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MGTOWers, a little late to the party, try their hand at a Downfall parody video

How to make a hilarious “Downfall” parody, in two steps.

Step One: Make one like this.

Step Two: Don’t make one like this.

Naturally, the second video here went over like gangbusters on the Men’s Rights subreddit.  One critic declared:

Another had this suggestion:

I dunno. “Your_Fun_Counselor” doesn’t really strike me as being very much fun at all.

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12 years ago

Also, how does one group of people leaving the workforce make the other people work more? Wouldn’t that increase the demand for employees, thereby forcing companies to increase pay, benefits, etc, to get qualified applicants, and decreasing the hours anyone needs to work to earn the same amount.

12 years ago

@ Katz: Well, if you work in the public sector, they save big money by not replacing departing workers, and rely on us poor saps who actually care about whether our clients live or die to pick up the slack for free. Because if we don’t, our clients suffer real, actual harm.

12 years ago

The MGTOW parody sucks. I still like the Tommy Wiseau parody best.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I wish someone would teach mra’s how to quote things so that shit is legible.”

Option 1 — use quote marks, as I just did (they’re very probably located next to your enter/return key).

Option 2 — use blockquotes, and while they’re devilish little things, they work

<blockquote>like this.</blockquote>

Stick to option 1 if you’re drunk, the blockquotes are tricky enough when sober!

12 years ago

Or italics/emphasis tags, but those are really the devil’s work, since they break not only your post but the entire page.

12 years ago

And as for the sorceress who does hovertext, there are some things MRAs were not meant to know. 😉

12 years ago

@fembot: My favorite was the “Imma let you finish” one. “He wouldn’t try this shit with Pink! She’d kick his ass!”

12 years ago

Off topic, but I’m loving the attention on Akins right now. Assholes like him have been saying this shit for YEARS but it barely registers on the public’s radar, and yet these guys continue to legislate their disgusting ideologies. So, this morning everyone is just DUMBFOUNDED by his further clarification that oh, he just meant all those women who lie about being raped. And everyone is all, wait, WHAT?! And I’m sitting back thinking to myself, dude, I knew that’s what he meant all along.

People need to start paying attention to the extremists that we’ve elected to legislate our bodies, and I’m glad it’s finally happening. Same thing with Fluke and the issue of contraception. Feminists have been saying this at least as far back as when I was in college in the mid-1990’s — that rightwingers were going to go after contraceptives next, that they weren’t content to stick only with abortion. Because what this is about is controlling women’s lives and eliminating our agency. It’s not actually about babies.

12 years ago

I just saw Akin on the Today show, and laughed so hard I scared the cats when he said that not dropping out of the race wasn’t about him or his ego. Good one, Akin. Pull the other leg, it’s got bells on.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Pecunium – Lol! at you trying to lecture me about debt-based, interest yielding money! (i.e. usury) Double lol! that you seem to think it’s all good and marvellous and not a systemic way of funnelling wealth into the hands of parasitic banksters that run the show! Triple lol! that you think other systems of money that functioned for hundreds / thousands of years were somehow useless.
There are many different ways of “doing” money that do not involve pumping all the world’s wealth up to the 0.01% –

@SirPredictable – I have zero problem “getting a girlfriend” thanks so much for your concern. When I’m looking for a gf, my main issue is finding someone I fancy. I’ve had to turn down a couple of offers recently as it happens.

@Katz – here’s the domino effect of MGTOW en masse:

– Public sector jobs are a NET drain on the Treasury. (It would actually SAVE money if public sector workers did not “pay tax” but instead received a lower wage equivalent to post-tax salary in the first place. The money-go-round of “taxing” public sector workers wastes taxpayers money, because that admin must be paid for.)

– Only private sector workers make a net payment into the Treasury (assuming that industry is not heavily subsidised by gov’t).

– When gov’t debt gets untenable / tax receipts drop: it is forced to cut public sector employment, i.e. salary regulated, benefit-rich, pension-promising jobs. Women are about 65% of the public sector work force, something like 1 in 4 employed women work in the public sector (in UK).

– Women are much less likely to be self-employed / run a small business than men.

So, once a significant proportion of men choose to cut back on expenditure and earn “just enough” that will have a NET negative impact on gov’t tax receipts, which, coupled with servicing crippling gov’t debts
– leads to (more) cut backs on “good” public sector jobs, disproportionately effecting women – leaving those women mostly looking for work in the private sector, where the few corporate jobs that are to be had are generally lower paid, less stable, with fewer benefits*
– hence lots of people working 2 or 3 crappy part time jobs to make ends meet
– or just stuck on welfare, until that evaporates too / hyperinflation kicks in, and then the excrement will really hit the ventilation.

(*I’m referring to the majority, minimum wage type jobs out there. Not the exec positions held by the 1%.)

As for your idea that wages will rise due to less competition from MGTOW men in the First World?
So sorry, won’t happen because:
1) we’re in a global depression (I know they say it’s not but they’re lying)
2) globalisation.
3) illegal exploitation of illegal immigrant labour

Your wages will continue to be held down to the level required to compete with outsourcing your job to someone in a 3rd World country / or training an illegal immigrant to do it… Corporations LOVE employing illegals! No rights, no minimum wage, no unions – they can just treat those poor people (mostly men, but lots of women too) like disposable robots. Oh, sure Corpfuck Inc. can be prosecuted and fined. As long chances of getting succesfully sued / the fine is less than net profits, corporations don’t care…..

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

Oh, wait, I better beat the usual suspects to the punch.

If you think that being aware of the class-war nature and wider economic effects of: globalisation & the exploitation of illegal immigrants is somehow “racist”?? – It is YOU that is the RACIST and you are a BIGOT.

There we go. Job done.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ Joe – Fair enough. I withdraw the comment “But,by pretending [a bachelor tax is] a possibility in modern Britain, it means the fact that he can’t get a girlfriend makes him a libertarian hero.”

I replace it with “But,by pretending [a bachelor tax is] a possibility in modern Britain, it means the fact that he doesn’t have a girlfriend makes him a libertarian hero. What an arsehole.”

Happy, you massive pillock?

12 years ago

Outside of Joe’s fevered imagination, all this codswallop can be safely filed under “Shit That Will Never Happen.” There’s nothing quite so gullible as a crank.

Sir Bodsworth, I love the word “pillock.”

12 years ago

So, once a significant proportion of men choose to cut back on expenditure and earn “just enough” that will have a NET negative impact on gov’t tax receipts, which, coupled with servicing crippling gov’t debts

If there’s one thing that human history has shown, it’s that majority groups in society spontaneously decide “Hey, you know what would be great? If I made a whole lot less money” every few generations.

Oh human beings, when will you finally decide that money is a strong motivating force?

/sarcasm, if that wasn’t clear

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Sir Bodsworth, I love the word “pillock.”

Yeah, it’s a good ;un. I’m not certain it actually means anything beyond ‘generic insult’, but is sounds like it could, and that makes it great.

12 years ago

I’m still waiting for an explanation as to how these MGTOWers are going to survive after they run away from home and work.

12 years ago

illegal exploitation of illegal immigrant labour

This argument is always trotted out by racists who buy into the whole “illegal immigrants take our jobs” thing.

MGTOW who have the time and resources to spend hours a day whining on the internet are not, never have, and never will pick apples, scrub dishes, or drive taxicabs. Illegal immigrants do not and never will work in office jobs. These are two totally separate job classes.

If suddenly 10% of men in Britain quit their jobs, their jobs wouldn’t be filled by migrant laborers paid three quid on the hour under the table (if this was possible, they would ALREADY have been replaced).

Instead, the men and women who didn’t quit would be getting paid triple pay for emergency overtime until the MGTOWs realize that life on unemployment cheques isn’t as glamorous as right wing blogs make it seem.

12 years ago

Ugh, I don;t know how it works in the UK, but in the US if you quit, you don’t get unemployment checks. Unless they plan on being laid-off, they’re fucked.

12 years ago


To be honest, 100% of my entire knowledge of the UK unemployment insurance system comes from the movie Trainspotting.

So it is probably more likely to be like the U.S.

12 years ago

I’m still waiting for an explanation as to how these MGTOWers are going to survive after they run away from home and work.

I think an extremely key part of the plan is NOT running away from home.

12 years ago

Dunno about a childlessness tax, but you can get Baby Bonus for having or adopting a baby. Not sure how it works, it it’s cash or a tax rebate.

If you’re a parent in the US, you file your children as dependents on your tax forms every year. The more kids you have, up to four I think, the bigger refund you get. It works out for us that we get more money back in the refund than we paid in from withholding, which is the earned income tax credit. This of course makes whiny libertarians gripe, because they don’t think it’s fair for families with children to get the earned income tax credit.

Disclaimer: I’m not a tax expert, so don’t quote me on this. This is just what I’ve figured out trying to figure out my tax forms every year, and some of it is kind of confusing. These rules and the the tax brackets also change from year to year so none of this is set in stone.

And that can’t be right, because in the case of an economical collapse, then men would also have to get extra jobs to stay afloat, which would mean that your big plan is:
1)Work less
2)Fuck up the economy
3)Cause men and women to be miserable because they have to get extra jobs

I think step 4 is supposed to be “The women that rejected me come crawling back and apologize for having sex with other guys instead of me”. I think that’s the only step that matters to MRA’s, the fantasy of getting to reject all of the women that rejected them.

Off topic, but I’m loving the attention on Akins right now. Assholes like him have been saying this shit for YEARS but it barely registers on the public’s radar, and yet these guys continue to legislate their disgusting ideologies.

You and me both. I’ve been very worried about how far right wing politics keeps going, and how much more vocal they are in their misogyny. This Akin firestorm is giving me hope that these right wing extremists really are outside of the mainstream and not the mainstream. Sometimes I forget that just because SW Missouri is such a conservative stronghold, that doesn’t mean the rest of the country is.

12 years ago

Regarding Akin again. Per Raw Story, the theory behind his comments (that stress causes women to avoid ovulation and thus not get pregnant when raped) is rooted in experiments conducted by the Nazis in concentration camps:

12 years ago

Joe: Quadruple LOL!!!! You think not liking the facts can change them.

Quintuple LOL!!!!! You think I don’t understand the principles of exchange.

Sextuple LOL!!!!!! You don’t understand how credit/debt function in a working economy, nor how long/well it functioned (and continues to do so so in non-monetary economies)

Septuple LOL!!!!!!! You fail to understand that I know there are mupltiple economies in play at any given time, nor that credit/debt/non-monetary systems existed, and persist.

Octuple LOL!!!!!!!! You think I like bankers.

Nontuple LOL!!!!!!!!! You think you know what I think, and that your ideas on monetary policy/social behavior are persuasive, in the lack of any actual argument; just because you rant about how laughable you think me to be.

The, “bachelor tax” is a myth. The “public sector jobs are a net drain” is myth (because money isn’t fixed in place, and the benefits of their labor is also an asset. The roads, social services, regulatory oversight, [things like certifying drivers are safe on the roads, etc]) are in the plus column, both because they are specifc values, and because they have second order effects (those roads, move goods, the drivers on them don’t create wrecks which destroy lives and disrupt the flow of commerce, etc).

They also pay for things with that money. The things they buy are then taxed, etc.

Scales of accounting at the level of taxation are not simple double entry bookeeping, which is why the panic about, OMG DEBT!!!!!!, is stupid to the point of brain dead.

12 years ago

nor that credit/debt/non-monetary systems existed, and persist.

This one always gets me about libertarians. In almost every society, credit predated metal currency. Metal currency developed as a way to abstractly represent credit. Go back to any Neolithic society and you’ll find someone who owe cows or grain to someone else.

The hilarious part is that libertarians can’t see how much of this fetishization of gold is a scam by the actual banks they hate. Like, seriously guys, the large financial congolmerations that distribute and sell gold have a strong vested interest in making people think that normal money is useless and a shiny metal is useful. If they thought actual money was useless, they would keep all the shiny metal for themselves.

12 years ago

LOL @cloudiah and “gazpacho.” Dearly Beloved shared that with me and I laughed for minutes.

(Of course, I’ve got an older, earlier association with gazpacho: Know what it is, or it’ll kill your promotion prospects and you’ll die cursing tomato soup. Those who know will understand.)

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