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MGTOWers, a little late to the party, try their hand at a Downfall parody video

How to make a hilarious “Downfall” parody, in two steps.

Step One: Make one like this.

Step Two: Don’t make one like this.

Naturally, the second video here went over like gangbusters on the Men’s Rights subreddit.  One critic declared:

Another had this suggestion:

I dunno. “Your_Fun_Counselor” doesn’t really strike me as being very much fun at all.

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12 years ago

Re families/EITC:

It is possible for a person to get more in return than they paid into the IRS during the year.

The EITC is a special form of tax credit (and it is available to single filers, be they male or female; It appears to be less for single filers than for heads of household; but that’s because the Head of Household has dependents, who are also being credited. I’ve not done the math to check the relative values).

As I understand it (I am not a tax-preparer, etc.) Tax Credits are treated as if you had paid that value of money into the system. When you total out the debits/credits they are in the credit column. If you end up with a positive balance (even if it’s more than you paid in) you get it back.

But even a person who pays no federal income tax, when all is said and done, has been contributing to the working assets of the Federal Gov’t. They have been making a short term loan, in the form of their witholdings.

For good, or ill, they have also been making a shorter term loan to their employer, who pays all the withholding they’ve been keeping quarterly.

So everyone who has a job, even those who, “pay no taxes” is chipping in, at least a little.

12 years ago

…which is not to mention the heavily regressive Sales taxes, property taxes, state income taxes, which those who do not pay in Federal income taxes still pay.

Hey, fun link!

Not only are Americans hideously misinformed as to the wealth inequality in this nation, but more than 90% of Republicans would prefer a Swedish tax system over our current tax system.



Hey, Joe! Wealth inequality: Swedish or American system? Your thoughts?

12 years ago


Women are about 65% of the public sector work force, something like 1 in 4 employed women work in the public sector (in UK).

Assuming that statistic is correct, that means that 45% of the public sector work force is men, so I was right, you see no problem in causing a crapton of men to have to work extra jobs as long as the women get it worse.

Gee, I’m so glad we have people like you standing up for men’s rights.[/sarcasm]

12 years ago

It is a nice breathe of fresh air to see people in the U.S. actually condemning such bigotry. Like maybe there’s still some hope for this country and I won’t have to move to Canada just yet.

Still need to get away from where I am now. Ideally, some place where I know liberals other than my therapist, where people don’t get all bent out of shape when I suggest Pixar should try making a film with a racial minority lead, where people didn’t want to attend Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day… *sighs wistfully*
Or, you know, maybe I just need to crash some local Democratic meetings. And keep on speaking up when conservatives say the darndest things.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

– Public sector jobs are a NET drain on the Treasury. (It would actually SAVE money if public sector workers did not “pay tax” but instead received a lower wage equivalent to post-tax salary in the first place. The money-go-round of “taxing” public sector workers wastes taxpayers money, because that admin must be paid for.)

This is like something that’s wrong, but it’s even wronger than that.

1) The proposed lowered wage cannot account for things like student tax credits, which would drive recent graduates (mostly young people) out of the public sector.
2) The proposed lowered wage cannot account for public employees having other sources of income (i.e. a police officer moonlighting as a private investigator or security guard, or a civil engineer owning a concrete production plant).
3) The proposal fails to account for variations in tax rates due to differences in: vehicle ownership (here in Vancouver, your transit passes are tax-deductible), marital status, family size and other factors.

I’m sure there are others, but this is just off the top of my head. The way to get around these problems is to pay for the administration costs every time a job offer is made. I’m glad you’re not my accountant, Joe.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Women are about 65% of the public sector work force, something like 1 in 4 employed women work in the public sector (in UK).

Assuming that statistic is correct, that means that 45% of the public sector work force is men,


12 years ago

If you think that being aware of the class-war nature and wider economic effects of: globalisation & the exploitation of illegal immigrants is somehow “racist”?? – It is YOU that is the RACIST and you are a BIGOT.

yeah dude, preemptively blurting out ‘no u’ will totally defuse your habit of posting dumb racist shit and then getting whiny when people call you on it

12 years ago

MGTOW who have the time and resources to spend hours a day whining on the internet are not, never have, and never will pick apples, scrub dishes, or drive taxicabs. Illegal immigrants do not and never will work in office jobs. These are two totally separate job classes.

If suddenly 10% of men in Britain quit their jobs, their jobs wouldn’t be filled by migrant laborers paid three quid on the hour under the table (if this was possible, they would ALREADY have been replaced).

Instead, the men and women who didn’t quit would be getting paid triple pay for emergency overtime until the MGTOWs realize that life on unemployment cheques isn’t as glamorous as right wing blogs make it seem.

Repeated for truth. Seriously, go ahead and quit, guys. It’s unlikely there are any or many MGTOW in my preferred field or at my current place of work, but hey, even 5% less competition could mean I’d get promoted faster, or that raise I could really use, or hell, even a new, fancypants, career type job I’ve had the master’s degree for since 2009.

In any case, you’re talking like people working two or three jobs isn’t happening now. Some of us are already there and have been for some time. Having less competition for higher paying jobs actually sounds pretty good to me.

12 years ago

Still need to get away from where I am now. Ideally, some place where I know liberals other than my therapist, where people don’t get all bent out of shape when I suggest Pixar should try making a film with a racial minority lead, where people didn’t want to attend Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day… *sighs wistfully*

I know how you feel. I’ve fantasized about moving to Canada before, but I wouldn’t be able to handle their weather. The weather is also why I wouldn’t like the east or west coasts. Maybe I’d be better off just moving to a liberal state with better opportunities like Arkansas. I’ve visited Eureka Springs before, and it’s amazing.

12 years ago


I think it’d be awesome to write a short story to go with Atlas Shrugged, where, after Galt leaves, a whole string of people do “Hell Yeahs,” from “hell yeah, Galt’s old office has a window and it is now mine” to “hell yeah, I can finally apply my skills as a mechanical engineer instead of doing transription work,” to “hell yeah, the bloated personal pension of our longterm employee just got taken out of the equation.”

12 years ago

Not to mention “hell yeah, Galt can’t waste any more company time making four hour speeches.”

12 years ago

@2-D man
I can do math, I promise. It’s still a lot, though.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Yes, the point still stands, Myoo.

12 years ago

If you think that being aware of the class-war nature and wider economic effects of: globalisation & the exploitation of illegal immigrants is somehow “racist”?? – It is YOU that is the RACIST and you are a BIGOT.

Joe, sweetie, we don’t think you’re a racist because you mention that illegal immigrants are exploited. We think you’re a racist because you rant about evil Muslims invading your country and stabbing people.


12 years ago

“You have the googles and I am sure you can google and read and understand just as well as I can.”

For the record, coming into a space and making an assertion means that the onus is on you to provide evidence backing up your assertion.

Just popping in and going “here is a thing that I personally believe and if you want proof you can Google it but you HAVE to take me seriously and believe me!” is rude and annoying.

12 years ago

Ugh, good plot. And then at the end you have Galt coming back going “farming is hard!”

And everyone expresses amazement that he could say something in less than for hours.

12 years ago

Not to mention “hell yeah, Galt can’t waste any more company time making four hour speeches.”

Hell no, I need my daily 4 hour naps!

12 years ago

This is like something that’s wrong, but it’s even wronger than that.

1) The proposed lowered wage cannot account for things like student tax credits, which would drive recent graduates (mostly young people) out of the public sector.
2) The proposed lowered wage cannot account for public employees having other sources of income (i.e. a police officer moonlighting as a private investigator or security guard, or a civil engineer owning a concrete production plant).
3) The proposal fails to account for variations in tax rates due to differences in: vehicle ownership (here in Vancouver, your transit passes are tax-deductible), marital status, family size and other factors.

I’m sure there are others, but this is just off the top of my head. The way to get around these problems is to pay for the administration costs every time a job offer is made. I’m glad you’re not my accountant, Joe.

Also, the savings wouldn’t necessarily be in the right place; if you cut, say, a police officer’s salary, then there’s more money left in the police budget, but that money might actually be needed in, say, the transportation budget. You’d end up inflating the budgets of departments with a lot of employees and decreasing those that have high non-wage expenditures.

And then you’d need administrators to shuffle the money around and make sure it ends up in the right place. Oh no!

12 years ago

wait guys you mean having a government is complicated? shit i wish someone would have told me that sooner!

12 years ago

LOL, Ugh, for some reason I’m now hearing “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” (a la The Wizard of Oz) but it’s “Hell yeah, the douchebags quit!”

I do like that story premise though. Perhaps this will get my creative juices flowing again. I haven’t written a story just for the lulz in a while.

12 years ago

The secretary: “Hell yeah, no more need to buy pepper spray!”

12 years ago



12 years ago

John Galt looked around at the field he stood in. It was a wide, flat field of dust and stubby yellow grass. Near his feet lay a shovel. “I will build a monument to the individual here” he said.

John Galt remembered that monuments needed foundations. He started to dig. At first he amused himself by repeating that long speech everyone had loved, but after a few minutes his mouth got very dry and he was reduced to mumbling it. After several more minutes he stopped mumbling, and an hour later he stopped altogether. He looked at his foundation. It was a gritty dull ditch, perhaps six feet long and three feet deep. It looked like a shallow grave.

“This is not a sufficient monument to my greatness” John Galt said. His hands hurt considerably. “I didn’t think this would take quite so long.”

Now the sun was streaming low over the sky, bringing the duskiness of the late afternoon. John Galt was hungry. He also needed to use the facilities. He looked around. All there was was field and his small ditch. He chose the ditch, and clambered into it with care for his expensive leather shoes. “I am free to do as I wish with this ditch because I created it” he reminded himself. Afterwards he climbed out of the ditch. He was hungrier, now.

12 years ago

Meanwhile, at the water cooler in Twentieth Century Motors:
John: “Hey, did you hear about John?”
Judy: “What? No.”
John: “He quit.
Judy: “Why?”
John: “Something about our company wanting to embrace collectivist Marxist ideals.”
Judy: “Haha what? That doesn’t even make sense. Oh wait- was this about that United Way campaign?”
John: “Must have been. Apparently they were going around saying ‘from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.'”
Judy: “How is this going to affect his static energy motor project.”
John: “Well, the company owns the patent, the factory, and still employs every other engineer that made it happen. It’s a little bit behind schedule but nothing to be worried about.”
Judy: “So, what’s going to happen with his personal washroom?”

12 years ago

Judy’s got her priorities right!

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