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MGTOWers, a little late to the party, try their hand at a Downfall parody video

How to make a hilarious “Downfall” parody, in two steps.

Step One: Make one like this.

Step Two: Don’t make one like this.

Naturally, the second video here went over like gangbusters on the Men’s Rights subreddit.  One critic declared:

Another had this suggestion:

I dunno. “Your_Fun_Counselor” doesn’t really strike me as being very much fun at all.

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12 years ago

Dunno about a childlessness tax, but you can get Baby Bonus for having or adopting a baby. Not sure how it works, it it’s cash or a tax rebate.

And also too, single people buy houses, you don’t have to have kids.

12 years ago

, it means the fact that he can’t get a fillyfriend makes him a libertarian hero.

What is it with libertarians patting themselves on the back for really mundane stuff anyway? I mean it makes sense with it being an egocentric political philosophy but still.

12 years ago

I’d just like to remind MGTOWtrucks what happened the last time a bunch of men left women to their own devices.

Rosie the Riveter. Women realized they were able to do the exact same work men can in an industrial society.

So go your own way already!

12 years ago

What is it with libertarians patting themselves on the back for really mundane stuff anyway?

The deal is that, since libertarianism and Randian philosophy is all about elevating Awesome People above the stupid proles, if you’re going to believe it you have to convince yourself that you’re not only awesome, but way awesomer than everyone else.

If you’re an MRA, this can be challenging.

12 years ago

Yeah, gangbusters. Out of 44,000 subscribers it has 55 votes for it and 25 votes against it.

Some guy, I asked you this last time you made this “argument,” and I’m going to keep asking until you give me an answer: What do you consider to be the minimum amount of support necessary before we can criticize something for being part of the MRM? Do we need a majority of r/mensrights to upvote something? Because that seems excessive.

Also, on a related note: When you go hiking, do you vehemently argue with your friends that you can’t possibly be in a forest, because that’s just a single tree over there and another separate tree over there and a bunch of other trees over there and obviously they aren’t connected or representative of this place having lots of trees?

12 years ago

All it requires is that you believe that being born a white male is the greatest achievement of your life. All else must come to you based on that superior achievement.

12 years ago

Didn’t Rosie the riveter work for like a month and then quit? I forget how the whole story goes.

Anyway, MGTOW isn’t really a part of the MRM. Its not even really a movement. You just do whatever the fuck you want without caring what other people think.

Its pretty nice, actually.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Anyway, MGTOW isn’t really a part of the MRM. Its not even really a movement. You just do whatever the fuck you want without caring what other people think.

It is a movement. There are plenty of people of all genders who live on their own and do their own thing. But, here’s the thing, they don’t spend all their time bitterly denouncing the possibility of cohabitation, or arbitrarily decide that feminists are all demanding that they form relationships post haste.

And anyone who repeatedly goes out of their way to say that they don’t care what people think clearly cares deeply about what people think.

12 years ago

If that’s true, DLZ, why so many MGTOWers out there bitching about bitches and how sorry the bitches will be when they finally get off their asses and go?

12 years ago

I’m sorry the magic device on my PC that tells me where in the world anonymous blog posters are seems to be broken. Perhaps you could wave your magic wand and call the magic pixies to fix it for me?? /SARCASM. Also, don’t care.


12 years ago

You just do whatever the fuck you want without caring what other people think.

Aww, so adorable!

12 years ago

I think I’ve shared this before, but back when I was still doing union work someone got really mad at me and accused me of being part of the “gazpacho.” Good times, good times.

Ok I know I’m way late on this but I just had to tell you, I read this to my roommate and we seriously laughed for like an entire minute and probably scared the neighbors!

/both new yorkers

12 years ago

Ok now I’ll go read the rest of the thread

12 years ago

@Myoo – Reading comprehension FAIL.
Enjoy your sense of smug superiority as you have to get two (or three) jobs to stay afloat.

Well, I’m being generous here, that’s the only reading that makes any sense: that women don’t work and men are all going to stop working and women will have to start working.

Because the only other reading I can see is that men are going to work less, which will somehow collapse the economy despite all the work women do, which will result in women having to get extra jobs to stay afloat. And that can’t be right, because in the case of an economical collapse, then men would also have to get extra jobs to stay afloat, which would mean that your big plan is:
1)Work less
2)Fuck up the economy
3)Cause men and women to be miserable because they have to get extra jobs

And that just sounds like the convoluted ramblings of someone who doesn’t understand how economy works and/or has a vastly over-inflated sense of themselves… oh, wait, never mind.

12 years ago


What the hell crawled up Joes ass? Jesus, its all the feminists/ wimminz fault we (meaning men) won’t work?

Are women really noticable when wearing bikinis and miniskirts, or do these guys walk about with their eyes shut?

Keep telling yourself that only men pay taxes. Single people of any gender pay higher taxes in Canada. Working people pay higher taxes than those who aren’t working. Roughly half of those working and paying taxes are women. Which means that women are also paying into the child tax benefits. Child tax benefits also helps fathers support their kids. I mean Jesus, get off the pity poyt already and ask for the help you need if you’re a male single parent.

And quite frankly, I have zero intention of getting married and all the gold pressed latinum in he universe could not be payment enough to end up with a miserable runt like you Joe.

12 years ago

Oh jeeze, guys, I’m sorry. That was the troll I was thinking of earlier and “as if the thought summoned the troll” here he is.

My bad. In penance, I offer you Sleepy Bear, a YouTube classic:

12 years ago

I am actually impressed that anyone read past the assertion that Owly had a point. I mean, dude’s covered in points, but if anyone takes our local woman-hating-milk-slave seriously, that’s just a majorly poor starting point right there. Joe Firstus didn’t have much crediblilty to lose, but wow did he do it fast!

12 years ago

@Snowy, This happened probably 10 years ago, and I still have friends I just look at and say “gazpacho” and we dissolve into peals of laughter.

For the record, the context was that she wanted me to force other people to reveal the content of their personal email accounts, something that (a) I had no ability to compel and (2) was seriously f*&^ed up to begin with.

12 years ago

NWO/Joe: I’m going to let you in on a little secret… for the past, about 200 years, all money has been debt.

If there was no debt, there would be no money. When Enlgand, about 250 years ago, tried to make money = metal, their economy got really fucked.

Then they used debt, and things got better.

Really. The Bank of England is all based on being allowed to write banknotes (on fractional reserve) in exchange for lending money to the king, to cover his debts. If the Crown ever paid them back (it still hasn’t, not a penny) then the British economy completely collapses).

Allan Greenspan, and the Fed were all panicking that Clinton had started to balance the budget, and might actually have paid off the US National Debt.

No national debt, no modern economy.

12 years ago

And eeewwww! I just slashed NWO and Joe.

12 years ago

Oh, and AWWW SLEEPY BEAR. I know this isn’t the yelling thread, this is the ALL CAPS FOR EMPHASIS THREAD. ALSO, I’VE HAD SOME WINE.

12 years ago

It continues to baffle me that MRAs think that the herbivore guys are on their team.

12 years ago

“You just do whatever the fuck you want without caring what other people think.”

Aww, so adorable!

Aw, I remember being 13. 🙂

12 years ago

Joe: If this is true (it being you, I’d like to see a credible citation), it also has to be said that until they were 25 they were forbidden to marry. They also had to have permission to marry†.

So the idea of them being forced to march around belitting themsleves for having been forbidden to be married is a bit hard to believe.

The Spartans Paul Cartledge, 2003

12 years ago

I’m still surprised that after all this time Slavey hasn’t learned how to spell “Rothschild.” Actually no, I’m not.

Slavey, do you still believe all that crap about how anything written in ALL CAPS automatically assumes the status of a corporation, especially in legal documents? I mean, just look at your credit card–it has your name in all caps! QED. (Uh oh, I just made QED into a corporation! See how easy it is?)

I forget, did this ever make it into the Book of Larnin’?

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