their mid-to-late twenties, these women “hit the wall,” with their so-called sexual market value (or SMV) dropping faster than Facebook’s stock price. As Roissy/Heartiste puts it, in his typically overheated prose:

So sad, so tragic, the inevitable slide into sexual worthlessness that accompanies women, the withering tick tock of the cosmic clock stripping their beauty in flayed bits of soulletting mignons like psychological ling chi. A sadistic thief in the night etching, billowing, draping and sagging a new affront to her most preciously guarded asset.

While many women try to pretend they’ve still “got it,” even at the ripe old age of thirty, they inevitably have to either get off or get thrown off the “cock carousel.” At this point the more savvy women glom onto some convenient “beta male” who, while somewhat lacking in sexual appeal, will at least be a good husband and provider for them – and in many cases the children they’ve had with alpha male seed. Those women who don’t accept the new reality are destined to end up alone and childless, surrounded by cats.

To borrow the phrase South Park used in its episodes about Scientology and Mormonism, this is what manosphere men actually believe. Not only that, but they claim that this fairy tale is based on real science.

So who are these mysterious alpha males that get the women so excited? As one guide to pickup artist (PUA) lingo puts it:

In animal hierarchies, the Alpha Male is the most dominant, and typically the physically strongest member of the group. For example, in wolf packs, the “alpha wolf” is the strongest member of the pack, and is the leader of the group. This position of leadership is often achieved by killing or defeating the previous Alpha Male in combat. Alpha wolves have first access to food as well as mating privileges with the females of the pack.

Social status among human social groups is less rigidly defined than in the animal kingdom, but there are some recognizable parallels. Although people don’t often engage in physical violence to achieve dominance, there are still recognizable leaders in different fields who have wide access to material resources and women.

Because the qualities of the Alpha Male (such as social dominance and leadership) are attractive to women, many PUAs have adopted these ideals as models of emulation. In fact, the term “alpha” has come be shorthand for the qualities of an attractive man, and it is a common refrain among PUAs to be “more alpha” or to “out alpha” competitors.

There’s a certain logic to all this. But unfortunately for the PUAs and other manospherians the notion of the Alpha male is based on bad science. The notion of Alpha dominance, as the definition above notes, came originally from studies of wolf packs. Even if we assume that wolf behavior is somehow a good model upon which to base our understanding of human romance  – as manosphere men and evolutionary psychologists tend to do – the science behind the Alpha male wolf has now come completely undone, with many of those who promulgated the theory in the first place decades ago now explicitly repudiating it.

The problem, you see, is that the studies underlying the notion of the alpha male wolf, who aggressively asserts his dominance over beta males in order to rule the pack, were all based on observations of wolves in captivity. In the real world, wolf packs don’t work that way at all. Most wolf packs are basically wolf families, with a breeding pair and their pups. When male pups reach adulthood, they don’t fight their fathers for dominance — they go out and start their own families.

As noted wolf behavior expert L. David Mech, one of those who helped to establish and popularize the notion of the alpha wolf in the first place, explains on his website:

The concept of the alpha wolf is well ingrained in the popular wolf literature at least partly because of my book “The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species,” written in 1968, published in 1970, republished in paperback in 1981, and currently still in print, despite my numerous pleas to the publisher to stop publishing it. Although most of the book’s info is still accurate, much is outdated. We have learned more about wolves in the last 40 years then in all of previous history.

One of the outdated pieces of information is the concept of the alpha wolf. “Alpha” implies competing with others and becoming top dog by winning a contest or battle. However, most wolves who lead packs achieved their position simply by mating and producing pups, which then became their pack. In other words they are merely breeders, or parents, and that’s all we call them today, the “breeding male,” “breeding female,” or “male parent,” “female parent,” or the “adult male” or “adult female.” In the rare packs that include more than one breeding animal, the “dominant breeder” can be called that, and any breeding daughter can be called a “subordinate breeder.”

So the dominant male wolves – those whom manosphere dudes would still call the alphas – achieve this position not by being sexy badasses but simply by siring and taking responsibility for pups. To use the terminology in the manner of manosphere dudes, alphas become alphas by acting like betas. That’s right: alphas are betas. (For more of the details, see this paper by Mech; it’s in pdf form.)

Also, they’re wolves and not humans, but that’s a whole other kettle of anthropomorphized fish.

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10 years ago

This is such a try-hard troll, I’m finding it hard to take at all seriously.

10 years ago

Damn it, every post I’ve made lately has been a sacrifice to the Blockquote Monster.

10 years ago

Seems like he’s eating the /…

10 years ago


Yeah, I think he actually believes referring to women’s genitalia as “stink holes” is edgy. That’s just low rent trolling. Are there any aspiring Manboobz trolls out there who will step up and challenge Michael for the coveted ‘Best Troll of 2014’ statuette?

10 years ago

Are there any aspiring Manboobz trolls out there who will step up and challenge Michael for the coveted ‘Best Troll of 2014′ statuette?

I doubt it, Brooked, I doubt it! Mikey/Farmer Brown is the only one in the running at present. Though his last couple of sock efforts (I think he was Random Poster – anyone confirm that?) were poor stuff. I think he’s run out of steam.

All that waffle about how easy it is to get laid, how awful women are, blah blah blah, was just bog-standard nonsense, the sort of thing I’d expect from a teenager.

Hey, maybe it was Mr Nostrils aged 14 3/4 from the other thread!

10 years ago

What a silly troll. Hey, kittehs and other knitters, I found this cute picture for you!

10 years ago


10 years ago

Nice try, sweetums. Women scare the living shit out of you. We scare you so much that you had to come to the is old thread and try your very best to be awful, in the hopes that you might make us question ourselves. It didn’t work. All I find myself questioning is how someone like you can be so consumed with fear and bitterness. You’re not very bright. You’re hateful. Being you really must be a nightmare. No wonder you wish to find someone to subjugate and devalue. You can’t feel better, so you try to make others feel worse. You can’t get positive attention or earn praise so this little cry in the dark is your best attempt at being noticed. Even then, desperate for recognition as you are, you’re still too scared to post it under your real name, you sniveling coward. Maybe instead of spending your energy hating others, you might try to fix yourself. You don’t have to be a bigoted creep. You don’t have to be ignorant. You don’t have to be so afraid. Those are choices you made and you can decide to make new choices when ever you want.

10 years ago

Joe, you are not edgy. We get it. Some woman somewhere did not appreciate you enough — (pfffft) now it’s payback time, immature style!

What’s this:

“I think women have no value beyond their sexual and reproductive role and that if it was not for sex they would be killed at birth..”

No. No rise out of me. You’re trying waaaaay too hard. I know a butthurt loser when I read one.

“… but getting laid is pretty easy, especially in a big city.”

Is it? Why so bitter then?

“If looks are all that matters, all a man has to do is go up to a lot of hot women and one will fuck him, no matter what he looks like.”

You’re showing your ass here, Joey. A handsome man can get laid. OK. Then you go on to say women will fuck anyone, despite a man’s looks. What the fuck are you trying to communicate?

“There may be cases of men who are so fucked up that they cant do this…”

Do what?”…go up to hot women?”

“… but they are rare.”

Who is rare? Alphas? Betas? What?

“Women give it away a lot more freely than they care to admit…”

Citation needed. Your bitterness is showing, by the by. You wanted someone, she didn’t want you and she ended up with someone else…we get it, asshole. Slut-shaming is a stress-reliever for you. Loser.

“Fortunately for myself and the female gender that no matter what a woman looks like I lose interest in her minutes after she opens her dirty mouth.”

We believe you — not.

“Girlfriends are for suckers, wives are for fools and casual sex is not worth the effort or putting up with the rotten personalities that almost all women have.”

You’re so unpleasant that all of these hypothetical relationships are foreign to you. Got it.

“As far as a woman’s appearance goes, I never used to care much because I believed that women had some other value besides their stink hole but they don’t,”

Um, you do care. You made a reference to “hot women,” so you, at some point, made a distinction in your mind. When you did not manage to obtain a “hot woman,” you decided to call her vagina a “stinkhole” out of revenge.

“… a man might as well get the youngest hottest woman he can find if he is stupid enough to give into his sex drive because nearly all women are worthless.”

Uh, what? “Youngest hottest woman he can find…” I thought you “…never used to care much” about a woman’s appearance. You’re going to have to defend yourself here, bud, ’cause you are an awful writer.

Also, you’re a sore loser. Work on your personality and the fact that you are a sexist, hateful, rather remedial asshat — and maybe someone might give you the time of day. Otherwise, you are your own worst enemy.

10 years ago

By “get the youngest hottest woman he can find” I assume he means “go to the mall and hang out in the food court creeping on tweeners”.

10 years ago

…That cat looks so jazzed about that yarn.

10 years ago

The incredibly happy cat is the best part of that picture.

And so much more important than the troll who pooped in this thread.

10 years ago

Dumbass necrotroll is no match for a kitten with yarn. I forgot what joe said now, because kitty . . .

10 years ago

Humans are essentially in captivity.

10 years ago

OMG, did Explore Nature come back? We missed you!

10 years ago

Wait, F, if all of us are in captivity… then who are we captives TO? The Elder Gods?

10 years ago

There is a hierarchy like this in ape ethology though and we are apes, so does it not follow that humans would have alpha and beta males?

10 years ago

We’re in captivity to the Furrinati.


10 years ago

There is a hierarchy like this in ape ethology though and we are apes, so does it not follow that humans would have alpha and beta males?

No, because we are in fact a different species than the species that have that hierarchy, and different species behave different ways?

Alternately, no, because we are a sapient species capable of decision-making based on rational thought rather than instinct?

10 years ago

Tell me more of the social structure of our close relative species “ape.”

10 years ago

which one, If i remember correctly, humans are about quually related to the bonobos and the common chimps, which have different social structures.

“cause we are a sapient species capable of decision-making based on rational thought”
Doubtful. I think the important characteristic of the human species is their mastery of tools, not their sapiency. They may have that capacity but it seems that they are not using it so much.

“then who are we captives TO? The Elder Gods””
Are you really sure you want to know..

10 years ago

There is a hierarchy like this in ape ethology though and we are apes, so does it not follow that humans would have alpha and beta males?

Somebody straight up failed biology.

10 years ago

There is a hierarchy like this in ape ethology though and we are apes, so does it not follow that humans would have alpha and beta males?

Putting aside the social constructedness of sex and its discursive influences on biology, there is no evidence that there is a hierarchy of men within humankind. And it is not enough to merely point out that a certain non-human species has such a male hierarchy.

10 years ago

The homo-pan split was what, 5 or 6 million years ago? While it’s true that we share a lot of DNA, that’s a long time for species in both genii to evolve some pretty big differences. It’s not like a chimp gave birth to a human one day.

Is genii the correct plural of genus? It’s been a while since I’ve taken Latin or biology classes.

10 years ago

genera, i think

Another totally non-related question. Id some neanderthals, floriensis or denisovans had survived until today, would/should they be recognized as humans in conventions, law and so.

Sometimes it feels lonely to be the only species in the genus

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