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MGTOWers, a little late to the party, try their hand at a Downfall parody video

How to make a hilarious “Downfall” parody, in two steps.

Step One: Make one like this.

Step Two: Don’t make one like this.

Naturally, the second video here went over like gangbusters on the Men’s Rights subreddit.  One critic declared:

Another had this suggestion:

I dunno. “Your_Fun_Counselor” doesn’t really strike me as being very much fun at all.

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12 years ago

Not that it’s relevant to anything in particular, other than being an effort by you, purely to try and obscure the fact that YOU ARE A RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC BIGOT.

Where’d the homophobic come in? I thought I was the only one talking about how kind of gay Fight Club is?

12 years ago

Can cuttlefish froth at the mouth? ‘Cause this one is.

12 years ago

@hellkell – oh, come on! You’re not seriously telling me you don’t know the Federal Reserve is run by a collection of private banks (e.g. JP Morgan, Chase Manhattan), these private banks get paid didvidends out of the Fed, and they’re run by the exact same fuckers! Arseholes like Dimon! This shit is a matter of public record! How CAN you be so utterly unaware of the fundamentals of the monetary system???

Because I’m all out of tinfoil and don’t give a tiny rat’s ass.

12 years ago

Where did I even use math?

Which strawman? You show up here several times a week to argue that our precious consumer society is about to fall and all the women will be so sorry. In between posts, you stuff keywords into articles about fabulous deals on bath products. Then I called you a hypocrite.

You say MGTOW don’t care what society thinks. So why are you here? Why not log off and donate your internet bill money to your municipality to pay for the road/dock construction you keep mooching.

When I drove I paid road tax. So fuck off with your bullshit.

Yeah, and those roads now carry products to you. The savings are built into the price. Good job freeloading.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@thebionicmommy – Yeah, right, legions of wealthy divorce lawyers with flashy cars and second homes disprove your bullshit right off the bat.

@Ugh and Falconer – between you, you should now have enough strawmen to thatch a roof.

12 years ago

I still pay my NI (NHS contribution) even though I only earn X amount, not to mention I pay all the hidden taxes (sales) like everyone else. When I drove I paid road tax.

So you’re opposed to the income tax. Gotcha.

Why do you hate the troops, Joe? You’re not pitching in to pay their salaries and buy their equipment! I guess you don’t like HRH either, and don’t want to pay for her tea & biscuits.

On the other hand, guess you had no part in that time Papa Ratzinger came to the Isles and the pound-payers got stuck with the bill. Was it 6 million?

12 years ago

@thebionicmommy – Yeah, right, legions of wealthy divorce lawyers with flashy cars and second homes disprove your bullshit right off the bat.

yeah dude, the trick to getting called on having blindly recited one factor of a well known mra shibboleth is to just repeat another factor of that same shibboleth. you are really great at this arguing thing.

12 years ago

Papa Ratzinger

Okay, I cannot be the only one who always thinks Lady Gaga is referring to him when she sings “Papa-paparazzi!” in that song, right? Please?

12 years ago

Where did I misrepresent you, Joe?

Do you not spend several hours a week here telling people gleefully that consumer society is about to come crashing down and all the women who depend on it will be so sorry?

Do you not depend on consumer society for your livelihood?

Do you not think that MGTOW means you don’t care whether women are sad about you leaving or not?

12 years ago

Why do you hate the troops, Joe? You’re not pitching in to pay their salaries and buy their equipment! I guess you don’t like HRH either, and don’t want to pay for her tea & biscuits.

joe probably actually doesnt like those he is on record as being the sort of dude who moves to montana to stockpile assault rifles.

12 years ago

Joe… the point, you are missing it.

I know how interest works. Person X lends person Y money (or an object) in exchange for Y+X.

I don’t dispute it. I, actually, made direct reference to the BofE lending £1.2 Million to the crown for the right to print bills.

But you said this: money that charges people for using it (i.e. USURY.

I’ve never seen a pound note demanding money from anyone. Even at that, the larger aspects of monetary systems (as we are using them, not looking at the ways in which other social orders use money) take advantage of that interest to keep the economy moving. If there were no debt (which is independent of interest; at the level of an economy), there would be no growth. This is why pegged currencies have to be pegged to a value higher than the market price for the commodity.

It’s why, when silver flooded into China (and to a lesser extent Europe) in the 16th/17th centuries, the economies collapsed. The value of the money was so divorced from the value of the metal that taxes weren’t worth what was being charged (it was more complicated, neither China nor Europe had really figured out the principles involved, and were both collecting taxes by weight, as opposed to by value)

But you confuse usury with interest. The one is a form of the other, but not all interest in usury. If you weren’t pig-ignorant it would a lot easier for you.

At NO POINT is the interest part of the money supply created. It must be gotten from someone / somewhere else, or further borrowing must occur to pay it.

But there is addition. Labor, goods, services. Those are created, and they add to the supply. It’s why commodity currencies don’t do well, they can’t keep up with the increase in real tradeable goods. This is because (wait for it) money is an abstraction. It has no real value. Not Gold, or silver, or oil, or loaves of bread. Money is a way to make dissimilar things similar (which has second, and third, order effects) and a way to make long distance trade possible.

It’s arguably the best, and worst, thing mankind has come up with. And you, you silly twit, insist on reifying it.

12 years ago

Also, you did claim that Western society is mostly built on male labor, which isn’t correct. Unless you a citation more authoritative than the UN? (Not your ass this time)

12 years ago

@Ugh and Falconer – between you, you should now have enough strawmen to thatch a roof.

Yeah, well, you won’t get to stay under it unless you help pay for the thatching.

And none of that fiat money, neither! I’ll only take Sacajawea dollars. The onus to determine how many Sacajawea dollars will make your roof thatching bill this month is on you, so keep up with the gold indices.

Hey, just because you want to pay all your bills in gold pieces, doesn’t mean you can actually get +5 ghost touch full plate of greater acid resistance, you know.

12 years ago

@Falconer: do u want 2 by GP??


12 years ago

sacajawea dollars are still fiat money

12 years ago

So, speaking of Star Wars…

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – now you’re just straight out making bullshit up. “Bath products”??? What the fuck? You’re fucking delusional! And you’re repeating that “manifesto” bullshit I already pulled you up on, troll.

Oh and look at the Shaming 101 “mooching”, “leech”, “looter”… Yeah, men who choose not to work themselves to death, (paying for all the shit other people want) get dickheads like you trying to shame us a lot. Still don’t care.

I thought you feminists were against shaming people, anyway? Hypocrit.

I mean, men who DO work their arses off paying for a family and taxes, get fucked over by the cops*, family court* and prisons* and wind up fucking peniless, suicidal, homeless, imprisoned and if they’re lucky get to see their kids every other weekend, or not at all.
(*paid for by their taxes!!!)

So, let’s see, choice:
1) Work really hard & pay loads of taxes to enable my own destruction at the hands of a system that loathes men and profits from our destruction. But morons on the internet will tell me I’m great.
2) chill the fuck out, do the minimum work I can, enjoy my freedom. Morons on the internet will hate me.

Door number 2 for me! Fuck you all haterz!!! 😀

Also, you and everyone else keeps telling us how insignificant MGTOW is. So, if that’s the case – why does Futrelle have a site dedicated to attacking it? I mean, if MGTOW is sooooooo insignificant, it wouldn’t even be worth mentioning right?
You wouldn’t spend hours arguing with a MGHOW….

Your very involvement shows that you’re shitting it, just because we exist!

12 years ago

Also, you and everyone else keeps telling us how insignificant MGTOW is. So, if that’s the case – why does Futrelle have a site dedicated to attacking it? I mean, if MGTOW is sooooooo insignificant, it wouldn’t even be worth mentioning right?

he doesnt. he has a site where he makes fun of misogynists. a lot of mgtow are misogynists. a lot of them are also incompetent do nothings whos total failure create something approach an actual movement instead of just ranting about women on the internet (sort of like you) is really really funny. so… you get make fun of.

but youre right dude, the fact that you got mentioned on a blog proves how important you are. that is just a solid piece of reasoning that isnt pathetic whatsoever.

Your very involvement shows that you’re shitting it, just because we exist!

well dude, if no matter what happens your gonna spin it as a reason to crow about how your winning, why dont you just gyow and stop annoying us?

12 years ago

seriously what would be the point of hating the whiny racist who brags about living in a cave? i mean youve set yourself up to not be effective at anything ever, so basically it’s just down to the fact that you seem really unpleasant and fly off the handle pretty easily. but i mean, we dont really have to deal with you because again, lives in cave, so… what would be worth hating?

12 years ago

Door number 2 for me! Fuck you all haterz!!!

Don’t let it hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it one last time – TENSE it is a thing. It means something. You FAIL. Again.

@Falconer – Hahahah! HRH is one of the richest people on the planet, she’ll manage! Also, there’s a net flow of £ from HRH to the state tax coffers under the Civil List agreement.
Also, also, yeah amazingly I’m not a warmonger! I’m especially against invasive wars of agression, you racist, warmongering bigot!

And: No fucking worries, I’m pretty sure I’m a better builder than you are!

@Pecunium – you’re still arguing with a strawman. You’re still stuck on this idea that precious metal is the ONLY alternative to usurious fiat money. Even though I’ve explained several times over that there are plenty of alternatives and even provided links to in depth disussion. You’re too dense for words.

12 years ago

also for a dude who is ‘chill[ing] the fuck out’ you seem to be incapable of approaching any topic with less than eye-popping rage. you seem like pretty much the opposite of chill, dude.

12 years ago


Typo or Freudian slip?

12 years ago

Also, also, yeah amazingly I’m not a warmonger! I’m especially against invasive wars of agression, you racist, warmongering bigot!

in all fairness seeing how youre an angry, reactionary islamophobe so its kind of understanding how he could have made that mistake.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Sharculese – I like how it took two posts for you to tell me how much MGTOW doesn’t matter to you. Ahahhahaaha!

@Falconer – well, I’ve shown you up as an utter knobend, so I’d say my work is done here. Fuck you asshole!