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MGTOWers, a little late to the party, try their hand at a Downfall parody video

How to make a hilarious “Downfall” parody, in two steps.

Step One: Make one like this.

Step Two: Don’t make one like this.

Naturally, the second video here went over like gangbusters on the Men’s Rights subreddit.  One critic declared:

Another had this suggestion:

I dunno. “Your_Fun_Counselor” doesn’t really strike me as being very much fun at all.

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12 years ago

Bagelsan, you are a cephalopodaphobic bigot. Next you’ll be claiming cuttlefish control the international banking system.

12 years ago


You’re probably right about the Daily Mail. However, even a biased source is better than your ass, which so far has been the only source you’ve given for your assertion of who does the low income work in Britain.

12 years ago

Bed bath products are misandry.

12 years ago

MGTOW is not giving up work entirely! It’s working just enough for yourself and no more. I live on less than the tax-free allowance level in the UK. About 1/5th of what I used to earn in my last salaried job.

A couple years ago, President Obama was talking about raising taxes on income over $250,000.

A whole bunch of people were so angry that he was REZZIN UHR TEXIS that they were rattling their sabers about purposefully earning no more than $249,999, as though Uncle Sam were going to grab every thin dime they made over $250K, when in reality their taxes up to $250K would not increase and the increase over $250K wasn’t all that large.

So they were shooting themselves in the feet to spite their faces. (…I think I got that idiom right).

You, Mr. Joe, are so constitutionally opposed to paying taxes that you’ll intentionally hobble your earning capacity. Are you still using NHS? Are you still driving on roads? Hey, your wifi on your boat must be really great if you’re spending all this time arguing with Yanks on the WWW. How’d’you like this great infrastructure the tax payers have funded for you, leach?

Why shouldn’t we run you out of town on a rail, looter?

12 years ago

No, I’m a cephalopodaphillic bigot! I only believe positive stereotypes about cuttlefish!

12 years ago

I love how Joe can rant for pages and pages about imaginary currency schemes, but can’t devote a single sentence to admit “Oh, yeah, I guess it’s possible to be racist against Muslims in the same way it’s possible to be racist against Jews despite neither group being a race in the traditionally understood meaning of the word.”

Have fun with all your racist buddies, Joe!

12 years ago

And I’m not claiming anything, but I’ve never seen cuttlefish and the Rothchilds (sic) in the same room together…

12 years ago

Also this is kind of hilarious:

Western society was built on the EXCESS labour of men over and above what they need for themselves.

In modern society, women on average work more than men. Men got an excess of reward, not of labor.

12 years ago

No, I’m a cephalopodaphillic bigot! I only believe positive stereotypes about cuttlefish!

But then J03 cannot possibly be a cuttlefish! QED.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@indifferentsky – yeah, you know how on land you pull into a petrol station and there’s cameras and receipts and yaddayadda. Not on the river there’s not. Lots of old tech and cash.

@hellkell – oh, come on! You’re not seriously telling me you don’t know the Federal Reserve is run by a collection of private banks (e.g. JP Morgan, Chase Manhattan), these private banks get paid didvidends out of the Fed, and they’re run by the exact same fuckers! Arseholes like Dimon! This shit is a matter of public record! How CAN you be so utterly unaware of the fundamentals of the monetary system???

12 years ago


It certainly is a good thing for Joe that some men and women do work fulltime, and use that money to pay the taxes for his docks and to buy bath products from his employers.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago


12 years ago

Western society was built on the EXCESS labour of men over and above what they need for themselves.

Yeah, you know what, I like being able to eat, keep a roof over my head, and get a new Xbox game every now and again.

Hey, you live on a boat, I’ve got video games. De gustibus non disputandem, eh?

Plus, parents have to support their children, who don’t work (and aren’t allowed to work too much, depending on how old they are and your local child labor laws), so adults working more than is necessary to support only themselves is kind of a requirement for some people.

But you just go on feeling smugly superior to us all on infrastructure you’re not paying to support, you tax-dodging looter.

12 years ago


I think in JoeWorld men are always coerced into having kids, and then unfairly expected to pay for them.

12 years ago

It is legit a hilarious thing about people who think Fight Club is a manifesto that they’re so out of touch with reality that they think the problem with the world is that people in general have TOO MUCH wealth and opportunity.

12 years ago

It never crosses your mind to wonder: when the peaceful MGTOW movement effectively pulls out the bottom rung – what if the next influx of the downtrodden won’t put up with all this shit? What if they rise up against the system? What if they overturn YOUR class privelege?

no im pretty sure they would be happy to take over the comfortable life a bunch of internet assholes insist on throwing a childish tantrum over

i mean, there’s no ‘when’ invovled, tho, because the keyboard commandos of the mrm arent ever actually going to accomplish anything except annoying people

12 years ago

@cloudiah: Touche!

12 years ago

@hellkell – He has something of a point about the Federal Reserve. (but not a real one!!)

You know how in America republicans are all ‘the government has no right to do that! Leave it up to private industry!!’

They were that way during the Great Depression too, during the Great Banking Crises.

Wikipedia has some rundown on the history of the compromises.

12 years ago

The Fed is privately owned? HUH?

it’s partly public and partly private. in a sense, yes, but not in the sense whiny compound dwelling goblins like joe want to believe it is

12 years ago

OMG, I ninjaed SharC!!!

This is huge for me… *sniff*

I’d like to thank all the boobzers… and Joe, for being a tendentious ass who calls me a racist for observing that the ‘hero’ of Fight Club is an over-privileged white guy….

12 years ago

it’s really funny that joe manages to identify issues where leftists might actually be willing to make common cause with him, and then manages to blow it by framing everything in terms of panicky go-nowhere outrage that instantly repulse anyone serious and just serves to stroke his clearly massive ego.

way to be an activist, joe.

12 years ago

and Joe, for being a tendentious ass who calls me a racist for observing that the ‘hero’ of Fight Club is an over-privileged white guy

joe would call a sunny day racist for shining on a mu5lim

12 years ago

@bionicmommy – you’re late to the party. You missed the whole grass eaters of Japan thing, that’s a HUGE thing.

Grass eaters in Japan are not MGTOW, but good job trying to inflate your numbers.

MGTOW is a label that came along after stuff that already happened. All those “where did all the good men go?” and “why won’t men ‘man up’ get a better job, marry and pay for kids?” articles you see everwhere, are about MGTOW.

You’re assuming that whiny dudes that blame women for their problems are “good men”. Guys that complain about the laws against rape and domestic violence do not make good husbands or fathers.

“Well ok, that’s super nice for women – Aaaaand they can pay for all that themselves. We’re not signing up for those bills, especially when we can be dumped, kicked out, made homeless, jailed and lose our kids on a whim.

Most couples divorce amicably and work out their own details on child custody arrangements and dividing the assets. You’re just repeating the myths MRA’s tell to justify their ridiculous pity parties.

Social conservatives in the USA are shitting bricks about MGTOW. Even if they are completely unaware of the clunky acronym.

LOL, no they’re not.

Western society was built on the EXCESS labour of men over and above what they need for themselves. The motivation was respect, a home, a wife and kids, and a retirement. That whole paradigm has been demolished, and men are down-scaling in droves.

Don’t forget how much society depends on the unpaid work of women. Feminists are trying to open doors so women can get those same high paying jobs you MGTOW are turning down. Your loss, dude.

yeah, you know how on land you pull into a petrol station and there’s cameras and receipts and yaddayadda. Not on the river there’s not. Lots of old tech and cash.

I like float trips, too, because they’re a good excuse to drink beer and relax. I don’t think I could actually live on the river, though. But if you have a way to do, go for it. Nobody cares if you live on a boat.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

@Ugh – Maths – it’s a thing. Tenses – also things. You are arguing with a strawman again.

@Falconer – Fail. Go back and read. I’ve paid PLENTY of taxes in my life. I still pay my NI (NHS contribution) even though I only earn X amount, not to mention I pay all the hidden taxes (sales) like everyone else. When I drove I paid road tax.
So fuck off with your bullshit.

Also, I’ve already said I sold the boat a couple years back. Jeez, it’s like you’re complete idiots who can’t read or something.

@Gametime – Judaism DOES have a heritability aspect, because anyone born of a Jewish mom is held (by Orthodox Jewish people themselves) to be automatically Jewish, but Judaism has the option to “convert in” too…. And then you’ve got Sephardic vs. Ashkenazi vs. Ethiopian Jewish people who are apparently of different races from one another, but all are Jewish people… So it’s a religion that is also a kind of a constructed supra / quasi racial identity. Even the term anti-Semitism is confusing as it is understood to mean anti-Jewish, but the Semitic peoples includes the Arabs…

Not that it’s relevant to anything in particular, other than being an effort by you, purely to try and obscure the fact that YOU ARE A RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC BIGOT.

12 years ago

Homophobic? I thought everybody else in the thread was happily celebrating the overt homoerotic overtones of Fight Club? I mean, did I just imagine the part where Brad Pitt didn’t wear a shirt for that movie?