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MGTOWers, a little late to the party, try their hand at a Downfall parody video

How to make a hilarious “Downfall” parody, in two steps.

Step One: Make one like this.

Step Two: Don’t make one like this.

Naturally, the second video here went over like gangbusters on the Men’s Rights subreddit.  One critic declared:

Another had this suggestion:

I dunno. “Your_Fun_Counselor” doesn’t really strike me as being very much fun at all.

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12 years ago
12 years ago

Judy: “How is this going to affect his static energy motor project.”
John: “That was some made up bullshit. When they cleaned out his desk all they found was an empty bottle and an old physics textbook with ‘Marxist drivel’ scrawled in the margins five hundred times.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Love the John Galt stories!

Also relevant:

“I hope you don’t have friends who recommend Ayn Rand to you. The fiction of Ayn Rand is as low as you can get re fiction. I hope you picked it up off the floor of the subway and threw it in the nearest garbage pail. She makes Mickey Spillane look like Dostoevsky.”

Flannery O’Connor

12 years ago

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@SirUneducated – your complete incoherence and irrelevant cobblers aside. (wtf?? At no point have I claimed to be any kind of “hero”.)

Pillock actually derives from pillicock i.e. penis.
So the very old stanza:
“Pillicock sat on pillicock hill”
means sex.

Not many people know that. Most people use it as interchangable with “fool / twit” believing it to be rather mild. Hehehe.

Speaking of obscure words / insults – “scutikin”. Look it up. Don’t be eating when you do so.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Katz that you and 110%Myoo can’t do maths or understand how to operate a government’s budget doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

Paying public sector workers net rather than gross has been seriously looked at in the UK, and cost-benefit analysis has been run. It would have saved money, and allowed trimming of HMRC. It didn’t get done because: politics.

12 years ago

Yo, Joe, shouldn’t you be at one of your jobs? It’s still work hours where I am.

(I’m still sick, though.)

12 years ago

Joe is, as usual, sort of half-correct:

pillock (n.) Look up pillock at
1530s, variant of pillicock (see cock (n.1)). Meaning “stupid person” is attested by 1967.

Following the link:

cock (n.1) Look up cock at
“male chicken,” O.E. cocc “male bird,” O.Fr. coc (12c., Mod.Fr. coq), O.N. kokkr, all of echoic origin. O.E. cocc was a nickname for “one who strutted like a cock,” thus a common term in the Middle Ages for a pert boy, used of scullions, apprentices, servants, etc. A common personal name till c.1500, it was affixed to Christian names as a pet diminutive, cf. Wilcox, Hitchcock, etc. Slang sense of “penis” is attested since 1610s (but cf. pillicock “penis,” from c.1300); cock-teaser is from 1891. A cocker spaniel (1823) was trained to start woodcocks. Cock-and-bull is first recorded 1620s, perhaps an allusion to Aesop’s fables, with their incredible talking animals, or to a particular story, now forgotten. French has parallel expression coq-à-l’âne.

So we see that for the past 45 years, it’s been a recorded usage of idiot/fool/stupid person.

So, by usage (as opposed to origin), we see that it is rather mild.

If we go back to the very root, we see it means male chicken, and was used to mock someone who was uppity, beyond his station.

So yeah, Joe is a pillock.

12 years ago

‘sup joe how was the klan meeting?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

I withdraw the word “hero” and replace it with “someone who repeatedly implies that they are to be admired for his strength and courage in opposing a supposed injustice”.

Wait, no I don’t. You do present yourself as a hero. Just a really frigging lame one

As for the meaning of the word ‘pillock’ – well, whaddayaknow?

12 years ago

Judy: “So, what’s going to happen with his personal washroom?”

John: The bosses decided to convert it into a break room for the cleaning crew. They worked so hard to clear out the mess he left in his office that they deserve it.

12 years ago

Joe is, as per norm, engaging in his oligophrenial obnubilations, with his proverbially pettifogging style, lest we recall that he has made numerous claims absent any facts to support them.

This is his wonted way.

Engage terpsichoreal pursuits, under-bridge dweller, engage in terpsichoreal pursuits; for the rest of your antics, such as they are, fail to more than adumbrate the tedium of your ejaculations.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Ooh, I don’t like it when people give vent to their loquacity through extraneous bombastic circumlocution.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh, Pecunium et al. – why it’s as though you’re arguing with a completely fictional caricature!
We’ve had almost all the standard shaming tactics ususally employed by social conservatives against MGTOW trotted out!
The “lives at home” BS. The “immature” BS. The “loser” BS. The “doley” BS.
For SHAME feminists! If you are all for women’s freedom, you have to be for men’s freedom too! That’s EQUALITY!

Let me BURST those stereotypes for you:

I left home about 20 years ago, at the age of 18. Even if I had wanted to move back it would not have been possible, from the age of 19 onwards.

By the way – my last 3 long term gfs – all in their 20s – lived at home with their parents, and yet I did not consider them “losers” for doing so. How is it that you – feminists – consider men who live at home to be losers???

I have been continuously in work and / or education and have never drawn the dole / income support in my adult life (my mother recieved child benefit, obviously).

I have worked at least two dozen different types of job – sometimes two or three at once*, (and have worked more than one instance of some types) including EXACTLY the kind of jobs taken by poor people at the bottom of the heap, (such as illegal immigrants) e.g. paperboy, barrow boy, hospital cleaner, busboy, barman, door-to-door rep, short order chef, street-based market research, warehouseman, labourer.

I have also worked as a scientist (PhD – 3 years very tedious research contributing somewhat to the struggle to end world hunger) and in web design (my best salaried job* to date in terms of net earnings and from the PoV of gov’t – taxes paid).

(*Adventures must be funded, they do not pay for themselves,on the whole)

I have owned two homes outright with no mortgage. Of course, they were very modest (one caravan, one boat) but they did me for nearly six years in total.

I left longterm, fulltime employment working for someone else in 2003 and have been self-employed ever since (except when I’ve lived and worked abroad). I’m currently self-employed simultaneously in three different fields: teaching, web research & SEO consultancy, property management / handyman. I enjoy variety and being my own boss.

I have a sophisticated understanding of various currencies that have been / are used throughout the world / history. I even PROVIDED you a link to Bernard Leitaer’s site (he’s a currency expert) and you – Ugh – still waffle on as though the only thing libertarians have ever considered as currency is gold. Duh.

Even His Gnomeness did NOT plan to bring back the “gold standard” rather he planned to allow competing currencies. I know, I know, the websites you read told you he wanted everyone trading with gold coins – well guess what? THEY LIED TO YOU. Duh, again.

Even the Uhmerika’s short history contains numerous examples of different, varyingly succesful currencies which did NOT involve usury to private banksters at the expense of the population:
– colonial scrip
– silver dollars
– Abe Lincoln’s Greenbacks
– JFK’s Silver Certificates (looked similar to and circulated alongside FRNs, were backed one-for-one with silver. Withdrawn after JFK’s assasination. What a coincidence!!)
– Ithica Dollars (extant community currency)

12 years ago

Sir Bodsworth, my peristaltic reversal of verbiage was not extraneous, nor circumlocuitous, though I confess to having entertained a motive of obfuscatory self-gratification, through the use of obscurant synomial selections.

Bombastic is tenable, though I don’t cavil to accept the perjorative implications in your choice of it’s adjectival locution, and location; thus I must reject it.

12 years ago

While I cannot profess to compete with your sesquipedalian witticisms, Pecunium and Bodsworth, allow me the observation that in my family, we say that Joe has “diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain.”

12 years ago

Even His Gnomeness did NOT plan to bring back the “gold standard” rather he planned to allow competing currencies. I know, I know, the websites you read told you he wanted everyone trading with gold coins – well guess what? THEY LIED TO YOU. Duh, again.

well it’s good to know he wanted a slightly different really stupid thing

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

As for Ayn Rand (spelling?) I’ve only ever read the passage about the car factory – which obviously derives from her experience in the Soviet Union.

Weird that she picked an ?architect? as her example of the indispensable creative / productive individual. I’m pretty damn sure society would’ve muddled along just fine without specialist, professional architects per se.

I think Tyler Durden’s “Do not fuck with us!” speech to the police commisioner (that he and his cronies have pinned down in the lavvy with a laggy band round his balls) is much more on point – in terms of who society cannot afford to “Go Galt”.

12 years ago

JFK’s Silver Certificates (looked similar to and circulated alongside FRNs, were backed one-for-one with silver. Withdrawn after JFK’s assasination. What a coincidence!!)

This sounds like a very interesting subject to explore. Please tell us more about JFK’s assassination and the mystery of the withdrawn Silver Certificates. (Weirdest Nancy Drew ever!)

12 years ago

Why Joe, it’s almost as if you can’t tell me from Ugh (I’m the erupting fungus with a set of skirted gills, Ugh is the abstract geometric figure).

If you want to treat us as if we were one person… well more confirmations of your idiocy and bad faith weren’t needed, but we’ll accept them as read.

And it’s as if you are arguing with the opponents you keep in your head. It’s not that someone lives at home which makes that person a loser. It’s that someone who boasts of what a super special, hyper clued in person they are, loses a bit of credibility when they can’t make it on their own.

And it seems a lot of the people who asribe to the monetary/social follies you are espousing, fall into the category of, “I’m special, but The System is holding me down”. “Basement dweller is a shorthand” (and one I don’t use, because it lets twits like you change the subject).

As to the biography you pretended to share with us… cool story bro. Not relevant. Not unless you actually start to argue in good faith, and support your fact claims with evidence (as you must have learned to do if you actually learned to Pile it higher and Deeper).

As to money… you still don’t get it… the value of money is that it’s got no real value. That it is an abstraction makes it work. Even when a nation uses ‘precious metals’ they have to make the official value higher than the commodity value of the coinage, or just gets melted down, and so leaves circulation.

12 years ago

The “lives at home” BS.

Why is it that when MRAs accuse feminists of shaming men, they always trot out “lives with parents” (which I assume Joe means, because “lives at home” makes very little sense) as a shaming tactic even though no one has said it?

12 years ago

Joe, I’m afraid we can’t take you seriously because you aren’t at work and therefore must be a lazy ass.

12 years ago

Weird that she picked an ?architect? as her example of the indispensable creative / productive individual. I’m pretty damn sure society would’ve muddled along just fine without specialist, professional architects per se.

it’s because she was an idiot with dumb ideas about aesthetics. hth.

12 years ago

Even the Uhmerika’s short history contains numerous examples of different, varyingly succesful currencies which did NOT involve usury to private banksters at the expense of the population:


Once upon a time the US had a gazillion little banks. All of them seemed to issue their own form of bank notes along with coins (aka MONEY.) Which means that forgery and fraud was rampant in the US. This is a Very Bad Thing. So the federal government said (Abraham Lincoln when he was not killing vamps) “hey, maybe we should stop that. Now how do we do that? I know! How about we create an agency that is charged with catching these fraudsters.” And the federal government created that agency. Lincoln was assassinated shortly after but that is not part of the story.

Since the money was created by private banks, your comment about how private banksters were not using usury is belied by the actual history of the United States.

Source And this is a Very Good Thing.

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